Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

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Mystic which is viewed in a gematrial way – provided there is a corresponding rational, that is to say mature consciousness – in this way turns into pure mathematics and through this contains also all of the “physical formulas” – speak laws – of all of your materialized appearances – all the way to the formula for the “elixir of life” which is able to give you your “eternal life”.
Now do things which the human spirit associates with their name “ex-ist” “independent” of the thought (the thinker), or are these terms (nomina) only there to be used for the ordering of the thoughts which are perceived “by the thinker” – or better yet – of the world which is still perceived limitedly?
So with “Thomism” “the overall view” of actual reality is being termed. It is the view on ”real reality” seen from my eight-dimensional point of view. Only that soul, which is able to take on this “high spiritual stand-point” notices, that “reason” (=the “rational logic”) and all the “revelations” that are appearing in it (=the world which is perceived by the human, consisting of “godly”, “demonic” and “earthly appearances”) do not “contra-dict” themselves the least bit, but rather only represent diverse/different (low-dimensional) points of view.

Now why exactly the physicists “W. Thomsen” and “J.J. “Thomsen” were the ones to whom the idea of my “vortex-laws” “happened by chance” – that is to say they “discovered it in their spirit” and delivered mathematical essays/treatises about it – this is anything else but “by chance”.

Theom” (400-1-6-40) in Hebrew means “twin” but also “depth”. These vortex-laws have risen up out of their “nescience”/”not-knowing” (Hebr. “tehom” 400-5-6-40 = “primal water”; “depth”) and formed in both of their consciousness a “resonance” (Hebr. “teh-uda” 400-5-6-4-5). The consciousness of my son of man is in complete resonance with all humans. He represents the incarnated resonance – the “harmony” (Hebr. “toham” 400-1-40) – between God and world, between “Theos and Udo” (“tehudo”). My son of man is therefore the “supporting pillar” (Hebr. thomcha” 400-6-40-20-5) of your world, without whom there would be no “real life”, but rather only “objects of repulsion” (Hebr. “to’eva” 400-6-70-2-5) = “abomination”), because without him only “Eve” (Eva) (the first woman) would have the upper hand in your world so far. Only he by his “un-encuber-eredness (Germ.= “Un-be-fangen-heit” > not being bound) (Hebr. “tom” 400-40; but also means “innocence; integrity”) is able to recognize the “wholeness” / “entirety” (Hebr. “tom” as well. 400-40) of the world which is perceived by you and your fellow humans only fragmented. He is the perfection/completion of my “purpose” (Germ. = “Be-stimm-ung” > de-term-ing) (Hebr. “te-uda” 400-70-6-4-5) – the lamb of my revelation! He is the spiritual macro-cosmos of the micro-cosmos that is perceived by you. He is a living “spiritual “atom-bomb” (>atomic fusion). “He is the new “Adam”!
Adam” therefore is only another word for “atom” (=ultimate origin). In the word “human” (Hebr. “adam” 1-4-40) there are more secrets hidden than you are able to dream of. It contains “concealed within” the “mathematical secret” of matter which is being perceived by you. Do you still remember the “number of substance 81”, which in its “appearance” as 1/81 contains all of the “natural numbers” (see volume 1, page 82/83)? The “energy” which an “atom” contains, is being expressed with the formula of the “relativistic equation” of “Einstein” (Germ. Stein > “a stone” of the wise). It is thereby made apparent (seen without “timely momentum factor”), that E2 : m2 corresponds exactly to 81 (see volume 1, page 91). The number 81 as expression “3 cube 4” thereby stands for (speed of?) “light”!
Hasn’t there also been light at the beginning?
Adam” now in Hebrew is written mda. If you look at these signs as numbers (read from the “left”), you have 4-0 / 4-1 in front of your eyes. If then you “di-vide” this structure in the middle of it, you get on one side 4-0 (40 = Mem) and on the other side 4-1 (Daleth/Aleph). The adding up of these two “halves” which came about through “di-vision” then makes up “your sight/view” (He) on the 81 (Peh/Aleph), which represents the numeric and nominal basis of matter.
M*** + da equals hpa
This means in clear text:

40 (Mem) + 41 (Daleth/Aleph) (=”Adams view”, He 5) 81.

