Sathya sai international organisation

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Love for publicity?

In subsequent talks, Madhusudan Naidu spoke more about love but still with self-interest in asking supporters to use love to publicise him and spread his message, particularly to Sathya Sai Baba's students:

Only those who have great love for Swami and great humility, only they have this opportunity to experience these things. Protect these feelings in your heart as you protect a candle in the wind. It can go away any time because the breeze is so strong. So be very careful to preserve this feeling in your heart and carry it wherever you go, and spread this light of the candle to all the dark corners of the world.

If you rather pass on My Love through you to all My children, you would be spreading this message of Mine much more efficiently.

You develop this Love and give that Love to others, and the world will believe that I have not gone anywhere.

But more important is that you have to live My message of Love, and let you be a channel of My Love to reach out to My students. I am the tank. You are the tap. If you don’t deliver pure water in the tap, in the same form to My students, then My students will go thirsty, and they might think that the tank is empty. No. The tank is always full. The tap is faulty. So, you become My messenger of Love, and not messenger of books. Books people can read, but Love people can feel. Go to Bagalkot and serve there with all My Love. Give it to all the children who have not experienced Me.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 19, 2014, p.6
Whereas, Sathya Sai Baba's teachings on love were based on pure unselfish love without the desire for publicity:

I have not come on any mission of publicity for any sect, or creed or cause; nor have I come to collect followers for any doctrine. I have no plan to attract disciples or devotees into My fold or any fold. I have come to tell you of this universal unitary faith, this Atmic Principle, this path of love, this dharma of love, this duty of love, this obligation to love.

SSS 8.22: July 4, 1968,
Sathya Sai Baba said that Love is what He is, that Love is the path that leads to Him and that the Avatar comes to show mankind that Love is its reality:

You can call Me the Embodiment of Divine Love (Premaswarupa)! You will not be wrong! Prema is the wealth that I have and that I scatter among the miserable and afflicted. I have no other riches.

SSS 1.10: July 22, 1958,

Develop that love for men everywhere. That is My mission too, My resolution, My Will, My Vow — the planting of love in every human heart. The Lord is love (prema); love is the highest Atma (Paramatma). If you fill your heart with love, hatred, envy, greed, and egoism cannot enter it. There will be no devastation for a loved-filled earth.

SSS 2.28: December 25, 1961,

The vital issue is the oneness: one caste, one class, one creed of humanity: and this can be achieved only by the surrender of one's self or ego to pure, selfless, universal love and devotion.

God Lives in India, p.8

When the Divine comes down as Avatar… it is only for one purpose. You recognise only the momentary results of the advent. But you should note that the Divine comes as Avatar only to teach mankind the truth about love. Oh man, it is because you lack love and are filled with selfishness that the world is plunging in so much conflict and chaos. It is only when you develop love and the spirit of sacrifice that you will realise the divinity that is in the human.

SSS 21.25: September 3, 1988,

God is love, and love is selflessness. Selflessness is the abolition of all sense of the ego and separateness, of all spurious identification with the isolationist life of that counterfeit thing called 'self' (ego); self (ego) is separateness, and separateness is the denial of wholeness, holiness, God. … The Godward process called 'self-sacrifice' is, in its essence, love. For God is love, and love alone can lead to Him. … Love must be totally selfless to be Godward, to be Divine. Its criterion must be, 'the Beloved, first'; its technique must be 'your happiness before mine'. The way to happiness is to forget oneself and to remember God.

Sathyam Shivam Sundaram, 4.6, Sathya Sai Baba's letter to students

Love alone is the fruit of love. Love is its own witness. There is no trace of self-interest in it. Because love exists for its own sake, it has no fear. It is to teach humanity the way of love that Avatars come into the world.

SSS 21.25: September 3, 1988,

You must recognise this love as but a reflection of the Premaswarupa, (the embodiment of Love) that is your reality, the God who is residing in your heart. Without that spring of Love that bubbles in your heart, you will not be prompted to love at all. Recognise that spring, rely on it more and more, develop its possibilities, try to irrigate the whole world with it, discard all touch of self from it, do not seek anything in return for it from those to whom you extend it. In your daily affairs, do not create factions, or revel in hatred. See the good in others and the faults in yourselves. Revere others as having God installed in them; revere yourself also as the seat of God. Make your heart pure so He can reside therein.

SSS 5.17: March 26, 1965,


1. Madhusudan Naidu asks his followers to protect their faith in his claims and use love to spread that faith to others. He asks that it be spread so that the world will think that Sathya Sai Baba is communicating through him.
2. Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that love is selfless, has no self interest and seeks no reward. To love others with a view to derive some benefit from them is not selfless love as it is based on the self-interest of deriving benefits from others.”

1. If Madhusudan Naidu is in communication with Sri Sathya Sai Baba, why is he promoting love with a view to benefit from it, rather than selfless love?

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