Sathya sai international organisation

Should we believe Swami or others?

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Should we believe Swami or others?

In a 2002 discourse, translated by B N Narasimhamurthy, Swami warned against putting our faith in others:

Love everyone. But do not trust everyone without discrimination. One who puts his trust wholly in others is headed for ruin.

SSS 35.9: May 6, 2002,
Swami's personal attendant Satyajit Salian spoke of an incident that happened in his presence in the interview room in Prashanti Nilayam. Sri B N Narasimhamurthy visited a young boy in Bangalore who claimed that Swami spoke through him:

So this gentleman was sitting next to Swami and the other gentleman was also sitting at Swami's Lotus Feet and as the discussion went on he started talking about a young boy of 14, who was somewhere in Bangalore who used to claim that Swami speaks through him. And this gentleman was telling "Swami I have gone to the place and seen this boy. They are from a beautiful family, a very simple family and this boy has a resplendent tejas (glow) on his face. He looks very innocent Swami so obviously it should be true". And he was trying to convince Swami telling that "It is true Swami that You go to his body and speak". Swami listened for a while and I will never forget the intensity with which Swami rebuked this gentleman. "You have been here, close to Me for so many years! How could you even bring this up in My presence? Don't you have any common sense? Do you have any common sense or not? What business do I have to enter that dirty body? If I want to talk to somebody else I can figure out the way! If I need to speak to somebody I can speak directly"!
This was the rebuke, this was the strong reaction from Swami…. After Swami went to Darshan, this gentleman comes to me and again he reiterates the whole thing saying "I have gone Sathyajit, I have seen him (the medium)". I was looking at him (thinking) "Come on sir, just now you got whacked and you are again trying to convince me"?

Talk by Satyajit Salian, February 22, 2014,
Sri B N Narasimhamurthy is the originator of the stories that Swami is living in a subtle body in Muddenahalli and communicating through Madhusudan Naidu. He did not listen to Swami when Swami directly rebuked him for believing Swami was using an intermediary. Swami also clearly told him "If I need to speak to somebody I can speak directly". Yet even after this he tried to convince Satyajit that Swami was speaking through this boy. He is now trying to convince all of us of a similar claim - that Swami is communicating through Madhusudan Naidu. Should we believe Sri Sathya Sai Baba or B Narasimhamurthy?
Swami also told Narasimhamurthy to stay in Puttaparthi:

After some days, he came to Me again and said, “Swami, mother passed away.” I comforted Narasimha Murthy and said, “Narasimha Murthy, stay here itself. Don’t leave Puttaparthi. This is your birthplace. Swami is your mother. I will look after everything.” Narasimha Murthy’s mother was a noble soul. She would often say, “Narasimha Murthy, even in adverse situations, don’t go away from Swami. Stay with Him always.”

SSS 37.4: January 27, 2004,
Has Narasimhamurthy followed what Swami asked him to do?
Sri C Srinivas is a member of the Muddenahalli team who was heavily involved in the construction of the Sathya Sai Sanjeevani hospital in Raipur. Swami once spoke publicly of an incident where C Srinivas was trying to act as an intermediary between Swami and a devotee, carrying the requests of this devotee to Swami and trying to persuade Swami to accept fancy cars:

Here is a small matter Swami wants to tell. The other day, a devotee came and told that since My cars had become old, he wanted to replace them with new cars. He brought the cars. Three days passed. I did not even look at him. What is the reason? I already have a sufficient number of cars. I have no desire to move about in fancy big cars. I do not accept anything from anyone. When I was coming here, Srinivas came to Me and said, "That person is feeling miserable. Please accept the cars." I told him, "Do not interfere. He can take back his cars. In fact, I am ready to give My own car. Rather, I will give you two cars; you and he can take one each." Develop the spirit of sacrifice and set an example before others. I have been practising this since My childhood. If you follow the path shown by Me, you will become blessed. This path will lead you to liberation. It is liberation that is the goal of life.

SSS 35.9: May 6, 2002,
An excerpt from this discourse can also be heard on Youtube:


1. Mr B Narasimhamurthy told devotees in 2011 that Sri Sathya Sai Baba was visiting him in his dreams and giving him messages for others, something that Swami said He doesn't do.
2. Sri Sathya Sai Baba says "do not trust everyone without discrimination. One who puts his trust wholly in others is headed for ruin." (SSS 35.9).
3. Mr B Narasimhamurthy went to visit a boy in Bangalore who claimed that Sri Sathya Sai Baba was speaking through him. He came to Puttaparthi and attempted to convince Swami's attendant that Swami was speaking through the boy.
4. Mr Narasimhamurthy was severely chastised by Swami for believing this boy's claim. Instead of believing Swami's own direct words to him, as soon as Swami left the room Mr Narasimhamurthy again tried to convince Swami's attendant that Swami was speaking through the boy. He is now trying to convince us that Swami communicates through Madhusudan Naidu.
5. After Mahasamadhi, Mrs Narasimhamurthy left the post that Swami had given him in the organisation and moved to Muddenahalli. He then started claiming that Swami was speaking to him in his dreams and then to a former student, Madhusudan Naidu. He created a separate trust from the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust and started encouraging devotees to come to Muddenahalli rather than Puttaparthi.
6. Sri Sathya Sai Baba had asked him to never leave Puttaparthi and his own mother had told him not to leave Swami.
7. C Sreenivas attempted to act as an intermediary for a man who wanted to replace Swami's cars with what Swami describes as fancy new cars.
8. Swami told Sreenivas to mind his business, that He didn't take anything from anyone, that He didn't require cars and was prepared to even give away His own cars to Sreenivas and the other man.

1. Looking at the behaviour of these leaders of the Muddenahalli movement, both during Swami's lifetime and after, should we place our faith in what they are saying or in what Swami has told us?
2. Should we believe Sri Sathya Sai Baba's words that He needs no intermediary, or believe B Narasimhamurthy who again claims that he has found a boy whom Swami speaks through?

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