Whereas now this result if read as sequence of signs hpa means “baking”. Hasn’t there been something like “beth-lechem”? You now should ask yourself, “what” it is that ultimately is being “baked” by the one, who is “view-ing” the sum of his “condemnations” (dividings).

It is the “illusion matter”!

We can also analyze the whole thing on the “hieroglyphic-level”. If you look at “baking” hpa from the “left”, you read:

Your “(way of) looking at/viewing” (He) the “words” (Pe) is your “guide/leader” (Aleph).

Or expressed differently: Your interpretations of the words determine the character of the world perceived by you on your path of development to a God, which is to say, to my image.

But now if you read, as is common in Hebrew, from the right – “the right side” – that is from God’s side, it means:

As an adult “leader/creator” (the Aleph which goes on before/ahead) you yourself determine by the right way of giving meaning to your “words” (Pe = the mouth) the view through the “window” (He) of your consciousness!

You are able to do this “inter/ex-change-ing” – that is to say the changing of the polarity by a view from the “left” – with all of the Hebrew words. Why don’t we try this with the word “Adam”.
Mda if read from the right means:

“To a leader/creator” that goes on before/ahead the “door” (Daleth) of “time” (Mem) opens. But if read from the left it means:

The “time” (M = End-Mem!) is a “locked door” for a “leader” who is lagging behind.
Do you still remember my description of both of the Mem-signs? There is a Mem with opened lips m and there is a “end-Mem” with a closed mouth M!

The word Adam Mda in its “mirrored way of writing”, that is if read from behind, turns into adM. The end-Mem at the beginning of a word is not permitted in the Hebrew. It resembles optically the Samech s, the water snake. The Adam who is viewed from his back-side begins with the radical 40-4 – “mad” – and this means “measuring device”. You are the one, who by his judgmental “left logic” has tasted from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You have, because you are only able to think “left-sidedly” – that is to say from the left (=limitedly logic) – the “logical bad habit”, to “measure-to” all of your appearances the values “good/evil”.

And this way you make of yourself – the originally godly “unconcerned” Adam (1-4-40) mda who would be able to live in paradise – a human who himself makes his existence “maggoty” (Hebr. = “madig” = “worried”, 40-4-1-10-3) for himself by his logical judging, as you try “to wrestle” through your only “left-sidedly-perceived” existence, and you ban yourself by this “only imagined fight for survival” out of paradise. The dm (40-4) of the “read turned around” Adam adm (40-4-1) also means “(being)worried”; worried because of ones own judgmental measuring-device-existence. Your exitence then begins “daily” with the “ab-normal end-Mem”, which resembles the water-snake Samech. Now if the Beth (unaware duality = schizophrenia) pushes itself into the mathematical framework of the word “worried”, then you also get the “main mood” of this world which is perceived by you “amiss” – abdm “meduka” (40-4-2-1) – this means being “depressed” and “discouraged”. Meduka describes “the mood which predominates” in you, for as long as you stay stuck (glued) (= “middabek” 40-4-2-100) in the “desert” (“midbar” 40-4-2-200) of your “logically perceived” enemy-images (see also volume 1, page 51). Pay attention to the end-signs of these two words. “Midbar” (= desert) ends with Resch and “middabek” (= to glue) ends with the “monkey” and/or the “needles eye” Koph.

