Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

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There is not one single coincidence in the world perceived by you! You yourself unconsciously impart everything to yourself. This is also the meaning of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”!
My son of man is in the position to calculate before you “this fact” mathematically “precise”. In the “Gematria” of the words, that is to say in their number-values, there are also contained all of the “physical laws” which might possibly belong to these words. If your “ratio” (=spiritual calculation-ability”) has advanced so far, that you are able to properly/rightly handle your “logos” (= words; language ability, word pool, vocabulary), you will also accept, that “this thesis” represents the “only real fact” in your world. It is the verbal description of my “godly view” on EVERYTHING/ALL! If your reason resists against this wisdom and you still regard these statements as “trivial” and as “feeble-mindedness”, you yourself make yourself to be a “proletarian” (Latin: “proletarius” = “citizen of the lowest class of citizens”) who “through his unbelief” is only demonstrating to himself his own “feeble-minded-ness”.
A “real human”, an Adam, is also going to be able to ”grow fond of” (Latin=”ad-amo”) all appearances, which are “a-rise-ing” in his consciousness, because he is in the position to see “both sides” of each appearance – the “inside” and the “outside”. Thesis (sight) and anti-thesis (opposite sight) turn “in him” to a synthesis – that is to say to a spiritual atomic fusion. But you so far are only able to consciously perceive “the surface” of your appearances.
What does it mean, to only see the surface?

If you cut a piece of bread in half, you do not see it from the inside, but rather only its surface as well, but from another perspective/angle of view. This is also the case with all “physical analysis”, all the way to the “atomic level”. What is always only being changed is the angle of view, and or the magnification factor, that is the “spiritual position”. The positions of your spirit which thereby are accessible to you, are confined to the three dimensions of space and of time by your limited rationality. In order to recognize the “real inner inside” of all appearances, your spirit needs at least three more dimensions. Only once these higher dimensions are accessible to your consciousness, you have developed yourself from a “normal” human that only “perceives superficially”, to a real “human/mensch”, a “thinker” with “your own spirit” and “thought-power” (=Latin > “mens”). As now “awakened soul” you then comprehend yourself

as ”Atman” (Sanskrit = “breath”; “Anima mundi” / “soul of the world”) and as “atom” (=in-divisible primal matter), which so far has “condemned/sentenced” itself by its only “superficial view”.

The parts which are “separated/split off” from you (=other humans), are the source of “Atomism” (a “view” which leads the world and all processes “in it” back to the movement of atoms!) Each “normal human” is therefore an “Atomist”. The Atom and the “Atoll” (=ring-shaped coral island) do not only “by chance” show up the same structure in their name. Both are surrounded by a “blurred/fuzzy border” out of time (the electron cloud and/or the water[waves] Mem = water= time) (see volume 1, page 274). Now it is no different with your consciousness. You Adam/atom are being kept imprisoned by time on your “island of belief”. The world perceived by you therefore cannot appear to you any larger than “your belief which is limiting you” is permitting it. This belief however, as has been said, builds on your own “Memories”. If now you let your spirit “revel/indulge” through your “Memories” – that is to say time and space – you are going to ascertain/notice, that the “spiritual border” which is surrounding you, is as well not “clear cut”. Your consciousness – if it reaches your own boundary/border – only seems to be “drowning” (go down under) in your own “spiritual blurredness/fuzziness”!

Let it suffice it with this for the moment. Just alone in the preceding 10 pages there is contained for you enough “thought-material”, that you are able to completely “unhinge” the world that you have per-ceived/received as true so far. “To want to become free”, this is what you yourself have to want. The time which seems to be changing everything around you, is only an illusion of your “limited blurred” (Germ.”be”grenzt) ability to perceive. Growth means “permanent change of form/shape/shape-shifting”. The only thing which “permanently” grows, is your spirit.
Your spirit therefore is also the only thing, which really moves you and everything else!
Only through the movement of your spirit the outside-world which is perceived by you is subject to a constant shape-shifting. The “imperfect world” which so far you perceived is thereby only a constantly changing “expression” of your spiritual growth. The thereby each time ”perceived moment” actually only indicates the “momentary state” of your spiritual maturity.

A world which is interpreted by you as being “imperfect and/or conflict laden” is thereby only the obvious indication for your still imperfect ability to perceive. Such a world is always the expression of a belief that is saturated with enemy images.

What was that again? Only that which you question is potentially also going to give you an answer! If you have ceased to question, that is to say to put everything in question, you have stopped to grow spiritually.

