Preface to the lecture, 1

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Theory of objectivity




6.20 Particle decay


We still have to get rid of a fundamental misunderstanding. It concerns the problem of the 

time dilatation. Here the model domain doesn't give us any difficulty, because it dictates a 

constant and therefore by us definable time. In the relativistic view however should in 

moving systems clocks go wrong! But how does one want to explain a time dilatation 

physically, if it merely represents a purely mathematical result of the actually taking place


length contraction on the one hand and the postulate of a constant speed of light on the 

other hand?


Nobody has troubled more about the physical interpretation than Einstein himself. But he 

had as less as we nowadays the possibility to verify the so-called phenomenon experimen-


tally, by accelerating a laboratory clock to values close to the speed of light. 

Only atomic particles can, e.g. in accelerator systems, be brought on such high speeds and 

then be observed for their properties. But also these experiments don't have any power of 

proof, as long as we don't know the atomistic structure of the particles and there exists the 

danger of misinterpretations. 

So the slowing down of the rate of decay of instable. particles at high speeds willingly is


cited as "proof for time dilatation

. "The most cited example for the time dilatation is


the "long-living" meson. The

is a charged particle, which exists only 2,2 * 10



seconds if it is observed in rest. Then it decays ... About 10 % of the mesons reach the


earth' s surface. Even if they fly with approximately the speed of light, they at least must 

have used 30 • 2,2 * 10


 seconds, in order to reach the earth. Their "life" therefore by the 

movement has been extended for a multiple... to the supporters of the theory of relativity 

here the time dilatation is revealed..."


This "proof however is worthless, as long as "the structure and the mechanism of decay 

of the particle are not known", like W. Theimer

 expresses himself.


On the basis of the new field theory the approach standing on the left page is dared (fig. 

6.20). Accordingly the particles don't decay by themselves, but only by a corresponding


disturbance from the outside, which for instance is triggered by the high-frequency fields 

of flying past neutrinos. The closer the neutrinos fly past the particle, the sooner it will 

decay. But the distance becomes the larger, the smaller the particle is. If the particle thus


experiences a relativistic length contraction, then it will, statistically seen, to the same 

extent become more stable!


That has nothing to do at all with time dilatation, as this proposal for an interpretation 

shows (fig. 6.20). The same effect of course also occurs, if atomic clocks are taken for a 

fly in a plane and compared to identically constructed clocks on earth.


The time was stipulated by us and therefore should be able to keep its universal validity. 

We are entitled to demand a simultaneity, after all we are the ones, who tell what 

simultaneity is!


An interesting technical use would be the acceleration of the rate of decay in order to 

dispose of radioactively contaminated waste. For that the waste has to be irradiated by 

collecting and focussing free neutrinos or with the help of a neutrino transmitter, like one 

which will be discussed in chapter 9. After such a neutrino shower dangerous radioactive 

waste would be reusable or at most be harmless domestic refuse.



Fig. 7.0: The comparison with power of proof: 


the measured particle mass 

 the calculated particle mass 







7. Proof


Ample evidence is available for the correctness of the theory of objectivity. The field 

dependent change in length is observed and used as magnetostriction or electrostriction. 

If a ferromagnetic material, e.g. a nickel rod, is brought into an alternating magnetic field, 

then field dependent longitudinal length oscillations are observed. In the same manner 

barium titanate or quartz crystal oscillates in the electric field if a high-frequency 

alternating voltage is applied. 

A practical application forms the production of ultrasound.


In this chapter are, as already announced, the quantum properties of the elementary 

particles calculated and in this way is furnished perhaps the most convincing proof for the 

existence of potential vortices and for the correctness of the field-theoretical approach 

and the theory which is based on it.


A special challenge represents the calculation of the particle mass. This mass stretches


from 207 electron masses of the myon over 1839 of the neutron into the order of


magnitude of 18513 electron masses (Y°). Doing so not only can be tested, if the


calculated values correspond with the measured ones. Also the gaps have to correspond,


i.e. where there doesn't exist a discrete mathematical solution also no particle should exist.


The fig. 7.0 standing on the left page anticipates the result and shows that even this strict


condition is fulfilled! The agreement of the calculated with the measured results is


excellent. If in individual cases small deviations become visible, we always have to bear in


mind that the measurements as a rule are analysed statistically and the results are falsified


if small particles creep in unrecognized. Particle physics nowadays has at its disposal


extremely precise gauges, but even here remaining errors can't be excluded.


Quantum physics is occupied with further taking apart the elementary particles into 

hypothetic particles, the quarks, and to sort these according to properties and symmetries. 

Seen strictly causal this procedure thus corresponds to the quantum physical approach. 

We however have taken the field-theoretical approach, and this excludes the introduction 

of hypothetic particles from the start. It should be our goal to derive and to explain the 

quantum structure as a field property. Yes, we even want to calculate it, with which we 

would have overtaken quantum physics in the scientific competition with one leap!


Strong support our approach has experienced by current experiments, in which matter was 

transformed in electromagnetic waves - practically the reversal of the rolling up of waves 

to vortices. To do so at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (David Pritchard and 

others) sodium atoms were dematerialized in waves by lattice scattering

. According to 

Einstein one surely could have blown the whole M.I.T. in the air with the occurring mass 

defect; but don't worry, no emission of energy whatsoever has been observed, entirely as 

predicted by the vortex theory.


:          J.  Teuber:  Materie  und Energie, Ganze Atome wurden zu 


Illustrierte Wissenschaft Nr. 7 (1996), S. 56


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