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I hope that our sportsmen in all the fi elds of sport will achieve many victories
bring new cups and golden medals to Azerbaijan. I hope that the National Olympic 
Committee and the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Tourism will continue to develop 
sports in Azerbaijan. Popularization of sports is our primary goal. 
Dear friends, I congratulate you once more. I wish health and new successes to 
all of you.
I have to mention the efforts of Faig Garayev, your coach. I always watch him on 
TV. He is very strict and calm. He never shows his anxiety or concern. He always 
tells out the players with patience what they have to do.
I congratulate Faig Garayev. I am very happy that we have such good sportsmen 
and coaches. I congratulate and thank you. I congratulate all of you. I wish you the 
best. Thank you. 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

March 7, 2003
Dear women!
Dear mothers and sisters!
I cordially congratulate all of you – the Azerbaijani women on the occasion of the 
International Women’s Day.
Our women have played a distinguished role in the formation, development 
and protection of the spiritual values of the Azerbaijani people which has made an 
important contribution to the world treasury of culture. The Azerbaijani women, 
distinguished by their great innate talent, profound intellect and strong will, 
performing a fruitful activity in all the periods of our history, have contributed to 
the solution of vital problems of our people. Names of many of them have been 
inscribed by golden letters to the pages of our centuries-old history.
The Azerbaijani people have always treated the women with respect. They play 
an important role in our society and occupy high positions in the government 
structures. The words of Motherland, land, language are dear, valuable and sacred 
to our people, they are identifi ed with the word mother. Deep respect for woman, 
infi nite maternal love found its brilliant embodiment in our monuments of literature 
and art. The distinguished representatives of our literature and culture praised the 
beauty, courage and moral purity of the Azerbaijani woman in their works.
The Azerbaijani woman has experienced a diffi cult and hard life, overcome the 
tests of history with courage, obtained the possibility of becoming an active member 
of the democratic society established in our independent republic. Our women do 
their best for turning Azerbaijan into a prosperous, developing, successful and 
powerful country. The Azerbaijani women have special services in all the stages 
of our state building, they make every effort for strengthening the protection of 
social-political stability and order in the country, for the further consolidation of our 
national statehood, development of our culture.
Actually, in conditions of the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, when 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

a part of our native lands are under occupation, the Azerbaijani woman bears with 
honor the heavy responsibility of upbringing the youth in the spirit of devotion to 
the Motherland, displaying  perseverance and willingness for the consolidation of 
independence, for ensuring  the  territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, for bringing up 
worthy sons and daughters for the people, society, and all what she has done in this 
sphere is worth of praise.
This holiday of the Azerbaijani woman is the holiday of all our people, our 
society, it unites people more closely around the idea of independence. I hope that 
the Azerbaijani woman is profoundly realizing her role in the society, she will make 
great contributions to the progress of our Republic in future.
I wish health, happiness, in the family and successes to all of you.
A happy holiday!
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

September 27, 2003
Distinguished participants of the assembly!
I congratulate you on the occasion of the Second Assembly of the Azerbaijani 
The role of women has always been highly appreciated in the Azerbaijani society. 
We have been proud of the morals and the intellect of our women. The Azerbaijani 
women with their beauty, purity and patience have become a symbol of bravery. 
They have been praised in our literature. There were many talented poetesses, brave 
female rulers, famous female thinkers in our history. We are proud that our women 
hold worthy position among the women of the world like their predecessors.
Since the last assembly fi ve years ago, remarkable achievements in political, 
economic and cultural life of our republic have been reached. The process of 
integration of Azerbaijan in to the world community is under way. Azerbaijan joined 
large-scale international projects and started to take an active part in the settlement 
of the problems facing the mankind. Strongly supporting our state, our women 
contribute to the development and progress in Azerbaijan. 
This Assembly is the fi rst one for the Azerbaijani women in the 21
 century. I am 
sure that the assembly which understands its mission in the society, will be a new 
stage in the movement of the Azerbaijani women and encourage them to achieve 
new successes. 
I wish the Assembly successes. I wish every Azerbaijani woman the best! 
Heydar Aliyev
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

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