Sathya sai international organisation

He left the body to teach us that we are not different from Him?

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He left the body to teach us that we are not different from Him?

Madhusudan Naidu is claiming that Sukshma Baba is teaching something new since 'giving up the body':

Ultimately, you will realise that Swami is not different from you. Swami is you. You are Swami. This is what I am teaching. That is why I gave up the body.

Madhusudan Naidu, Padova Italy, 17 April 2015
However, Sathya Sai Baba had been teaching this principle of Oneness since the early days of His mission.

You are all Sat-Chit-Ananda Swarupa (embodiments of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss), but you are unaware of it and imagine yourself to be this individual or that, subjected to this limitation or that! This is the myth that must be exploded in order that divine life may start. It is the Divine that inspires, that activates, that leads and fulfils the life of each being, however simple or complex its physical structure may be. From the atom to the Universe, every single entity is moving toward the estuary where it merges in the sea of Bliss.

SSS 1.4: April 1957,
Prahlada never called upon his father or mother, as children do, when he was tortured; he did not appeal to the torturers to save him; he saw in those cruel henchmen the Narayana (God) he adored. Everything, everybody, was Narayana for him. How then could he feel pain or suffer injury? Non-dualism in practice, the culmination of devotion, fully realised spiritual knowledge, liberated him. The vision of this Oneness is the highest reward the non-dualist seeks.

SSS 1.0: September 30, 1960,

Do not posit distance between you and Me; do not interpose the formalities of the Guru-sishya (Preceptor-disciple) relationship, or even the altitudinal distinctions of the God-Devotee relationship, between you and Me. I am neither Guru nor God; I am You; You are I; that is the Truth. There is no distinction. That which appears so is the delusion. You are waves; I am the Ocean. Know this and be free, be Divine.

SSS 10.16: July 19, 1970,

The moment you establish yourself in the truth “I am Atma”, you will attain liberation. Always think, “Swami is in me.” I am in Swami .” However, there will be no use if you simply repeat, “I am Swami”, I am Swami”, with a fickle mind. Develop firm faith, “I am Swami,” I am God; I am God.” It is only when you develop that firm conviction, you will attain Divinity which is attribute less, unsullied, final abode, eternal, pure, enlightened, free and the embodiment of sacredness.

SSS 40.13: July 28, 2007,

Do not entertain the feeling that you are separate from God, that you are only a devotee, etc. Do not think that He is God and you are only a servant of God. You are not merely a devotee. You are God, verily. Constantly remind yourself “I am God, I am God, I am God.”

SSS 41.14: August 6, 2008,
Sathya Sai Baba's teachings, as recorded in Sathya Sai Speaks, Summer Showers in Brindavan and the Vahini series, are full of references to this principle of Oneness.


1. Madhusudan Naidu claims Sathya Sai Baba now says He gave up the body to teach us that we are one with Him.
2. Sathya Sai Baba has been saying that we are one with Him since the early days of His mission.

1. When Sathya Sai Baba has been teaching that we are one with Swami since the early days of His mission, what need would there be for Swami to give up the body to teach this, as Madhusudan claims?
2. If Madhusudan is in communication with Sri Sathya Sai Baba, how could he be unaware of this?

Divine vs human perspective

Swami's discourses were always delivered from the level of the Divinity indwelling in all, the one who controls the whole universe.
On 13 May 2014 Madhusudan Naidu gave his first public talk as 'Sukshma Baba' in Kodaikanal. In this talk he claimed to be repeating to the audience what he heard Swami's subtle body saying. We will compare the philosophy of human effort and attitude of 'doership' displayed in the talk to what Swami said about the same subject:

We are very grateful to C. Sreenivas who has taken pains to come all the way from Raipur amidst all the hectic work that he is doing. Swami is absolutely thrilled and overjoyed to receive him here at this very place.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014

In the year 1993, Swami was offered this property and Swami chose Sreenivas to talk to the relevant people to undertake this task. It took some time to understand how it could be handed over to Bhagawan by the industrial group that Sreenivas was mentioning, but eventually things went smoothly such that Bhagawan visited this property personally. There were no good roads as there are today, but He took all the pains to come from Bangalore to Chennai to Kodaikanal. He saw this property and He perceived that there were certain negativities at this place. Not because of the great lady who lived here, but because of the “Suicide Point” which he (Sreenivas) did not want to mention.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014

As Swami said a while ago, it is His sankalpa that this should happen, but it is the effort of people like Sreenivas, who have given up everything.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014

Glory will come their way as a family, like how I mentioned about the other family from the UK, whose mission was healthcare. Even Sreenivas’ family is no less than that kind of family.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014

How could one ever hold such a war against Ravana, who was so very mighty? It happened due to two things. One, it was the Will of Lord Rama. But Will alone is not enough. People should come together to make that Will happen.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014

Swami also wants to convey this shubha-vaastha, that is, this good news. With the efforts of all the elders who are here, the Centre for Excellence has gotten its formal approval from the University of Mysore to start in June.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014

What if Narayan Bhat had not thought selflessly, there would not have been such institutions. Without Srinivas it would not have been possible to build such a big hospital, if Narasimhamurty had not left engineering and come here, there would not have been so many schools.

