Sathya sai international organisation

Sukshma Baba’s followers are unknowingly Jnanis?

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Sukshma Baba’s followers are unknowingly Jnanis?

Sukshma Baba tells his followers that 'knowingly or unknowingly' they are gyaanis (which means Self Realised beings):

Finally, there are people who are gyaanis, who know that the Lord is all compassionate, who is all Divine, who is all Love. They only come to enjoy that Divinity, that Love, that compassion of the Lord. They only come to experience the Lord’s Love. They have nothing to expect or give. Knowingly or unknowingly, most of you are in that 4th category of people who have come only to experience the Love of the Lord, and have no ulterior motives or desires behind your coming here. That is what you all are here.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 19, 2014
But did Swami say a jnani (or gyaani) is one who experiences the love of the Lord? What is the meaning of jnani according to Swami?

Jnana in Vedantic parlance has been defined as "Advaita Darsanam" (recognising the One without a second). That is to see the One in the many Unity in diversity. Here in this assembly are present many thousands of persons. Their names and forms are multifarious. But you have to recognise that the Atma Principle in all of them is one and the same. It is not enough to say this in words. You must make it a living experience. Only then can one experience enduring Ananda (bliss). Such a person alone can be called a Jnani (a Knower of the Supreme).

SSS 22.30: October 4, 1989,

It is only a person who perceives the Lord in all beings that deserves to be called a Jnani. Instead, if others name themselves as Jnanis, they are so only in name. They have no genuine experience of Jnana.

Geetha Vahini p. 60,
 It is enough if the mind is always fixed on paramâtmâ, if the Lord is meditated upon without break. That will cleanse the mind; the delusion clogging it will disappear. This by itself comprises moksha, for what is moksha but moha-kshaya, the decline of delusion? A person who has achieved this moha-kshaya will attain brahmathva, the stage of brahman, howsoever he might die. Such a person is called a jñâni.

Geetha Vahini p. 81,


Madhusudan Naidu says that knowingly or unknowingly those who are with him are gyaanis (knowers of God) who have come to him to experience the love of the Lord.
2. Sri Sathya Sai Baba did not apply the term jnani (also spelled gyaani) to His devotees because He said only those who experience the one Atma in all can be called jnanis.

1. Since a jnani is one with the Atma or Consciousness in all, how can one unknowingly be a jnani?
2. If Madhusudan Naidu is in communication with Sri Sathya Sai Baba then why is there a difference between Madhusudan's understanding of a jnani and Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s description of a jnani?

Money and property

When Sri Sathya Sai Baba built schools, hospitals and water projects, He did not found engineering or building companies to design and construct them. Yet Madhusudan Naidu has founded 'Lotus Energy Solutions', a solar and sustainable energy company, which is now putting solar energy into all of their schools, hospitals and service projects.

Apart from providing clean drinking water (Vaari) to the needy, Swami has also taken up the task of providing clean energy (Vidyuth). He has willed the creation of a firm called Lotus Energy Solutions through which He is establishing small-scale solar power plants at various regions with the goal of self-sufficiency in terms of energy.

Swami in subtle form FAQ, p.4
Madhusudan Naidu is also noted on the Lotus Energy website as ‘Director – Strategy’.
What did Sri Sathya Sai Baba say about this model of setting up companies for service projects?

In fact, Education, Medical and Water Supply projects undertaken by the Sathya Sai Organisation are not revenue earning departments.

SSS 40.20: November 22, 2007,

There are some people who are doing business in the Name of Sai. They are cheating others, pretending to be devotees of Sai. I do not approve of such behaviour. They are not devotees at all. They are going to different parts of the country and also abroad to make money in the name of Sai. It is a big crime. I do not ask for even a single paisa from others. I never approve of such business. Whoever it may be, if somebody approaches you with such a crass motive, tell him to get out at once. Do not allow business to enter the field of spirituality.

SSS 35.11: 22 July, 2002,

Swami's attitude to property

Madhusudan Naidu speaks at length about acquiring the property at Kodaikanal and the fact that it is coming back to him. He has also directed that there be extensive building programmes started at Muddenahalli and at sites around the world:
Gerald Dominick (Sai Surya) wrote on January 18, 2015:
The next speaker was Anthony Tan who is a notary from Singapore. It seems that for many years that Singapore devotees have been united in their support for Sathya Sai Baba projects. They consider it a great honour and privilege to do anything for Sathya Sai.

On the 23rd of November 2014, delegates from Singapore met with Sukshma Baba.
They were told that he wanted to build an auditorium that must be constructed and built by 90th birthday. They immediately agreed. They are grateful to Swami for giving them the opportunity to do this seva. They agreed to do both the prayer hall auditorium and the canteen.

Email from Gerald Dominick (Sai Surya), January 18, 2015
What did Sri Sathya Sai Baba say about His involvement in property?

At a meeting of the Central Trust yesterday, I told the members including Sri Indulal Shah, that I had no interest in property. Do not involve me in any connection with these properties. I do not wish to have any connection with money or property. My only concern is with my devotees. Telling them all this, I signed the papers.

SSS 31.1: January 1, 1998,
Swami does not require any shrines. Swami is not interested in real estate. All that Swami wants is you should serve the society with bliss and without selfishness.

SSS 35.11: July 22, 2002,

Remember, Sai does not live in structures of stone or brick and mortar! He lives in soft hearts, warm with sympathy and fragrant with universal love.

SSS 2.27: December 2, 1961,


1. When Sri Sathya Sai Baba built schools, hospitals and water projects, He did not found engineering or building companies to design and construct them.
2. Madhusudan Naidu has founded 'Lotus Energy Solutions', a solar and sustainable energy company, which is now putting solar energy into all of their schools, hospitals and service projects.
3. Madhusudan Naidu is also noted on the Lotus Energy Solutions website as ‘Director – Strategy’.
4. Sri Sathya Sai Baba says "There are some people who are doing business in the Name of Sai. They are cheating others, pretending to be devotees of Sai. I do not approve of such behaviour. They are not devotees at all. They are going to different parts of the country and also abroad to make money in the name of Sai. It is a big crime. I do not ask for even a single paisa from others. I never approve of such business". (SSS 35.11)
5. Madhusudan Naidu told the Singaporean devotees that he wants a big auditorium built by the time of the 90th birthday.
6. Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that He had no interest in property and did not want to have any connection with money and property. (SSS 31.1).

1. There is no shortage of solar energy companies in India. Why then does Madhusudan Naidu need a company in order to do selfless service?
2. When service is performed by a company earning profits, can it truly be considered to be selfless service?
3. If Madhusudan Naidu is following the instructions of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, why is there such a different approach to that adopted by Sri Sathya Sai Baba?
4. If Madhusudan Naidu is in communication with Sri Sathya Sai Baba, why do his attitudes to property differ from the attitude that Swami showed to property?

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