Jncc coastal Directories Project Region 11 The Western Approaches

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communities were surveyed during the South-west Britain
sublittoral survey (Hiscock 1981), which included much of
the coast within this region.  A further NCC-commissioned
survey undertaken during the 1980s of Harbours, rias and
estuaries in southern Britain, covered the following estuaries:
Hayle (Gill 1989); Camel (Gill & Mercer 1989); Taw-Torridge
(Little 1989); and Taf, Twyi and Gwendraeth (Mercer 1989) -
all referenced in Davies (in prep a, b).  Part of the near-shore
sea bed off the Lizard peninsula was surveyed by the
BioMar team on behalf of English Nature during 1994, using
analysis of echo soundings and drop-down video.  Lundy
has been most comprehensively described in Hiscock (in
press.).  A considerable amount of information on the inner
Bristol Channel/Severn Estuary is available from studies
undertaken by the Severn Tidal Power Group (e.g. Severn
Tidal Power Group 1989).  
4.2.5  Acknowledgements
The author acknowledges the help of JNCC’s Marine Nature
Conservation Review team (particularly Dr Tim Hill) in
compiling and presenting the information given here.
4.2.6  Further sources of information
A.  References cited
Connor, D.W., & Hiscock, K.  1996.  Data collection methods. In:
Marine Nature Conservation Review: rationale and methods, ed. by
K. Hiscock, 51-65 & Appendices 5-10.  Peterborough, JNCC.
(Coasts and seas of the United Kingdom.  MNCR Series.)
Cunningham, P.N., Hawkins, S.J., Jones, H.D., & Burrows, M.T.
1984.  The geographical distribution of Sabellaria alveolata (L.) in
England, Wales and Scotland, with investigations into the
community structure of, and the effects of trampling on,
Sabellaria alveolata colonies.  Nature Conservancy Council, CSD
Report, No. 535.  
Davies, J.  In prep. a.  Bristol Channel and Approaches (MNCR
Sector 9).  In: Benthic marine ecosystems: a review of current
knowledge for Great Britain and the north-east Atlantic, ed. by
K. Hiscock, Chapter 10.  Peterborough, Joint Nature
Conservation Committee.  (Coasts and seas of the United
Kingdom.  MNCR Series.)
Davies, J.  In prep. b.  Western Channel (Durlston Head to Cape
Cornwall, including the Isles of Scilly) (MNCR Sector 8).  In:
Benthic marine ecosystems: a review of current knowledge for Great
Britain and the north-east Atlantic, ed. by K. Hiscock, Chapter 9.
Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee.  (Coasts
and seas of the United Kingdom.  MNCR Series.)
English Nature.  1994a.  Important areas for marine wildlife around
England.  Peterborough, English Nature.
Region 11  Chapter 4  Marine and estuarine environments
Region 10
Region 12
Map 4.2.2  
Littoral surveys recorded on the MNCR database.
Source: JNCC.
Region 10
Region 12
limit of data
Map 4.2.3  
Near-shore sublittoral surveys recorded on the MNCR
database.  Source: JNCC.
English Nature.  1994b.  Managing Lundy’s wildlife: a management
plan for the Marine Nature Reserve and Site of Special Scientific
Interest.  Okehampton, English Nature.
Fowler, S.L., & Pilley, G.M.  1992.  Report on the Lundy and Isles of
Scilly marine monitoring programmes, 1984-1991.  Peterborough,
English Nature.  (English Nature Research Reports, No. 10.)
(Contractor: Nature Conservation Bureau Ltd., Newbury.)
Hiscock, K.  In press.  Marine biological research at Lundy.  In: Island
studies - 50 years of the Lundy Field Society, ed. by R.A. Irving,
A.J. Schofield & C.J. Webster.  Appledore, Westwell
Hiscock, K.  1981.  South-west Britain sublittoral survey. Final
report.  Nature Conservancy Council, CSD Report, No. 327.  
Hiscock, K.  1983.  Lundy Marine Nature Reserve management plan
draft.  Huntingdon, Nature Conservancy Council.  
Hiscock, K.  1984.  Sublittoral survey of the Isles of Scilly.  July 2nd
to 16th, 1983.  Nature Conservancy Council, CSD Report, No. 529. 
Holme, N.A.  1966.  The bottom fauna of the English Channel.  II.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom,
46: 401-493.
Jones, N.S.  1950.  Marine bottom communities.  Biological Reviews,
25: 283-313.
Powell, H.T., Holme, N.A., Knight, S.J.T., & Harvey, R.  1978.
Survey of the littoral zone of the coast of Great Britain: report of
the shores of Devon and Cornwall.  Nature Conservancy Council,
CSD Report, No. 209.  
Raines, P., Nunny R., & Cleator, B.  1993.  Coral Cay Conservation
Sub-Aqua Club Isles of Scilly Expedition 1992.  Edinburgh, Cleator
Associates (unpublished report).
Table 4.2.4  
Number of sites with marine benthic habitat and
species information held on the MNCR database
Source: MNCR Database 1994.  Note: these records are not
comprehensive: additional records may exist in sources that were
not consulted.