Notes from talk by Madhusudan Naidu to students, August 26, 2015

"Just Swami's Will is not enough to acheive (sic) things in this material world. Instruments are also required. Only where there are instruments things will happen. Otherwise, nothing will happen."

Madhusudan Naidu quoted by B N Narasimhamurthy, October 5, 2015

Narasimhamurthy then went on to say:

Swami is always there, He pervades everything and he always wishes good on everybody. But still alot (sic) of things go wrong because Swami has given, as a great democrat, he has given freedom to the individuals - the Individual will is there. It is left to the individual to choose the right path or the wrong path.

Notes from talk by B N Narasimhamurthy, October 5, 2015
Madhusudan Naidu and his supporters state that human effort is progressing his mission. But what does Swami say about this human attitude of doership?

Hislop: Swami says that "All is done by the Lord and not by you". But, the world over, there is the concept that man is responsible for his own actions.
SAI: You are God. As long as you are being human, there may be such thoughts.
H: As long as you are being human, does that imply the human state is an act of one's will?
SAI: Not an act of will. Just a matter of being confused. It is a delusion.


I am not asking you to work for My sake. I do not want anything for Myself from you. I do all My work Myself. I do not seek others' help. If only I Will it, the whole world will help Me. So, you help yourself, serve the society and mould your lives into ideal ones.

SSS 35.11: July 22, 2002,

When the mind … identifies itself with the physical body, assuming the doership for various activities, it goes by the name of ahamkara (ego).

SSIB 1990.6:

Because of his identification with his body, man is being helplessly tossed hither and thither in various ways by his ego. “I am doing this; I am enjoying that; I have conquered this” thus saying to himself, man is lending strength day by day, to his sense of doership (kartritvabhava). Students! Remember that success and failure do not depend on your efforts or sadhana and such other activities. You are simply inflating your ego (ahamkara), by deluding yourself that you have been able to achieve things by your own effort.

SSIB 1990.6:

Wrapped up in his own ego, man pursues the will-o-the wisp of wealth, power, position, and strength. All these are transient. Man has overcome the eight categories of pride--pride of physical prowess, material wealth, scholarship, beauty, power and others. God's grace is needed to conquer these evil traits because they have such a powerful hold over man.

SSS 20.8: May 1, 1987,

Today this Sai Krishna is directing His play with so many thousands of Arjunas. Nimitha Maathram Bhava Savyasaachin! ("Be only my instrument, Oh Arjuna"). You are only instruments. Do not arrogate to yourselves any authority or power and claim credit for any achievement.

SSS 20.30: November 24, 1987,

Was it beyond the power of Raama to discover Seetha in Lanka Himself? What need was there for Him to send Hanumaan? Raama wanted Hanumaan to go on the search, so that He could show to the world the devotion and steadfastness and faith of Hanumaan. It is a case of Grace on the part of Raama. In the same manner, if Sai so much as wants to do so many things Himself, He could do anything. This endeavour is not for the sake of Sai. It is done through these Seva Organisations so that members of the organisation get the chance to do service and redeem themselves. Try to understand the basic truth that these avenues of service have been provided so that you will get good name for yourselves and not for the sake of Sai.

Sathya Sai does not need anything and He does not ask anything from you.

SSS 17.17: July 14, 1984,

It is only God who can fulfil the desires of devotees. It is He who grants you powers and positions. Without Him, you cannot achieve any position. All are zeros only! With God’s grace, one can become a hero!

SSS 42.04: February 21, 2009,


1. Madhusudan Naidu says "Will alone is not enough. People should come together to make that Will happen". God is dependent on human effort to make things happen. ie Swami is grateful to C Sreenivas for all the work he is doing and thrilled to have him there. Due to the efforts of Sreenivas Kodaikanal was purchased. “With the efforts of all the elders who are here, the Centre for Excellence has gotten its formal approval from the University of Mysore.”
2. Sri Sathya Sai Baba says "Sathya Sai does not need anything and He does not ask anything from you". (SSS 17.17) "If only I Will it, the whole world will help Me." (SSS 35.11) "You are simply inflating your ego, by deluding yourself that you have been able to achieve things by your own effort." (SSIB 1990.6) "Today this Sai Krishna is directing His play with so many thousands of Arjunas… You are only instruments. Do not arrogate to yourselves any authority or power and claim credit for any achievement." (SSS 20.30). He also says that this human point of view is a delusion, a matter of being confused.

1. If Madhusudan Naidu is simply repeating what Swami's subtle body says to him, why does he teach that human effort rather than God’s will is responsible for what happens?
2. If Madhusudan is communicating with Sri Sathya Sai Baba, why do his teachings promote a point of view which Swami described as “a matter of being confused. It is a delusion”

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