Only a “growing spirit” is alive and only an “alive spirit” grows by its “becoming-conscious-of-itself”! What it is about is the “growth of all that is alive” in you under the sign of the “Waw”. All of the natural-scientific discoveries so far which are accessible to you mankind “about your world”, you in no way are supposed to attribute to a “spiritual growth” of your mankind. Through the “logic” self-limiting of the established sciences, what this “knowledge-increase” of the last few centuries logically is all about, as already the name itself tells, is only an “increase” of human insights/discoveries under the sign “Sajin”, but it is not about a “spiritual growth” – to the opposite.

For as long as you only try to bring about the “increase” of your “knowledge-complex” through more and more refined (down)grading “categorizing” of the “appearances perceived” by you –

and this is exactly what has been the case with your mankind – you create nothing which is really new. So if one is only able to dig (Germ. = schöpfen > create) out of “a thinking which dissects” and the fragmentizing of ones “logically perceived appearances”, one inevitably is going to produce in his limited “logical system of thinking” the illusion of an “explosion of knowledge”, since this increase is subject to a “logarithmic character”. The appearance of this knowledge-explosion resembles in its fundamental being the physical “nuclear-fission” that you know about, with all of the problems that are linked to it!

But ”real spiritual growth” is the exact opposite of an “increase of knowledge”, which only rests on ones own “spiritual nuclear fission”. “Spiritual growth” means “absolute fusion”. Spiritual growth does not permit egoistic loners. This is also the cause for it, that your existence is populated by a “vast amount” of “one track specialists/nerds”. Each and every one claims for himself to be knowing all that is necessary for survival “for his” being here/existence, this is at least what he “believes”. What was that again about the “queen-bee” and its colony? Real growth is subject to constant/permanent form/shape-shifting/changing through synthesis. Only by your constant endeavor to bring about a “synthetic uniting” between all of the appearances that are “empirically perceived” by you and of the “assumed knowledge elements” which are “predominant” in you, because you have been raised in them, this is going to allow your spirit to be “growing beyond itself”! With each successful synthesis there is going to open up “in you” a completely new “space of consciousness”. From a certain point onward in your spiritual maturity your “super-sense” is then going to makes itself felt consciously and you are going to know very quickly how to use it. Just as it is only at a certain point of “physical maturity” – your sexual maturity – that you are able to “create new life”, you also need a certain “soul-spirit maturity”, in order to be able to see “beyond time and space” with the super-sense that is newly appearing in you. Only then has your “creative spirit” developed far enough, to allow you the “capacity to create” for a “completely new territory”. In this way then you will really become aware/conscious of your own individuality. So you should not get me wrong when I speak of one track specialists/nerds. Your world is only then going to change “to the good”, if “all of the experts” in your world synthesize themselves with one single goal in mind. This goal should be heaven on earth. Now don’t just right away again say prematurely “impossible”!

The institution Mercedes Benz namely is not able to build any cars at all! It is about a harmonious group association of specialists, who all originally only had one goal in mind – and that is to create a good car. So first of all specialists of metal, rubber, fabrics, glass and plastic had to sit around a table and had to “put their heads together” with designers/engineers about the “realization” of this goal. Division and problems only then occur, if now the so-called “marketing-experts” join in and introduce their enemy-images, which one is supposed “to conquer”. In your world there is not one single “technical problem”, which your mankind would not already have solved. There are even “outsiders” in your world, who have solved the big problem of all sicknesses and that of dying. For as long as you are only able to be oriented towards the “economic advantage” of your spiritual and physical activities, then this also the humans which are being projected by your psyche in the world perceived by you are going to do.

