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We are living in XXI century, and Armenia and Azerbaij an are members of 
international organizations, including the Council of Europe. The internation-
al community shouldn't reconcile with the occupation of the territory of one 
country by another and refuse to release the occupied territories. I would like 
to remind about Bratislava summit, where the foreign minister of Armenia was 
participating. He said that Armenia was keeping the lands that didn't belong 
to it. This is truth. This was one of the most serious and defi nite statements of 
the Armenian offi
  cials. If you keep something that doesn't belong to you, you 
should return it. This is the only way to sett le the confl ict.
Bruce Jackson: We all agree that "frozen" confl icts are of great threat to the 
stability of the region. Both presidents noted that the sett lement of the confl icts 
would be of great importance in the determination of the further strategy.
Question: Sezer Dilbazoglu from Bilkend University, international relations 
professor. Thank you for the wonderful and exact speeches. What are you wait-
ing from Russia in connection with the inclusion of the Black Sea region in to 
the sphere of strategic interests of NATO? Already in 1990s we conducted sci-
entifi c survey and Russia was much worried that the Black Sea might have turn 
into a "NATO lake". Russia was also worried about the infl uence of NATO on 
the countries of the Southern Caucasus - Georgia and Azerbaij an.
The situation with Armenia is diff erent. What are you waiting from Russia 
Second question is connected with the regional confl ict. The confl icts are 
continuing, how do you intend to solve them? The activity of the international 
community seems to be ineff ective. Would Russia agree on the presence of 
multi-lateral peace-keeping forces in the region? In conclusion, I would like 
to note that unfortunately, the West realized the importance of the Black Sea 
region very late.
Mikheil Saakashvili: First of all, I would like to note the role of Turkey. Tur-
key has never tried to use the confl icts existing in the region. On the opposite, it 
was trying to play its role in the solution of confl icts. For example, the situation 
in Ajaria is a very painful issue for the Turks. The Ajarian separatists have al-
ways said that there was the Kars agreement, and if the Georgian government 
uses power, the Turks would enter the territory. The Turks have clearly stated 
that it is the domestic problem of Georgia, and we wish Georgia has its territo-
rial integrity, and we would like to see peace and stability in Georgia, the issue 
should be solved in the Georgian capital. This helped us a lot. Thus, Turkey 
had very just position and didn't use any way of using the domestic inten-
sity in its favour as other countries. As to the issue connected with Russia, of 

course, we intend to integration into the Euro-Atlantic institutes. At the same 
time, we don't want to break with Russia. We intend the integration to become 
parallel. Russia should come to the democratization process itself.
Prior to coming here, I discussed with Mr. Putin some defi nite issues. I asked 
if he had any message to the participants. I know that he didn't accept the invi-
tation. He said: no, just convey my greetings. I am conveying to you with plea-
sure his greetings, and, of course, Russia should determine its policy. This is 
very diffi
  cult for Russia, and it is a litt le bit dangerous to have an ironic att itude 
to Russia. Along with that, Russia should realize that it builds its relations with 
independent countries. They have their own interests, domestic policy, democ-
racy, population and future, and Russian should understand it. This is a witt y 
process. Mutual understanding and cooperation are required here. We should 
fi nd new types of integration. I think that in some cases the West is interested 
in the integration with Russia. I think that Turkey could establish wonderful 
balance between Russia and the West. We could also use this model and are 
interested in using multi-national peace-keeping forces. We have been asking 
for it a long time, but the western countries can't have suffi
  cient infl uence on 
this issue. Russia considers that it might solve all the problems alone. How-
ever, everything is diff erent nowadays. For example, as you might be aware, 
the Russian generals serving in the territory of Georgia were involved in con-
traband. The  local police began to act. The Russian general said: we are giving 
you 6 hours to take out the local police post, or we will liquidate it. Then, we 
directed our militaries to this territory by a military helicopter and said: if you 
can, liquidate them, but we aren't small children you treat us like. The reaction 
of Moscow was the following: let the general not do anything and obey. Thus, 
everything is changing, and it is not easy to use the old games all the time. We 
should take serious political decisions and learn new rules of the game.
Question: Director of the European and international learning center in Kiev. 
I have two questions: the fi rst question is to the presidents. Why did not you 
mention anything about GUUAM in your speeches? Second question to Mr. 
Saakashvili and minister Joane. What is the role of Ukraine in the new policy 
of neighborhood and the Black Sea region in the coming 5-10 years?
Bruce Jackson: Let's listen to the rest of the questions and then answer to 
Question: My fi rst question is to President Saakashvili and President Aliyev. 
There is an idea that Georgia and Azerbaij an will become the main consumers 
of security. At present, Georgia and Azerbaij an are considered parties ensuring 
the security. What do you think about it? Will the admission of your countries 
in NATO contribute to security?

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