Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

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Any kind of fear and security-thinking, which a “normal human” tends (and cultivates!), is God-denial in its purest form! If you really know, who and what I am, you also know, who and what you yourself are and only then you can claim of yourself “I know”! And this in turn you should only then claim of yourself, if in your world-picture/world-view there is “not one single contradiction” any more. Only then you are an “understanding one”, only then are you a creature according to my image, who can say “I know!”.

If you would really believe in God – that is to say in “us” – you would not even know the feeling “fear” at all.

The real past of your mankind:

Since your present spirit is only capable of thinking in space and time, I now will reveal to you the real “pro-ceed-ure” (Germ.=“Ab-lauf”) of your human past:

Your development, and by this also your own past, resembles a precisely defined mathematical spiral, which coming out of my godly “nothing”, turns/screws itself upward in a logarithmic way. Your mankind with its present assumed knowledge assumes a big bang, which supposedly has happened approximately 15 billion of years ago. But every kind of “space-time-view”/”a-spect” (=thesis) is only a three-dimensional projection of the cause/origin which is in actual reality eight-dimensional and timeless. For this just imagine different kinds of maps with different kinds of scales, which describe the same territory. These maps are also not the real territory, but rather a spiritually scaled down/minimized two-dimensional projection of that one. I will now call to your consciousness a complete “opposite” to your “blurred big-bang-theory”. This “possible view” of actual reality which is described here is in its mathematical structure not only much more accurate than your view so far, but for your “childlike spirit” also much easier to be grasped and comprehended. But this too is ultimately also only a projection of timeless actual reality into time!

It is possible “without any problem” to fan out the “real time-history” equal to an electro-physical decibel-scale. Let’s view the origin as “one” (0,0 dB) and the “now” of your chronologic time-calculation as “to the cube” (Germ.= dritte Potenz > third power) (60 dB = 1000 [the trinity]). Your assumed “history” we now divide into three parts (= three stages of development), from 0 – 20 dB; 20 – 40 dB and 40 – 60 dB.

All the now following statements you can verify yourself with the help of the in your world “existing history books” and the Bible.
James Ussher, the Anglican arch-bishop of Armagh in Ireland, tried 350 years ago to determine the age of your earth. He thereby did not consult the rock-information but the Bible. The arch-bishop who was familiar with the ancient Semitic language, studied most accurately the “Genealogy” of the patriarchs, judges and priests in the Hebrew original text of the Bible. The family-tree begins with ADAM, who supposedly became 930 years old, and continues on about dozens of Generations. From their life-spans Ussher calculated, that the earth according to all possible assumptions had been created in the year 4004 before Christ. His exact chronology you can read in his work that was published in 1650 called “Annals of the Ancient and New Testament”. His theses then were diligently “recalculated” later on by Dr. John Lightfoot, the then vice-chancellor of the University of Cambridge (a spiritual capacity that is and not a nut-case), and he was able to even make this statement more precise. He announced, that for him the earth without a doubt had been created 4004 B.C.

Every narrow-minded materialist, who is only able to “start from” his own “assumed knowledge” and therefore dogmatically (better brainlessly) believes in a Big Bang of modern natural science and the consequently happening evolution lasting billions of years, of course is going to only laugh about these “old calculations”. I can only say, what a pity. I hope that his arrogant laughter is now not going to get stuck in his throat. Maybe it would be better for him to once again take to mind the chapter “The inner and the outer maturity” in volume 1.

If you compare this value of 4004 B.C. with your present, you will notice that your earth had its 6000th birthday exactly 1996. 6000 (0 – 60 dB) “co-incidentally” can be divided beautifully into tree blocks of 2000 years each.

And now listen and marvel, you small human!

