Zero of Animal Life probably about 300 fathoms

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sustaining populations of opportunistic, eurybathic

species that have settled there following the last

sapropelic event. 


The author is grateful to Prof. F. Sardà for the

invitation to contribute to the special issue. Special

thanks to C. Bogi, J. Corbera, J.P. Sorbe, and M.

Goren, for their longstanding cooperation in the

study of the Levantine bathybenthos.


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1. – List of species collected in the course of the IOLR deep Levantine campaigns 1988-1999 (*, New record for the eastern 

Mediterranean; **, New record for the Levantine Sea; ***, New record for the Israeli coast).




Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre, 1788)


Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810


Centrophorus granulosus (Schneider, 1801)


Etmopterus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758) *


Squalus acanthias Linnaeus, 1758

Squalus blainvillei (Risso, 1826)

Somniosus rostratus (Risso, 1826)


Chimaera monstrosa Linnaeus, 1758 **



Cyclothone pygmaea Jespersen and Tåning, 1926 ***


Argyropelecus hemigymnus Cocco, 1829


Vinciguerria poweriae (Cocco, 1838)


Chauliodes sloani Schneider, 1801 

Stomias boa (Risso, 1810)


Bathypterois mediterraneus Bauchot, 1962 ***


Diaphus holti Tåning, 1918 ***

Diaphus rafinesquei (Cocco, 1838)

Electrona rissoi (Cocco, 1829) ***

Hygophum hygomii (Lütken, 1892) ***

Lampanyctus crocodilus (Risso, 1810)


Paralepis speciosa Bellotti, 1878


Panturichthys fowleri (Ben Tuvia, 1953)


Nettastoma melanurum Rafinesque, 1810


Notacanthus bonapartei Risso, 1840 **

Polyacanthonotus rissoanus (Filippi and Vérany, 1859)*


Caelorinchus caelorinchus (Risso, 1810)

Caelorinchus mediterraneus (Iwamoto and Ungaro, 2002) as

Coelorhynchus labiatus (Koehler, 1896) *

Coryphaenoides guentheri (Vaillant, 1888)**

Nezumia sclerorhynchus (Valenciennes, 1838) **


Phycis blennoides (Brünnich, 1768)


Hoplostethus mediterraneus Cuvier, 1829


Cataetyx laticeps Koefoed, 1927 *


Ophidion barbatum Linnaeus, 1758




Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816)


Gennadas elegans (Smith, 1882)***


Sergia robusta (Smith, 1882)

Sergestes arachnipodus (Cocco, 1832)***

Sergestes sargassi Ortmann, 1893***


Pasiphaea multidentata Esmark, 1866***

Pasiphaea sivado (Risso, 1816) ***


Acanthephyra eximia Smith, 1884

Acanthephyra pelagica (Risso, 1816)

sm68s3063-13  7/2/05  20:09  Página 71




Nematocarcinus exilis Bate, 1888 ***


Plesionika acanthonotus (Smith, 1882)**

Plesionika narval (Fabricius, 1787) ***


Aegaeon lacazei (Gourret, 1887)**


Polycheles typhlops Heller, 1862


Munidopsis marionis (A. Milne Edwards, 1882) *


Levantocaris hornungae Galil and Clark, 1993


Bathynectes maravigna (Prestandrea, 1839) **


Geryon longipes A. Milne Edwards, 1882**

Chaceon mediterraneus Manning and Holthuis, 1989**


Dorynchus thomsoni Thomson, 1873***



Eusirus longipes Boeck, 1861 **

Rhachotropis caeca Ledoyer, 1977 **

Rhachotropis grimaldii (Chevreux, 1888) **

Rhachotropis rostrata Bonnier, 1896 **


Lepechinella manco Barnard, 1973 ** 


Leucothoe lilljeborgi Boeck, 1861


Idunella pirata Krapp-Schickel, 1975 ** 


Orochomene grimaldii Chevreux, 1890 *** 

Paracentromedon crenulatum (Chevreux, 1900) **

Tmetonyx similis (G. O. Sars, 1891) **

Tryphosella caecula (G. O. Sars, 1891) **

Tryphosites alleni Sexton, 1911 **


Bathymedon monoculodiformis Ledoyer, 1983**

Oediceroides pilosus Ledoyer, 1983 **

Oediceroides brevicornis Lilljeborg, **


Halice abyssi Boeck, 1871**


Harpinia dellavallei Chevreux, 1910 *** 


Stegophaloides christianiensis (Boeck, 1871) ** 


Bruzelia typica Boeck, 1871 ** 

Ileraustroe ilergetes (Barnard, 1964) ***

Pseudotiron bouvieri Chevreux, 1895 *** 

Syrrhoe affinis Chevreux, 1908 ** 



Bathycuma brevirostre (Norman, 1879)***

Cyclaspis longicaudata Sars, 1864***


Campylaspis glabra Sars, 1879***

Procampylaspis armata Bonnier, 1896***

Procampylaspis bonnieri Calman, 1906***

Procampylaspis mediterranea Ledoyer, 1988***

Styloptocuma gracillimum (Calamn, 1905)***


Diastyloides serratus (Sars, 1865) ***

Leptostylis cf. gamoi Reyss, 1972***

Makrokylindrus longipes (Sars, 1871) ***


Leucon ensis Bishop, 1981***


Platysympus typicus (Sars, 1870) ***


Skeneidae Clark, 1851

Akritogyra conspicua (Monterosato, 1880) *

Rissoidae Gray, 1847

Alvania electa (Monterosato, 1874) *

Benthonella tenella (Jeffreys, 1869)

Conidae Rafinesque, 1815

Microdrillia loprestiana (Calcara, 1841)

Benthomangelia macra (Watson, 1881) ** 

Pyramidellidae Gray, 1840

Chrysallida flexuosa (Monterosato, 1874)

Turbonilla micans (Monterosato, 1875) * 

Acteonidae D’Orbigny, 1842

Crenilabium exile (Jeffreys, 1870)

Cylichnidae Adams, H. and A., 1854

Roxania utriculus (Brocchi, 1814)

Yoldiidae Glibert and Van De Poel, 1965

Yoldia micrometrica (Seguenza, G., 1877)

Yoldiella philippiana (Nyst, 1845) ** 

Arcidae Lamarck, 1809

Bathyarca pectunculoides (Sacchi, 1834)

Bathyarca philippiana (Nyst, 1848)

Limidae Rafinesque, 1815

Limatula subauriculata (Montagu, 1808) 

Pectinidae Rafinesque, 1815

Cyclopecten cf. hoskynsi (Forbes, 1844) **

Thyasiridae Dall, 1900

Thyasira granulosa (Monterosato, 1874) ** 

Thyasira oblonga (Monterosato, 1878) *

Thyasira eumyaria (Sars, M., 1870) ** 

Semelidae Stoliczka, 1870

Abra longicallus (Scacchi, 1834)

Kelliellidae Fischer, P., 1887

Kelliella abyssicola (Forbes, 1844)

Lyonsiidae Fischer, P., 1887

Allogramma formosa (Jeffreys, 1882) ** 

Cuspidariidae Dall, 1886

Cuspidaria rostrata (Spengler, 1793)

Cardiomyia costellata (Deshayes, 1835)

Scaphopoda Bronn, 1862

Entalina tetragona (Brocchi, 1814)



Mesothuria intestinalis (Ascanius and Rathke, 1805)***



1 (Cont.). – List of species collected in the course of the IOLR deep Levantine campaigns 1988-1999 (*, New record for the 

eastern Mediterranean; **, New record for the Levantine Sea; ***, New record for the Israeli coast).

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