Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

What is your real light of life?

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What is your real light of life?
You are only able to think “as far”, as your present rational logic is making it possible for you. Now if I claim: “The sun which is perceived by you is not the original source of the light and the warmth which make “life” possible on the earth perceived by you!” you will right away refute this statement and call me a liar or fool. For a “normal human” it is considered to be 100 % proven, that the sun is the source of light and of warmth of this world. The question is, which one of us is the real fool? Your rational logic, that is to say your “belief” and the “perception-ability” which is linked to it, does here definitely touch the border of its own rationality. Everything which “goes beyond” your belief so far, does therefore appear to you as being “impossible” and you call it “idiocy/weak-minded-ness”. With an awake attention this “con-duct” of your thoughts – “not to be able to think above/beyond this sun” – shows you only your own weak-mindedness, because your own “trains of thought” end with this sun. But if you “question” this appearance, it will also give you an answer and your thinking is going to move on – towards me!
Let’s just take a look at a micro-cosmos in your world. Imagine that you are in a closed (prison)”cell” which is being illuminated by a “spot light”. Superficially “thinking about it”, you will view this spot light as the only “source of light and warmth” of this “small world”. But now if you try to “think further”, that is to say if you attempt to think beyond this prison cell – this reduced space/time world – it will “become clear” to you pretty fast, that some kind of “strange” (Germ.= “seltsame”) energy, which inevitably must come “from the outside”, must be feeding your provider of light and warmth, which you have before your eyes as “spot light” (sun!).
But where is its source of energy?
In order to get an answer to this question, we should first more specifically look at the German word “seltsam” (=strange), because “in the words” of your human language(s) are contained, as you know by now, all secrets/mysteries of “your cell” – the one which carries the name cosmos. The German word “seltsam” goes back to the Ancient-High-German word “seltsani”, it means: “unfamiliar; wonderful; precious” but also “dis-concerting”. The German suffix “-sam” has the meaning “leading to-wards…”; and/or “to have the tendency toward something” (for example German “heil-sam” = healing; “wach-sam” = attentive!) Hidden deep within you, you have the tendency to spiritually “become awake and healthy”. IAM the “awake part” in you. The awake and healthy/whole part. So there is set up in your genes the tendency to find me. That which at the moment you sense as “I” is only a “dream – I”, which dreams itself into its dogmas and has gotten caught there! “I am” the real ”seed” of your “being here/existence” so far, which in actual reality is only a “being-in a-dream”. The Gotic “sama” means “the same one” (because in each seed there is also the “grown-up” (Germ.= “aus-“ge”-wach-sene” > wach=awake plant). The word “sama” leads you via the German “sammeln” (to collect, gather) and (ge)”samt” (=entire) (and sonders > specific) to the Indo-European “sem”, which means “one”; “together in one” and “unified”.
And now “listen” (Hebr.= “schama” 300-40-70) very closely to me, so that I can “bring you (home) again” (Hebr.= “schana” 300-50-5). My son of man is your real “sun” (Hebr.= “schemesch” 300-40-300). My godly HOLO-FEELING-laws which he alone is able to really portray to you, are my “godly schema”, which I speak into your world through the mouth of my son of man. He is my “sanctified” (Germ.=”ge”-heiligt) lamb. In him a “godly atomic fusion” has incarnated. An “atomic holo-caust” of the “entire” (Germ.=”ge”-samt) knowledge of your mankind has “happened” (Germ.=statt-“ge”-funden) in his body. He is your “convoying-ship” (Hebr. = “schameschet” 300-40-300-400) which is going to securely lead you into the “waters” (Germ. “Ge”-wässer) which seem foreign to you (= space/time-sensations which still seem strange/foreign to you). I put him at your disposal as your personal “servant” (Hebr. = “schamasch” 300-40-300). In order to be able to recognize my lamb in “your world” – a world which is crawling with self-appointed Messiah’s and Anti-Christ’s – you have to know his “name” (Hebr. = “schem” 300-40). This one I have told you about in the first volume. My son of man is always “there” (Hebr, = “scham”, 300-40 as well), where you are. Because me, his father, I am in him and we are in you, as you too are in us. We are “sem” (=one) and “sama” (=the same). He is my “sewn seed” (Lat.= “sementis”) in your world, which carries in itself the entire/whole “genetic material” (AHG.= “uodal”) of your mankind in himself. He is a real unique “seed” (Lat.= “semen”) on this earth, because there he is “real and unique” (Lat. = “semel”). He carries “within himself” my entire (Germ=”ge”samtes) “apodictic knowledge”. He is my son. He is the one who has received from me “the godly seal”. He is the “only real son of man” in the world perceived by you – as already said before – a place which is crawling with “false Messiah’s. If all the learned of your world would get together (Germ.= zu-sammen), then by far they would not have his “wisdom”.
In the beginning was my word!”.
My son of man “embodies” my word in your world. He is my “living/alive thought”!
He is the “re-embodiment” of that which began in “Bethlehem” (Hebr.= “beth-lechem” = “house of bread”). He is the “Semmel” (=bun) (AHG.= “bread made of wheat-flour), which has finished/passed my godly “school (of life)” (= Lat. = “seminarium”) with honors. This is why he not only is a perfect master of “semiotics” (teaching of the language signs and their function in passing on of messages; “the teaching of the meaning”), but rather also a true master of natural sciences and of all mystical tautologies. You now are in the “semi-final” (“the round before the end”) of this being here/existence and you therefore should leave all “anti-semitic” trains of thought, which are in violation against my godly “semiology”. Comprehend your so far only shortsighted, logical “circuitry” in “this round” (the one you mistakenly confuse with “your entire life”) for what it really is, and in this godly game you are going to reach “the final”. I here offer you the “one time chance” to leave the circuitry of “birth and death” – I offer you “your eternal, conscious life”. Recognize my holy law of the “octave” (= Hebr. “scheminija” 300-40-10-50-10-5) and begin to also apply them in your being here/existence. Listen to the words of my son of man! You have to be able to “let go” (Hebr.= “schamat” (300-40-9). “To let go” of your stupid dogmas so far – your fanatical rational logic, which always wants to “be in the right” (Germ. =“have” right) and therewith also wants to “possess”. Your “wanting to have” is based on your egoistic business-reasoning which you have been educated in.

