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Gənclərin elmi potensialının inkişaf etdirilməsi ...
Developing the scientifi c potential of youth and stimulating 
the scientifi c activity of young scientists
Abbas Abbaszade
“AZERSU” Open Joint-Stock Company
This article focuses on the involvement of young people in different fi elds of 
science and help to develop their scientifi c potential. The article is based on the 
problems faced by young people in science, defi ciencies in the current education 
system, and the plan of proposals for their solution.
Key words: Youth, problems of education, scientifi c achievements, scientifi -

Abbas Abbaszadə
Развитие научного потенциала молодежи и молодых ученых 
в целях содействия научной деятельности
Аббас Аббасзаде
Открытое акционерное общество  «Азерсу»
В  этой  статье  основное  внимание  уделяется  вовлечению  молодежи  в 
раз-личные области науки и развитию научного потенциала. Статья осно-
вана  на  проблемах,  с  которыми  сталкиваются  молодые  люди  в  науке,  не-
достатках  нынешней  системе  образования  и  в  плане  предложений  для  их 
Ключевые слова: Молодежь, проблема образования, научные достиже-
ния, научный потенциал.

Elm və İnnovativ Texnologiyalar jurnalı
 The hydrological mapping and 
methods in Azerbaijan 
Maqsad Gojamanov 
Baku State University
Gunay Hasanli 
Baku State University 
As Hidrology is science of learning natural water move and distribution laws, the-
ir relationships with surrounding environment, qualitative and quantitative changes. 
Comprehensive study of hidrology has great importance for a proper evaluation of 
water sources and resouces. Still 5-6 thousand years ago waterworks, irrigation canals, 
reservoirs, dams and so on. was built and studied in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, 
China, South and Central America, Nowadays, in many countries (Russia, USA, Ger-
many, France, Spain, etc.) hydrological information is printing in annual bulletins and 
the observational data of the world’s rivers is published by UNESCO in special books. 
These books obtain information about monthly and annual average water fl ow of the 
250 rivers. Maps of various river fl ow have been drawn in many countries, including 
Russia, China, USA, Canada, Australia and others.It should be noted that these maps 
can be considered to be suffi ciently accurate and reliable because they are designed 
according to a large number of observation stations.
Up to early XIX century information about the water sources of Azerbaijan have 
been found in the traveller’s works.The fi rst measurement with the devices was started 
since 1814 and the main purpose was to explore whether the part of Kura river from its 
mouth to the Mingachevir city is suitable for navigation. Since 1911 each year the re-
sults of the hydrological survey of the Caucasus water department has been published 
in the “Report”ing and “Bulletin”. During this 42 reports comprising tables, graphs 
and maps was published. Among published since 1913 by Caucasus “Works” A.M.Es-
se’s “Hidrometik statistical methods of data processing”, “The study of the fl ood” and 
especially “Hidrography of the South Caucasus” are more interesting and important 
books. In the last book was listed short hydrographic characteristics and maps of 29 
rivers of Azerbaijan. 

Maqsad Gojamanov, Gunay Hasanli
Cartographic analysis hydrometeorological atlas of the Caspian Sea
Last years in Azerbaijan is one of the most signifi ciant events area hidrological 
mapping in 2014 year it is the edition “Hydrometeorology atlas of the Hazar”. This 
atlas consist 300 pages and redactor was academic NASA, director of geography insti-
tute RamizMammadov`s. We can be divided this atlas into seven sections.
The fi rst section name is “Mugaddima” and about the hydrometeorology of Hazar 
sea. In this section contained observation points, their durations, the observations of 
the polling stations, measurements on the periodicity information coastal zone and 
open area of the sea. In this atlas according principle of deparation squares depths of 
the sea waters. This section is complited about the Caspian countries.
The second section name is “Geography division”. This section consist on bathy-
metry, bottom relief of the sea and geomorphology maps, also expaline how to create 
“Hydrology” which is considered one of the main part and the third section of atlas 
given monthly, yearly temperature distribution of surface layer in are of Hazar. Azer-
baijani sector of the Caspian Sea in different parts of the distribution of temperature 
in different seasons of the year on the custom maps were drawn. Surface waves of the 
sea, taking into account the special importance of economic activityin human life, that 
is why this hydrological element taking is a great place of this atlas. Monthly distri-
bution of its marine waters, diverse and fast winds, height, length, period, and phase 
velocities are displayed maps.In this section, as well as salinity, transparency, fl ow 
and hydrological elements, such as the formation of ice time and space distributions 
are refl ected in the maps. The temperature of the sea, absolute and relative humidity, 
clouds, radiation and albedo, wind mode, speeds and directions “meteorology of the 
Caspian Sea”, which is refl ected in the fourth section.
The fi fth section is devoted to the interaction of the sea atmosphere.Evaporation 
from the sea surface temperature, heat exchange between the atmosphere, the sea, heat 
capacity, heat balance etc. is the basis of this section. The sixth section is devoted to 
changes in the level of the sea. Finally, the atlas is completed with the issuance of the 
information base used in the data. This atlas is developed to be used in various econo-
mic activities in the Caspian Sea Atlas.
Modern technology drawing map
Geographic information systems currently based on the use of modern techno-
logy in the world, with maps are drawn. As a fi rst step in this direction on the ba-
sis areunderway for the establishmentof a single electronic Cartographic basa. There 
established single cartographic basa for 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:10000, 1:25000, 1:50000, 
1:100000, 1:200000, 1:500000, 1:1000000 scalesnational, territorial and municipal 
purposes. Creation to this maps using the topographic maps and plans, or if no geo-

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