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Second question is connected with Moldova, a country of the Black Sea ba-
sin, a country of the South-Eastern Europe, suff ering from the confl ict for 10 
years. It is known that the communistic President of Moldova doesn't express 
the interests of the civilized moldavian community with the European tenden-
cies, and preference is given to the variant of sett lement of the confl ict on the 
basis of democracy and security principles in the issue of the Prednestrov. This 
is a bad example to the sett lement of confl icts in the Southern Caucasus in fu-
ture. What should be done in order to prevent a such fault?
Question: Sophia, Institute of Regional and International Researches. I have a 
question to professor Davudoglu. Organization of the Black Sea Economic Co-
operation has been functioning for over 10 years. However, it hasn't achieved 
any serious successes. Are there any opportunities to achieve more effi
  cen as in 
the work of this organization?
Question: Boris Tarasuk from Ukraine. All speeches should be appreciated. 
Secondly, It would be very good if presidents of the countries, which have 
become independent, also could fl uently speak English as the presidents who 
speak today. I have a question to both presidents with regard to GUUAM. 
Do you see the future of GUUAM? What steps should be taken in the nearest 
future? Next question is to Mr. Aliyev. Do you see any alternative to Odessa-
Brodi pipeline for the Caspian oil?
Ahmet Davudoglu: I can give recommendations in connection with the role 
of Russia and the Black Sea economic zone. I think that the role of Russia in the 
new approach to the Black Sea economic zone and Black Sea economic region, 
in general to the Black Sea region will increase. Because European Union and 
NATO function as institutes, and there is such an important party as Russia 
which is also present in the region. I wouldn't like to discuss the infl uence of 
Russia in the Caucasus. However, if the Euro-Atlantic structure would like to 
achieve success in the Black-Sea policy, it should sett le the relations with Russia. 
The Council of NATO-Russia is functioning. However, along with that, strate-
gic frameworks do not exist. Twenty years ago Turkey was the only NATO 
country in the Black Sea, the rest were within the Warsaw pact. That is why, we 
shouldn't allow the rest countries to become NATO members and Russia be 
isolated. Russia should be att racted to this process and it shouldn't stay apart.
That is why, we should enliven the work of the Organization of the Black 
Sea Economic Cooperation and the Black Sea Economic Forum. Because Rus-
sia is a part of the process of both economic cooperation and cooperation in the 
fi eld of security in the Black Sea. The Euro-Atlantic structures should develop 
new mechanisms, new strategies in order to make Russia become a part of the 

Truly speaking, we can't say that the Organization of the Black Sea Economic 
Cooperation is a successful structure. However, there are two aspects due to 
which the work of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation is 
of great importance. There is a necessity to realize joint work in such issues as 
transport, communication, new regulations. Another aspect is the institutional 
aspect. For example, there is the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Organiza-
tion of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation. As you are aware, there is the issue 
of democratization facing the countries. The parliaments of the countries meet 
in the framework of this organization and exchange their views, which can be 
used in future as an important means for the transformation of the community. 
However, we should pay att ention to the activity of the Organization of the 
Black Sea Economic Cooperation in the last years and give new estimation to 
it. If we have new strategy connected with the Black Sea, we should improve it. 
Thus, the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation will serve the 
common business. The Black Sea Economic Forum would do the same.
Ilham Aliyev: GUUAM wasn't mentioned because there are only two presi-
dents here representing GUUAM, and we are minority. Of course, we would 
like GUUAM to become more active. The Interparliamentary Assembly of 
GUUAM will be established. If there are any defi nite projects for realization 
in the framework of the organization, this will increase dynamism in the level 
of GUUAM work. I absolutely agree that Georgia and Azerbaij an have already 
started providing security in the region. Our energy projects, of course, are of 
great economic importance. Along with that, they will ensure security in the 
region. As to alternative routes from the Caspian Sea, we have reviewed all the 
possible variants. Our goal is to produce one million barrels of oil a day. This 
volume will be transported by Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. However, if there 
is additional oil, then other routes might be used in future.
As to the question of Mrs. from Bilkend University about the ongoing con-
fl ict. I would like to note the following. The Armenian representative was not 
present in these discussions. If he were here, perhaps, he would have said the 
following: the Armenians of the Nagorno-Karabakh would like to become in-
dependent. I should answer that the Armenian nation has already determined 
itself in the framework of the Armenian state. The Armenian minorities live in 
many countries, but it doesn't mean that they should create their independent 
states in the territories of those countries.
Mikheil Saakashvili: About Ukraine's role. Role and weight of Ukraine in 
Europe is exaggerated. There are litt le natural resources in Ukraine. However, 
there are other values. They have human resources, very dynamic economics, 

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