If you add up the symbolic “biblical years” (which, as I have already said more then once, can not be transferred “one to one” into your linear chronological perception of the world) anyway, you end up, starting with Adam, after 2000 years with Jacob (Israel), another 2000 years with Jesus and another 2000 years in your present presence. If now you place these three periods beneath each other and you add, just like into a scale, as if you were to make an event-plan, all of the “essential” and “relevant” events of history – the ones which are only available to you through the Bible and your history books – you are going to make a downright sensational discovery: all essential and relevant mythological and political events/happenings of these three “time-periods” have, with a terrifying accuracy/precision, repeated itself at the exact same “point in time” of the corresponding higher level. Since with the first two sections it is mostly only about “mystical stories” out of the Bible and only the third time period relates to “chronologically and historically recorded data” which rest on “historically verifiable (how?)” facts of the past 2000 years, this for the time being should not bother you. You should always keep in your consciousness, that your complete past – even your yesterday – only consists of your assumed knowledge. Distant past escapes any kind of empiric verification. Ultimately you cannot – according to scientific aspects – prove to any human, who does not want it to be proven to him, that “your yesterday” has happened the way you have it “in your mem-ory”; but all of this I have already tried to explain to you more than sufficiently.
Only by this new “possible way of looking at” the past it will become evident to you (and thereby also to your mankind), that all of the appearances in space and time have permanently repeated themselves with a terrifying accuracy/precession, “ob-vious-ly” (Germ. = “offen-sichtlich” > open view) on an only higher level. To describe it with different words: With this new kind of “fanning out” of my “timeless actual reality” into time it is clearly depicted, that your past produces itself “mutatis mutandis” – that is to say with all of the changes of actual reality that occurred by this “unfolding” – always only “out of itself”. A mathematician should now put in front of his eyes the picture of a mathematically produced fractal, which unfolds and/or intra-polates out of a relatively simple “initial equation”. My son of man is able to demonstrate this to you in all detail. One is able, with the accurate/precise “parallels of history”, which are becoming visible with this new kind of new “way of portraying the past”, to fill many books. Your young spirit is still only waking up and is therefore able to consciously grasp only “timely existences” – that is to say appearances which are dispersed into time.

Please always remember, that with all of the “words” and “persons” (Latin: “persona” = “mask”; “character” [in a play]; “per-sono” = “sounding-through”; “let it sound”) in the Bible and in the history-books it is always only about a symbolic depiction of a fact that in its original nature is completely different. Only as your spirit “thinks about”/re-flects” (Germ. = nach-denken = thinks after) these “primal sounds”, these words are made alive –are “revived to life” in your spiritual realm of perception, and/or are being “materialized” as “things” in your outside-world-projection. The real essential “core of being” of all of your conscious appearances therefore lies hidden in the sound-structure of the words which are spoken by you consciously or unconsciously “in the spirit”. The outside-world-picture which you perceive “now” – that is to say the present/momentary focus-point of your light of attention – only consists of by you “unconsciously thought words”. This ray of attention of your spirit alone produces the actual “eruption” (Germ. = Ausschlag = hitting out) of your consciousness into the being here/existence which is able to be perceived by you.

I began with my creation of your world exactly on the 11. 8. 4004 BC. Seven days later – that is on the 18. 8. 4004 - I was finished with this work, whereby on the sixth day your “primal archetype”, the “Adam Kadmon”, has appeared on your “spiritual screen/scene”. The number-

structure of these two days is not a random coincidence.

In case you still should not yet have understood, here again with all emphasis:
For everything there is a “rational explanation”, provided that one has at ones disposal a godly rationality! Normal humans judge their appearances into truths, untruths and coincidences only for one reason, because they do not have this rationality.
The 11 stands for me, the polar divinity (12). The 8 stands for “that which is all encompassing” (= Chet) and 4004 for the “rakia” (200-100-10-70 = 380), which symbolizes the dividing of the water into 2 x 19[0] (see volume 1, page 80 and 100). This symbolic water (=time; Mem = 40) has been divided by me into an above and a below of an (egg)arch (= “camera”), into an on this side and a beyond. On the this side there dominates thereby “the flowing time” with the symbol 40 and in the beyond “the static time”, which appears “mirrored” as 04. Do thereby also think of the name “Moses”, that the “I am” stands opposite of in the Bible and of god/dog.

The primary cause of your being therefore lies hidden in the secret of the year date 40/04. To briefly address the 18: The 1-8 symbolizes the Alpha and the Omega of Adam Kadmon which is appearing on this day.

