SöZLÜK “b”la : V i. ~b gapir to insert a "b" before each vowel (a kind of pig Latin). “j”la

Qona  : v.i. To bleed. Burni ham ~madi It was completely painless for him. [qonat ]qoncho'p bot.celandine. Qondosh

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Qona  : v.i. To bleed. Burni ham ~madi It was completely painless for him. [qonat ]qoncho'p bot.celandine.

Qondosh : blood relative; brother, kinsman.

Qoniq  : v.i. S. Qon ; to be satisfied. [qoniqtir , qoniqtiril ]

Qoniqarli : satisfactory.

Qoniqarsiz : unsatisfactory.

Qoniqish : v.n. Of qoniq ; satisfaction

Qoniqquvlik : s. Qoniqarli.

Qoniqtir  : v.t. Caus. Of qoniq ; to satisfy, to fulfill. [qoniqtiril ]

Qonla  : v.t. To smear the blood of a sacrificed animal on an ailing person. [qonlash ]

Qonli : bloody. ~ yakshanba Bloody Sunday (Jan. 9, 1905).qonliq dial.sacrificial animal (s. Jonliq).

Qonsira  : v.i. To lose blood; to thirst for blood.

Qonsiz : bloodless; pale; anemic.

Qonsizlan  : v.i. To lose blood; to become pale, to blanch; to become anemic.

Qonsizlik : bloodlessness; anemia.

Qontalab : in need of blood; bloodthirsty.

Qontalash  : v.i. To become bloodshot; to become crimson or streaked with red.

Qontalash : bloodshot; ruddy, red.

Qonun 1 : (Arabic) law. ~ chiqar  to pass a law. ~ chiqaruvchi organ legislative body. Asosiy ~ constitution. ~lar to'plami code of laws.

Qonun 2 : (Arabic) an ancient dutor like instrument.

Qonunan : (Arabic) lawfully.

Qonunbuzar : lawbreaker.

Qonunchilik : law and order.

Qonuniy : (Arabic) lawful.

Qonuniyat : (Arabic) lawfulness, legality; laws.

Qonuniylik : lawfulness, legality.

Qonunlash  : v.i. To be made official; to become legalized; to be made into law. [qonunlashtir , qonunlashtiril ]

Qonunli : having laws; lawful.

Qonunshunos : jurist.

Qonunshunoslik : abstr. Of qonunshunos.

Qonunsiz : lawless; illegal, unlawful.

Qonunsizlik : unlawfulness; lawlessness.

Qonxo'r : blood sucker; bloodthirsty tyrant.

Qonxo'rlik : abstr. Of qonxo'r; ruthless tyranny.

Qop  : v.t. To bite (animal). [qopish , qoptir ]

Qop qop : sacks and sacks.

Qop qora : dark black, jet black.

Qop qorong'i : pitch dark.

Qop : sack, bag.

Qopag'on : biting (dog).

Qopcha : dim. Of qop.

Qopchiq : small sack. Ko'z yoshi ~i tear gland.qopi dial.door (s. Eshik).

Qopin  dial. : v.i. To burn; to be tormented.

Qopla  1 : v.t. To cover, to coat. Ko'rpa ~  to sew or stuff a quilt. [qoplan , qoplat , qoplatil , qoplash ]

Qopla  2 : v.t. To bag, to put into bags. [qoplan , qoplat , qoplatil , qoplash ]

Qoplam : covering; bagful.

Qoplama : covering, coating, facing, veneer, crown, etc.qoplon zool.snow leopard, ounce; brave person, lion.

Qoplovchi 1 : v.n. Of qopla  1; one employed in covering or finishing.

Qoplovchi 2 : v.n. Of qopla  2; bagger, sacker.

Qopong'ich : s. Qopag'on.qopqa arch.gate.

Qopqon : trap, snare.

Qopqoq : lid, cover.

Qopqoqla  : v.t. To cover. [qopqoqlan , qopqoqlat ]

Qoq 1 : bone dry; gaunt, scrawny; barren, empty; miserly. ~ suyak just bones; bony. ~ er dry, dried up; barren, bare. ~ yer, qora ship bare, devoid of furnishings (room,house). ~ bo'l  to dry up; to be left with nothing. Cho'ntagi ~ bo'ldi His pockets are empty.

