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achieving successes. 
The social reforms are also being conducted. A commission for the conduction 
of reforms in medicine has been established, the proposals have been submitted, 
and soon respective decisions will be adopted. Proposals on education have also 
been prepared. The Ministry of Labour and Social Maintenance of Population is 
implementing programs into life. Many gret things are being done in other spheres. 
Our main goal is to develop democracy and market economy in Azerbaijan. 
All our reforms yield positive results. You also witness positive changes in the 
economy of Azerbaijan. The congratulation of the International Operating Company 
was read here. AIOC invested USD 1,2 billion in our economy. A few days ago the 
drilling rig «Istiglal» was put into operation. Another consortium spent USD 20 
million for the renovation of that drig. Additionally, a lot of people are employed in 
these companies. It demonstrates the economic development of Azerbaijan. 
It is true that we still have economic diffi culties. There are people living in poverty 
and people who have become refugees. Their situation is very hard. It is because of 
the transitional period. This period is not easy. I believe that our policy is improving 
our economy and the welfare of our people. 
Some say that 90-95 percent of the population of Azerbaijan live in poverty. Our 
visitors see that the people live well here. Of course, there are also people living in 
poverty. We help them. Minister of Labour and Social Maintenance of Population 
Ali Nagiyev informed about the increase of pensions. There are over one million 
pensioners in Azerbaijan. Salaries are also being increased. Some say as if the men-
of-art and culture receive the least salary. But we increase and shall increase their 
However, we need to increase our revenues in order to implement all our reforms. 
At the same time, it is not good to claim that the welfare of the population of 
Azerbaijan is very bad. 
Our biggest problems are the restoration of our territorial integrity and improvement 
of conditions of the refugees. I express my respect especially to the mothers of the 
martyrs and the women living in hard conditions as refugees. These are the problems 
I pay attention. I always strive to liberate our occupied territories and return the 
refugees home. We shall achieve it. 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

Before coming here I met the representatives of the co-chairs of the Minsk Group 
of OSCE. As you are aware, OSCE established the so-called Minsk Group in 1992 
in order to solve the Armenian-Azerbaijani confl ict peacefully. The summits of 
OSCE were held in Budapest in 1994, in Lisbon in 1996. There we could achieve 
some useful documents on the solution of the problem. Currently the co-chairs of 
the Minsk Group are Russia, the USA and France. They try to achieve a peaceful 
solution of the confl ict. 
Recently there was a break in their activity. Yesterday they visited Azerbaijan. 
Today I had a meeting with them, which lasted more than two hours. We support 
the peaceful solution of the confl ict. That`s why we reached a ceasefi re agreement 
in 1994. This ceasefi re regime has been lasting for four years. Some critisize it. 
But I stopped the war. There is no more blood, no more losses. Some territories 
of Azerbaijan have been occupied, because of the people who criticize me, many 
people had to leave their homes. 
Today in my meeting with the co-chairs of the Minsk Group I stated once more 
that this problem must be solved peacefully. It is necessary to establish peace. The 
war can not continue eternally. Each war has an end. Azerbaijan does not want the 
outbreak of war. 
However, there are some strict principles I support. They were adopted at the 
Lisbon summit in 1996: the occupied territories must be liberated, the Armenian 
armed forces must be withdrawn from them, the displaced persons must return 
home. The Nagorno-Karabakh may be granted a high self-administrative status 
within Azerbaijan. Long-lasting and reliable peace must be established between 
Azerbaijan and Armenia. We support the peaceful solution of the confl ict on the 
conditions mentioned above. We shall never agree to grant the Nagorno-Garabagh 
independence. The territorial integrity of Azerbaijan can not be violated. We shall 
not yield an inch of our territory to anybody. 
We negotiate on these principles. I think that we can solve the confl ict peacefully 
via negotiations. I watch TV programs. Two weeks ago I met the representatives 
of the displaced persons. They live in hard conditions, mostly in tents, but they can 
understand the situation and endure all the diffi culties. I thank all our refugees for 
their patience. 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

But the opposition could never endure these diffi culties. They live in luxury on 
the account  of income from unknown sources. They do not meet refugees, but have 
big claims. 
The liberation of the occupied territories and restoration of the territorial integrity 
of Azerbaijan are our primary tasks. We shall achieve these tasks. 
The democratization is being successfully implemented in Azerbaijan. The fi rst 
democratic Constitution was adopted, the democratic parliamentary elections were 
held. Soon there will be presidential elections. Effective laws have been adopted 
or are being implemented in order to hold democratic elections. However, some 
opposition and extremist forces try to break the stability and create chaos in 
Azerbaijan like in 1991-1993. 
It is a pity. But I am not surprised. Because some opposition forces do not need 
democracy, independence and stability. They want to make chaos and turmoils. 
But it is no longer possible. The Azerbaijani people and I, as President, will 
never let chaos emerge again. Just remember the June of 1993. A civil war broke in 
Azerbaijan then. Some people in the power escaped then. 
For fi ve years we have been doing our best in order to stabilize the situation in 
Azerbaijan. We have had a stability for the recent three years. But those people are 
still hiding or making provocations. They want to create chaos, because the next 
elections will demonstrate that the democratization is under way in Azerbaijan. 
They wanted to organize a meeting on August 15. We have nothing against it. The 
Constitution of Azerbaijan defi nes the right of people to assemble. But they have to 
obey the rules. The opposition organized a meeting in Motodrom on August 15. But 
their claims are not accepted by the society. 
They want to violate the stability through organizing meetings. The city authorities 
declared that the suitable place for meetings is Motodrom. But the opposition wants 
to assemble in Azadlig Square. Why there? Azerbaijan has its own laws. I shall 
never let anybody violate the laws of Azerbaijan and stability here. 
But the opposition still wants to hold a meeting in Azadliq Square. It is declared 
that Azadlig Square is the place for the national event. Not everyone can organize 
a meeting there. There is a place for meetings, which is Motodrom. I shall organize 
our meeting there, too. The parties initiated my candidacy, want to organize my 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

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