Now you are able without any problem to calculate, based on the life spans stated in the Bible, that exactly in the year 1996 after this creation the so-called “haflaga” (Hebr. = “division”; = “The building of the Tower of Babel” “occurs” (not “has occurred”, because past in your present understanding of this word is “non-existent!”). In ancient Hebrew mythology there is an “ac-count” of the Tower of Babel, that this one was built with earthen material. “What kind of earthen material?” is what you are now going to ask yourself. With “chemer” of course. And what this means, I have already explained to you in detail.
You are “at this time” (=water) “being flooded” by happenings and seem to drown in them. This “sense-, sin- flood and deluge” makes you completely crazy. It consists of politics, religion, science, advertisement, trends – of the call to consumer-addiction, which “streams/floods” into you via wireless/radio – and print-medias – your “longings” (Germ.= “Sehn-Süchten” > longing-addictions) and your only imagined fight for survival. “The flood/The deluge” in Hebrew is called “mabul” (40-2-6-30), which can also be interpreted as “flood of sin” in the popular-etymological sense. But “mabul” does not have the least bit to do with “sin”, because literally translated it means “confusion” and “chaos”. It describes the time in which a searching soul “can endure no longer” (does not know anymore where to turn to). The word “Babel” comes from the same root/stem. It talks about the “Babylonian” (2-3-30-10) confusion of tongues. This one is the actual chaos, which you are supposed to recognize in your being here/existence. The words which are being “miss-used” by you, do not fulfill their godly meaning anymore, because you “normal human” have lost their original function “in the whole/the entirety of the world” out of your mind. You are a part of the generation ”dor hamabul”, in which this chaos has gotten the upper hand. You and your world drown in all of the “super-fluous” information of “your time” – which is merely only “geared to” consumption. “How can “we” all survive?”, should be your only question. No – not “survive” all the way to the self-postulated death – I mean to say “sur-vive” above space and time and therewith above/beyond this being here/existence. Your world is pure “mabul”, this is to say pure chaos, which is crashing in on your spirit just like a roaring wave and robs you of your “godly breath”, which I have breathed into you since eons. Only if you “understand” (Germ.= einsehen > see into), if you say, “God help me, I am drowning in all of this nonsense!”, you are also ready to receive my son of man as teacher. In this being here/existence you have completely lost sight of the “why” and “what for” of why you actually have “to-be-here” for. By this you have exchanged your own godliness with a stupid, material existence, because you too have stopped to search for your real “being-there”. Also your established sciences have lost the “there” completely out of sight. Only just to be “here”, this is what one wants and of course “here” one wants to make “money” (what else?), because this is the only thing which “really counts” for a normal human; - “après moi le dèluge”.
Spirit produces matter and is not just a product of it which re-sult-ed “accidentally”. You, together with your mankind, have lost all values. You have bartered away in your selfishness the “real true and good” to dead materialism. Babel, this I already said, has the same stem as

mabul”, it comes from “confusing” (=“gibel” 3-2-30). One tries to build up “heaven” by/through “earthly materials”. In your delusion you believe to know what is “good” and “right” for mankind, but you have made your shortsighted calculations without the host. More and more brainless consumption, in order to create “new markets”, this is your sight which you direct into your heavenly kingdom. And even more dependency and pain and even more injustice and fear are going to decorate this pseudo-heavenly kingdom. The word “tower” (Hebr. = “migdal”, 40-3-4-30) stems from the word “big” (Hebr. = “gadol”, 3-4-6-30). You too do consider yourself at this time “bigger” than you actually really are. Your spirit and therefore also the one of your mankind, does actually still sleep and is in the process of “wake-ing up”. It is exactly in this phase that one is trying “to find oneself”. Your consumer-industry, fashion-industry and jewelry-industry utilizes this. As if one could turn into a “better”, that is to say spiritually “grown up” (Germ.= “er-wach-sen >awake) human by their status symbols and “deception”. You and your mankind have allowed themselves to fall into a drunkenness, without you ever really thinking about it diligently. In your world it is only about “one thing” – about money. It is exactly those decision-makers in politics, economy and science – but also the ones of religion, who believe to not be able to exist without “that first thing” – they are only calling on this “material God”, the one that all “normal humans” worship; me, the “real God”, you have completely lost out of sight. Every single one of you only strives to step upward in “his personal hierarchy”. One climbs higher and higher. If somebody is standing at the top and is falling down, they don’t say: “Too bad that he fell down” – no, they say: “Great, there is a place that is free”. How can this be compatible with the words “love for your neighbor”. Every human is only a link of a big chain. When there is a pressure there is no above or below, it will always break “at the weakest link”. You are this weakest link – since you are only dreaming this world perceived by you – “you” are the one, who now has to become completely awake!