Qoq 2 : just at, right on, exactly. ~ ikkiga bo'l  to divide right in two. ~ yarim kechada right at midnight. ~ yoril  to split right open.

Qoq  : v.t. To knock, to pound, to drive in (stake), to tap, to hit, to beat (rug); to shake (tree, to drop its fruit); to hit, to plunder; to tire out, to bump around. Eshik ~  to knock on the door. Jonini ~  to do with all one's soul. Jonimni ~ay Bless my soul! (s. Kiprik ~  to blink. Ko'zini chetga ~ib to bluff, to mislead. Kiprik ~may w/o a wink of sleep. Qulog'ini ~ib qo'lga ber  to make one's ears ring, to drive mad with noise. Sim ~  to telephone. Tomoq ~  to clear one's throat. Burun ~  to clear one's nose. Chetga ~  to be distanced or separated from; to deny, to deprive. [qoqil , qoqin , qoqish , qoqtir ]

Qoqi o't : s. Qoqigul.

Qoqi : dried fruit or meat, jerky; s. ~ bahosi mere pennies, nothing at all.qoqigul bot.dandelion (s. Momaqaymoq).

Qoqil  : pass. Of qoq ; to be jostled or tired; to trip, to stumble. [qoqilish , qoqiltir ]

Qoqim : traditional folk medicine treatment consisting of reading a spell, then massaging the body, limbs, back, neck, and ears of the patient.

Qoqimchi : healer that peforms qoqim.

Qoqin  : v.i. To shake, to flutter; to trip, to stumble; (+dan) to be hard up for. [qoqinish , qoqintir ]

Qoqindiq : alms given either to the qoqimchi or to others following qoqim treatment; my beloved, my dear (lit., 'may my soul be taken for yours') (s. O'rgilay, jonim tasadduq).

Qoqirim : broth mixed with yoghurt and black pepper (used to drive away a cold).

Qoqishtir  : v.t. To go through one's things and scrape together (money); to join or put together. [qoqinish , qoqintir ]

Qoqla  1 : v.t. To dry, to cure. [qoqlan , qoqlat , qoqlash ]

Qoqla  2 : to empty, to leave empty, to sweep clean. [qoqlan , qoqlat , qoqlash ]

Qoqlan  : v.i. Pass. Of qoqla ; to dry up, to wither.qoqriq dial.phlegm (s. Balg'am).

Qoqshol 1 : bony, scrawny, emaciated.

Qoqshol 2 : tetanus.qoqvosh coll.empty headed; miserly.

Qor  : v.t. To mix, to knead; to cover with (mud). [qordir , qoril , qorish ]

Qor : snow. ~ yog'di It snowed. ~ bobo snowman; Santa Claus. ~ suvi water from melted snow. ~ uchquni snowflake.

Qora qura : dark, black, dingy.

Qora : black; dark; bad, evil; outline, silhouette; target. ~sini ko?Rsatmaydi He doesn?T show his face (around here). ~ olib... To target, to pursue. ~ terga bot  to sweat blood, to be drenched in sweat. Ko'z ~si pupil; apple of one's eye. ~ metallar ferrous metals. ~ qilib/oralaridan ~ mushuk o'tdi they've had a falling out. ~ guruh ?? [chernaya sotnaya  a political group]. ~ er chernozem; cultivated land; the grave. ~ ish menial work. ~ ishchi laborer, menial worker. ~ ko'ylakchi Black Shirt. ~ to'rdan kelgan dark complexioned. ~lar blacks. Yurish ~lardan black's move. ~ qura bolalar dark skinned children. ~ qizil dark crimson. ~ niyatlar evil intentions. ~si o'chdi He disappeared., He's no longer around. ~ngni o'chir! Make yourself scarce! ~si o'chsin! May he be gone! ~ kiy  to wear mourning black. ~ bosh chumchuq (zool.) Bullfinch. ~ ilon (zool.) Adder, viper. ~ ko'za (bot.) A wild winter oat. ~ sulu (bot.) Wild oat. ~ terak (bot.) Black poplar. ~ tuproq chernozem. ~ tut (bot.) Black mulberry. ~ chigirtka (zool.) Cricket. ~ shuvoq (bot.) A type of wormwood, sagebrush. ~ Ekin (dial.) Vegetable and melon growing. ~ urganji (bot.) A type of melon. Yuziga ~ surt  to blacken one's face. Ko'ngilga ~ ol  to feel suspicion. ~ kursi the dock. ~ chaqa penny, farthing, red cent. ~ chiroq oil lamp. ~ xalq common folk. ~ xat notice of (soldier's) death.qoraandiz bot.elecampane.qoraarcha bot.juniper.qorabaliq zool.Schizothorax (a freshwater fish).qorabarak bot.Halostachys, a desert shrub.qorabayir zool.a breed of horse.qorabovur zool.black breasted sand grouse (s. Bulduriq).qoraboy zool.glossy ibis; cormorant.qorabug'doy bot.German wheat.

