Aa history Lovers 2010 moderators Nancy Olson and Glenn F. Chesnut page

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, see the

following posts on the subject of Dr. Silkworth's moral psychology

mentioned in the Doctors Opinion, Big Book, page xxxi, 4th paragraph:




There may be a few others to look into as well. I believe that Barefoot

Bill (Lash) also posted a few articles which contain "moral psychology"

Yours in service,

Jim M. from http://www.silkworth.net/

++++Message 6534. . . . . . . . . . . . AAHistoryLovers get-together in San


From: Arthur S . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/19/2010 11:19:00 AM
For the History Lovers going to San Antonio for

the A.A. International Convention, July 1-4, 2010.

Would it be possible to somehow take a poll and

pick a date, time and location to gather together

and see what we look like up close and personal?
I've met some History Lovers folks at the National

Archives Workshops and would love to meet more at

the International.
I never cease to be amazed at how absolutely

terrible I am at preconceiving how email authors

might look like and how they actually turn out

in person.

++++Message 6535. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: AAHistoryLovers get-together in

San Antonio

From: Glenn Chesnut . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/23/2010 10:24:00 PM
I think Arthur has a great idea.
I plan to spend a lot of my time in the
which the Advance Program says will be located in the Grand Hyatt Hotel (the

main convention hotel) in Crockett Suite A/B.

I phoned the New York GSO on Friday, and they said that the A.A. Online

hospitality suite was for all AA-related online groups, including groups


the AAHistoryLovers, and they encouraged us to drop in and spend time there

whenever we wished. So this seems like it could be a very good place to

The hospitality rooms will be open on Thursday through Saturday, they told


but not on Sunday.

And Thursday would probably not be a good day to meet, given that we have


folks no advance warning. Since no convention activities are scheduled until


party and dance at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday evening, most people will most


have their travel plans set up so that they will be arriving on Thursday

afternoon or evening.

So some time on Friday or Saturday would seem like it would give the most


an opportunity to attend.



A.A. International Convention

San Antonio, Texas -- July 1-4, 2010


THURSDAY, July 1, 2010
7:00 p.m. -- convention begins Thursday night with a Party in the Park right

outside Halls C & D of the Convention Center in Hemisfair Park. Start in the

park; hop on into the Convention Center and swing over to the Grand Hyatt


Antonio for dancing fun.
FRIDAY, July 2, 2010
9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

A.A. topic meetings, workshops, panels, special interest meetings, and


meetings will be held Friday and Saturday at the Henry B. Gonzalez


Center and the Grand Hyatt San Antonio.

8:00 p.m.

Friday night we all come together in the Alamodome Stadium for the Flag


and Opening A.A. Meeting.

SATURDAY, July 3, 2010
9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

A.A. topic meetings, workshops, panels, special interest meetings, and


meetings will be held Friday and Saturday at the Henry B. Gonzalez


Center and the Grand Hyatt San Antonio.

8:00 p.m.

Saturday night Old-timers A.A. Meeting.

SUNDAY, July 4, 2010
9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

Sunday morning the Closing A.A. Meeting.

I am looking forward to seeing lots of the wonderful people in the

AAHistoryLovers in San Antonio.

Glenn Chesnut, Moderator


++++Message 6536. . . . . . . . . . . . Searching for Letter to Alcoholic

Foundation by Bill McI., 1946

From: sonja400@rogers.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/24/2010 11:59:00 AM
Hi, folks,
I'm new to this group. I'd like help finding a particular letter - I'd like


see the original before a copy of it goes into our Toronto newsletter. I


know how to search online for it.

It is a letter to Alcholoic Foundation by Bill McI., Secretary for Toronto


Central Group. It is dated March 20, 1946. It starts off as follows:

"Dear Bobbie:

I realize that I am reporting in rather late, but AA has been moving very

rapidly here since the first of the year and moving in the right direction.


started off with our New Year's party which was a grand success and quite

different from a year previous when four of us sat in a morgue like


drinking ginger ale and wondering if it was worth it. This year we had well

over 100 happy, laughing sober people. Truly a tribute to the way AA works."