An ancient Hebrew tradition tells, that Abraham and Isaac were raised “in the training-house” of “Schem” and “Eber” and that Jacob – who then later on I call “Israel” (after his collective soul is awakened in him) – was a pupil of Eber as well. 1996 Peleg dies, the son of Eber; and that exactly being “half as old” as the previous generations. So he dies “divided”. The word “pileg” (80-30-3) in Hebrew means “splitting”, “to chop into pieces” and “dividing”. As “peleg” in Hebrew a “split off piece” or a “split group” is termed, but also a “stream of water”. The generation after The Flood and the “Tower of Babel” is called “pelage” (80-30-3-5), which also means “parting/dividing”. In the year 1996 exactly 340 years have passed since The Flood. These years express the meaning of the name Schem (300-40). Schem and Eber are themselves not affected by this “haflaga”, because they have “the conscious insight” of the “meaning of their existence”. Their entire way of conduct of life and “attitude-of-life” are “attuned” to this knowledge – they are thereby in “a-(c)cord” (Germ.=Ein-klang > one sound ) “with ALL/ EVERYTHING”. I now want to bring to your mind the names of these two primal-teachers a bit more detailed. “Schem” (300-40) means in Hebrew “name” and “Eber” (70-2-200) means “from beyond” and “from the other side”. By the way, the name Israel stems
from this “Eber”. In Hebrew “ibrim” means “Israel”, but also “a Hebrew”; easy to be recognized by the primal radicals of the word “HEBRew”. The “Hebrew names” (= “eber-schem”) are therefore according to the Bible the “first teachers” in your world, since they are not of/from this world (= “eber”). The language of the primal/original Bible, the Hebrew, already with the radicals of the etymology of its name does definitely indicate, that it is coming to you “from another world” - “from beyond”. In the same year (1996) also happens to be the so-called “brith bein ha-besorim”, the “covenant between the pieces”, which I made with Abram.
Exactly 2000 years later now there happens again a parting/splitting/dividing, because suddenly the Christ shows up at 40 dB (= 100; the level (Germ.= Eb[r]ene) of the hundreds Q-R-S-T) in this spiritual “play-off-the-past”. The year 0 in your time calculation corresponds therefore in actual reality to the year 4 before zero. At 40 Celsius “water” (=time) has its physical “point of anomaly”. This is what the point with the highest density of water is called (density 1) and 4 (Daleth) symbolizes also “the opening” to the beyond. Time has at this point the “highest density”, because Jesus without question is with his “condensed love” an “ano[r]malious” appearance. The word “anomaly” comes from the Greek and means “deviation from the norm” (blessed are the crazy ones, only they do know my heavenly kingdom). The turning point of time from the second to the third stage of your spiritual past happened therefore exactly 4 BC and therewith also the second “haflaga”. In this year Herodes died and his kingdom was divided among “Arche-laus”, “Anti-pas” and “Philippus”. It now would be very interesting to encode these names in more detail, as we usually do in this small book, but this would knock you off your present stride way too much .
My son of man, who now is bodily “in your world”, is therefore again a great deviation as well from what you are used to call a “normal human”, because he is “the new Adam”. He represents the completion of the third “spiritual stage of growth” (60 dB; 1000 = the trinity). And yet by his being bodily/physical he still is a “divinity” which is graspable for you in your this-side world, in whose spirit all love and thereby also all wisdoms of your world have gotten “condensed”.
At the beginning of my creation because of its mathematical structure of growth, it was already an irrefutable matter, “where” and “when” the second “trans-portation” (Lat. “porta” = “the gate/portal”!) of my Christ-spirit happens “into your world” and into “whom” I will “incarnate” it for the second time. I have started with this on the 11. 8. 1996. The son of man who was visited by me is now “the portal”, through which I am now going to visit all other “mature souls”. For the spiritual “trans-formation” (Latin “formo” “to form”; “bring into shape”) of my son of man into your world, I now again “took the time” of exactly seven days of creation. In these seven days “in him” there enfolded the entire knowledge of your mankind, so that on the 18. 8. 1996 “ex-act-ly” (Germ.=gen-au) to the day 6000 years after Adam, I have completed the third of these, for the creation of a “real human” necessary three cycles of development. He is the only “human” in your world, who knows me and “the true being” of my facts, without “mirrored inversion”, eye to eye”. He has been instructed by me with the utmost accuracy, how he is to perform my “visitations” (germ.=”Heimsuchungen”>seek home) “in your world”.
He now only still needs a “Gimel” – that is to say 3 years – for his “personal becoming”. If now you add these 3 years to the year of his “spiritual rebirth”, you get to the “last normal day” in your world, the 11. 8. 1999. On this day "purely by chance” the longest solar eclipse of this century is going to happen “in Germany”.
And again exactly seven days of creation later “a great cross” is going to appear on your sky. For the 18. 8. 1999 the astro-physicians have “purely by-chance” calculated a very strange star-constellation: all of the planets of your solar system are forming on this special day with the sun an exact “cross in the sky” (Germ. = am Himmel).
But don’t be afraid, I am here not talking about any doomsday!
For most souls it is going to be a day like any other day too, because human souls who do not yet have the spiritual maturity and therewith the consciousness, to intuitively feel the wisdom of these words and therefore also do not “listen to these godly words”, they are simply going to “oversleep” this special day. For as long as you do not “pay attention to” (heed, mind, consider, regard) my son of man, do not give credence to his words, or even pass him off as a “weirdo/nutcase”, you also can not expect of him, that he “visits” you (seeks you home) into his heavenly kingdom. But for those ones, who then already carry the seal of my son of man on their forehead, it is a special day. Because they are going to get started with their first steps into their new spiritual world. For all the others, who want to continue to wallow in their “normality”, everything will remain as usual, because they keep up their daily fight for survival. Constant alternating fear, worry, pain, sickness, lies and deceit, wars and so on is going to continue to fill their existence; that is all of what each “normal human” is obsessed with for only one reason, because he is not able to let go of his old dogmatic paradigm and is not able to believe in anything “better” because of his “immaturity of soul”.
So don’t be afraid: If your present disharmonious world means so much to you and you do not want to leave it voluntarily, it is also going to remain for you – the way it is “at this time” – with all of its “inhuman laws”.