Qorabura : bound bundle of branches filled with rocks used to build dams and weirs.qorabuzov zool.pygmy cormorant.

Qoracha : dark( skinned). ~dan kelgan dark skinned.qorachakak bot.a shrub of the rose family.

Qorachigirtka : s. Qora chigirtka.

Qorachingil : s. Qoramug'.

Qorachiq : pupil (of eye) (s. Ko'z ~iday saqla  to take great care of.qorachiriq hist.ragtag (self armed) militia, irregular army; irregular.qorachittak zool.coal tit.

Qorachoy : Qarachay.

Qoradori : opium.qorag'at bot.black currant.qorag'oz zool.lesser white fronted goose.qoragachin bot.biurgun (Anabasis) (s. Biyurg'un).qoragul bot.a type of mallow; dye made from this plant.

Qorajigar : spleen (s. Taloq).

Qorakaltak : lynch law, mob law; vigilante (mob).qorakaptar zool.a type of dove.

Qorakash : ornery.

Qorakashlik : orneriness. ~ qil  to pull back when urged forward (horse); to be ornery or difficult.

Qorakesak : tender, fatless piece of meat.qorako'l zool.karakul. ~ qo'yi karakul sheep. ~ teri karakul pelt.

Qorako'lchi : breeder of karakul sheep.

Qorako'lchilik : breeding of karakul sheep.

Qorako'z : large, dark eyes; lovely, dark eyed person; (dear) child. To'rtta ~im bor I have four little ones.qorakosov bot.spur, ergot. ~ bo'l  to become blackened.

Qorakuya 1 : soot. Yuziga ~ surt  to publicly humiliate or punish.qorakuya 2 bot.smut, rust.

Qorala  : v.t. To blacken; to criticize, to denounce; to follow the outline of, not to let out of one's sight. Qalamni ~  to dip pen in ink. Qog'ozni ~  to darken pages with writing. [qoralan , qoralash ]

Qoralik : blackness, darkness.

Qoralovchi : active part. Of qorala ; incriminating.

Qorama qora : not letting out of one's sight, in the footsteps of.

Qoramag'iz : dark complexioned, dark skinned.

Qoramaldoq : index finger.qoramart bot.pearl bush.qoramashoq bot.stork's bill, alfileria; (dial.) Spade (of cards).qoramol zool.horned cattle.

Qoramolchilik : cattle raising. ~ fermasi cattle ranch.qoramotov bot.camphor fume.

Qoramoy : fuel oil.qoramtil coll.s. Qoramtir.

Qoramtir : dark( colored); brown. Bug'doyning ~ zangi (bot.) Brown wheat smut.qoramug' bot.cow soapwort; Russian boxthorn.qorao't bot.purslane.

Qorapatak : bedding of droppings for goats or sheep.

Qoraqalpoq : Qaraqalpaq.qoraqand bot.black barberry.qoraqarag'ay bot.spruce.qoraqarg'a zool.raven, rook; black crow.qoraqayin bot.beech.qoraqiyoq bot.a type of sedge.qoraqiz bot.tripartite beggar ticks, bur marigold, sticktight.qoraqo'g'a bot.bulrush.

Qoraqo'tir : scab.

Qoraqosh : having black eyebrows; (bot.) A type of iris (s. Kamchalak).qoraqovuq bot.Ungernia, an alpine plant.qoraquloq 1 bot.Eminium.qoraquloq 2 zool.caracal lynx.qoraqurt zool.karakurt spider.qoraqush zool.steppe eagle.qoraquyruq zool.gazelle (s. Jayran).qorashaqshaq zool.black starling.qorasho'ra bot.glasswort.
Qorason : gangrene; blight which affects silkworms and livestock.qorasuli bot.s. Qorako'za.

