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missed from offi
  ce, and we held repeated elections in 10 constituencies.
Repeat elections were held on May 13. According to opinion of all monitor-
ing organizations and observers those elections were fair and free. This time 
the US government chose a company once more. It was International Repub-
licans Institute. As a result, all offi
  cial results of 10 constituencies were 100% 
same with exit poll results. The question is on not only that the candidates who 
won in those constituencies, but at the same time the candidates who took the 
second, third, fourth and even fi ft h places. This is best answer to your question 
and a good sign of the current reality of Azerbaij an.
At the same time, you may not know, but I will inform you. There is not po-
litical prisoner in Azerbaij an. All persons considered political prisoners by the 
European Council were pardoned by me. There cannot be any political prison-
er in the country today, when Azerbaij an is a member of the European Human 
Rights Court. This is not possible. We are a member of this court. Everyone is 
entitled to apply to court.
Political processes in Azerbaij an develop in positive direction. Of course, I 
am not much pleased of this because our opponents consider us enemy. They 
prefer to att ack us, create false imagination in international organizations. They 
fi nd some groups in diff erent countries and do not miss the chance to create 
fully false information on Azerbaij an. Today Azerbaij an is a modern and secu-
lar country with all democratic institutions. Azerbaij an implements into life 
Euro-Atlantic integration policy. We are open country to our friends. Azerbai-
jan is able to implement big political programs and economic projects.
I also want to att ack your att ention to such a thing. Describing the current 
political situation in Azerbaij an I state: I am President of the Republic of Azer-
baij an for already two years and half. I have paid offi
  cials visits to fi ve per-
manent member countries of UN Security Council up to now. I visited all the 
leading countries of Europe, and we have very good links with those countries. 
Political relations or tensions were left  in the past for us. Successful develop-
ment of Azerbaij an and the process of formation of political institutions are 
very positive. That is why, I do not accept your comments. I deny your views, 
I do not agree with them, and consider what you say is wrong.
What about the question given by the Armenian representative I want to say 
that the position we have on the Nagorno-Karabakh confl ict is unequivocal 
and fully clear, and it is based on the international law. Our vision is not based 
on desires and illusions like of that of Armenia. What is the requirement of in-
ternational law: the Nagorno-Karabakh is a part of Azerbaij an.
Everybody knows when the Armenians came to Karabakh fi rst. It happened 
in the early XIX century. OK, let them live there if they have lived for 200 years, 

we have no problem with people living there. We have problem with the sepa-
ratist regime. Today, the Nagorno-Karabakh is an illegal zone, the regime it-
self obstacles international control, and international monitoring is a problem 
there. We have enough information on the sett lement of the terrorist groups 
there, illegal drug traffi
  cking. No one controls this zone. This is a dark spot in 
Europe. We must end with it.
Azerbaij an does not have any extraordinary demand. What do you mean 
by a compromise? Azerbaij an has been observing ceasefi re for 10 years, toler-
ates the occupation of its lands for more than 10 years and is devoted to the 
peace process. We do not want to miss this chance. Has Azerbaij an occupied 
any territory of Armenia? Naturally, not! We must not give anything back. We 
have not occupied the Armenian lands. We have not conducted ethnic cleans-
ing and do not behave as an aggressor. Thus, if you talk of compromise, you 
must understand that Azerbaij an does not hold anything belonging to you. 
Vice versa, Armenia keeps our territories under its occupation. Those zones are 
fully destroyed. What do the Armenian people from this? Have they improved 
their life by sitt ing in the land of others’, why are they afraid of the growing 
economic power of Azerbaij an? Does it serve the creation of a good environ-
ment? No, I think! It is time to evaluate what is going on, look at future and 
what will happen three or fi ve years: what level will Azerbaij an reach? In what 
level will Armenia remain? What will be the economic potential of Azerbaij an 
which implements energy projects and possesses strong transport infrastruc-
ture? Let us look at the prospects of Armenia. That country is beyond all re-
gional projects. The Armenian government should understand this and make 
a right decision.
Pierre Lelouche: Thanks, Mr President. We reached the end of the agenda. 
But we still have short time for two questions. Please be short in your ques-
tions. The fl oor is given fi rst to the member of the Turkish delegation Aziz Ag-
gul. Please, Mr Aggul.
Aziz Aggul (member of Turkish delegation): Mr Chairman, thank You very 
Mr President, fi rst I express my gratitude to You for att ending NATO Par-
liamentary Assembly session. In Your speech You very clearly mentioned that 
20% of Your territory is under the occupation and one million of Your popula-
tion is refugees in their homeland and live under hard conditions for the last 
15 years.
Mr President, are you pleased of the international support given for ending 
this humanitarian disaster?
Pierre Lelouche: Thanks, Mr Aggul. Last question comes from the head of 

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