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In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman
others demonstrated the unlimitedness of the opportunities of the Azerbaijani women with their 
In 1957 the Second Congress of the Azerbaijani women was held. Despite the hardships of the 
war and great losses suffered by the Azerbaijani women the desire for enlightment, for education 
was great in them. If the majority of women, which took part in the First Congress, were illiterate, 
in the Second Congress there were over women 60 doctors, 66 teachers, 13 scholars. 
Since 1960-1970 the Azerbaijani women achieved great successes particularly in the fi eld of 
science. Such outstanding women of Azerbaijan as academicians Zarifa Aliyeva, Izzat Orujova, 
Pustakhanum Azizbeyova, professors Shamama Alaskarova, Aida Imanguliyeva and others are 
the pride of the Azerbaijani science. 
The women take an active part in the socio-political processes which began in Azerbaijan since 
1988. Among the victims in the fi ght for the independence of Azerbaijan there are also women. 
The national heroines Salatin Askerova (reporter), Gultekin Askerova (doctor) and other women 
are of this kind. 

In the mid of the 19
 century there were some achievements in the fi ght against the stratifi cation 
and racial exploitation, nevertheless, women did not have yet the right of vote, the right to occupy 
posts in state structures. Their labour rights were limited, and it caused dissatisfaction.
On March 8, 1857, in New-York of the United States, women went on a strike in protest against 
low wages and unfavourable work conditions. On March 8, 1908, in New-York, women held a 
meeting with the demand to reduce the work hours and have equal wages with men, and about 
15000 women marched along the streets of the town. 
On August 28, 1910, at the Second Socialist Conference of the Women held in Copenhagen the 
popular German socialist Clara Tsetkin proposed to institute the day of the fi ght for the rights of 
women. The International Women Day is celebrated in many countries since. 
In 1977, at the General Congress of the United Nations the 8
 of March was adopted as the Day 
of Women Rights and World Peace. 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman
Armenian-Azerbaijani, Mountainous Garabag Confl ict- a military-political confl ict which 
broke out as a result of the territorial claims to the Mountainous Garabag Province of Azerbaijan 
by Armenia supported by the local Armenian separatists and Armenian diaspora abroad. On 
February 20, 1988, the session of the Province Soviet of the Mountainous Garabag appealed to 
the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan to consider the status of the province. 
As a result of the Armenian aggression of 1988-1992 twenty thousand Azerbaijanis were 
killed 100 thousand-were wounded and 50 thousand-got injuries of various degree and became 
At the end of 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, Armenia began an open and unjust war 
against Azerbaijan. The military formations of Armenia violated the borders of Azerbaijan and 
intruded into Garabag, merged with the Armenian separatists and  terrorists of the Mountainous 
Garabag and began the occupation of the Azerbaijan territories.
Azadlig Square (Square of Freedom)- a square in the centre of Baku. 
Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AOIC) was founded by the end of 1994. It was 
created for the materialization of the oil contract signed by the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan 
with several big oil companies of the world on joint oil developments in the Azerbaijani Sector of 
the Caspian Sea  on behalf of its shareholders.
Azerbaijan State Institute of Languages-functions as an independent higher educational 
institution since 1973. Since 1996 it is Azerbaijan State Institute of Languages, since 2000-
Azerbaijan University of Languages. It trains specialists in 12 spheres. 
Azerbaijan State Medical University-On June 19, 1930, Azerbaijan Medical Institute was 
founded on the basis of two (therapeutic and sanitary-hygienic) faculties of Baku State University. 
On February 4, 1991, Azerbaijan Medical Institute got the status of a university by the resolution 
of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Azerbaijan. At present it has fi ve 
Baku State University-was founded on September 1, 1919. The fi rst faculties of the university 
were history and philology, and medicine. At present Baku State University has 17 faculties, it in 
bachelors in 55, masters in 153 spheres of science. 
Declaration of Independence- was adopted on May 28, 1918, in the meeting of the National 
Council of Azerbaijan. The Declaration announced the establishment of the Democratic Republic 
of Azerbaijan. It consists of six clauses. 
Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan-independent Azerbaijani state, which founded the fi rst 

secular democratic republic in the Islamic Orient. Its foundation was declared in the city of Tifl is 
(now Tbilisi) by the National Council of Azerbaijan. The Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan 
declared its independence on May 28, 1918, its territory was 99908, 86 km
, besides 13983,1 km
territory was considered to be disputable and open for discussions in future. On April 28, 1920, 
the 11
 Red Russian Army occupied Baku and the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan ceased to 
exist. Then the Soviet Socialist Republic of Azerbaijan was established. 
First they occupied the territories of the Mountainous Garabag populated by the 
Idea of Azerbaijaniism- Its author is Heydar Aliyev, national leader of the Azerbaijani people. 
The organic unity of cultures, traditions, confessions of various nations forms the essence of 
Azerbaijaniism. Azerbaijaniism has assimilated the mythology, cultural codes and symbols of the 
past historical periods and uses them for the substantiation of new ideas and for defi ning the new 
vector of the development of the national state. 
In the period of the confl ict 4852 Azerbaijanis (including 54 children, 323 women, 410 old 
men and women) were found missing, 1368 of them (including 169 children, 338 women, 286 
old men and women) have been liberated from captivity, 783 persons(including 18 children, 46 
women, 69 old men and women) are still captives in Armenia. According to the information of the 
International Red Cross Committee 439 persons have died in captivity.
Institute of the Russian Language and Literature-was founded on the basis of Azerbaijan State 
Teacher-Training Institute. in which the term of education was two years. In 1952, the Teacher-
Training Institute named after M. F. Akhundov was transformed into a pedagogical institute which 
trained teachers of the Russian language. The term of education there was four years. In 1959, 
Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Languages was set up. In 1972, Azerbaijan Pedagogical 
Institute of the Russian Language and Literature was restored. President of the Republic of 
Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev issued a decree on June 13, 2000, on the foundation of Baku Slavic 
University on the basis of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of the Russian Language and 
Minsk Group of OSCE- was founded on March 24, 1992. In 1997 the Minsk Group included 
the following states: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Turkey, USA, Russia, Italy, France, Germany, 
Sweden, Denmark. Since the December of 1994 the Minsk Group was chaired by two countries: 
Russia and Italy. Since the December of 1996 it was chaired by three countries: USA, Russia 
and France. The main objective of the Group is to assist the peaceful solution of the Armenian-
Azerbaijani confl ict and the problems of the Mountainous Garabag. 
On December 1, 1989, the parliament of Armenia adopted an anti-constitutional act on the 
annexation of the Mountainous Garabag by Armenia. It was an obvious legal act of violation of the 
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The Republic of Azerbaijan liquidated the status of autonomy of 
the Mountainous Garabag Province on November 26, 1991.
On February 26, 1992,the most tragical event in the modern history of Azerbaijan took place. 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

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