What has gotten lost for you and your mankind is the right kind of “fear of God”. The stem of “fearing” and “(being able)to see” is in the Hebrew the same word: “rea” (200-1-5) and this means “lung”. It is about the symbolic lung, into which I breath my godly “breath” (Germ. = Atem) >atom > Adam = “holy ghost”), in order for “actual reality” to become “visible” for this soul. Only “actual real seeing” allows for “awe/reverence” (Germ. “Ehrfurcht”) to come forth in a soul who up till then was only similar to a human. It is the reverence/awe (Ehrfurcht) from something that was so far “incomprehensible, glory-ous” (Germ. Herr-lichem) and “wonder-full”; it is the reverence/awe (Ehrfurcht) of God and his creation. In your world there are wonders/miracles all over the world. This book is such a miracle, the Bible, my son of man – your whole world is one single miracle – you yourself too! If you have “overcome” (Germ.= “über-wunden”) your existence as an only “normal functioning rationalist”, you at first are going to be confused, and actually this is very important, because only once you are “completely aware/conscious”; that is to say you realize, that so far you really only have been schizophrenic and “confused”, you are also going to and will begin to “sort yourself new spiritually”. Only then do I give you the possibility, that out of the “wounds”, which so far you have inflicted on my “wonder-ful” creation, there also will come to the fore the “real wonders/miracles”. Only then are you going to experience the great miracle of “real life” physically (Germ.= am eigenen Leib = in your own body). There is a significant statement in ancient Hebrew:

Everything lies in the hand of God, except the seeing of heaven!”
Since “seeing” and “fearing” are the same thing, then proportionally to your lived fear of God also the sight on my heavenly kingdom is going to open. So “fear” actually does not have the slightest bit to do with “fearing” in your so far “re-versed” sense of meaning of the word. To enact this “act” (=creation) of humility “voluntarily”, “selfless” and “for free”, this is the only
freedom” which you possess in this being here/existence. The by you so far also only “self-overestimated free will” of “normal humans” is limited as a matter of fact only to the “free possibility to decide”, to leave ones limited “spiritual attitude/mindset” or maybe not. “Inside of” the world which you perceived so far – that is to say within your rationality – there is not the least bit of freedom, because it has already been determined by me since eons in its smallest detail. I am the programmer of your present spiritual software. A “free spiritual attitude” is for you and for your fellow humans still something “incomprehensible”. With your present attitude/mindset – your belief towards real heaven and towards God – you determine “all things”, which “happen to you by chance coincidently” (Germ. = fall towards you). Your world still appears to you as a confused, incomprehensible bundle, as chaos. But now if you take on the following spiritual attitude: “I want to do that which is good, for the sake of good and not because I hope to get a reward for it. I do it, because I feel in my heart that it is good!”, then around you there is going to happen something for you still “unimaginable”. You are not at home here in this dis-harmonious world. You are a king’s son that has gotten lost. Turn back home into your real being – do finally become a “human”.
In order to give you some security to dare to make this step, I want to also reveal to you some of the “miracles” that are hidden in your world. In the “Holy scrolls” in Numeri chapter 10 verse 35-36 you find two signs which are “turned upside down”; (Germ. = standing on their head); both of them are “Nun” (= “the existing one”). How is that possible, that there is a Nun that is turned upside down and then also again another Nun? Perhaps the writer has “slept”? I am always telling you, there are no coincidences in my creation. Also if a human has a “sickness” or a (spiritual) “de-formation”, then this is not by coincidence. And that each day is different from the previous one, this too is not by coincidence. “Coincidence” in your sense so far and in your perception so far– is actually an “insane word”. These Nun which are turned upside down, why are they standing on their head? What did the creator have in mind with it? Which human in your world does actually still know this? Where are the real wise ones, who know how to un-riddle the wisdom of these symbols? Obviously there are only Pharisees and scribes, who do not have the slightest clue about “this script”. Pride always goes before the fall! This applies to all humans, but most of all to the decision-makers of religion, natural science and politics. Now then what is it about in these two verses? In them it is about your “spiritual awakening” and your independent/autonomous “spiritual movement”. It is about “the breaking open” of the secret, which I have hidden “in you” in your flesh (=message). In verse 35 it is written:

When the shrine breaks open, Moses said: Get up, Lord, then your enemies will disperse, then your opponents flee from you (as if moved by the hand of God).

