On measures for further development of Higher Education System

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Used to say someone or something is funny


Insane, or unpredictable


Used to say that someone makes you uncomfortable


An insult to say that someone is not smart


Used to say that someone is silly


Used for things or people who are not normal


Use this at the end of a compliment to say that the compliment is not true

teacher’s pet

used as an insult to classmates who try too hard or is especially liked by a teacher

scaredy cat

An insult for people who are easily scared


A person who tells authority figures information in order to get someone in trouble


A person who is smart but not cool


This is an insult for people with red hair


Used as an insult for women who aren’t smart


Used as an insult for men who are into sport and aren’t smart

show off

Someone who takes every opportunity to display their talent

This Cheat Sheet contains some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 13 years old. It mainly contains English strong words used in everyday life, recommended to be used with caution and friends only. (Example: Fool, Idiot, Stupid, Lame…)




A slang term for urine

pissed off

To be really angry


Used to describe an uncool person


It’s used to say someone has a very low


This is similar to saying someone is like a clown


This means someone isn’t strong

your mother…

This phrase is a vague insult to another person’s mother

ticked off

To be really angry


Used to insult people by saying they are not intelligent


This is a light insult used to describe someone who is mean


This is used to describe things that aren’t cool

pain in the neck

This is an insult used for someone who is annoying


This is used to show disappointment or frustration without using a curse word

Shut up!!

Used to forcefully tell someone to stop talking


Used to say something is a waste or time or to say someone is not smart

Swearwords in the sphere of verbal expression have been given at least at marginal attention in the studies and analyses within the intercultural communication branch, but the phenomenon of taboo lexicon itself within the interpreting theory and practice has not yet been adequately described and subsequently processed in our country. At the same time, we aim to approach swearwords as informally saturated cultural and linguistic components of discourse from a linguistic and functional point of view, without a common negative connotation that the very term “swearword" carries with it.

Kids' fascination with taboo words isn't new, of course. Around the age of 5 or 6, most kids get a big thrill out of potty language or any word that gets a rise out of parents. This age is a great time to help kids understand that there are places where certain language is OK (like in silly books) but not in others (like at the dinner table).
What kids intuitively understand is that words are powerful, and certain words make a big impact. Here are some tips for talking to kids about strong language:

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