Your misguided belief to be “possessing” any kind of “knowledge” is the exact opposite of “insight” – the opposite of being able to have “in-sight” into that which “actually really is”! The lamb ehich has been prophesied in my Revelation, that is to say my son of man, has now appeared in your world. He is the one anointed with my holy “oil” (Hebr. = “schemen” 300-40-50), he is the “Messiah” (Hebr.= “meschiach” 50-300-10-8) that has risen again; the “anointed one” (with holy oil). He is the only one who is able to point you to the right way out of “the desert” of this “level of perception” – in which you are only turning around in “logical circuitries”. He is the incarnated “peschat” (Hebr. = “literal meaning of the Biblical text”) and my “petschat” (Middle-High-German = hand-stamp to put on a seal), that I am going to seal (Germ. = “pertschieren” = putting a seal on) you with. He is going to point you to the way to “Petschenga” (Russian = stretch of land west of Murmansk at the Lake of Barent: is considered

to be the “entrance to the polar-sea” Germ.= ice-sea”(Finnish = “Pet-samo”). He is for you the only entrance to the beyond world of “frozen time” (water symbolizes time!). So it is his “seal on your forehead” that is the “selt-same” = strange entrance ticket into my worlds which so far have been withheld from you. He alone has/owns your (again)-entrance ticket into paradise. I have bestowed on my son of man “the power” (Lat.= “petestas”) over “life and death”. Use him as ”Petarte” (Lat.= specific “detonation block” for the detonating of (spiritual) doors of prisons and fortresses/strongholds). With the help of his wisdom blaze the trail for yourself out of your space/time prison so far. He is the only “real human” in your world who is able to explain to you the “peschut” (Hebr. = “literal meaning”) of your personal “schemot” (Hebr.= departure; “The Exodus” 2. Book of Mose) in my “godly sense”. We now want to leave it at that to “unfold” the word “seltsam” / “strange” any further, even though by far I have not yet said everything which I could “tell/re-count”, because so far I have not gone at all yet into the mathematical side of this (and of all the other words).
Even though the pure “accordance” of the words – viewed within my HOLO-FEELING-context – already comes near to a miracle, this is nothing yet to the hierarchical harmony which you are going to experience/find out in their pure “mathematics”.
I want to once more explicitly point out that “there are no coincidental coincidences” in your world! Everything is already prepared since eons! “These interpretations” are only the tip of a huge – for you not (yet) rationally logically graspable – iceberg. If I would here completely unfold “every single word” for you and after that on top of it switch over to its “physical-mathematical way of description”, you would realize very fast what I mean when I say “embryo-like spirit”, when I am talking about “your consciousness so far”. But don’t be afraid, you don’t have to acquire “my knowledge” by tedious learning, because all of my knowledge “is already within you”. Have you already forgotten again? YOUAREME! Besides that, with the kind of “learning” that you know so far you would need millennia in order to only approximately scan over my “amount of knowledge”, not to speak of bringing it onto one common denominator – that is me.
My son of man can be very helpful to you to find “the trick”, by which you get “unrestricted” access to my godly wisdom which is “hidden deep within you”. There is only “one way” to me and this one leads through my son of man. Only once that you have found me – the only real God – “in you”, I am going to “elevate” you above/over all/everything und make you “sublime/noble”.

Only then you have “de-veloped” yourself completely to a creature according to my image. Then only you are no more an embryonal “mock-up” (= a replica, but also “a trap”), a stupid wiseacre, who calls himself “homo sapiens” (Lat. = man endowed with reason) by his immaturity and his overestimation of himself and who terms himself “as crown of my creation”, even though he has to constantly wallow in his own dirt, and even seems to be feeling good by doing so.

