30 days: Change your habits, Change your life

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Affirmations do have
to be personal, positively stated, specific, emotionally charged
and in the present tense.
Here are some examples:
• Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
• Opportunities come into my life right now.
• Speaking in front of a large audience is easy for me.
• I am successful in my business.
• I am healthy and fit.
Use affirmations to attract the things you want in your life. The more
you practise, the better you get. The first time you say, “Money
comes to me easily and effortlessly”, your inner voice will still say,
“Yeah right! No way!” However after repeating it 200 times every day

for a week you should have silenced your inner critical voice. Make
your affirmations your permanent company. Repeat them as often as
you like and have a look at what happens in your life. Nevertheless,
there are some studies that claim that affirmations actually have
negative effects, when your inner critic just doesn’t get convinced. If
you can see no benefit at all, try other techniques like subliminal
tapes or ask yourself other questions such as, “Why am I so happy?
Why is everything working out?”
Noah St. John has written a whole book, “Book of
Afformations”, on the power of asking yourself the right
questions. Read it. It might be able to help you!

Write it down 25 times a day
It’s the repetition of affirmations that lead to belief.
And once that belief becomes a deep conviction,
things begin to happen.
The purpose of this exercise is to help you “hammer” your desires
into your subconscious mind until you actually believe it’s true.
Remember how your subconscious mind works. To create a new
belief in your belief system, you have to repeat it over and over
again. Even if this exercise gets boring, go on writing!
So how does it work?
1) Pick your statement.
2) Make it personal, start with “I am”.
3) Make the statement positive.
4) Use present tense. For example, “I am earning X thousand Euros
a year.”
5) Do this exercise first thing in the morning.
It’s good to get a small booklet for it. You can enhance your results
by doing the exercise twice a day: in the morning and just before
going to sleep.

Stop making excuses
The only thing standing between you and
your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling
yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.
What happens when you start stepping out of your comfort zone?
Due to fears and doubts, your mind comes up with the greatest
excuses: It’s not the right moment, I’m too young , I’m too old, It’s
impossible, I can’t, and my favorite one, I have no money. Guess
what people with money say: I have no time. “Yes, but my case is
different,” you might say. No, it’s not! Believe me. The right moment
never comes, so you might as well start here and now or wait
forever. A crisis is always an opportunity. You’re neither too young,
nor too old. Do a search on the Internet. It’s full of stories of people
who fulfill their dreams at an older age or start an enterprise at a
young age. No money? Or just spending it in the wrong places by
buying a new TV or video game console instead of investing it in
your training? The funny thing is people who work with a serious
financial advisor or financial coach suddenly find money. In the same
way as all of my clients who thought they didn’t have time found
time. “Yes, but my case is different!” Well, you can keep telling that to
yourself for some more time or you get rid of the excuses once and
for all and start taking action, because one thing is for sure: If you
keep doing what you are doing you will keep getting what you are
getting! So what is it going to be?

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