Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal


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Materials included in the system log of the Russian Science Citation Index.
1. General Provisions
For publication only accepted previously unpublished copyrighted material - scientific (practical) articles, reviews 
(reviews), review relevant articles of the journal
The paper is 25 000-30 000 characters; The minimum / maximum amount of articles in A4 sheets do not matter, the 
author should focus only on the number of characters in the article.
It accepts up to 4 co-sponsors.
When you submit articles in scientific publications Sector Department of Scientific and Technical Information of Rus-
sian State Social University (hereinafter - sector) must specify the phone number for communication.
Articles published in English
2.  Information about the author
Information about the author should be presented both in English and in Russian:
Full Name;
–  Academic degree, academic rank;
–  Office or profession;
–  Place of work, study: the name of the village, institutions or organizations, including the division (department, 
–  Contact information (E-mail and other contact information for publication in the journal);
–  The name of the country (for foreign authors). Author’s name is in the nominative case.
The collective work of the authors’ names are listed in the sequence they adopted.
For Example:
V.A. Osipov
candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, head of  the Department of social work and economics of the 
branch of the Russian State Social University in Obninsk, Kaluga region.
Note. On the subsequent publication of materials in other publications the author is obliged to make a reference to 
the primary publication in scientific journals RSSU (journal title, year, number).
All articles sent by the authors to publish in journals reviewed in accordance with the Regulations on the reviews.
3.  Abstract and keywords
There must be an indication that it is 
abstract (Annotation), or Tags (Key words).
Abstract and key words should be submitted in both Russian and English languages.
Abstract in a periodical is a source of information about the content of the article and set out in her research results.
The abstract should contain 50 to 250 words.
The abstract is not allowed citation. Abbreviations should be explained.
Abstract performs the following functions: allows you to set the basic content of the document, determine its 
relevance and to decide whether to refer to the full text of the document; It used in information, including automated, 
system for retrieval of documents and information.
Abstracts should be:
–  Informative (not contain common words);
– The original;
–  Content (to reflect the main content of the articles and studies);
–  strukturirovannoy (follow the logic description of the results in the article).
Abstract includes the following aspects of the content of the article:
–  The subject, the purpose of the work;
–  A method or methodology of work;
–  The results of the work;
–  The scope of the results;
– Novelty;
– Conclusions.
The information contained in the title should not be repeated in the text annotations. Avoid unnecessary opening 
phrases (such as “the author of the article considers ...”, “The article deals with ...”).
History, if they do not constitute the main content of a document, a description of previously published works and 
well-known position in the summary are not given.

VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
The text of the annotations should be used syntax inherent language of scientific and technical documents, avoid 
complex grammatical constructions.
Keywords are selected from the text material (except editorials, reports, theses, scientific reports, letters to the 
editor) and placed in a separate line after the abstract. The key words are in the nominative case. It must be presented 
from 3 to 10 key words or phrases.
Keywords should not contain formulas and figures.
4.  Basic requirements for the content of copyright material (scientific article, review, review of monographs, 
textbooks, review of the scientific article)
4.1.  The scientific (practical) Article. The text goes right after keywords. The text is recommended to split into 
parts or stick to the logical structure of this when writing:
– Introduction;
– Methodology;
– Results;
– Discussion;
– Conclusion;
– Thanks.
The volume of each part (introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion) must be at least 150 words. If 
part of the more than 600 words, preferably broken into points (eg, Part 1, section 1.1 and 1.2, and specify a title for 
each item).
Introduction. Responsible of the manuscript, which contains all the necessary qualifications of the article. In the 
introduction, the author introduces the subject, objectives and the stages of the study. The introduction allows the 
reader to understand the authors’ hypothesis and means of verification.
In the scientific paper should set out the author’s private study. But it is important at the outset to show that the 
authors are aware of the studies that are made by scientists before them, and how the newly obtained results fit into 
existing knowledge. Therefore, in the Introduction should reflect the results of previous studies scientists, they man-
aged that requires further study, what are the alternatives.
Methods. Please describe research methods, procedures, equipment, measuring parameters, etc. to be able to evalu-
ate and / or to reproduce the study. Note that in the English language journals, these data are allocated to the section 
“Materials and Methods» («Materials and Methods»). Here the authors present the assumptions and deviations, as well 
as the procedures used to reduce them.
The results describe very accurately and informatively. The basic theoretical and experimental results, the evidence 
found and the relationship patterns. This preference is a new long-term results and data values, important discoveries, 
findings that refute existing theories and data that, according to the author, are of practical importance.
Discussion. In this article the authors describe the significance of their work, primarily from a subjective point of 
view. They can interpret the results based on the combination of his experience, knowledge base and scientific poten-
tial, resulting in a number of possible explanations.
In this section, the scientific article should also display not only the selected tool and the results obtained, but also 
the process of investigation or the sequence of arguments, the result will be the theoretical conclusions. The scientific-
practical paper should describe the steps and stages of experiments or tests, the interim results and justification of the 
total output in the form of physical or statistical explanation.
It is also necessary to present data on experiments with negative results. Here, as elsewhere, it is appropriate to 
declare that “the result is also negative results.” Effort exclude conduct similar tests in the future and reduce the path 
for the following scientists. It should describe all the types and number of negative results, the conditions for their 
preparation and methods of their elimination.
Ongoing studies are available in visual form, and not only experimental but also theoretical. This may be tables, 
charts, graphics models, graphs, charts, etc. The formulas, equations, figures, photos and tables should have captions or 
titles. When their design is recommended to follow the provisions of GOST R 7.0.5-2008 that recommended by analogy 
in the part devoted to the issues regulated.
The conclusion may contain recommendations, evaluations, proposals on the subject of the article. Authors may 
give an interpretation of the results obtained in accordance with the intended objectives of the study.
Thanks. This section is needed if you want to specify that the article was prepared under a grant, thank the col-
leagues who are not the authors, but with their assistance surveyed, etc.
4.2.   Review (Review). The review should be analyzed, compared and identified the most important and promising 
areas of science (the practice), some of its activities, events, events, and so on. The material should have a problematic 
character, display different views on the development of scientific (practical) knowledge, contain conclusions, gener-
alization, summary data.
4.3.   Review of the monograph, a textbook - analysis, critique, evaluation of scientific work (except dissertation 
research) in the genre of newspaper and magazine journalism. Title Reviews allowed to replace the bibliographic prod-
uct under review. Bibliographical description is made according to GOST 7.1-2003.
4.4 Review of the scientific article - to review scientific work before publishing it. The review, which is sent to 
the data RSSU scientific publications by mail, e-mail (in scanned form), by fax or in person, must disclose the relevance, 
importance and scientific-theoretical methodological and practical value of the article, include an evaluation, job 
characteristics, findings and the following mandatory sections .
–  Subject or title of the book under review.
– The author.
–  The relevance of the topic chosen.
–  The degree of development of the topic.
– Scientific novelty.
–  Completeness of the disclosure issues.
–  The results of the theoretical and practical testing.
–  Have clear conclusions.
–  The use of theoretical and methodological basis of research and information.

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