Adam is the only “real human” (Germ. = ”Mensch”). The Latin word “mens” means “mind/reason; spirit” and “mensura” means “measuring”. The word Adam terms therefore “a form of being/existing” which is capable of “assessing”/“measure-ing” its “surrounding” autonomic/ independent” (that is to say “it measures”). The quality of the world perceived by you therefore depends on your own “assessment”/“measuring”; “by your rational view”. What do you see? If we add on to the word Adam (1-4-40) a He for “seeing”, you get an answer to this question. Because then you get 1-4-40-5, say “adamo”. This is the Hebrew word for “earth”.
The leap from the Hebrew language into the Latin language which “appears later in time” corresponds thereby only to the “further spiritual development” of these words. Not the slightest bit thereby changes “of the essential”, that is to say of the original context. The Hebrew 1-4-40 “Mem”-structure thereby turns into a “mens-“structure (Germ.=menschlich=human).The “spirit of Adam” which at the beginning is still “holoistic” – this “innocent and unknowing spirit”, that according to legend could see boundlessly/without limit above space and time, has now eaten from the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” and has thereby judged/divided itself into a “normal” human spirit (Germ. = mens(chliche). You “normal spirit” produce “in yourself” through completely “unaware/unconscious thinking” of your own “thoughts” your own dividedness/division. You are the “object” that thinks, but also the “subject”, which “e-valuates” (=measures) its own thoughts. By this e-valuating” of your own thoughts you then “di-vide/ spread out” your “e-value-ations, that is to say your “sentences/verdicts/judgements” into space and time.
Your entire “outside-world-experiences” ultimately consist only out of the “making up of”/”fabrication” (Latin= “men-dacium”, also “lie”) of your own thoughts. Matter consists of the “con-densed/solidified” structure of your “made up” (= “he [that is Adam] versifies”) thoughts.
Your “mem-ories” (Lat. “mem-oria” = “remembrance/mind”) are only “partial/bit by bit” (Lat. “mem-bartim”) appearances of the sign “Mem” (“of time”), which is “in you” as a whole without beginning and end “in the now”, that is to say in a “static state”, equal to a video-cassette – as “nescience/not-knowing”. Your whole world-experience stands only on your “mem-ories” and these stem from Mem and Ories, your memories. The Latin word “oriens” means “east” and “orient”. But Oriens is also the term for a real “sun-god”. I am the “real source of light” of the world perceived by you – the apodictic “origin/source” (= Lat. “origo”). Your consciousness has not yet reached the level of maturity, to be able to consciously control your – the ones that emanate/originate out of my Mem(ories) – “time appearances” of your “feeling/sensing of the past”. Your “attention” is changing “permanently” (Lat. “permarinus” = “floating through the ocean”; “per-metior” = “measuring out”; “permaneo” = “remain; endure”), and not consciously controllable by you, these “levels of perception” (see volume 1, page 192) which are contained in this Mem (=water).
Your “spirit” (=”mens”) therefore is never able to reach any further than you allow it to be dictated to you by your own “rational logic”.
Only your self-realization – that is to say the conscious knowledge of your weak-mindedness so far – is going to allow you to “grow beyond” yourself. So far the “nature” (= Hebr. “teba” 9-2-70 = 81) which is perceived by you so far, is subject to exact mathematical laws – and these are the laws of the “81”.
The history of development of natural science of “your world” corresponds therefore exactly to the structure of your own “spiritual” development and shows the “three stages/phases of development” which you come in contact with in all appearances:
1. Observation: That means the gathering and registering of all of the perceived appearances.
2. Generalization: These facts which are being diligently observed are now being organized/ordered methodically, systematically generalized and “logically” classified, in order for you “hu-mans” (Germ. = “mens(ch)”) to be able to “deduce” (=conclude) and explain for yourself laws. In this way out of your self-defined ordering-scheme rules came about, which then “appeared” “as natural laws” for you (and/or your dreamed natural scientists).
3. Prediction: These laws then are being “styled up/talked up” to “facts” and thereby are being applied by your “unaware/unconscious psyche” in such a way, that they “predict” the eventuating of their own predictions with infallible accuracy (= “to calculate rationally”). This then is the birthing of your “chronologically perceived outside-world-projection”.
Let us again have a closer look at the third paragraph, since for sure you were not yet able to grasp its entire depth. Where do you come from? If you try to delve into your “mem-ories”, in order to answer this question “yourself”, you will be able to observe something very “strange”. If you begin to dig “deep within yourself”, your conscious memories are going to become more and more “blurred/fuzzy”, to then get lost in your own “spiritual fuzziness”.
The “only thing” which you can and should be viewing as really “existing” in your being here, is the existence of your momentary “own inner-most” (“ur-Ei-Gen-sten”) thoughts and feelings/sensations!
As far as you are able to “conduct” with your “own spirit” this “thought-journey” and therewith “can also comprehend it empirically yourself”, you stem – that is to say the spirit, which “at this very moment” is “thinking about” itself (say: “thinks itself” and/or “is running through its own rational logic”), out of a “nothing”!

A mens(ch) > human (= spirit) can only think “in the now”, that is to say in the present and therefore can only “exist” in the now (Lat. = “ex-sisto” = “stepping forth, appear”)! But out of what does this “thinking spirit”, which you call “I”, step forth of? Out of its own “nescience/not-knowing” of course, out of its Mem(ories).

