Sathya sai international organisation

The three disciplines necessary to recognise Divinity

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The three disciplines necessary to recognise Divinity

Madhusudan Naidu and his supporters say that in order to recognise that Swami is manifesting in Muddenahalli we must go there and experience it.

Why go by what is heard and what is said? Find out for yourself. Only one who has experienced God will become God. Without having experienced, no one can define God.

Madhusudan Naidu, Italy, April 17, 2015
Swami said:

Three disciplines are essential, to become aware of Divinity in all and in the Avathar:
1/ No activity should be taken up with individual aggrandizement in view;
2/ Intellect and emotion must be directed to the revelation of the Resident in the Heart, Atma;
3/ Every act should be done sincerely, with love, with no yearning for acquiring personal profit, fame or benefit.
Above all, listen to the voice of God within.

SSS 12.42: July 4, 1974,


1. Madhusudan Naidu claims that devotees must come to visit him in order to discern whether Sathya Sai Baba is manifesting at Muddenahalli.
2. Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that there are 3 disciplines necessary to become aware of Divinity:
1/ No activity should be taken up with individual aggrandizement in view;
2/ Intellect and emotion must be directed to the revelation of the Resident in the Heart, Atma;
3/ Every act should be done sincerely, with love, with no yearning for acquiring personal profit, fame or benefit.


1. Why would Madhusudan Naidu and his followers insist that devotees must visit him in order to find out if Sathya Sai Baba is manifesting there?

Many, many births vs born to be liberated

Madhusudan Naidu tells his followers that they will continue to reincarnate instead of attaining liberation:

… He assures you that this is not your last birth. Many, many births will happen, many, many times Bhagawan will come, and He will continue to bring all of you together, because He enjoys the company of all of you people here.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014

In the same way as same Rama came as Krishna and Krishna came as Sai, the people around Him and who loved and adored Him they will also be born again and again.

Madhusudan Naidu, Muddenahalli, October 20, 2015
Swami however tells us that the main purpose of being born is to obtain liberation so that we are never born again:

The main purpose of human life is to realise one's true identity. It is only when you recognise the sacredness of human life that you can realise the Divine. It is sheer ignorance to consider man as made up of merely the body, mind and sense, which are only Upadhis (instruments). To identify yourself with the body is as absurd as to consider yourself as the house in which you dwell or the car in which you travel. It is essential to realise the truth of your divine identity through the instruments of the body, mind and intellect.

SSS 26.25: July 3, 1993,

Why should this creature, man, endowed with extra sensitiveness to share sorrow and joy with others, be born in this changing world of time and space? … There is a purpose behind all the activities of the Divine. Man has to manifest the Divine in him and lead and guide all living beings in that adventure. He has to liberate himself by his efforts and liberate all life by his example. He must become free and secure in his own Source. This is what is called Moksha (Liberation). He is liberated from littleness Into vastness, from bondage to boundless Bliss.

SSS 13.30: February 16, 1977,

There is no pleasure in being born again and again. There is no pleasure in being born only to die and in dying only to be born again. Why should we be born if it is only to undergo the repeating cycle of births and deaths? One should be born in such a way that he becomes immortal and is never born again. One who is after finding the path to arrive at such a truth is the wise person.

SSIB 1973.3,

Guest: It would be good to be reborn in the time of Prema Sai!
SAI: It is best to merge with God. No rebirth.

CWBSSSB, p. 172 or
Swami says that human life is supremely sacred because it is only in the human birth that we can realise God:

Sai: In all the universe there is no other planet that has human life, or a similar life-form…

The expression of life on Earth is upward through the human to the Divine. By virtue of human birth, the next step is the full realisation of the Divine. Human life is sacred and must be appreciated as having the highest value.

All life may aspire to human birth. But only through the human birth may God be realized. To waste time is the greatest folly. Now and here is the individual. Now and here is the opportunity to realize the absolute goal of life. Who can be sure of the conditions and status of his next birth? Not even one moment of this life should be wasted.

Hislop: Swami, are there other regions throughout the universe where there may also be an escape from birth and death.
Sai: Only on Earth may this take place. In no other planet or region throughout the indescribable vastness of the universe does this opportunity exist. It is unique and is limited to this earth.

CWBSSSB, pp.164-165 or


1. Madhusudan Naidu told his followers "this is not your last birth. Many, many births will happen, many, many times Bhagawan will come, and He will continue to bring all of you together, because He enjoys the company of all of you people here."
2. Sri Sathya Sai Baba said "One should be born in such a way that he becomes immortal and is never born again. One who is after finding the path to arrive at such a truth is the wise person".

1. If Madhusudan Naidu is communicating the words of Sathya Sai Baba in a subtle body, why are his teachings so different to Swami's on this point?

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