Perhaps someone can not only find this particular letter for me, but also


me how I go about searching for specific articles. Sonja
++++Message 6537. . . . . . . . . . . . RE: Akron honors Dr. Bob by

re-naming part of Olive Street

From: Arthur S . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/24/2010 11:12:00 AM
I know this is being done with the best of intentions but if Dr Bob made

anything clear prior to his death it was that he did not want this kind of

It seems that more and more, the respect for AA's anonymity Traditions are

either dissolving or being trivialized (always with the best of intentions

of course).
- - - -
From: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

[mailto:AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of momaria33772

Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 7:50 AM

To: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] Akron honors Dr. Bob by re-naming part of Olive

Dr. Bob's Way coming to Akron

Portion of Olive St. will be designated for AA co-founder
By Stephanie Warsmith
Beacon Journal staff writer
Published on Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Each year, thousands travel to Akron to recognize Dr. Bob Smith for

co-founding Alcoholics Anonymous.

This year, Akron will thank Dr. Bob in a special way - by naming part of a

street after him.

Akron City Council on Monday voted to designate the section of Olive Street

from North Main Street to North Howard Street

''Dr. Bob's Way.'' This section of Olive is on the north end of St. Thomas

Hospital, which featured the first hospital specialty

unit to treat alcoholism as a medical condition. The street designation will

help celebrate the 75th anniversary of AA

starting in Akron on June 10.

''I think it's a good piece of legislation and a good way to honor Dr.

Bob,'' said Councilman Jeff Fusco. Summit County

Councilwoman Ilene Shapiro urged Please see Dr. Bob, council members to

redesignate the street and create a historical

marker. ''I think it's a lovely tribute to his memory,'' she said.

The city didn't want to rename Olive because of the inconvenience this would

cause to St. Thomas staff who have

documents printed with the current street name, said Deputy Mayor Dave

Lieberth. Signs with the new designation will be

added on Olive at Main, Howard and Schiller Avenue after a ceremony June 14

at St. Thomas.

Stephanie Warsmith can be reached at 330-996-3705 or

swarsmith@thebeaconjournal.com .

Or go the the site directly


++++Message 6538. . . . . . . . . . . . Back issues of Markings and Box 459

From: Cindy Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/22/2010 5:30:00 PM

Every issue of "Markings" is on-line on the AA

Website, and I believe, so are the last 10 years

of Box 459....
Good Luck!
-cindy miller
[This is with reference to a question which

Charlies Bishop, Jr., asked about a particular

issue of Box 459.]
++++Message 6539. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Searching for Letter to

Alcoholic Foundation by Bill Mc...

From: Shakey1aa@aol.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/24/2010 12:21:00 PM
The letter sounds like it may have been written to Margaret(Bobbie ; aka

lambie pie) Berger. If so, It may be on file at GSO Archives in NY city. You

can go there to see it or call GSO Archives and perhaps they could read you

or send you a copy of the letter. There policy won't allow it to be



Shakey Mike Gwirtz

Phila PA USA

++++Message 6540. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Why was Fitz''s alcoholic

problem so complex?

From: Roy Levin . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/23/2010 1:42:00 AM
From Roy Levin and Darice
- - - -
From: Roy Levin (royslev at yahoo.com)
Silkworth, a neurologist rather than a psychiatrist, uses terms that are

somewhat vague, and often not in the sense we use them today, e.g.

"psychopaths....they are always going on the wagon for keeps..." That's not

the ordinary sense a modern psychiatrist uses when he used the word

By "problem so complex" he could mean simply a very depressed alcoholic.


M. was no different than any of a dozen early low bottom pioneers "desperate

cases" "beyond human aid."