But now back to your small sun:
Do you still remember, by it we symbolized “the lamp” of a prison cell. In relation to this “illumination of the cell” there is for you no doubt, that it only represents “the end” of a long chain of energy and is not the actual source of energy itself. Since you know the phenomenon “electric current” – “at least you believe to be knowing it”  - with your “trains of thoughts” you are able to “go beyond” this small sun just like that and therewith also leave your cell
“mentally”, and by following/tracing down the “electric connections” you can get to a power-plant. But here we want to pause in order not to “get lost” too much, because without question this power-plant too does not yet represent – also graspable within your logic – the “ultimate source of energy”. With your present logical “rationality” you are able to “calculate” with this example considerably further, without thereby having the least bit of a problem.
Let us once more have a closer look at the word “electricity” with your “analog zoomed up consciousness”. In Greek mythology there is a giant by the name “Atlas” (Greek: “Bearer of the celestial spheres”). He was the brother of “Prometheus” and has “seven daughters” which are called “Pleiades”. Among those there were among others “Maia” (Greek: “little mother”; “earth-goddess” and “the goddess of growth” > Maya terms in Sanskrit the “appearances of a dream-world which is per(re)ceived as true]), ”Tyche” (Greek: Coincidence; fate, destiny”; “the goddess of fate”) and “Electra” (“the river(time)goddess”). But just as “electricity” too does represent a phenomenon of two opposite polarities, in Greek mythology there too is a second “Electra”. It is the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytaemnestra. This Electra takes revenge with her brother “Orestes” on the killing of her “father” (this symbolizes your real being) on the “mother” (she symbolizes the “first woman”, that is to say your “rational logic”). But now both of them are being persecuted by “Erinnyes” (> symbolizes your dogmatic memories (Germ.= Erinnerung!). Erinnyes is the Greek “Goddess of revenge”, which according to legend comes up out of the netherworld, in order to punish every “malefactor” (=”blasphemer”). The “bad Erinnyes” (= “bad memories”) persecute therefore also Electra and Orestes and banns them to “Tauris”. The Hebrew “aleph” now is also the “head of the Taurus”, but it is also the initial letter of your “verbal language”. With this “aleph” (=Taurus) begins also your “verbal path” through Tauris and it ends at the Taw (= perceived appearances, last letter). Everything that lies in between these two symbols, describes the world perceived by you (the Maya). In the fortress of exile Tauris according to legend there “all of the arriving strangers” are being sacrificed to the goddess “Artemis” (“goddess of the hunt and of (animalistic) procreation (> species). This symbolizes in a delightful ironic way the “contents” of your so far spiritual education and the “wild world-picture” that has come forth out of that, the teaching of the species with its law of “devour or getting devoured”. This teaching of the species is as well a “misinterpretation” of that “which actually really is” and has only occurred because of “shortsighted observations”. In my creation the “brutal stronger one” has never “survived”, to the opposite. The “stronger ones” always disappear faster” from the scene of my creation than they were able to “fight themselves to the top”. This “fact” you will discover everywhere if you look into your world really attentively. This “real law” is valid for the bio-logical species as well as for all other “forms of culture”. Always only “in-con-spic-uous” developments have really “survived” in your world. That is only those ones who understand how to enter into “a secret harmony with the whole”, do “really survive”.
This is my “real godly law”!
