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dependence of Azerbaij an is irreversible, and we are sure that the way which, 
we follow in the fi eld of state construction, economic transformations, and con-
duction of democratic reforms, will allow to overcome these diffi
  culties and 
integrate Azerbaij an into the world community, into the world economy with 
its rich opportunities, rich economic and intellectual potentials. 
As I already noted, the military aggression of Armenia against our Republic 
within six years complicates the situation in Azerbaij an in many respects. This 
aggression, perpetrated by the nationalist circles of Armenia, has brought in-
calculable disasters to both the Azerbaij ani and the Armenian people, and it is 
very diffi
  cult problem for us today. 
You know well that as a result of the military aggression of Armenia, 
which pursues the purpose of annexation of a part of the Azerbaij ani ter-
ritory, the Nagorno-Karabakh, the Armenian armed formations have oc-
cupied a signifi cant part of the Azerbaij ani territory. In the war which is 
going on six-years more than 20 thousand persons have been killed, about 
four thousand have been taken captives, and thousands of dwelling houses
hospitals, schools, social buildings, industrial and agricultural enterprises 
have been destroyed in the territory of Azerbaij an. The damage is estimated 
at billions of dollars. 
But the most terrible fact is that almost 20 percent of the Azerbaij ani terri-
tory has been occupied by the Armenian armed units, and the inhabitants of 
these regions –more than one million have lost their residences, live in very 
critical condition and have become refugees in their own country. All the 
people of the Azerbaij ani nationality have been expelled from the territory of 
the Nagorno-Karabakh. The Nagorno-Karabakh and seven districts of Azer-
baij an around it are, as I already said, under the occupation of the Armenian 
armed units. 
We have always supported the peaceful sett lement of the confl ict and now 
we maintain the same position. We aspire to use actively the opportunities of 
international organizations - the United Nations, CSCE and its Minsk Group. In 
1993, the United Nations Security Council adopted four resolutions demand-
ing  the withdrawal of the Armenian troops from the territory of Azerbaij an, 
but Armenia ignored these resolutions. Eff orts by the Minsk Group GTSCE 
have not led to positive results yet. Military operation are still going on, the Ar-
menian armed formations, having occupied as I already said, a signifi cant part 
of the Azerbaij ani territory, att ack to defensive positions of Azerbaij an. Every 
day blood is shed, people are killed. 
It is impossible to endure all these any more. Therefore, today I, using my 

presence here, at the headquarters of NATO, once again declare the position 
of Azerbaij an. We support the peaceful sett lement of this question, immediate 
cessation of hostilities, we are for negotiations, which will cause the immedi-
ate withdrawal of the occupation armies from the territory of Azerbaij an and 
ensure its territorial integrity, inviolability of its borders. Under these condi-
tions we are ready to consider the question on granting autonomy to Nagorno-
Speaking on the Azerbaij ani TV and radio on April 12, I addressed the Ar-
menian people, to the administration of Armenia, to the Armenian population 
of the Nagorno-Karabakh and called them to stop this bloodshed. The destiny 
predetermined the Azerbaij ani and Armenian peoples to live side by side, and 
they have lived side by side for centuries. We consider that the solution of the 
problem by violence  has no prospects, this war is unpromising, and it is nec-
essary to put an end to bloodshed, to establish peace in our region as soon as 
Today, we again express the confi dence that the international organiza-
tions,  fi rst of all CSCE, and the CSCE Minsk Group, will take addition-
al measures to put our peaceful initiatives into practice. Today, being at 
NATO headquarters, I would like to express my deep respect for the North 
Atlantic Treaty Organization which during the period of its existence has 
contributed greatly to the establishment of stability, peace and cooperation 
in Europe and all over the world. We approach to NATO with great respect 
and we att ache great value to its activity at the present stage. Creation of the 
North Atlantic Cooperation Council became an  important stage in NATO’s 
activity, this will create an opportunity for other states to be involved in the 
orbit of NATO. 
We meet with satisfaction the decision of NATO, dated on January 10 of this 
year, on acceptance of the document “Partnership for Peace”, and we consider 
it also as an important step for the further development of cooperation between 
the countries in the activity of NATO. We att ach great importance to the deci-
sion of NATO dated on January 10th, in which a special concern is expressed 
for the situation in the Southern Caucasus, and conviction of  the necessity to 
terminate the confl icts in our region, including in Azerbaij an, Armenia  and 
All this att racts us and causes interest. Assuming it as a basis, we received the 
invitation of NATO with great satisfaction to join the “Partnership for Peace” 
program. We decided to sign it, and we cherish great hopes for cooperation 
with NATO. It is very important for us and from the point of view of gett ing 
acquainted with the western democracy and cooperation with NATO, search-

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