“Thank God” “in you” there also is your “assumed knowledge”, which you term as “school-knowledge” and stupidly consider to be “a fact”. Because what is it that you actually do when you refer to your “school-knowledge”? You thereby actually only ask yourself, what it is that you are supposed to consider as truth/per-re-ception-unit, which lies “before” your present “not-knowing”. So you actually pose your question about the “ultimate truth” only to your own “rational logos” – and therewith to your own dogma – in order that “you” explain to “yourself” your “past” – that is to say about the time that has existed before your “present” consciousness.
This unconscious process “in you” represents the birth of your “tautology”, that is to say of your world-picture, including all of the “stochastic compulsive behaviors” which are linked to it (see volume 1, page 13).

This description of your “psyche” a technician now is able to, with only minimal changes, turn into a precise description of a “cyberspace-software”, because it contains all of the essential

principles for the function-description of a biased tautology, where out of its “static number

structure” (=Mem) there are regenerating “artificial worlds” (=the perception which is being extrapolated through your rational logic).

All predictions of your “biased” and “caught up” in itself spirit – which you term as “I” – therefore inevitably are only going to “function” within your own “physical material perception”. Everything that is being “per-re-ceived” (as true) is therefore inevitably always only a “mirrored reflection” of your own incalculable/unpredictable (since for you so far only unconscious/unaware) “psyche”. An immature mens(ch) = human in this way makes of himself (by his unwittingly “judging [Germ. = ur-teilen = dividing] of himself”) to a being which is divided in two, with a “spirit and body”. With your “psyche” and the “physics” which is being constructed out of it, you unknowingly make for yourself your own “psychomantium” (Lat. = “death-oracle”).
In the mystic “Psyche” was a king’s daughter of “fascinating beauty” (= your logic). “In her sleep” she was being abducted by “Zephyros” (“God of the west-wind” [>Physis = material world picture > America) at the behest of “Eros” (=”God of bodily love”). In “Orphism” (ancient Greek secret doctrine about the world origin and the immortality of the soul and its development/evolution [=transmigration of souls]; “Orpheus” = the personification of “the death prevailing/conquering love”) turns into “Eros” (Lat. “erigo” = “to establish”; “erro” = “the vagrant (Germ. = Land-streicher); “error” = “wandering about”) is being termed as the “world-shaking/moving creator”, who out of “chaos” (nescience/not-knowing) created the “cosmos” (=your world-picture).
We should also have a closer look at the second half of the word “psychomantium” - your own “death-oracle”. “Manto” was a “foretelling nymph” and “Mantus” was the “death-guide and warden of the netherworld” of the Etruscans. In India the term for the “first human, legislator of his own laws” who as by a miracle was being saved from the “flood/deluge”, is “manu” (human). A fish lifted him “up above the surface of the water” of this “flood of (the) senses” (any potential similarities with Jonah are “purely by chance” ). Then of course there is also the “Manitu” (Amerindian = “spirit”) of the Amerindians. He is the personification of “the creator-God”, who is also called the “one ordering the cosmos”. The Alonkin view “Manitu” as a “force” and/or a “power”, which is inherent to/in all of the creatures and things of nature.
All of the laws of nature which are being per-(re-)ceived by you (as) being true of your “Cartesian world-view”, with/by a very accurate analysis turn out to be merely a “self-confining /self-limiting” tauto-logy”. You have “sunken” (Hebr.= “taba” 9-2-70) deeply into your present/momentary tautology - just like in a dream – or would it be better if I say “bogged down”. By your only superficial “interpretation” of your perceptions you are “forming” (=”tawa” 9-2-70 as well) the “quality” of your “outside-world-experience” yourself. Have you noticed something? All of these words do have the “total value” of “81” and describe to you therewith the mathematical relation between the mystical “flood/deluge” – in which you have “sunken” into – to the “flood of (the) senses” of the “material outside-world” which is being produced by you, which you are “forming” for yourself out of your own Mem (=water/time). You “believe” thereby to be “existing” in a world, which “continually” seems to be “sinking into” “time” (=water).
Your own “belief” ultimately always determines also your own “perception”!