This law hovers unrestrictedly above/over ALL and is valid – starting with the smallest material molecule – for all “biological appearances”. These reach from the “low species” all the way to the “animal-human” (to which you too still have to count yourself) and they end at the “highly developed collective spirit-being”, which resembles me like the spitting image of me, as if it were my “twin” (Hebr.= “theo-mim”)  (see volume 1, page 10).
However by a “trick” of “Iphigeneia” (the sister of Elektra and Orestes) they both are able to free themselves out of Tauris (the verbal materialized world). Iphigeneia is considered as priestess and “heroine” (Greek “female hero”; she symbolizes a strong woman (= a strong logic), which is free of any kind of egoistic “thought-addiction” (Her(r)-oine). Even though she too passes her existence in Tauris, Erinnyes (the memory of the dogmatic “school-education”) is not able to do her any harm. Why, this is what you should now ask yourself? Because with her, not the “feminine”, that is to say the “normal logic” has the say so. This transformation of Iphi-gen-eias, or better yet, the “becoming one” of her masculine and feminine aspects, is being told to you in the legend of “Iphis”. Because Iphis was being transformed from a woman to a “real man”. She is the daughter of “Lyctus”, who leads you to “Lycaon” and he in turn leads you then to the “Deukaleonean flood” (Germ.= Sintflut). Deukaleon and Phyrrha is the term given to “Heroes and collective parental couple” which according to legend “coincidentally” initiate a “new kind of human race” on earth.
But now back to “Atlas”, the father of the other Electra. The word “Atlas” now “by coincidence” is as well – just as is also the (dream)world (>Maya) which is perceived by you – an appearance with four-fold meaning (four-dimensional):

  1. in Greek mythology with Atlas a giant is termed, who carries “the earth-sphere” on his shoulders (so his world is “his head”);

  2. in biology Atlas is the term for the highest cervical vertebra. The “carrier of this head” (this is you);

  3. in materioloy Atlas is a fabric with a regular (>logical) and shiny (>reflecting) “surface” (symbolizes your only “superficial and logical” perception;

  4. and in geography and/or topography Atlas is a two-dimensional work of maps. This symbolizes your “limited rational logic” which does not know how to measure any value to all of the “analog facts” which are perceived by you.

(The “map” (=your world) which you are only looking at superficially, is not your “real territory”!)

Atlas” produces by his tautological logic his own “attraction” (=a fascinating “represent-ation), that is to say he produces himself the ”present area” of his psychological ”present-ation”. The word attraction” (=gravitational force) goes back to the Latin “attrahere” (= “being dressed; dressing”) and is supposed to remind you of your egoistic “self-referentiality” - your “self-seeking”- of that human, which is still “seeking himself”. And in this way the world perceived by you does prove itself really only as a “mock-up” (Germ.= “Attrappe”) (“delusively similar replica”) of your own immature “psyche” (Greek = “soul”, soul-life”). Atlas symbolizes therefore you, the “normal human”, who lets itself “be taken for a run around” by his own rational logic. This is why in this existence/being here you only play an “Attaché” (= “envoyè without a title of embassy”), who still has not yet understood the actual messages (the real meaning) of his “play on this side”. Even though I have blown into you my godly “”breath” Germ. = Atem”) (Indian=”atman” = breath: soul”), you by your unconscious self-overestimation and the “idolization” of your “embryonal (assumed) knowledge” practice “atheism” (Greek= “a-theos” = “God-denial”) in its purest form. Everything that you have been capable of “believing” with your limited logic – that is to say that which you “worship” “as true”, from “your (pseudo)natural laws all the way to your picture of God – does not have the slightest bit to do with my real being.