Qorasuvoq : rough, intial layer of plaster.qoratariq bot.bulbous bluegrass.

Qoratikan tuz : table salt.

Qorato'r(i) : s. Qoracha.qorato'rg'ay zool.black lark.

Qorato'riq : dark bay (horse).qoratol bot.a type of willow.qoratomoq zool. Dial.wagtail.

Qoratuproq : s. Qora tuproq.qoravarak coll.s. Qorabarak.qoravoy coll.s. Qoraboy.

Qoray  : v.i. To blacken, to become black or dark; to become tan, or burnt by the sun; to appear, come into view, to loom, to emerge. [qorayt , qoraytir , qoraytiril ]qorayaloq zool.blackbird. ~lar thrushes.qorazira bot.common caraway.qorazirk bot.barberry.

Qorbo'ron : snowball fight.

Qorg'i : leather (animal) collar.

Qorg'ich : s. Qorishtirg'ich.

Qori : (Arabic) one who has memorized the Quran; deferential term for a blind person.

Qorilik : abstr. Of qori.

Qorin 3pp qorni : stomach, belly; womb. ~ sol /onasining ~ida in his mother's womb; nowhere to be found. Onasining ~ida yotganday peaceful. Bir ~dan talashib tushgan born ('kicking and fighting') of the same mother. ~im och I'm hungry. ~ bo'shligi abdominal cavity. ~ osti bezi pancreas. ~ pardasi peritoneum. ~im to'q I'm full. ~im ochdi I feel hungry. ~i chiqqan with a distended belly, potbellied. ~ida bolasi bor pregnant. Och ~ga on an empty stomach.

Qorinbog' : saddle girth.

Qorinbog'ich : sash to gird one's waist; s. Qorinbog'.

Qorincha : dim. Of qorin; ventricle.

Qorindor : potbellied.

Qoriq : cupping glass or horn. ~ sol  to let blood.

Qoriqchi : blood letter.

Qorish  v.t., : v.i. Coop. Of qor ; to be mixed together, to be confused or entangled; to be splattered; to be occupied with; to busy o.s. With, to poke one's nose into. [qorishtir , qorishtiril ]

Qorishiq : mixed, confused. ~ undosh half occlusive ??? Consonant.

Qorishma : mixture; mortar, mix.

Qorishtirg'ich : mixer.

Qorixona : school for memorization of the Quran; room in a mosque for reading the Quran.

Qorli : snowy.

Qorong'i zimiston : pitch dark, pitch black.

Qorong'i : dark, dim; obscure. Jahon ko'ziga ~ The world is dark before his eyes. ~ tush  to become dark. Bu menga ~  This is unclear to me.

Qorong'ila  : v.t. To darken. [qorong'ilat ]

Qorong'ilan  : v.i. To become dark.

Qorong'ilash  : v.i. To become increasingly dark; to become increasingly obscure. Jahon ~  to have the world become dark before one's eyes. [qorong'ilashtir ]

Qorong'ilat  : v.t. Caus. Of qorong'ila ; to obscure.

Qorong'ilik : darkness; dimness, obscurity.

Qorong'izor : place covered in darkness.qorotqi dial.toy scarecrow.

Qorovul : guard, sentry, watch; janitor; sight (on gun). ~ xizmati guard duty.qorovulbegi hist.captain of the guard.

Qorovulchilik : s. Qorovullik.

Qorovulla  : v.t. To guard.

Qorovullik : abstr. Of qorovul; guard duty.

Qorovulxona : guard house, sentry box.

Qortiq : s. Qoriq.

Qorxat : letter given on the first day of snow asking the receiver to give a banquet (though if the person delivering the letter is caught, he must give the banquet).

Qosh qovoq : brow, brows and eyelids. ~iga qara  to gauge s.o.'s mood.

Qosh : eyebrow(s); front side. ~i qora or qora ~ having becoming black eyebrows; s.o. With such eyebrows. ~ qo'yaman deb ko'z chiqar  to bungle, to shoot o.s. In the foot. ~ qoraydi It has gotten dark. Egarning ~  pommel of a saddle. ~ida next to, in front of.

Qoshiq : spoon. Yomondan yorti ~ said to one who eats all but a little of his food. Bir ~ suv bilan yutsa bo'ladigan fine, nice, delicate.