You yourself are, as I said, this “Lord”. So with it there begins the independent movement of your spirit, the search for the “outside” of your so far limited logic. You begin here with your search for your “real being”. With these two verses (with these Nun that are standing on their head) your own spiritual revolution begins, or better yet “re-formation”. The “NOW” sets itself (the) NUN (Germ. = now) into motion. This is why these two verses consist of 85 letters, you can count them in the Hebrew Thora. There have to be exactly 85 of them, because the entire Thora contains 85 000 words. Because these verses depict a strongly downscaled excerpt of the great metaphor of the whole Bible. 85 is the total value of the sign “Peh” ( = 80, “peh” 80-5; the godly “mouth” that speaks). But it is also the total value of “milah”, 40-10-30-5 (= “the circumcision”). With the circumcision there symbolically “the essential” – “the hidden core” – out of which new life is streaming, is being “laid open”. Therefore it is also said, a “mouth” is only then able to speak properly, when the “milah”, that is to say this symbolic
circumcision has happened. But which scholar does still know all of this nowadays? Obviously none, otherwise the Jews would not have, because of their “tradition” – that is to say because of a mythology that is not understood in its entire depth and is only “repeated in parrot-like fashion on the lines”, mutilated their boys physically. With the traditions of all religions it is quite something. Your mankind has actually lost the “purely symbolic meaning” of the words of my revelations out of their consciousness and therefore perverts these symbols into matter. To this belongs with some peoples the slaughtering of animals for sacrifice. But this too is no co-incidence. It is the human itself who is supposed to sacrifice himself to me, by giving his “material body” (of course this too also only symbolically, that is to say in his spirit). The word sacrifice means “making one”, but a bit more about that later on. The [material] “covering” (foreskin) of the [spiritual] “core” (glans?) of a human must therefore be thrown back “in the human”, not destroyed, in order for his “priah” (=80-200-10-5, the “act-ual” (Germ. = “Ei”-gen-tliche) “bearing fruit”) to be exposed. This is exactly what the symbolism of the circumcision means and nothing else. The 85 000 words of the (divided up) Bible are being formed from 319 000 letters, but with the signs they are 603 550 – and this number I have stated in Numeri 2;32 – there it is the number of the “physically examined Israelites”, which are moving out of Egypt. “How can this be possible?”, this you may now ask – a coincidence? Irrefutably it is an exact mathematical fact, there is no doubt about that. I have summarized the entire symbolism of the Bible in these two verses. If now you trust me and start to run, your “now” breaks open. Make this revolution! Dare this “great turn-around” of your attitude so far – the re-turn(ing) of your Nun (=your existence)! I would wish it “for us” with all of my heart. On this, your only free choice, I will not exert any influence. Neither by detailed promises, nor by threatening – listen to your heart! It is going to represent to you the first real act of creation. I have arranged it this way, that the first of these two verses consists of twelve and the second one consists of seven words. If you leave the first verse (the 12 symbolizes the night-half of your time-circle that is divided in two [24 hours], you end up/get to the real and eternally lasting hierarchy of the following verse (the 7 symbolizes the seven parts of my holy octave). You see, because you too originate/stem from this harmony, therefore also the first verse of the Thora consists of seven words and the last one out of twelve. This summary of the whole, the end and the beginning, are here inside of it. This is why this Nun – this existence – turns there around itself “two times”, to then see itself again the way it really is. The same strange behavior/conduct your natural scientists have by the way also observed “by chance” with the “smallest existences” of matter (the spin of nuclear particles!) Everything in this way sets itself again back to its starting position, it is only that this one then lies on a higher level of the whole of your own understanding. The Nun – the fifty – the “normal human”, is able to turn himself around, yes he even must turn himself around, if he wants to become a “real human”. This is the “duty” of his freedom – only for this reason he has received it from me. A human who does that is going to “experience” something. He thereby is setting his NOW into a timeless motion and therewith also the “f-act” of my “godly miracles”.
After the exit/moving out of Egypt there were four camps which were established in the desert. The first camp in the east (= rising of the sun) is called “machaneh jehuda” (40-8-50-5 10-5-6-4-5), “the camp of Jehudah”. Only to mention it briefly, this number-structure means:
The camp (40-8-50-5), in which God (10-5) reveals to the humans his true/real character (6-4-5; = confessing).
And now back to the 2000 – 4000 - 6000 structure of your real history of time. In this Jesus appears after exactly 4000 years on your spiritual scene and “confesses” to the humans, that he is the son of God. Well then, and now again a miracle. If in the Thora I mention for the first

