Sathya sai international organisation

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The chosen few?

Madhusudan Naidu and his followers proclaim that that they are specially chosen and are therefore different to other devotees who cannot recognise that he is in communication with Sathya Sai Baba’s subtle body:

These are not ordinary people. These are saints and sages who have reincarnated in various forms.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014

… because now it is very difficult for people to understand and experience this. Only those who have great love for Swami and great humility, only they have this opportunity to experience these things.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 19, 2014

Out of millions of people, only one or two develop such kind of desires. So it is not a surprise that out of how many ever crores of people on Earth, only 150 are here in this bungalow.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 19, 2014

Make use of this experience, this lifetime, this relationship with Swami! You’ve been chosen—now do something with this opportunity!

C Srinivas quoted in Connie Shaw's The Glory of God in Croatia document, p.3

We are lucky to be alive at a time when the transformation of the planet is being undertaken in a magnitude never witnessed before. Many of us were chosen to be here at this time to be part of the process, to help and to witness.

Email from Gerald Dominick (Sai Surya), April 12 2015

No one can come to Me unless I will it. Only those who are humble will be admitted into My class. The first qualification is humility. All the trees that bear fruits are bent low. Only trees that do not have fruits stand straight. If you have humility, you will learn.

Madhusudan Naidu, Italy, April 16, 2015, p.7

To think that people here are very ordinary is a big mistake. In the same way as same Rama came as Krishna and Krishna came as Sai, the people around Him and who loved and adored Him they will also be born again and again.

Madhusudan Naidu, Muddenahalli, October 20, 2015,
When Swami taught us that all are one and that the goal of human birth is to get rid of the ego in order to realise the Oneness of Divinity, why does Madhusudan continue to consistently stroke his devotee's egos in order to make them feel special, to make them different from or better than those who don't believe him?
Umesh Rao, who is on the board of Madhusudan Naidu's company, Lotus Energy, speaks of an interview in the 1970s in which he claims that Swami told him that he would retire and work only with chosen devotees:

“At that time it will not be like this, with all of the crowds. At that time I will work with just a few chosen devotees”.

Love in action, the mission continues video

This idea of being chosen above others is also being taught to Sai youth who attend these gatherings:

This generation is already over. We cannot do much about it; at least we can save the next generation.

Master's Divine Command, Kuala Lumpur, March 13, 2015
V Kumar, who now travels with Madhusudan Naidu, preached this same message to Australian Sai youth while he was the National Youth Coordinator. This led to youth telling elders that Swami had given up on them and that the youth are the chosen ones. It is interesting that we now see the same message coming from Sukshma Baba.
Did Sri Sathya Sai Baba build up the ego by encouraging the idea that any among His devotees were special?

Every human being should strive to destroy the Ahamkaara (ego). Unless the ego is eradicated, Divinity cannot be realised.

SSS 30.6: March 7, 1997,

Embodiments of Divine Love! God is complete love incarnate. This love shines equally in every human being. The fragrance of a flower remains the same whether it is held in the right hand or the left. Likewise God has no distinction such as the favoured and the excluded. Different persons, proceeding from their own likes and dislikes, attribute to the Divine the divergent views existing in their own minds. God has no feelings of differentiation such as the good and the bad, the likable and the unwanted, the wicked and the virtuous. The sandalwood tree imparts its fragrance even to the axe that fells it. Likewise God is ever prepared to love, foster and protect equally everyone without any distinction. But the narrow-minded cannot easily grasp the Divine's equal-mindedness. Indeed, how can a fishmonger know the value of diamonds? Everyone apprehends God's powers and attributes according to their own limited conceptions and experiences.

SSS 22.38: December 25, 1989,

There is no place for any ego. A small example. America is not very big on a globe map of the world, California is just a small place, Hislop's house is just a dot and Hislop himself is not even visible. For a person so small as to be invisible, so temporary in the expanse of the universe, it is shameful to live with ego. Any person with ego is a disgrace. If you expand your idea of yourself to be God, then there is no reason and no place for an ego. And if you shrink yourself to conform to your relative statue in the vast universe, also there is no place for ego. The lowest or the highest, it does not matter. It is the middle that has pressure.

CWBSSSB, p.139 or
Swami always taught that all are one, that the one Sai is in all. Swami did not feed people’s ego and sense of being different from others by telling them that some are chosen and different to others. What did Swami say about gurus who feed their devotee's egos?

Many Gurus do not instruct people in this doctrine of courage, they do not bring up those who go to them in the discipline of the knowledge of Self (Aathma-jnaana), for, they themselves are not established in the Reality of Self (Aathma-thathwa). They intensify the egoism of their disciples and devotees and hasten their doom, rather than avoid it. The disciples too asked for quick results and shortened courses and less and less austerity. The Gurus have therefore to water down the rigour of spiritual discipline, and behave as minions of the disciples themselves! They wink at many a moral transgression, and very often share in the plots and intrigues which are the daily routine of the devotees! It is a sad state of affairs, indeed!

SSS 4.11: February 24, 1964,


1. Madhusudan Naidu and his followers say It is very difficult for people to understand and experience this. Only those with great love and humility will be able to experience this. Out of millions only a few have the desire to serve God so it’s no surprise that there are only 150 there". We are lucky to be alive at this time and have been chosen. Swami is spending the next few years only working with a few chosen devotees.
2. Sri Sathya Sai Baba says “God has no distinction such as the favoured and the excluded. Different persons, proceeding from their own likes and dislikes, attribute to the Divine the divergent views existing in their own minds. God has no feelings of differentiation such as the good and the bad, the likable and the unwanted, the wicked and the virtuous.” (SSS 22.38)
3. Madhusudan Naidu says that this generation cannot be saved, but that the next generation can.
4. Sathya Sai Baba said "Be confident that you will all be liberated. Know that you are saved". (SSS 3.1).

1. Madhusudan talks of his mission being with the chosen few, whereas Sri Sathya Sai Baba includes all without distinction. Swami said expansion is His life. Why then would He contract His mission to work only with a few?

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