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Language help
We play sports such as football, ice hockey, tennis, golf and basketball.
I play football in the winter. I play basketball twice a week.
We use go with other sports and activities, especially those ending in -ing. I go swimming in the lake during summer. We often go rock climbing in the mountains.
We use do with a lot of / a bit of + -ing.
I did a bit of sailing in the holidays. I don’t do a lot of running these days.
Leisure activities*
tent camping rock climbing jogging yoga going to the gym


Theme 9

Food and drink: Healthy food. Junk food. Keeping diet. Vegetarian food.

Length: Seventy five minutes

Number of Students: 32

Activity 1. Introduction

The aіm:
To provide students with guidance and assistance in using English effectively as a medium of communication.


  • To make aware of the purpose of the course


Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)

Warm-up. (15 min.)
Objectives: to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to it.
Materials: board, marker

  • Write the word ‘verb’ on the board. Have the learners definition with their own words the question: What does it mean?

  • Allow them to guess and give their answers. The students may give definition with many different ways.

  • Then ask them to give the words associated with ‘classroom language’. It is a sort of brainstorming. Write the words on the board.

To provide students with guidance and assistance in using English effectively as a medium of communication and sharing different recipes and instructions in English.
By the end of the course students will
get practice in the language skills specific to use verbs;
be able to recognize different types of verb:
Identify verbs in various sentences
Use present and past tense verbs
practice the appropriate use of body language and voice projection.
Food: a recipe for disaster
Describing food products
Food production has become increasingly industrialised and globalised, and so knowing what our food contains has become more and more important. Labels do not always help. Adjectives
such as ‘wholesome1 ’, ‘farm fresh’ and ‘homemade’ can be rather vague and meaningless, while the international numbering system for additives2 is often incomprehensible to people. Some
familiar descriptions, however, do have a clear official meaning, for example ‘wholefoods3 ’,
free-range4 eggs’, ‘gluten-free5 bread’ or ‘contains no artificial colours or preservatives6 ’. Clear and scientifically accurate descriptions can be vital for people who suffer from food allergies7 and for vegetarians or vegans8 who want to know exactly what is in a product, as well as being important for consumers looking for natural or unprocessed9 foods, or those concerned about animal welfare10 who may wish to avoid food produced by battery-farming11 methods and so on. With the growth in popularity of convenience foods12, alongside public health concerns over bad diet and obesity, simple and unambiguous nutrition labels13 are more important than ever.
An example of a simple system is traffic-light labelling14, which indicates high (red), medium (amber) or low (green) levels of such things as fat, sugar and salt. Finally, good labelling tells us
where the food was produced and under what conditions, for example fair trade15 products.
1 good for you
2 substance added to food to improve its taste or appearance or to preserve it
3 foods that have not had any of their natural features taken away or any artificial substances added
4 produced by farm animals that are allowed to move around outside and are not kept in cages or stalls
5 not containing a protein which is contained in wheat and some other grains
6 chemicals used to stop food from decaying
7 condition that makes a person become ill or develop skin or breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or been near certain substances. The related adjective is allergic (to).
8 person who does not eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs or cheese
9 which have not been treated with chemicals that preserve them or give them extra taste or colour
10 taking care of animals
11 system of producing a large quantity of eggs or meat cheaply by keeping a lot of birds in rows of small cages
12 foods that are almost ready to eat or are quick to prepare
13 labels that indicate how the food influences your health
14 labels with colours like traffic lights that give information on nutrition
15 a way of buying and selling products that makes certain that the original producer receives a fair price

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