time the word “machaneh jehuda”, you are able without any problem to check this out if you still do not trust me and want to recount it yourself – there are exactly 4000 verses that have passed. Before the event of my revelation on the Sinai happens (the place which, as the name states, expresses the world of form, the “left side”), there comes Jethro to Moses. One gets the impression, that Jethro is giving Moses some sort of “business consulting”. Moses until then does not seem to understand very much about organization. Everyone is asking him questions, from all direction Moses is flooded with questions. There is a chaos surrounding him that robs him of his strength and he is not able to get anything “essential” done. (Ex.18). Now Jethro shows Moses a simple way of how to divide up the work and the hierarchy of positions, in order to escape the “chaotic pressure” which seems to surround him. What Jethro is essentially doing here, of course has also a deeper meaning, but I do not want to get into that now. The word “midian” (40-4-10-50) – Jethro is a priest of Midian – stands in close relation to the word “mida” (40-4-5), which means the “measure”, but also “characteristic/feature”. The tradition tells that Jethro has seven names, that he “is expressing himself” in seven “characteristics” – that is “forms of appearance”. With this event on the Sinai on the “50th day” the seven days have ended. So Jethro symbolizes therefore the appearance of the “seven” and thereby indicates the “real essential measure” of all that happens (=of all that is seen as being dispersed in space and time), the “real structure” of the world. It is the revelation of my mystical-physical octave-structure, which comes about on the Sinai through the uniting of heaven and earth on the eighth day. It is about the “timeless octave-structure” which goes on before all of the space/time kind of “experiences”. And now again a miracle. As Jethro meets Moses for the first time, there are exactly 2000 verses in the Thora that have passed. The Nun (50) which here is standing upside down, symbolizes you human in the “50”, in the eighth day (7 x 7 = 49). By this you are being told: See, you can experience the revolution, even to the complete turning around of the Nun, that is to say of your being-here that so far has been standing (has related to) only on the head. All of the “laws” (Germ. = Gesetze > Gegensätze > opposites) which so far you “believed” to be irreversible are therewith neutralized – also your belief in the law that humans have to die. You are then going to reassess all of your “[seeming]values”. The God which is being worshiped by all “normal humans” by the name money – which is being considered in your world as being the elixir of life per se, without which a “surviving” does not seem to be possible – is in this way turning into what “it really is” – namely to worthless printed paper, whose right to exist only lies in this, to be representing a “measuring stick” for the real values of a “human existence”. (see volume 1). You now have to turn everything around! Your envy for “materially rich” is then turning into compassion, because they are the most poor. But your envy for “spiritually rich” then is going to turn into genuine admiration. Your hidden hate this way is going to turn into love – your “wanting to have” turns to “giving” – your “distrust” turns to “trust” and your constant “fear” turns to an everlasting/perpetual “joy”. If you do not begin to “turn around” your attitude and thereby yourself, and to trust me from now on unconditionally, you are going to oversleep your own life and for you and your mankind everything is going to remain the habitual same – a nightmare, although at the end of which there is not the death of your soul, but the perishing of your present individuality (=your I). Your so far only “judging I” is only then going to remain eternally as an “I am (responsible for everything) consciousness”, if you are willing and ready “to turn yourself around” spiritually.
The professor of mathematics Elijahu Rips of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, one of the leading experts in the area of group-theory (= a special field of mathematics, the basis of which is quantum-mechanics), has received from me an “intuitive message”, how he is able to unfold the “fractal character” of the holy scrolls mathematically some more. Several books are based on Rips’ calculations, among them “The Hidden Message of the Bible” of Jeffrey Satinover and the bestseller “The Bible Code” of Michael Drosnin. In both of the books a complicated
mathematical principle is being explained in the popular-scientific way, whose amazing results have encouraged many peoples “at this time” to reflect. But these books also demonstrate, that with this code even with an enormous calculation effort, only one of the “levels of depth” of the entire complex of my biblical secrets can be unfolded. The simple procedure, which I have communicated to you here, does completely do without a computer. For this you only need a good Hebrew/English dictionary and a “free spirit”. These two things are sufficient for you to “find yourself out” of the Bible and therewith also out of yourself.
Why is it that I am telling you this at exactly this very place?
On his search for a catastrophic event Elijahu already at his first run through with the computer came across the words “holocaust in Israel”. The word “holocaust” is “by chance” encoded exactly in that verse of Genesis, in which Jacob (2004 BC = 1996 years after the beginning of creation) announces to his sons, what kind of fate awaits Israel “at the end of its days”. In the same place also appears the present Hebrew year-date 5756. If now you view this year-number 5756 which is written in Hebrew as signs on the sound-level, you get the question: “Are you going to change it?” (5-7-5 “haza” = “dreaming awake” and “”to fantasize”). The end of the Hebrew calendar-year 5756 now “coincidentally” falls on summer [Aug] 1996 of your “normal way of time-calculating”.
But there wasn’t any nuclear holocaust that happened in 1996 in Israel, isn’t it?
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