So actually it is only your “perception”, which seems to permanently be “drowning” (= “tevi-a” 9-2-10-70-5) in a “past”, because your conscious spirit stays “perforce” always in the present.

Sorry to say but you too still entertain the erroneous belief that “the most important appearance-phenomenon” in this world is represented by “money”. You too view with your “mo-ment-ary logic” money to be “the most important” thing, without which a “surviving” in your world would not be possible for you. This curse weighs heavily on your soul only for one reason, because your spirit is not yet capable of grasping/comprehending that “which actually really is” as a whole. The Hebrew word for “grasping/comprehending” is “tevi-ut” (9-2-10-70-6-400), which also means “ability to perceive”.

You could change “your present situation” very simply and without any problem “for the better”. For this you only need a “new belief”. But for as long as you let your dogmatic logic interpret for you any kind of new belief, which goes beyond your present spiritual limitations, as an “impossibility” and as a “crazy idea”, you are also always going to be your own prisoner.

With the present logic so far you are only able to see everything “one-sided”. Therefore it also resembles to a “coinage” (“tevia” 9-2-10-70-5), which on one side (= this side) makes you “drown” (Hebr.= “tevia” as well) in your “addiction to money/and recognition”.

I really did give it some thought with the creation of the words. Why then do the words “drowning”, “to coin”, “forming”, “comprehending”, “ability to perceive”, “nature” and “natural law” in the Hebrew have the gematrial root 9-2-70 (=81)? All of these have to do with your materialism and that again ends with Einstein’s theory of relativity (E2/m2 =81).

By your “drowning” (sinking into) “chronological time” which you yourself are producing, which is to say, only by your dogmatic belief in the “cult of the stars” (Acts 7; 42) you “are coining” for yourself your “own character” and therewith inevitably also the quality of being-here/existence that is being “formed” by this character.
A ring always shows a connection. This can be a wedding-ring, the ankle-shackle of a slave, but also the ring on the foot of a “dove”. Even though it has a “ring” (= “tiba” 9-2-70 as well), it is able to fly around freely. For this reason also a dove (the right belief) (Germ. Taube > Glaube = belief) heralds the end of your flood/deluge (flood of the senses). The “ark” in which the humans “sur-vive” the flood in the Bible is called “teba” (400-2-5). The Hebrew word for “nature” is “teba” (9-2-70) as well, but it has, as you see, the gematrial structure of 81 (see volume 1, page 99).
Ark” (400-2-5) means if read on the hieroglyphic level:

All of your “appearances” (400; the signs) do come about/occur only by/through your “dual” (2; house [inside/outside]) “view” (5; window).

The phenomenon “of your conscious” (400-2-5) and “of your unconscious” (9-2-70) way of looking at all of the appearances of your being-here/existence is also being symbolically described to you in the Book of Jonah. You should therefore once more call “to memory” for yourself this chapter in volume 1. Hopefully you will now realize, that you have not read IAMYOU, but rather by/with your unaware/unconscious comparing it with your present knowledge so far have “judged it”. This should show you, “how superficially” you are dealing with your world.
But let us just once more go back to Atlas and Electra:

The Theory of Relativity and the wave-mechanics of the quanta (the Quantum-Mechanics) started their triumphal march through the universities of your world, even though these two physical thesis themselves only represent an “ideological particle/wave-phenomenon”, because

by exact observation, with both of these thesis one ends up in a paradox – in an anti-nomy. The traditional view, that matter consists of indestructible particles and that they keep to “its form” “independent of an observer”, by now do contradict – at least in the purely “theo-retic elementary physics” – all of the mathematical insights. But for as long as the question is not finally “officially” resolved, what elementary particles “ultimately and really” are and why they are able to turn into “pure energy”, you will in your world also further on find this “soul-destroying materialism”.
The “vapor” (Greek “atmos) of the “origin” leads you to the “electron cloud” of the “atom” (Greek “a-tomos” = “un-cut”; undividable”). Depending on the spiritual maturity you will be able to more or less follow my statements. Through your so far superficial way of viewing it would not even have crossed your mind, to bring the mythological giant “Atlas” in connection to the “atom” and his daughter “Electra” to the “electron” that belongs to it. Do not make the mistake to dismiss it as “coincidence” – the way you define it.

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