International scientific review

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International scientific review-3-90-ISBN

Inclusion of the Soviet Union in the Internet space 
Emergence of the blogosphere: First network diaries on standalone text platforms in Runet
Introduction of the first version of the ICQ messenger 
Runet surpasses 1 million users; first appearance of socio-political online media, internet 
editorial offices 
Creation of blogging platforms LiveJournal and Blogger; Russian users on LiveJournal; major 
federal publications provide online access, transforming their sites into full-fledged online media 
Emergence of news aggregator portals (Rambler, Yandex), information agencies also begin 
transforming their sites into online media 
Introduction of Russian blogging platform; beginnings of monetization; blogs on free 
website builders (, uCoz); development of blog search engines; launch of professional 
networking site LinkedIn 
Launch of WordPress, TypePad, and Myspace; creation of Russian internet portal LiveInternet 
First “Runet Prize”; blogging boom; creation of Facebook 
Emergence of Russian social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki; video hosting platform 
RuTube; emergence of IT blog Habr; launch of microblogging service Twitter; appearance of 
first Russian social internet media (, Look At Me) 
Launch of Russian segment of YouTube; rise of Tumblr platform; launch of Yandex’s Russian 
blog platform —;’s My World project; civic media significantly impact mass 
media; they not only draw news leads and facts from them but also actively engage with user-
generated content (UGCs); RIA Novosti’s “You Are the Reporter” project appears, a multimedia 
news aggregator specializing in user-submitted photos, videos, and text messages 
Emergence of collective entertainment blog Pikabu; Forbes magazine’s internet project; business 
publication; launch of WhatsApp messenger 
Arrival of Instagram; monetization launch of Russian YouTube segment; popularization of 
affiliate networks, collaborations; formation of first blogger associations My Duck’s Vision, 
CarambaTV, and “Thank You, Eva” 
Launch of Russian segment of Twitter; popularization of microblogs; emergence of first social 
networks; launch of Snapchat 
Introduction of Vine genre for short sketches; growing interest in visual content: videos and 
photos; development of social networks as platforms for blogs and content 
Adoption of law equating content creators with daily audiences exceeding 3,000 people to media 
(repealed in 2017); emergence of platform, later becoming TikTok 
First VK Fest blogger festival
; popularity of Periscope; launch of channel format in Telegram 
messenger; emergence of Yandex.Dzen platform; social networks become digital ecosystems 
with diverse services 
Rise in popularity of social media; influencers’ growing impact on audience opinion; blog 
commercialization; professionalization of blogging; development of personalized content 
algorithms; bloggers become professional content creators, and their platforms become 
significant information sources for audiences; many bloggers start collaborating with brands and 
advertisers to monetize their content; introduction of Stories format on Instagram 
Challenges with state regulation and limitations in social media; continued rise in popularity and 
influence of bloggers; increased partnerships between bloggers and brands 
Introduction of “Podcasts” section in Yandex.Music; development of new media formats such as 
storytelling and vertical videos 
Brands focus on engaging content and UGC, gamification, trend of content personalization, 
Russian Internet sites 
Organizer: Russian social networks VKontakte 