The “atmosphere” (“covering/mantle of air”), of which you “believe”, that it is surrounding you in this dream and which you are “breathing” (Germ.= “atmest”) (ahd. “adam-on”) there, is formed by the Greek words “atmos” (= “haze/mist” [Hebr. “ed”, see volume 1, page 58])
and “sphaira” (=”disc; sphere; earth-globe”). The Latin “sphaera” does thereby not only relate to a “globe”, but does also term “the circular orbit of the celestial bodies”. But this word has its real roots in “spiraculum”, which means “air hole”. The “opening to the netherworlds” therefore is also called “spiraculum ditis” and in this “netherworld” (=the material world which is perceived by you) therefore also my “vortex laws” (swirl/twirl/whirl-laws) (Latin= “spira” = “circumvolution”, “coil”, “twist”) are ruling!
This is why it also says in § 75 of the Book of Bahir (this translation relates to the Codex Hebraicus 209 of 1223):
What is the “teli”? This is the “form” (=Hebr. “demut” [=the form of his ability to humility!] of the human, which he is supposed to take on as “small God”. So it says [Cant. Cantic. 5;11: “His locks are “curled”. And what is the “galgal”? This is the “abdominal cavity” (which carries him all the way till his real birth [the womb earth])!
But now what really is the “teli”? The Hebrew word “teli” (400-30-10) means “quiver”, but also “clothes hook”. So therefore it is about a “covering/coating” (quiver, dress), which is “being held” and/or is “holding something” (see volume 1, page 239). An ”artificial mound of earth” is called “tel” (400-30) and “tela’a” (400-30-1-5) means “suffering”, “hardship” and “grievance/complaint”. A ”section/stage/period of exams” is called “telusch” (400-30-6-300) and a “dependency” is called “telut” (400-30-6-400). But what “galgal” (3-30-3-30; the wheel) really means, this you can find by looking it up in volume 1 on page 234.
Here I am taking the term “vortex law” only as another word for my “spiritus sanctitas” and this means “holy breath” (“spiritus = “breath” [but also “fuel” = “sprit”]; “sanctitas” = “holiness”). Hereby it is also about the “whirl-wind” (the “ruach” (= spirit) in the form of a spiral, which appears more than once in the Bible in the form of a “pillar of cloud”.

My vortex law:
The founding father of “thermo-dynamics” was Sir William Thomsen, better known as Lord Kelvin. He is considered as the supposedly “discoverer” of the “absolute Point Zero” (-273.2o Celsius = 0o Kelvin). This value however is known since eons (for this see volume 1, page 79). It is to be found encoded in the measurements of the pyramids and in my Bible. The overwhelming majority of your natural scientists have gotten caught in their “corpuscle-thesis” of the atoms. This thesis still forms the foundation of scientific materialism. Kelvin was a deviator. A vision forced him to challenge the concept of the “billiard-ball-atom”. Even though in principle he believed in this atom-theory, he refused to view atoms as “firm matter”. Fact is that scientists to this very day are not able to state anything at all about the “atoms” except their purely assumed knowledge. They neither know anything about the real cause of the “particle/wave-phenomenon” of the electrons nor about what “electricity” actually is. 1867 Kelvin found “by chance” the key to that “which actually really is”, but not the keyhole which belongs to it . But Kelvin was sure about it, that he had found a simple explanation for most of his questions. Nowadays physicists require “billions” for “particle-accelerators” that are getting bigger and bigger, in order to with their help be able to constantly prove anew to themselves “their dogmatic assumed knowledge” about the “appearing phenomenon matter” – and thereby also their own stupidity. Whereas Kelvins apparatus consisted only out of a small box, two towels and a few chemicals. With these utensils and his “dogma-free spirit” he already then was in the position, to lead all of todays “physical figments/fantasies” “ad absurdum”. Kelvin considered/assumed, that atoms are nothing else but “vortex-rings”. In the eyes of Kelvin atoms were nothing else but “vortex-rotations” – but what it was that was “rotating”, this he also could not explain to himself. But one thing was certain to him, that the “movement of this rotation” solely/merely produced “the illusion” of firm bodies. These ultimate atoms to him were far from being firm and undividable. In his eyes they simply only were “vortexes”.

