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Question: Mr. Aliyev, how would you appreciate the chances of Azerbaij an 
to integrate into the Euro-Atlantic structures?
Second question: does it have negative eff ects on the relations with Russia?
Answer: Azerbaij an is actively integrating into the Euro-Atlantic structures. 
We participate in the "Partnership for Peace" program. Aft er the " Partnership 
for Peace" Azerbaij an is going to cooperate in the framework of individual 
activity program. Our policy will continue  for much deeper integration. Of 
course, non-sett lement of the confl ict, existence of problems between Armenia 
and Azerbaij an are serious issues. They create diffi
  culties in our ties with inter-
national organizations. I hope very much that the confl ict will fi nd its solution, 
and the territorial integrity of Azerbaij an will be restored.
What concerns Russia, Azerbaij an doesn't have any problems with it. We 
cooperate in all the spheres - in political, economic and cultural spheres. We do 
not have any unsolved issues between us. We have a very high level of political 
dialogue and it meets the interests of both countries.

Mr. Secretary-General,
Distinguished colleagues,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am delighted to participate at the Summit, which I believe will have a strong 
impact on the development of the Alliance.
I congratulate the new NATO members. Their eff orts to meet the criteria 
of membership have led to its logical end. I am sure that the enlargement of 
NATO will contribute further to expanding the boundaries of peace, security 
and freedom in the whole Euro-Atlantic area.
Since 1994 Azerbaij an is actively participating in “Partnership for Peace” 
Program. Our bilateral relations with NATO are developing very successfully.
Participation in the Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) initiative 
marks an important milestone in Azerbaij an’s partnership with NATO and 
will signifi cantly contribute to the development of our security policy. Azer-
baij an’s policy aimed at the integration with the European and Euro-Atlantic 
structures, conducted for more than 10 years will continue. We are sure that 
this integration will bring more security to our region and prosperity to our 
people, Azerbaij an has already proved, not only by statements, but by practical 
steps that it is a reliable partner. We expressed our political will and readiness 
to contribute to the cause of common security by joining NATO’s peace sup-
port operations. Today our peacekeepers together with the troops from NATO 
and Partner Nations contribute to stability and security in diff erent parts of the 
Azerbaij an was one of the fi rst countries that joined the anti-terror coalition 
aft er the September 11 events in the United States. Today, our country eff ec-
tively contributes to the global fi ght against terrorism.
Suff ered itself from the Armenian terrorism - more than 2 thousand people 
were killed in 32 terror acts - we know that only by joint eff orts of the whole 
international community we can eff ectively combat this evil.
The occupation of 20% of the territory of Azerbaij an by Armenia over by 
Armenia is one of the biggest threats to peace and security in our region. As a 
result of the Armenian aggression and ethnic cleansing over one million Azer-
baij ani have become refugees and internally displaced persons, the Nagorno-
Karabakh and seven other districts of Azerbaij an are under occupation. Terri-
Speech of the Azerbaij ani President Ilham Aliyev at 
the EAPC Summit in Istanbul
June 29, 2004

torial integrity of our country has been violated. Armenia continues to ignore 
four resolutions of the United Nations, which demanded the unconditional 
withdrawal of the Armenian troops from the occupied territories.
Peaceful negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaij an held for more than 
10 years do not have any results. Azerbaij an will not compromise on its territo-
rial integrity and sovereignty.
Nagorno-Karabakh is an illegal, uncontrolled zone, it is a constant threat to 
security and stability in the Southern Caucasus.
We hope that the outcomes of this Summit will extend our capabilities to 
provide more security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area and its neighbor-
Thank you.

Thanks a lot.
First, I express my gratitude to You for the invitation to participate in the 
work of the Parliamentary Assembly. I think that the issues discussed at the 
moment in the Assembly are very important for cooperation in the Southern 
Caucasian region in the fi eld of security, consistent development and regional 
cooperation. All these are inter-linked.
Azerbaij an, a Southern Caucasian country makes its contribution to the re-
gional security, peace and stability. The frontier of the European Union is ap-
proaching to the Southern Caucasian region. New approaches, new ideas on 
the establishment of contacts, cooperation and maintenance of good neigh-
bourhood have an important place on our agenda.
Regarding the policy on the Euro-Atlantic integration, Azerbaij an has gained 
a big progress. Our partnership with NATO rapidly develops. Azerbaij an is the 
most active member of ‘Partnership for Pace’ program. Two years ago I submit-
ted the “Individual Partnership Action Plan” to NATO Secretary-General. We 
are much pleased of the level of cooperation and hope that our joint works will 
successfully continue.
Political and economic development, energy security in the Southern Cau-
casus are fi rmly inter-connected. The role of the region will increase due to the 
huge energy resources of the Caspian and existing transport routes. We speak 
not only of regional, but also global issues.
Political and economic development of Azerbaij an for the last 10 years shows 
that the country is successfully going on. Political reforms are based on eco-
nomic grounds. Because, we cannot separate these two major elements of the 
development of the country. Otherwise, we shall not have a sustainable devel-
The process of democratization in the society, political reforms, strengthen-
ing political institutions, liberal reforms, market economy principles and eco-
nomic assets in Azerbaij an are always in the focus of our att ention. We see the 
positive results in these directions. Our economy develops rapidly. GDP in-
creased 26% last year. This fi gure was 40% in four months this year, industrial 
production increased 50%. Nearly 400,000 new jobs opened in Azerbaij an in 
Speech of the Azerbaij ani President Ilham 
Aliyev at the Spring Session of the Parliamentary 
Assembly of NATO - Paris
May 30, 2006

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