Don't get too attached to Silkworth's descriptions,

he was a pioneer and a medical benefactor, but the experience we now have in

describing the alcoholics based on 75 years of experience is actually more

sophisticated. However, his early description of the "allergy" the phenomena

of craving and his early encouragement of Bill W. and "the altruistic


growing up among them" makes him immortal in the hearts and minds of AAs,


will keep his section in the Big Book forever.
- - - -
From: "Jordan F"

(daricedavis at yahoo.com)

I am grateful for this question. I have some thoughts about potential


involved in Fitz's alcoholic problem being so complex. However, I cannot


of another's essential struggle. My experience, strength and hope gives me a

sense of three areas in the background material from Glenn C. which could


been a barrier to the spiritual awakening necessary for depth recovery.

[See original message no. 6515


from martinholmes76 at ymail.com]
Such issues certainly have shortstopped my recovery

journey when present. Perhaps they did likewise to Fitz's.

The first barrier was this member made his own diagnosis. Yes, we do


ourselves each of us as alcoholic, but we are way too close to see ourselves

objectively. This is why A.A. is based on a "buddy system" of one alcoholic

talking with another alcoholic. My arrogance and egotism, represented by

acting like the "doctor" in my own case, have stood in the way of my

surrendering to God, and then talking with others like me who are alcoholic


listening to their view points. This was a major threat to my staying H.O.W.


Honest, Open, and Willing.

This is a "we" program ... we help each other, we work together, we are of

service to others. Each of us don't go off in our little corners and figure


our own stuff by ourselves. We seek out each other and do outreach to get

others input. I don't ever have to go through all the circumstances that

brought me to A.A. alone ever again.

The second barrier was this member marked his case hopeless. It's never


for me recovery when I put on my "God suit" and take over a


position like this one. That's God's job and rôle in life; not mine. I


be doing my job with my life to the best of my ability when I'm seeking to


on God's part in this thing. God does not need my help; I need his help.


as I understand God, needs me to do my part: To seek God's guidance as to


will and the power to carry that will out in all my affairs.
The third barrier occurred when the individual hid himself away in the barn.

When I isolate or withdraw from others I generally am seeking to hide my

behavior from exposure and scrutiny because I know I'm on an ineffective


I am in flight from reality when I am pushing people away who can otherwise

prompt and inspire me to stay in the solution regarding my life's challenges


what they say about their journeys in recovery. I'm pushing away help while

simultaneously acting based on self-will run riot.
And, if those three features were not trouble enough for me as I trudge on


path to recovery, this member described themselves as the child of a


I have heard numerous ministers in A.A. describe how their professional

affiliation as a minister had been twisted in their minds by their drinking

and/or using careers to support their disease prior to commencing a program



Although I am not a minister's kid, I am a doctor's kid, and I can report


my mind was twisted with the extremes of entitlement and the self-serving


of money, property, and prestige I picked out of my affluent upbringing.


filled some of the empty spaces inside me until I could learn new tools


but they also stood in the way of my being teachable, too. So, I get a


chuckle when I hear A.A. speakers from similar circumstances describe their

particular twist on this same theme.

That's my contribution to the topic.
Warm regards,
++++Message 6541. . . . . . . . . . . . 14th National Archives Workshop:

Macon, Georgia, Sept. 23-26

From: Shakey1aa@aol.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/20/2010 8:37:00 PM
14th Annual NAW
National Archives Workshop

Thursday September 23 - Sunday September 26, 2010

Learn how to research and write the AA story from:
Author of Pass It On, Ebby: The Man Who Sponsored

Bill W., New Wine, My Search for Bill W., Walk

in Dry Places, The 7 Key Principles of Successful


Author of My Name is Bill W., When Love Is Not

Enough: the Lois Wilson Story, 1000 Years of

Sobriety, Sought Through Prayer and Meditation,

50 Quiet Miracles


Shakey Mike Gwirtz

Phila, PA
++++Message 6542. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Why was Fitz''s alcoholic

problem so complex?

From: shakey . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/25/2010 12:50:00 AM
Where in the literature does it i.d. "fitz" as the man the doctor was


about ? Fitz got drunk in a barn and went home the next morning(read his


and the man Dr S talks about was rescued by a searching party at a barn.It


similarities yet enough difference to make me ask for documentation. Where


our literature is "Fitz" i.d'd as that man?

