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the last 2 years and a half, the majority of them are in non-oil sector. Our major 
goal now is to diversify the economy. Of course oil and gas projects will for a 
long time be the bases of economy in Azerbaij an, but development of the non-
oil sector is also necessary.
All these factors ensure long term, stable and sustainable development of 
our country. Together with other former soviet republics we gained indepen-
dence 15 years ago. But we must have a strong economy to implement strong 
and independent policy in the true sense of word. This is the most necessary 
condition. From this point of view Azerbaij an relies on its resources. To be 
strong economically opens new opportunities for the conduction of political 
reforms and regional cooperation.
Nowadays peace, security and stability issues are fi rmly connected with the 
energy issues. Azerbaij an can play its role in this fi eld. Our oil projects are very 
successfully continued. The Azerbaij ani oil reached Ceyhan two days ago while 
Azerbaij an was celebrating the Day of Republic - May 28, and it means the 
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline is already functioning. It is a historical event not 
only for Azerbaij an, but for all our neighbours and partners, and it ensures dif-
ferent routes of transportation of energy resources to international markets.
In two years production of oil in Azerbaij an will exceed one billion barrel 
a day. Azerbaij an will become a gas producer for the neighbouring countries 
aft er the operation of a big gas pipeline. Importance of energy security is grow-
ing in the world and Europe. Azerbaij an is ready to contribute to the common 
work as a friend and partner. You are likely to know Azerbaij an not only have 
partnership relations with NATO, we implement concrete works jointly as 
well. Our soldiers together with soldiers of other members of NATO take part 
in peacekeeping operations in diff erent corners of the world - Afghanistan, 
Kosovo and Iraq. Since the fi rst day of the formation of the coalition Azerbaij an 
became member of it and remains as it is. Azerbaij an is keeping friendly ties 
with NATO member countries and will continue its important role on regional 
In a word, we have successful political developments’ our economic fi gures 
provide a solid foundation for the sustainable development. But the only ob-
stacle for the regional cooperation is the unsolved confl ict between Armenia 
and Azerbaij an. Armenia is  biggest source of danger by keeping the Azerbai-
jani lands under occupation. The Armenian aggression against Azerbaij an, as 
well  the ethnic cleansing policy against our compatriots resulted in the occu-
pation of 20% of our territory, creation of a million of refugees and IDPs. This 
is a big humanitarian disaster, one million refugees and out IDPs of 8 million 

population is a hard problem for the country.
We hope that the talks held at the moment will lead to the peaceful resolution 
of the confl ict. But the issue must be sett led on the bases of the existing prin-
ciples of the international law. I mean that the way of sett lement not based on 
the norms and principles of the international law is not possible. The Nagorno-
Karabakh is historically and legally belongs to Azerbaij an and all the interna-
tional community, all countries, UN have recognized the Nagorno-Karabakh 
as an integral part of our territory. That is why the issue must be solved only 
in the frames of territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaij an. Territorial 
integrity of Azerbaij an has been violated. Territorial integrity of every country 
is the major principle of the international law. That is why Azerbaij an demands 
that all the Armenian troops withdraw from our lands. Azerbaij an has been 
subjected to aggression, ethnic cleansing. All the occupied territories have been 
A time ago OSCE sent a fact fi nding mission to the occupied territories. The 
report developed by them was terrible. Everything, the houses, schools, medi-
cal centers, our historical monuments, graves of our ancestors have been de-
stroyed. This is a big humanitarian disaster and a big political problem for the 
I consider that due to joint eff orts and by understanding the potential threats 
the Armenian administration will understand that the policy they conduct is 
doomed to failure. Azerbaij an will never reconcile with the occupation of its 
lands! Azerbaij an will never allow the creation of a second Armenian state in 
its territory! Azerbaij an will never accept the annexation of the Nagorno-Kara-
Autonomy has very nice examples in the world. They exist in Europe as 
well. Rights of national minorities in Azerbaij an are protected. Unlike the mo-
noethnic Armenia, Azerbaij an is a multinational country. A number of national 
minorities, representatives of diff erent nations with diff erent religions live in 
our country in peace as members of the same family. Being an ethnic minor-
ity does not mean that those nations can separate the region they live from 
the country and create an independent state. The Armenians live in a number 
of countries. Let us imagine what would happen if they start to demand self-
determination in the countries they live. How many Armenian states would be 
created in the world? That is why, such an approach has the eff ect of a boomer-
ang. Our approach is based on the international law, respective principles and 
good neighbourhood. We hope peace talks will have the desired results and 
this confl ict will end.
The region has big potentials. We have achieved high level regional coopera-

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