Sathya sai international organisation

Publicising service activities

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Publicising service activities

It is said that actions speak louder than words and we will now examine Madhusudan Naidu's first service project in the light of Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings and example.
The first large project undertaken by the Muddenahalli group was the Sathya Sai Sanjeevani hospital in Naya Raipur, located near Madhusudan Naidu's home. The home page for the Raipur Sai Sanjeevani hospital advertises the number of surgeries completed at the hospital in large font.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba did not advertise the service activities of the Sathya Sai Organisation in the media and said:

Today’s newspaper becomes tomorrow’s waste paper.

SSS 35.6: April 13, 2002,
At the first anniversary of the inauguration of the Whitefield Super Specialty Hospital, Swami also reiterated:

I have nothing to do with newspapers.

SSS 35.2: January 19, 2002,
However the Sathya Sai Sanjeevani hospital website has a monthly newsletter publicising the hospital’s activities. It gives statistics on how many patients have been seen, what treatment was given and where they are from as well as displaying newspaper clippings praising the hospital.
Each edition of the hospital newsletter has photos of the hospital staff. Each edition starts with the slogan

Read. Be Inspired. Act.’

Repeated multiple times in each newsletter is a banner advertising:

All services are rendered totally free of charge.”

There is a link on the website titled ‘Free of Cost’. Under the heading ‘Gift of Life’ on this link is the statement:

This Temple of healing is supported by numerous selfless individuals who are dedicated to take forward the direction shown by Sri Sathya Sai Baba and wish to bring smiles to as many little hearts of the country and the world.
The June 2015 edition of the hospital newsletter also has an advertisement thanking people for their support:

Thank you for being with us in enabling this beautiful task of love and selfless service to the most needy. Your support has been truly priceless.

Each edition has a request that people continue to contribute to the newsletter such as:

Do continue to stay in touch. It means the world to us.
Your Sai Sanjeevani Team

The June edition also carries newspaper photos of an award ceremony with the caption:

Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital adjudged 'The Best Hospital' in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra by eminent media channel, IBC 24.

The hospital website also has a newsroom to further display newspaper articles about the hospital and its activities:
The photo gallery also has photos of newspaper articles on the hospital. The video gallery also has videos advertising the hospital and its story as well as video taken of a television news story on the hospital.
This kind of overt media publicising is conspicuously absent on the websites for both the Puttaparthi and Bangalore Super Specialty Hospitals which Sri Sathya Sai Baba founded. There is no overt advertisement that the hospital’s services are free. There is also nothing saying that the hospitals are supported by selfless individuals and that support is greatly appreciated:
While the work done for children by the Raipur hospital is no doubt laudable, the fact that they have named the hospital Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani means that their activities represent Swami and must follow Swami’s standards. Therefore the essential question here is – do they follow Swami’s teachings on service and publicity? More specifically, did Sri Sathya Sai Baba approve the publicising of service activities?

Their seva (selfless service) should not be exhibitionistic; it must seek no reward, not even gratitude or thanks from the recipients.

SSS 8.6: February 23, 1968,
Service activities in all lands can thrive only through selfless dedication. Fanfare is a sign of insincerity. Silent, unsullied work alone can appeal.

SSS 19.25: November 21, 1986
Social service should not become show-cial work(!) carried out for publicity or with the camera in view.

SSS 10.3: January 2, 1970,
There are many who come forward when there is a call for social service; but, most of them crave for publicity, seeking cameramen whenever they help others and very disappointed when they are not mentioned in newspapers! Such men push themselves forward, and climb into positions of authority, just to parade their importance before the public. They forget that service is worship, that each act of service is a flower placed at the feet of the Lord, and that, if the act is tainted with ego, it is as if the flower is infested with slimy insect pests! Who will contaminate the feet with such foul offering?

SSS 11.16: March 8, 1971,

The act of service is not to be judged, according to the cost or publicity it entails; it may be only the offering of a cup of water in the depth of a jungle.

SSS 7.23: May 24, 1967,

God will not ask when and where you did service; he will ask what your motives and intentions were. The attitudes of mutual help and selfless service develop the "humanness" of man and help unfold the Divinity latent in him.

SSS 15.31: November 19, 1981,

Religion has declined in this land due to this donation-seeking and donation-granting. Really speaking, the most precious donation is a pure mind; give that to the organisation and it will shine.

SSS 7.18: April 21, 1967,

I do not ask for even a single paisa from others. I never approve of such business. Whoever it may be, if somebody approaches you with such a crass motive, tell him to get out at once. Do not allow business to enter the field of spirituality.”

SSS 35.11: 22 July, 2002,


1. Madhusudan Naidu's Sathya Sai Sanjeevani hospital has been widely publicised in the media and the hospital website advertises prominently how many surgeries have been performed. The hospital website also contains a media room, newsletter, photo gallery and video gallery, all advertising the service performed and displaying articles about the hospital from newspapers and the media.
2. Sathya Sai Baba said fanfare is a sign of insincerity. Silent, unsullied work alone can appeal. (SSS 19.25). Social service should not become show-cial work(!) carried out for publicity or with the camera in view. (SSS 10.3).
3. The hospital newsletter directs people to ‘‘Read. Be Inspired. Act.’ It repeats multiple times in each newsletter that “All services are rendered totally free of charge.” The website talks about how the hospital is supported by numerous selfless individuals who want to bring smiles to children. The newsletter runs a banner thanking people for their support and saying that their support is priceless.
4. Sri Sathya Sai Baba said selfless service must seek no reward. He also said not to ask for donations in any way, either subtle or overt.

1. If Madhusudan Naidu is in communication with Sri Sathya Sai Baba, why are his service projects using media publicity, which is directly against Swami’s teachings?
2. Since Swami says that selfless service should seek no reward, if a service activity is advertised and publicized and lauded in the media, can it still be called selfless service?
3. The hospital uses multiple ways to constantly remind people of the amount of service done and that it is done free of cost while at the same time reminding people of the fact that the hospital needs support and asking them to act. Isn’t this just another way of asking for money?
4. If Madhusudan Naidu is in communication with Sri Sathya Sai Baba, why is there such a vast difference in his hospital’s attitude to media and publicity when compared to the silent selfless service of the hospitals founded by Sri Sathya Sai Baba?

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