Myth and folktales

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ticularly from Alta Val Tore, that appears in 
an almost inaccessible place where chance 
passersby have to redeem themselves to be 
able to proceed. 
Goldenhorn, see Zlatorog
Gorjek, see wind
Gorni mož (mountain man), pogorni mož. 
A strong supernatural being who knows the 
whereabouts of treasures and ore. Similarly 
to the wild man, the mountain man of folk-
lore wrestles with a bear, thinking that the 
bear is a ‘fierce kitten’ (see wild man).
Lit.: I. Grafenauer: 
Slovenska pripovedka o ‘hudi muci’ in 
njena inačica v srbskem slovstvu (Slovenian Tale of the 
‘Fierce Kitten’ and Its Variant in Serbian Literary folklore). 
Slovenski jezik 3, 1940.
Gospodarček (guardian of the home), dedek 
(grandpa), house spirit. An ancestor’s spirit 
whose place was by the hearth, according to 
some traditions under the doorstep. In Slo-
venian folklore, the gospodarček frequently 
appeared as a white snake. In the lore of the 
South and the East Slavs also as a white wolf 
or a sprite (see ghost, snake). 
Grdina, grdinica, ardina, hardina, muja, 
muja Karótova. This mythical animal, an un-
defined beast from Resian folklore, features 
also in the fable ATU 155 (The Ungrateful 
Snake Returned to Captivity). Frequently 
appropriating the den or the lair of others
it chases them away and threatens to devour 
them. It is defeated by a devious ant that 
crawls unseen up to the beast and stings 
it, or else by a cunning fox. While Bau-
douin de Courtenay perceived it as a dragon, 
Matičetov identified it as a chamois, dog, 
snake, or dragon. Ludvik derived the term 
muia from lam(m)ia in the sense of monster 
similar to a woman or a witch. According 
to Ciceri, the grdina is a treacherous, fast, 
and dangerous animal similar to a fox; or a 
witch of some kind. The term muja denotes 
a hornless goat. The nickname “Karotova” is 
derived from an old house name in Liščaci/
Lischiazze in Resia. This makes it similar to 
the tale about banishing a little goat (Val-
javec) or a little ram (Kovačič) from the 
grandma’s house.
Lit.: D. Ludvik: 
Rezijanska muja – grdina. Pojav in eti-
mologija (The Muja of Resia – the Grdina. The Phenom-
enon and Etymology. Traditiones 10–12, 1984. 
Greek, see giant 
Gromovnik (Thunder God), see Perun
Gugljaj, see goblin
Hostnik (forest man), see wild man
Hudamos. Trdina writes about a count magi-
cally transformed into a huge, terrifying-
looking dog who barked so fiercely on top 
of Šumbrek Mountain each evening that 
nobody dared to near it. Unlike other such 
cursed people, the dog did not expect to be 
saved. On a cold winter evening, when farmer 
Mihel was returning home drunk, he invited 
the dog to come to his home with him to get 
warm. Hudamos repaid his kindness with 
wealth. Mihel’s farm continued to prosper 
until Hudamos, disgusted because of Mihel’s 
lack of gratitude, eventually left. But when 
Mihel’s son Jurček once again found the dog, 
it showed him a mountain stream with drops 
of silver, and prosperity returned to the farm. 
Even though Trdina revised the story artisti-
cally it is nevertheless based on folklore.
Hudič, see devil
Hudoba, see devil
Hudobač, the goblin, with whom the inhabit-
ants of Bohinj in Gorenjska  used to frighten 

Hudournik (torrent), hüdovürnik. In Jareni-
na in Štajersko, the name denotes a deceased 
child or a stillborn baby who had not yet been 
baptized. Gathered in flocks at twilight, the 
hudourniki were believed to fly around like 
birds, making strange noises akin to whis-
tling. If shepherds or others imitated them 
they destroyed their fires and scratched out 
their eyes (see ghosts).
Hulk (hrust), see giant
Hunter (jager), see wild hunter 
Incubus see mora
Inčesa, see snake
Iza, see dragon
jaga Baba, see Pehtra Baba
jager, see wild hunter
jarilo, see Zeleni Jurij
jarnik, Jérnik (Bartholomew), Perk, Jurij s 
pušo (George with a Gun). A supernatural 
being, a shooter, or a hunter. Like the wild 
hunter who shot Zlatorog (Goldenhorn), 
Jarnik (jar denotes irascible, short-tempered) 
allegedly insidiously killed Vesnik (hence the 
name George with a Gun). In Slovenian and 
Slavic lore, the role of the mythical shooter 
was taken over by St. Bartholomew (the 
Uskoki from Gorjanci have named St. Bar-
tholomew Jarnik). Of the same origin is the 
Bulgarian belief that if you see a lightning 
striking, this means that Bartholomew is 
helping Elijah sharpen his spear. The act of 
shooting at a celestial animal in order to at-
tain a desired goal confirms Jarnik as a lunar, 
winter demon. Jarnik plays an important role 
in the renewal of life cycle, particularly as the 
leader of the dead, and in this connection as 
the demon of thunderstorms. Notions about 
Jarnik merged with the ones about the wild 
hunter (see wild hunter). 
jebek žena, see žalik žena
jesenica, see fate
jezernik, see water sprite
ježi Baba, see Pehtra Baba
jug, see wind
jutrman. Announces the arrival of morn-
ing and scatters morning dew on meadows 
before sunrise. When haymakers set to work 
they said: Let’s hasten to work as long as 
Jutrman is still scattering dew!
Lit.: D. Trstenjak, Slovenski glasnik 4, 1859; Kelemina 
1930, št. 10.
Kača, see snake
Kačec, see basilisk
Kambal, see Kresnik
Kanih. As short as a boy, but an extremely 
strong man. Living close to human dwellings, 
he was believed to come to people’s houses 
to brew unusual potions on the hearth. He 
persuaded people to perform good deeds but 
would punish them if they irritated him. The 
kanih is mentioned in one of the oldest Slo-
venian charms against sprains (from Gabrje 
pri Gorici), according to which he was the son 
of St. Blas. According to the lore of Solčava, 
the kanih, whose pants had been ripped by a 
bear, still sits on a ridge and sews the pants 
with thread that has been twice wrapped 
around a house. 
Kapič, see goblin
Kiklop, see cyclops

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