Yours in Service

Shakey Mike Gwirtz

Phila, PA USA
++++Message 6543. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: The AA version of moral


From: CBBB164@AOL.COM . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/22/2010 1:52:00 PM
From Cliff Bishop and Roy Levin
- - - -
From: "Cliff Bishop" CBBB164@AOL.COM (CBBB164 at AOL.COM)
It seems to me Dr. Silkworth provided his own definition of "Moral

Psychology" in offering his opinion. In the same paragraph where that term


used, he referred to the "powers of good that lie outside our synthetic

Two paragraphs later, he states, "They believe in themselves, and still

more in the Power which pulls chronic alcoholics back from the gates of

death." This is what our Program of Recovery is about. Plugging into that

Power; our Higher Power

Makes sense to me.
In God's love and service,
Cliff Bishop


- - - -
From: Roy Levin (royslev at yahoo.com)
My take on it was that he was using a euphemism for what we call in AA today

the "spiritual" program, or what Silkworth must have considered a


approach. Such approaches were beyond "the synthetic knowledge" BB pg xxv of

"modern" (1930s) scientists like medical doctors. In other words,


a drunk sobered up through the Salvation Army or Oxford Group whereas the


couldn't reach them. The one line in the Big Book which I believe is a

complete exageration (for which I forgive WD Silkworth) is the line on page

xxvii (4th ed.) :" Though the aggregate of recoveries resulting from


effort is considerable, we physicians must admit we have made little


upon the problem as a while.. Many types do not respond to the ordinary

psychological approach."

Poor Doc Silkworth, he had to give some credit to his profession. But even

today I doubt if there is an considerable aggregate of recoveries to


with just head shrinking. Every AA knows that a good psychiatrist, the


he suspects a patient to be an alkie, will insist he go to AA meetings or


to treat the man further.

Remember Silkworth withheld his name from the first edition/first printing,

because he thought the other docs might consdier him a crackpot for allowing

Bill W. to come into Town's Hospital and talk God to the drunks. But to his

credit as a sincere healer rather than an "M-Diety" he cared for what got


patients well, rather than who came up with the therapy. Bill's "altruistic

movement" worked and the croakers' cures didn't, so he encouraged the AAs


let his name be used in future printings.
In short, "moral psychology" were the words Silkworth used because he didn't

want to come right out and say "the only thing that seems to help these


is some 'Good Ol' Time Religion." But he knew that was the only thing that

worked, and he could see that Bill and his boys could package it and pitch

it to

their fellow alkies better than any professional preachers.
++++Message 6544. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Judge sentences man to get AA


From: LES COLE . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/16/2010 10:24:00 PM
Hi: In 2007 while I was doing research in Bennington, VT I tried to find a

court record concerning Ebby's day in court, but there are no records for


Magistrate Court back to 1934. The only information we have relates to


Hazzard, Sebra Graves and Shep Cornell interceding with the magistrate,


Graves, to have Ebby released to their custody instead of sentencing Ebby to


mental hospital as a "public nuisance". Those three were members of a local

Oxford Group and were drinking buddies (at least Sebra and Rowland were,

although Shep's inclinations are not clear). They persuaded Ebby to follow


principles so his drinking could be controlled. The judge apparently did not

give Ebby such a sentence...just a release to custody. Sebra was well known


the community, as well as being the son of the magistrate, so it would


that all were satisfied to handle the matter that way. Of course Ebby was so

convinced that the OG program was great that he also "carried the message"


Bill Wilson shorty thereafter.

- - - -
Much has been written about the OG influence upon Bill, but I discuss that


a different point of view in my forthcoming book about the "Role of Vermont


AA history".

- - - -
Another bit of minutia... I interviewed Van Graves during that trip. He was

Sebra's brother, and DID have the title of "Judge", and he made a very


point to me that his father, Collins, was NOT a "Judge"... he was "head of a

family agency". A little family rivalry there, I guess.
Les Cole
Colorado Springs, CO


To: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

From: ckeith@moment.net

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