Heightened online activity during the COVID-19 pandemic; blogs and social media termed “new 
media,” video content becomes a key media consumption trend; integration of e-commerce; 
launch of educational competition “TopBLOG”; emergence of Clubhouse app for voice 
communication; growth in popularity of expert content; appearance of virtual influencers; 
bloggers and media experiment with new content formats including AR filters, podcasts, 
Viral popularity of TikTok; spread of short vertical video format to other social networks (VK 
Clips, Instagram Reels); emergence of new business social network TenChat; Russian alternative 
to TikTok – Yappy; trend of microblogging, infobusiness, metaverse, 15-second video content, 
Redistribution of social media audience, strengthening of blogger activity regulation; blogging 
trends focus on authenticity, honesty, naturalness, favoring these over templates and retouching; 
development of digital ecosystems 
Public legal precedents involving dishonest infopreneurs; development of video formats in social 
In the modern digital era, there is a noticeable change in the size and composition of social 
media audiences due to redistribution. The emergence of new media platforms encourages users to 
migrate to more relevant and interesting platforms. For instance, younger audiences may switch 
from one platform to another to stay in trend. The introduction of new interactive tools and more 
convenient ways of communication, content creation, and sharing can also drive audience 
migration in search of an improved user experience. Fashion trends also influence the audience, 
leading them to temporarily move to platforms that align with current trends. A case in point is the 
popularity of the closed-voice social network Clubhouse in 2020, which fulfilled the need for live 
communication during lockdowns. 
Security concerns, such as data leaks and privacy breaches, might lead to reconsideration of 
platform choices in favor of more secure options. Excessive embedded advertising can also 
discourage users. Despite the widespread popularity of social networks and messengers, Russian 
users approach new services with caution: half of the respondents would register only if absolutely 
necessary, such as through professional or personal recommendations. 
In 2022, among the Russian-speaking media segment, some foreign platforms took a backseat 
due to restrictions and blockades, while Russian online portals gained new users. TikTok 
administration announced the suspension of new content uploading for Russian users. The loss of 
effective advertising channels compelled businesses to redirect and adapt to the new situation. 
According to A. V. Chechulin, the recognition of certain popular social networks as extremist 
within the Russian Federation led to a significant transformation of the internet environment. 
According to Kommersant and Mediascope data, many users continue to use VPN
to access 
familiar social networks and reluctantly follow bloggers on other platforms. Moreover, users’ time 
spent on social networks has decreased overall. Despite this, banned social networks have 
noticeably lost their audience over the past year, while VKontakte and Telegram have increased 
their user coverage. 
VKontakte positions itself as a universal social network, and Telegram continues to grow, 
especially as a news source and media platform that integrates various services. The Zen platform
offers a convenient space for specialized narrow-profile text blogs and potentially video formats, 
while YouTube remains the primary video content hosting platform, despite rumors of possible 
imminent blocking. Twitch attracts gamers and streamers. The activity of Instagram bloggers has 
slightly decreased, but they still actively utilize the platform. Facebook, regaining some users, 
continues to attract a business audience. 
New media platforms, like Yappi, are focusing on original video content and recommendations. 
Many of these platforms are launching special programs to attract creators and develop new 
features that would appeal to more creative content makers. Additionally, the platform TenChat is 
Virtual private networks 
Owner – Yandex

worth noting, as it demonstrates growth potential and occupies a unique position as a business-
oriented social network, opening new opportunities for content creators and advertisers. 
According to recent data, there is a significant growth in mature and serious audiences on 
various digital platforms, including the 55+ age segment. On the other hand, young users are part of 
the “clip culture,” preferring to consume content primarily through mobile devices in any 
circumstances. In this context, an interesting dynamic emerges: the older generation maintains a 
preference for traditional sources of information, such as television, newspapers, and radio, while 
the youth is skeptical of traditional media, believing that they are propagandistic. However, young 
people often critically evaluate information obtained from the internet, forgetting that it is also 
subject to influence, and the technologies for influencing the audience in the online environment 
are constantly evolving. 
In the view of M. V. Ilyicheva, the role of new media in influencing society is an important 
aspect, as increasing trust of citizens is placed in these sources of information, making them 
representatives of the interests of various population groups. Additionally, L. G. Egorova points out 
that modern media users are inclined towards interactivity, seek active participation in media 
processes, and desire to influence the formation of content. 
Authors in social media show noticeable dynamics over the past years. There is a constant 
increase in the number of active content creators on various platforms, driven by the expansion of 
digital infrastructure and ecosystems, as well as the growing interest in blogging and streaming. 
According to the Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report 2023, approximately 70% of influencers 
note an increase in content production volume, indicating growing activity in this field [7]. 
According to a survey by VCIOM published in August 2023, users spend the most time on 
VKontakte among online platforms [13]. As per Mediascope analysis, users are spending more 
time on e-commerce resources and marketplaces [11]. According to the annual report by Brand 
Analytics, the number of active authors in social media in Russia reached 63 million in March 2023 
[12]. In the context of subscriptions by Russian users on social networks, news communities are the 
most popular (77%). Educational (41%), humorous (35%), entertainment (33%), and scientific 
(30%) communities follow in the ranking, with a considerable gap between them. 
It is necessary to highlight the significant role of the state in content regulation on social 
platforms. The current socio-political situation globally contributes to the expansion of 
authorities of governmental bodies, primarily Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of 
Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications, concerning media market 
participants violating legislation. In Russia, social networks have faced increased sanctions for 
non-compliance with requirements to remove “prohibited” content. In July 2023, the president 
signed a law significantly increasing fines for social platforms that refuse to delete content 
violating legislation [9]. 
Thus, in our view, the following key characteristics of the Russian-speaking blogosphere and 
media landscape in 2023 can be highlighted: 
- Cross-platform presence, in the context of the blogosphere, meaning that influencers actively 
maintain multiple social networks simultaneously to maximize the potential of each platform. 
- The ongoing evolution of the blogosphere: the rapid emergence of new social media platforms 
creates alternative spaces for interaction and content exchange, emphasizing content and formats 
specific to each social network. 
- The increasing impact of new media on users’ daily lives, focusing on individual preferences, 
interests, and needs, leading to the creation of more personalized content. 
- Development of digital ecosystems: social media platforms are becoming media hubs, 
combining various online services (messengers, payment systems, e-commerce) and content, 
enriching user experiences, increasing time spent on the platform, and attracting a larger audience. 
- The growing importance of ethical considerations in content creation and dissemination: the 
rising influence of social networks raises questions about ethics, data security, and psychological 
effects on users, sparking discussions and initiatives; cancel culture becomes more common, and 
bloggers face the need for more careful consideration of their posts. 