Qoshiqchi : spoon maker or seller.

Qoshiqchilik : abstr. Of qoshiqchi; spoon sellers' row of shops.

Qoshiqdon : vessel used for holding spoons.

Qoshiqla  : v.t. To eat with a spoon.

Qosid : obs. (Arabic) messenger; plotter.

Qosir lit. : (Arabic) faulty, insufficient. Aqli ~ dim witted.

Qot  v.i., : v.t. To harden, to become hard or stiff; to freeze (from cold or fright); to become jaded; to burst one's sides (from laughter); to add, to mix in; to become skinny. Suyagi ~gan whose bones have hardened; toughened, disciplined. Tili ~gan stammering, mumbling. Tun ~  (dial.) To stay awake all night. Harom ~  to die an unclean (unkosher) death. ~gan non hard, stale bread. Boshi ~di He was at a loss as to what to do. Beti ~gan jaded, inured. [qotir , qotiril , qotish ]

Qotgan qutgan : dried, hardened (pieces).

Qotil : (Arabic) murderer.

Qotil  : v.i. To mix with, to intermingle; to take part, to butt in.

Qotillik : abstr. Of qotil.

Qotir  : v.t. Caus. Of qot ; (coll.) To do a fine, amazing job of, to pull off well. [qotiril ]

Qotish  : v.i. Coop. Of gap ~  to talk together. [qotishtir ]

Qotishma : alloy.

Qotma : lean; skinny, bony. ~dan kelgan lean, having a firm physique.

Qotqoq : hard, dry or frozen ground.qotrang'i bot.Caucasian hackberry.

Qov : burned cotton (used in folk medicine). ~ qo'y  to make a mess of.qovg'a 1 dial.wooden pail.qovg'a 2 bot.cattail, rush.

Qovjira  : v.i. To dry up, to wither or crack (from heat); to pine away. ~gan ko'z eyes red and swollen from lack of sleep. [qovjirat ]

Qovjiroq : dried up, withered, cracked.

Qovochak : empty (picked) cotton boll.qovog'ari zool.a large orange species of hornet.qovoq 1 bot.squash, gourd, pumpkin. Dastmol ~ type of squash whose insides can be dried and used as a dishrag or bath glove. ~ pumpkin. Tomosha ~ type of gourd used for decoration. Buva ~ mask worn by clowns. ~ kalla/~ urug' pumpkinseed. Oyim ~ type of edible squash.

Qovoq 2 : eyelid. ~ sol  or ~ni osiltir  to frown, to glower, to pout. ~i soliq gloomy, upset, brooding. ~ini och  to cheer up. ~dan qor yog'  to glower, to be very upset.

Qovoq 3 : s. Qovoqxona.

Qovoq dimog' : mood, temper. ~iga qara  to look at or take into account s.o.'s mood. ~ qil  to act upset, to be gloomy.

Qovoq tumshuq : ~ini osiltir  to frown, to be upset.qovoqgullilar bot.Cucurbititaceae, the gourd family.qovoqxona arch.low class drinking house.

Qovoqxonachi : proprietor of a drinking house.qovun bot.melon. ~ kapa hut erected in or near a melon field (for keeping watch).

Qovunqoqi : dried melon slice.

Qovunxo'r : melon eater, melon lover.

Qovunxo'rlik : (sitting and) eating melons.

Qovuq 1 : bladder.

Qovuq 2 : amadou, punk.

Qovur  : v.t. To fry; to torture, to torment. [qovuril , qovurish , qovurtir ]

Qovurdoq : s. Qovurma.

Qovurg'a : rib. Etim ~ floating rib. ~si ko'rinib/~si bukilmagan/sinmagan brand new, not broken in.

Qovurma : fried; dish made of meat, potatoes, and onions fried and then allowed to steam in its own juice.

Qovush  : v.i. To hold together, to stick together; to get along, to see eye to eye; to conform, to harmonize; to feel at ease; to get involved in, to get into. Ular bosh boshiga ~maydi They don't see eye to eye. ~magan gap incongruous utterance. Qo'li ~ma  to be awkward at. [qovushtir , qovushtiril , qovushtirish ]

Qovushiq(li) : folded (hands).

Qovushma : conglomerate.

Qovushoq : viscous, tacky; pliant.

Qovushoqlik : viscosity.

