Kızılkaya / Fıkıh Usulünde Sahabe Fetvasının Kaynaklık Değeri Cilt / Volume: • Sayı /Issue: • 2012

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Güder, Mercan / The Main Parameters of the Turkish Foreig Policy and Middle East after 2000
When we examine the post 2000 Turkish Foreign Policy with the implementation of 
original policies particularly towards the Middle East, the most important issue that 
stands out is non-opposition to the traditional view of foreign policy. Turkey did not 
follow a consistent policy throughout the region for many years, but in recent years 
the Middle East policy is based on a stable conceptual framework. In this regard, 
Turkey appears as a self-confident state which takes the initiative in sensitive issues 
and making solution oriented attempts. The application of “central country” discourse 
as a foreign policy is solidified within this framework. 
Looking back in time will reveal a transition from a foreign policy overwhelmed with 
problems into the one that is shaped by alliance and maximization of interests in the 
last decade. In the context of national interests, pragmatic policies seem to be the 
center of theTurkish foreign policy. The highly controversial assumption in interna-
tional relations that foreign policies of countries are shaped according to their inter-
ests has resulted in identification of Turkish foreign policy priorities in this direction. In 
fact, regional policy analysis in recent years show that the currently adopted policies 
which are not far from the traditional parameters indicate a structure that is based on 
pragmatic maneuvers rather than a paradigmatic transformation. 
Turkey has managed to take a much more effective and active stand in foreign pol-
icy lately with its determination of more original and independent decision-making. 
Some changes in the international system in recent years and shifts in the balance of 
power have strengthened Turkey’s influence in the Middle East policies, and led to 
a wider area of manouevring in the region. If the policies toward the Middle East in 
recent years are examined within the framework of these issues, it will be possible to 
achieve sound outcomes and implications.
When discussing Turkish foreign policy, one of the points to consider is the per-
ceived role of Turkey by the countries and peoples of the region. Countries like Syria, 
Lebanon, and Qatar have come closer to Turkey to be able integrated to the interna-
tional system, and the major forces of the region such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran and 
Israel have strengthened their networks, which helped Turkey expand its regional role 
and targets. In addition to state-level support and contact, the Turkish policy towards 
Palestine has gained sympathy from Arab nations and created a gravitational field 
not only for political and diplomatic reasons, but also for ideological and sentimental 
reasons. Arab attention towards Turkey is growing day by day which is opening the 
doors for Turkey to be an influential country in the region. Turkey seems to have taken 
on a new mission now, but one important thing to note is in case this process is not 
manipulated efficiently, there will be negative consequences. 
As a result, Turkey’s current policy toward the Middle East has brought benefits in 
political, diplomatic and economic arenas. However, we should bear in mind that the 

Human and Society
policies that will retain the relations are as crucial as the ones that have brought rela-
tions to this level. In this respect, the active policy adopted should be maintained if 
Turkey is to have a role in reshaping the region. The reshaping process in the Middle 
East is also closely monitored by the international forces, intending to manipulate it 
for their own interests. For this reason, Arab peoples’ sympathy and intentions of the 
newly established political structures to collaborate with Turkey should be conducive 
to sustain a more effective regional policy, free from the pressure of the outside forces.  
Otherwise, the gains achieved over many years may be severely damaged in the pro-
cess of remodeling the region. 
In the section the article has so far dealt with, the most significant parameters shap-
ing Turkish foreign policy as illustrated in the Middle East have been critically ana-
lyzed. During the analysis process, oral and written declarations of the foreign affairs 
authorities and political units have been placed emphasis on. Only the most crucial 
points of the basic parameters have been discussed and the issues that may be 
related to the Middle East are prioritized. As a result, after all these assessments, we 
can reach some conlusions about TFP. Overall, a transformation process in Turkey’s 
foreign policy has become apparent. In foreign policy assessments, results-oriented 
approaches are less revealing than process-oriented approaches. The point this arti-
cle is trying to make is, when we look at the results, the effectiveness of Turkey’s for-
eign policy seems to be overshadowed in comparison to its visibility and discourse. 
Finally, whichever ideological and political spectrum Turkish governments are from, 
there a number of established rules and conventions in foreign policy and govern-
ments seem to be very enthusiastic regarding the implementation of the implemen-
tation of these rules.
Kaynakça / References
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Alessandri, E. (2010). The new Turkish foreign policy and the future of Turkey-EU Relations. Istituto Affari 
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