Rostron, D.  1987.  Survey of harbours, rias and estuaries in
southern Britain: the Helford River.  Nature Conservancy Council,
CSD Report, No. 850.  
Severn Tidal Power Group.  1989.  Severn Barrage Project: detailed
report, Vol. IV: Ecological studies, landscape and nature conservation.
London, HMSO for Severn Tidal Power Group/Department of
Thorson, G.  1957.  Bottom communities (sublittoral or shallow
shelf).  Memoirs of the Geological Society of America, 67: 461-534.
Tompsett, P.E.  1994.  Helford River survey: monitoring report No. 4 for
1993.  Helford Voluntary Marine Conservation Area Advisory
Group (unpublished report).
Warwick, R.M., & Davies, J.R.  1977.  The distribution of sublittoral
macrofauna communities in the Bristol Channel in relation to
the substrate.  Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science, 5: 267-288.
B.  Further reading
Bolt, S.R.L., Mitchell, R., Williams, P.F., McKirdy, A.P., Ninnes, R.,
Coney, B., Bennett, T.L., Burgoyne, C., Baldock, B., Davies, J., &
Hiscock, K.  1989.  Severn barrage development project: nature
conservation.  Nature Conservancy Council, CSD Report, No.
1,156.  (Severn Tidal Power Group Report.)
Foster-Smith, R.L.  1991.  A boulder survey in the Isles of Scilly,
September 5th to 9th, 1990.  Nature Conservancy Council, CSD
Report, No. 1,226.  
Groves, M.  1988.  Exploring underwater: the Isles of Scilly.  St. Agnes,
Cornwall, Porth Books.
Gubbay, S.  1988.  Coastal directory for marine nature conservation.
Ross-on-Wye, Marine Conservation Society.
Hiscock, K.  1984a.  Rocky shore surveys of the Isles of Scilly.  March
27th to April 1st and July 7th to 15th 1983.  Nature Conservancy
Council, CSD Report, No. 509.  
Hiscock, K.  1984b.  Sublittoral survey of the Isles of Scilly.  July 2nd
to 16th, 1983.  Nature Conservancy Council, CSD Report, No. 529.  
Holbrook, A.  1991.  The Severn Barrage: a bibliography, 1909-1990.  1st
ed.  Bath, University of Bath, University Library.
Mills, D.J.L., Hill, T.O., Thorpe, K., & Connor, D.W.  1993.  Atlas of
marine biological surveys in Britain.  Joint Nature Conservation
Committee Report, No. 167.  (Marine Nature Conservation
Review Report MNCR/OR/17.)
Nichols, D., & Harris, T.  1982.  A survey of the low tide flats of the
Isles of Scilly.  Nature Conservancy Council, CSD Report, No. 413.  
Rostron, D.M.  1989.  Animal communities from sublittoral
sediments in the Isles of Scilly.  September 1988.  Nature
Conservancy Council, CSD Report, No. 918.  
Stone, V., & Deeble, M.  1984.  Exploring underwater in a Cornish
estuary (the Fal).  St. Agnes, Cornwall, Porth Books.
Tompsett, P.  1996.  Marine life between Dodman Point and Lizard Point.
Redruth, Cornish Biological Records Unit.
Wood, E., ed.  1988.  Sea life of Britain and Ireland.  London, Immel.
(Marine Conservation Society.)
C.  Contact names and addresses
Type of information
Contact address and telephone no.
Marine nature conservation
*Maritime Team, English Nature,
issues in England
Peterborough, tel: 01733 340345
Marine nature conservation
*Countryside Council for Wales,
issues in Wales
Bangor, tel: 01248 370444
Published and unpublished
Dr Stella Turk, Cornish Biological
marine studies of the
Records Unit, Trevithick Centre,
Cornish coast
Trevenson Road, Pool, Redruth,
Cornwall  TR15 3PL,
tel: 01209 710424
Studies of the Hayle, Gannel Plymouth Marine Laboratory,
and Camel Estuaries
Prospect Place, West Hoe,
Plymouth  PL1 3DH,
tel: 01752 633100
The Isles of Scilly Marine
The Director, The Isles of Scilly
Park: interest and
Environmental Trust, Carn
Thomas, Hugh Town, St. Mary’s,
Isles of Scilly  TR21 0PT, 
tel: 01720 422153
Surveys of Isles of Scilly
Coral Cay Conservation Sub-Aqua
Zostera beds since 1992
Club, c/o 154 Clapham Park Road,
London  SW4 7DE,
tel: 0171 498 6248
Littoral studies in the
Dr Tegwyn Harris, Department of
Isles of Scilly
Biological Sciences, University of
Exeter Hatherley Labs., Prince of
Wales Road, Exeter, Devon
EX4 4PS, tel: 01392 263263
Marine nature conservation
Marine Conservation Officer,
issues in Devon
Devon Wildlife Trust, 188 Sidwell
Street, Exeter, Devon  EX4 6RD,
tel: 01392 79244
Polzeath Voluntary Marine
*North Cornwall Heritage Coast
Wildlife Area
and Countryside Service, North
Cornwall District Council,
tel: 01208 74121 ext. 239
Marine studies within the
Robert Irving, Secretary, Lundy
Lundy MNR
Marine Nature Reserve Advisory
Group, 14 Brookland Way,
Coldwaltham, Pulborough,
West Sussex  RH20 1LT,
tel: 01798 873581
North Devon Voluntary
Marine Ranger, North Devon
Marine Conservation Area
Heritage Coast Service, Council
Offices, Northfield Road,
Ilfracombe, Devon  EX34 8AL,
tel: 01271 867496
*Starred contact addresses are given in full in the Appendix.
4.2  The sea bed

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