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According to the passage, what was true of 
Frenhofer’s painting?
A) It was made with only white colour.
B) It was made of low-quality materials.
C) It was full of strange colours and shapes.
D) There weren’t any symbols in it.
_________________________________ ________
76. According to the passage, where did the 
other artists go to see his painting?
A) To his house
B) To a magazine
C) To his class
D) To a school
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Botir’s dog was bad. It frequently bit people. It was not an appropriate way for a dog. His 
friends always expected the dog to bite them. The news about Botir’s dog spread through the 
village. None of the people wanted to go to Botir’s house. Botir concerned about it. Botir tried 
to train the dog, but it never worked. He tried to be patient and teach the dog to be calm. That 
also didn’t work.
Botir didn’t want to punish the dog. One day Botir’s friend came to talk to him about 
the issue. During their meeting, his friend said, “ The people in the village asked me to 
represent them. We want your dog to stop this habit. W hy don’t you put a bell around the 
dog’s neck? This way, we would hear your dog coming down the street.” Botir thought that 
it was a great idea. Now, people could stay away from the dog. It wouldn’t be able to bite 
anyone anymore. The dog liked the bell, too. People thought the dog was coming when they 
heard its bell.
77. According to the passage, what is this story 
mainly about?
A) a man who punished his dog
B) a village that liked the dog
C) a dog which had a bad habit
D) a dog walking through the garden
78. According to the passage, what is true 
about the dog?
A) The dog shook its head too much.
B) The dog often bit people in the 
C) The dog expected people to be 
D) The dog liked all of Botir’s friends.
79. Why did the issue with the dog bother 
A) People wanted Botir to represent them.
B) People didn’t think of Botir in a positive 
C) People avoided going to Botir’s house.
D) People didn’t want Botir to train his 
80. What did Botir do to stop his dog’s bad 
A) He was patient and showed no concern.
B) He punished the dog for biting everyone.
C) He instructed the dog in learning tricks.
D) He put a bell around the dog’s neck.
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
We all need to eat to be fit and healthy. Young children cannot grow tall and strong unless 
they eat a well-balanced diet. This means a selection of foods that provide proteins, fats, vitamins 
and mineral elements. Some food can be eaten raw but other food is heated. Salad leaves, 
cucumbers, tomatoes, vegetables such as carrots, and fruit do not need cooking. However, the 
apple is an example of fruit that can be eaten raw. Before people had electricity and gas, they 
cooked food on wood and coal fires. A fairly recent addition to cooking is a microwave. This 
speeds up the cooking time. On a summer warm day barbecue cooking is very popular outside in

Ingliz tili
the garden. Before supermarkets sold ready cooked meals that just require re-heating, it was the 
tradition that men left the women at home to prepare and cook food. Some people love planning 
meal, collecting the ingredients and then preparing the food. However, other people prefer to open 
a tin of food and prepare the contents.
81. According to the passage, why do we need 
to eat a well-balanced diet?
A) To help us live over a hundred years old.
B) To keep us healthy and help children 
C) To help us balance on various surfaces.
D) To speed up the cooking time of some 
82. According to the passage, which food
mentioned in the passage can be eaten raw?
A) Fish 
B) Meat
C) An apple 
D) A potato
83. According to the passage, where do people
often cook using a barbecue in summer?
A) Inside the house
B) In the garden
C) In the kitchen
D) In the supermarket
8 4 . According to the passage, what is the main 
reason for using a microwave?
A) Melting ice cream in the fridge
B) Making food much more delicious
C) Making short cooking time
D) Teaching young children how to cook
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Many people like to keep pets. This often depends on if they live in a big or small house. If 
a person lives in a small house or in a flat, they cannot keep a lot of pets as there is not enough 
room. A small pet is often good for a person who lives in a small house. They could keep a bird 
or two as they are very interesting and good pets. As they have coloured feathers and make nice 
chirping sounds. If a bird is too noisy then they could keep some pleasant animals like mice. Fish 
are also a type of pet for people without much space or time. Cats often like to have someone who 
moves their hands gently over them. This makes them happy and they start to purr. If someone 
has a dog they need to take it out for walks so that it can do exercises. It is good to take a dog 
out twice a day. Dogs need exercise so they cannot be kept in the house all the time.
8 5 . According to the passage, why can’t 
people in a small house have a lot of 
A) They don’t like too many pets.
B) They do not have enough time.
C) They can’t grow enough food for them.
D) They do not have enough space.
. According to the passage, why are birds 
considered good pets?
A) They do take much time.
B) They can make nice sounds.
C) They can be trained to do exercises.
D) They do not make any sound.
87. According to the passage, which o f the 
following is a nice animal?
A) A scorpion 
B) A raccoon 
C) A mouse 
D) A snake
. According to the passage, when do cats 
start to purr?
A) W hen cats want people to go out with 
B) W hen cats need exercise outside in the 
C) W hen people move their hands gently 
over them.
D) W hen cats get bored with the same 
thing all the time.

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