- The application of artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and chatbots is 
increasingly used for content creation and audience interaction. 
- The increasing role of the state in regulating content within the media landscape due to global 
events and the growing influence of bloggers and influencers. 
- A rapid increase in the number of influencers and content production volumes; social 
platforms actively support content creators by providing tools for content creation and mechanisms 
for monetizing their posts (paid subscriptions, donations), incentivizing influencers to use specific 
- The rise in the number of content creators leads to intensified competition for audience 
attention, stimulating diverse interactive and creative formats and attracting increased interest from 
- A trend towards professionalization and legalization: bloggers pay more attention to content 
quality, analyze topics that interest their audience, develop content strategies to maintain subscriber 
interest, seek monetization opportunities, use their influence to raise societal issues, support 
charitable initiatives, and more; on the other hand, legalizing influencers as individual 
entrepreneurs (sole proprietors) or self-employed individuals is an important step towards 
establishing a legal status for content creators in the online sphere, garnering public recognition and 
support for this profession, allowing them to fulfill tax obligations to the government, providing 
legal protection for their commercial and financial interests in resolving conflicts with advertisers, 
integrating them into the economic process, and enabling them to influence the development of the 
media industry. 
- A shift in the positioning of bloggers: a movement away from aggressive and provocative 
content towards more relaxed content, as network users seek to avoid such materials, resulting in an 
interest in everyday topics, household matters, fashion, DIY, reading, the gaming sphere, especially 
on platforms like Twitch, where new stars emerge and become incredibly popular in recent years. 
These changes in user behavior and blogger positioning reflect current trends in the media 
landscape, tied to the evolution of audience interests, content adaptation to current realities, and the 
formation of new emphases in media content perception and creation. It can be concluded that the 
blogging market periodically shifts trends, revising content according to current needs. It is quite 
likely that in the coming years, we will witness the peak development of the media sphere, with a 
focus on regional bloggers. Additionally, it is anticipated that in a few years, new media platforms 
will stand on equal footing with traditional media. Major media conglomerates are investing in 
blogger development, which is a natural continuation of the current trend. It can be presumed that 
in the foreseeable future in Russia, the institutionalization of the blogger profession can be 
Studying the impact of audience migration on the development of the blogosphere leads to the 
following conclusions: changes in the composition and size of social platform audiences are a 
pertinent phenomenon dynamically altering the configuration of blogger influence and demand. 
Shifts in user preferences could stem from various factors, such as technological changes, socio-
cultural trends, geopolitical events, as well as changes in media legislation. Audience migration 
directly influences blogger content, stimulating them to adapt content to the interests and needs of 
new platforms, underscoring the importance of flexibility and adaptation in the blogosphere. 
Regarding the dynamics of Russian blogosphere and media landscape development, it can be 
concluded that evolution has traversed numerous stages, from initial personal blogs to the 
established panorama of multiple platforms and formats. The growing popularity of social 
platforms shapes new interaction algorithms between bloggers, users, and advertisers. In 
conclusion, it is important to note that the main trends in the development of the contemporary 
blogosphere and media landscape include: the increasing influence of new media and influencers, 
cross-platform presence, the development of new media platforms and digital ecosystems, a 
heightened attention to ethical aspects of media interaction, changing opinion leader positioning, 
integration of innovative technologies, the growth of influencers, intensified government regulation 
of the media sphere, and the legalization and institutionalization of the blogger profession. 

Thus, it can be said that audience migration in social media can significantly alter audience 
preferences, interests, and needs, demanding adaptation of content and communication strategies 
from bloggers and brands. The emergence of new social media platforms and changes in algorithms 
on existing platforms create new opportunities for marketers and PR specialists. In our view, they 
should stay updated on the latest trends to effectively leverage these platforms for promotion. 
Further research in the field of the blogosphere and media landscape represents a crucial 
resource for a deeper understanding and analysis of the evolution of digital media, their impact on 
society, and interactions among participants in the information ecosystem. Research can delve into 
more detailed examination of which types of content and bloggers exert the most influence on 
public opinion, political beliefs, socio-cultural preferences, and behavioral tendencies. It can 
analyze how new media platforms will develop, how they will compete with traditional media, and 
how audience preferences will change. Additionally, studying how interactions with social media 
affect users’ psychological well-being and exploring practices that contribute to a healthier content 
perception could be valuable avenues of research. 

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