Imagining the End: Visions of

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Abbas Amanat, Magnus T. Bernhardsson - Imagining the End Visions of Apocalypse from the Ancient Middle East to Modern America-I. B. Tauris (2002)

Western Reports on the Taiping: A Selection of Documents



). Stanford

University Press reissued one of  the best of  the books of  this period, Thomas Meadows, 


Chinese and Their Rebellions

, in 




. On the Chinese literature, see Weller, ‘Historians and Consciousness’; and Teng Ssu-yu,

Historiography of the Taiping Rebellion

 (Cambridge, MA, 




. The indigenous inhabitants of  Taiwan are not Chinese, but rather a people of  Micro-

nesian origin. The majority of  the Chinese population on Taiwan migrated from mainland

Fujian and Guangdong in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and quickly came to out-

number the indigenous groups. The native tongues of  these Chinese migrants include a number

of  Fujianese, Cantonese and Hakka dialects. By ‘Taiwanese’ I refer to this group. Mainlanders,

who followed Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan in the late 


s, speak Mandarin, in addition to the

local dialects of  their native places. Relations between mainlanders and Taiwanese have been



. See the English-language version of  one of  Jen’s important works

The Taiping Revolu-

tionary Movement

 (New Haven, CT, 


), and the review of  one of  his major Chinese works


Taiping tianguo dianzhi tongkao

) by Hsiao Kong-ch'uan, in 

Journal of Asian Studies



, no. 








. This list could be expanded, but the subsequent review might well become exceedingly



. Michael, 

The Taiping Rebellion

, p. 



. The 

locus classicus

 for the thesis that Hong was mentally ill is P. M. Yap, ‘The Mental

Illness of  Hung Hsiu-ch’uan, Leader of  the Taiping Rebellion’, 

Far Eastern Quarterly










. Michael, 

The Taiping Rebellion,





. Ibid., p. 




. Ibid., p. 




. Ibid., pp. 




. Ibid., pp. 




. Kuhn, ‘The Taiping Rebellion’, p. 




. On Fairbank, Kuhn, and the nature of  American historiography of  China, see Paul A.


Discovering History in China: American Historical Writing on the Recent Chinese Past

(New York, 




. This argument is found both in Kuhn, ‘The Taiping Rebellion’, pp. 


ff., and Kuhn,

Notes to Chapter 13


‘Origins of  the Taiping Vision: Cross-cultural Dimensions of  a Chinese Rebellion’, 

Journal of

the American Oriental Society 


, no. 

 (New Haven, CT, 


). The quote is from ‘The Taiping

Rebellion’, p. 




. Kuhn, ‘Origins of  the Taiping Vision’, p. 




. Robert Weller had already written 

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