Nutq malakalari integratsiyasi

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Independent long turn:
You are given a topic verbally and on a card. You have a minute to prepare a talk.
You speak for 1-2 minutes on the topic, e.g. a person, place, object or event.
You answer one or two follow-up questions.
You answer verbal questions, discussing more abstract ideas linked to
the topic of Part 2.
Assessment criteria:
The aim of the test is to assess your ability to communicate effectively. The interviewer considers this ability in four different ways:
Fluency and coherence
Lexical Resources
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
All criteria have equal weighting.
The speech functions which occur regularly in the test are:
• Providing personal and non-personal information • Expressing opinions & Justifying opinions
• Expressing likes and dislikes • Giving reasons • Explaining & Describing in details
• Pointing out both the positive and negative aspects • Suggesting
• Discussing situations as they were in the past • Speculating (Imaging the situation as they might be in the future) • Expressing a preference • Comparing &Contrasting • Summarising
• Narrating and paraphrasing • Analysing • Repairing a conversation
Examiner: Could you tell me where you are from? (Where do you come from?) /
Candidate: I was born in[ ... ] city, you know, one of the largest cities in my country. I moved
to [ ... ] city just five years ago.
Alternative answers:
I was born in[ ... ]; a small town in the south of my country, but I grew up in( ... ] city. I hail from a coastal city with lovely weather in the north of my country; called[ ... ]. I come from [ ... ] city. You know, a beautiful city with a great climate. My parents have been living there for the past twenty years or so. I grew up there. [ ... ] city. You know ... a busy city with a population of over one million people. But actually, I live about twenty kilometres out of town on a small farm. I am from a small village in the mountains; a long way from the capital city of my country.
Your answer: ......................................................................................... .
Examiner: How long have you lived in[ ... ]?/" Candidate: Since I was ten.
Alternative answers:
When I was a child; at the age of 10, my parents moved to [ ... ] because of my father's job. We have been living here since 1990. Ten years in total.
Your answer: ......................................................................................... .
Examiner: What is/are your goal(s)/ambition(s) for the future?/
Candidate: I hope I'll have made a career move and taken a management position by the time I'm thirty five. I think, at present, studying management is the right thing to do.
Alternative answers:
Saving enough money to buy an apartment. Most of my income is spent on rent.
The future is always uncertain, yet l know what I want to do. My goal is to run a company of my own someday. Well, I would like to improve my career prospects by obtaining a university degree.
One goal I'd like to have reached by next year is to have my own business. In fact, I intend to use my university education practically.
If possible, I'd like to continue my education in one of the English-speaking countries.
My ambition is being able to speak Spanish fluently. I'm really interested in Spanish
language. I'm bound to learn it.
Improving my computer skills. In my job, being familiar with office programmes is a must. Well, in the next three months, I hope I'll have completed my university degree, and hopefully working as an accountant.
GENERAL Questions
1. Have you got or had any nicknames? 2. How do you like your name? 3. If you could change your name, what would it be? Why? 4. What is the most common name in your country? 5. Why have you chosen to live overseas? 6. What country do you want to live in? 7. What were the best years of your life? 8. What were the worst years of your life? 9. If you had three wishes, what would they be, and why? 10. What are your short-term goals? 11 . How do you intend to achieve your goals? 12. What important goals have you set in the past, and how successful have you been machieving them? 13. What do you hope to accomplish within the next ten years? How do you seek to fulfil these goals? 14. What personal factors do you consider most important m evaluating yourself or your success? 15. How have your dreams and goals changed through your life? 16. lfyou could re-live your last 10 years, what changes would you make? 17. As you look back on your life, what accomplishments do you take the most pride in? 18. How would you compare yourself today and yourself with five years ago, in what ways are you the same or different? 19. How would you feel if you failed to achieve any of your goals? 20. Tell me about some of your recent goals, and what you did to achieve them? 21. Describe the most significant success that you had in the last two years. 22. Tell me about something you did that now you wish you had not done.
Do you think weather has an influence on people's mood? Well definitely yes. Most people have a big preference for mild or windy weather due to the fact that it is the most favorable time to go out and do something outdoors. However, when the weather is a little rainy and humid, people have a tendency to stay at home and watch a movie or something like that.

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