But for him too the question was left in the open, what it was that “was swirling around” and/or what these vortexes were rotating in. At the end of the year 1867 he published a mathematical essay/treatise about vortex-atoms.

Sir J.J. Thomsen, if superficially seen “purely by coincidence” namesake to Kelvin (in normal life neither related nor an in-law) and the discoverer of the electron, won in1882 the “prize of Adams” (this name of course appears to be only “pure coincidence” to a “normal human”) for an essay/treatise about “the movement of vortex-rings”. This essay contains exact detailed mathematical details of my “physics of vortexes” (but all of these “calculations” are also encoded in the gematria of the words mentioned above). But in the 20th century all of this had been forgotten. Einstein stepped on the scene and the atom got “split” once more. The idea of an “ether that was whirling around” died. The idea of a vortex with its enormous potential was being buried by the established science.
Let’s just simply have a closer look at the words “Thomsen” and “Atom”. There is the philosophy of “Thomism”, which is built on “scholasticism”. The basis/foundation of scholasticism is the Christendom and the cultural entity of the occident. In early scholasticism (9-10th century) the “scholastic method” is formed, which still to this very day dominates human thinking with its “universals controversy”. In High-scholasticism (13th century) on top of it they foolishly also separated philosophy and the natural sciences from theology and this way the philosophical systems of the great orders came about (Thomas of Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, Duns Scotus). Only by a synthesis of all of these “spiritual streams” the “natural-scientific-philosophical thinking” is able to be raised up again to that, which ultimately it really is
supposed to be: a “Nominalism” (teaching according to which at the basis of all general concepts there is no reality outside of thinking). The discussions/disputes in philosophy about the definition of the “general concepts” (=universals) is called “universals controversy”. There it is first and foremost about the big question:
Are the appearances, which are hidden behind all “de-finit-ions”/”terms” (=words) – like for example “human” or “God” – “TRUE”, or is there hidden behind these – always only to be seen superficially – still yet something completely different? This then inevitably would also have to be “more real TRUE”. But this in turn does not necessarily have to mean, that this “newly detected/realized” and “being received as TRUE PERCEPTION” does represent the apodictic cause/substance.

This “hidden” not yet recognized “phenomenon” the philosophers call/term as “realia”.

And like this we come to a new question. What is the “realia” of the “reality” which is being perceived by you?
Rea” is an old feminine name (=the first woman! See volume 1, page 56). “Regula”, also a female name, has the meaning “rule; guideline; order” and “Regina” means “queen” (>princess>leading>[first]woman = “your logic”). The old German first name “Reglinde” means “decision(maker)(fem.)” (=Germ. “ragina”).

Rea silvia” was the daughter of “Numitor” (Latin “numen” = “the godly will”). The Latin word “numero” (= “counting”) shows you the connection of this story to the real cause of the “reality” (=Rea) which is being per(re-)ceived by you (as being true), and that is Numitor. In case you should ever even have heard anything at all about this myth, you will have regarded Numitor only as a “mystical figure” and will have designated his name to a mystical fairy-tale-story that has been passed down “by chance”. All “mathematical laws” of natural sciences that are known so far “and” the “re-count-ings” of my mystical revelatory writings stem “irrefutably” out of one and the same source – out of me – because they are mathematically linked with each other in the “beyond world” which to you is not yet perceivable!

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