Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the republic uzbekistan state world languages university

Comparison of morphological level of English and Native languages

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KITOBcomparative typology of english uzbek and russian languages

Comparison of morphological level of English and Native languages 
For afull comparison of thetypological characteristic in thecategory of 
thenumber, we have to find out in which place does this category take in the 
system of another language. 
If we take as an example Russian language, we can easily find its 
characteristic features- in numerals, in adjectives, pronouns, verbs. Ex. Я беру, ты 
берешь, вы берете, etc. 
In a comparison with the Russianlanguage, the seme of thesingularity of 
English language is presented just with zero morphemes, ex. town, play, etc. 
However the seme of singularity in Russian language represented by morphemes: -
й, ex: сарай, край; -а, -я ex: река; -о,-е ex: окно. But plurality in both languages 
can be represented with the seme of theplurality by adding endings –ы, -и, -а for 
Russian and –s, -es for English. 
In both languages, there are a lot of groups that are representatives of the 
seme of plurality. Some of them are alike in both languages. Ex, ножницы-
scissors, брюки-trousers, весы-scales, очки-glasses 
In general English plurality model can be divided into 3 variants: 
N-N+(e)s ex: cup-cups, assistant-assistants, face-faces, photo-photos 
N-N+en ex: ox-oxen, child-children 
N-Npl (with the changes of vowels in roots) ex: man-men, foot-feet, mouse-
mice, etc. 
In Uzbek suffix –lar may represent not only aplurality but other meanings as 
Ex: respect Hamid aka keldilarmi?

Approximate time Soat o‘nlarda kelish kerak. 
Besides that, it can express the meanings such as superlative, collective, 
irony and type. 
Questions for self-control: 
1. The morphological level is one of the main parts of language hierarchy. Prove it. 
2. Can you explain the problem of typological classification in Linguistics? 
3. What is the structural difference between analytical and synthetic languages? 
4. Characterize 4 types of languages according to typologicall classification. 
5. Compare English Russian and Uzbek morphemic structure 
6. Is your native language analytical or synthetic? Prove it. 

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