Qovushqoq : s. Qovushoq.

Qovushtir  : v.t. Caus. Of boshini ~  to bring together; to marry. Qo'l(ini) ~  to fold one's hands (e.g., as gesture of respect); to do nothing, to twiddle one's thumbs.

Qovuz(g')oq : s. Qovuzloq.

Qovuz : husk (of grain); mattress stuffed with millet husks, placed in a crib.

Qovuzloq : child's mattress stuffed with millet husks.

Qovzan  dial. : v.i. To eat a small amount, to taste. [qovzantir ]qovzoq bot.pod; husk (of corn).

Qoya : cliff face, crag.Qoyali tog'lar geo.the Rocky Mountains.

Qoyatosh : crag.

Qoyil : (Arabic) amazing, astounding; Great! Wow! ~ qil /~ qol  to be astounded.

Qoyillat  coll. : v.i. To do a fine job, to carry out well.

Qoyilmaqom coll. : (Arabic) amazing, astounding. ~ qil  to astound, to stun.

Qoyim : (Arabic) s. Qoim.

Qozi hist. : (Arabic) judge (of Islamic law).

Qoziboz : arch. Litigious.

Qozibozlik : litigiousness.

Qozikalon : chief judge.

Qozilash  : v.i. To wrangle with a judge; to be litigious.

Qozilik : judgeship.

Qoziq : stake. ~ oyoq pile. ~ tish canine tooth. ~day firm as a stake. Qoqqanda ~, osganda xurmacha/qoqqani ~, osgani xurmacha qolmadi bare, completely empty. ~ lungi/ro'mol flowered decoration draped over a stake.qoziqquloq bot.Jerusalem sage.

Qozivachcha coll. : s. Qozizoda.

Qozixona : arch. Islamic court.

Qozizoda : son or descendent of a judge.

Qozon  : v.t. To achieve, to earn. [qozonil ]

Qozon tovoq : pots and pans, dishes; housework.

Qozon : cauldron, large cooking pot; boiler. ~ kabob meat cooked in its own juice. ~ os  to put a pot on the fire, to cook. ~ qaynat  to boil a pot, to cook. ~ni suvga tashla(b qo'y)  to eat only cold food. ~da bo'lsa, cho'michga chiqadi If it's there, you'll find it.

Qozoncha : dim. Of qozon; mess kit.

Qozonchi : cauldron maker; stoker.

Qozonxona : boiler room.

Qozoq : Qazaq/Kazakh.

Qozoqcha : Qazaq style or manner; Qazaq language.

Qozoqi : Qazaq style.Qrim geo.the Crimea.qu qu ono.cucking or cooing sound; (children's speech) bird or chicken.

Qubba : (Arabic) dome; knob; pyramid, stack; game of knocking down four walnuts stacked in a pyramid with another playing piece. Yong'oqni ~ qilib Ek  to plant walnuts in groups of four.

Qubba qubba : lots and lots, piles and piles.

Qubbacha : dim. Of qubba; knob.

Qubbali : domed; having knobs.

Qubur : (Arabic) graves; graveyard.

Quch  : v.t. To hug, to embrace; to bestow (victory, etc.). Er(ni) ~  to hug the ground; to bite the dust.

Quchoq : embrace, hug; area of one's outstretched arms, armful. ~ida in the bosom, embrace, or arms of. ~qa sig'maydigan larger than one can fit one's arms around. ~ och /bir ~ one armful; quite a lot.

Quchoqla  : v.t. To hug, to take into one's arms, to embrace. ~shib ko'rishadi just what was needed, just perfect for each other. [quchoqlat , quchoqlash , quchoqlashish ]

Quda anda : relatives from the son  or daughter in law?S family.

Quda andali : having many relatives through one?S son  or daughter in law.

Quda andalik : relationship by marriage.

Quda qudag'ay : mother and father of one?S son  or daughter in law.

Quda : son in law?S or daughter in law?S parents (in relation to each other). ~ buva father or older male relative of one?S ~ buvi mother or older female relative of one?S ~ xola elderly woman ~ qil  to become related by the marriage of one?S children.

Qudacha : young female quda.

Qudachilik : s. Qudalik.

Qudag'a(y) : mother of one?S son  or daughter in law.

Qudalash  : v.i. To become related by marriage of a daughter or son.

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