You have to make the first step into the heavenly kingdom that is being described here, only then all the other humans in the outside world that is only dreamt by you are going to follow you! (see volume 1, page 156). And only then will you also experience this heaven on earth “real[ized.
“That which is creative” in you is therefore only going to come to appear for you “by your will to synthesis”. “New human life” occurs through the “giving up of self” of the masculine with the feminine and the other way around – that is to say with their “merging”. “New spiritual living spaces” are being conceived in the same way. They come about by your “merging” with all of the opposites that are being perceived by you. The growth of your spirit – that is to say the maturity of your ability/capacity to perceive and your perceptive faculty – is thereby being controlled/directed/steered by a structure from the beyond that is predetermined since eons, which is flowing into your this side. Therefore there also are no “coincidental coincidences”! Only by your conscious synthesis of the “sensations/feelings/emotions which are “taking place” “ in you” of “right or wrong”, of “good or bad” and so on, you elevate yourself to a “real creator” (according to my image). Your spiritual syntheses are the ones, by whose products you put yourself in the position to create something “completely new”.
“Creating” is thereby only another word for the ability/capacity to consciously form out of the “infinite fundus” of your “nescience/not-knowing-ness” that is present in you, new appearances.
How small and imperfect “this your world” inevitably must appear to you, where so far you have only resorted to your embryo-like logos and the intellect which has developed out of that for its regeneration? Do you still remember the etymology of the word “intellect” (see volume 1, page 208-210)?
So “believing” and “per-(re-)ceiving” (as true) is the same thing. Your dogmatic belief steers with its assumed knowledge all of the appearances which can be per(re)ceived by you. Therefore you are also only going to “receive that as being true”, which is being dictated to you as being true by your “dogmatic belief”. This process/procedure is an accurate description of Samech – the water-snake. It describes the paradox of a spiritual movement, where no form of movement of real growth “takes place” in you. Why have I high-lighted the term “to take place” already for the second time? It perfectly expresses the “uniting of the opposites” which is necessary for a synthesis. What happens if you are only able to perceive the shadow-projections of a cone (in each case turned by 90o)? You then see “in place of” a cone a circle, or “in place of” the circle a triangle.

Only if these two “take place”, (Germ. = “statt” – “finden” = “find their place”) you will perceive the cone for what it actually really is.

Now how about your spiritual freedom, if you anyway constantly are being dominated by your own logic? You ultimately will/can/want to “believe” only that which to you seems “logic” and which can be understood/comprehended (“recalculated”) by your limited ratio/reason. So with the “thought-structure” that to you at the moment “seems normal and logical”, you have no possibility to independently leave these “thought-tracks which are dominating you”. To want to perceive the beyond world with your “normal ratio/reason”, this would equal to the attempt to pull yourself up by your own hair. Inevitably the beyond world – with all of its richness and blessings for mankind – is going to stay closed for all your “established scientists” and all of your “religious leaders”, until you are ready and willing to overcome your self-created dogmas. So there is not a trace of spiritual freedom! Unless? Yes, unless you dare to go into the area of “more complex tautologies”, which to your present/momentary lower spiritual point of view of course are also going to appear/seem “irrational” to you. If for the very first time you seriously think about these words, then on your path of life you have reached the Koph – the needles-eye – which elevates you, the “only well-functioning human-monkey”, after the passing through the needles-eye of irrationality, to a “real creative human”. Irrational hereby does not mean “illogical”! To a “pocket calculator” too the logical structure of a “mainframe-computer (Germ. = “Großrechner” – big calculator) is going to – since to him it is not comprehensible – seem “irrational” as well. You now should permit yourself everything, just not the stupid egoistic arrogance of such a pocket-calculator.

Only a stupid “spiritual pocket-calculator” is not going to want to any further “look into” these facts which are being revealed here.

He has been born stupid and is also going to die stupid”, if he is not willing to develop himself further “also spiritually”.
So you should most of all keep your arrogance– it is your feeling “to be dead-sure in the right” – in check. Every time you are confronted with things in your life, which seem “crazy” to you, you should look at them as a “challenge”. As a rule this is a sure sign for the “growth” of your spiritual maturity – and thereby also of your spiritual “calculation-capacity”. This in turn is exclusively dependent on your capacity/ability for humility and real love.
With fanaticism, wanting to be in the right, pure “curiosity and boredom”, “fears of survival” and “egoistic wanting-to-know” you will achieve the exact opposite of spiritual growth – stagnation of your spiritual development and death in the material entropy that is linked to it.
Spiritual stagnation of a human shows up by means of any kind of uncreative “knowledge-increase”.
It shows itself especially by:

  • Your thoughtless repeating of so-called school-knowledge and fashion-trends, which to you inevitably “must seem logic”, since it is exactly these who represent the cause of your present thought-structure – your dominating logic.

  • Your egoistic arrogance regarding this ruminated “pseudo-knowledge”.

  • Your thereby occurring “self-overestimation” which goes along with the “taking yourself too seriously” as a person. (consider yourself important)

  • And by the “ownership-thinking” of your egoistic “I” and the fear of loss and fear of survival that are linked to it.

The qualitative rule of calculation:

Hydrogen and Oxygen, two of the gaseous appearances, in their synthesis turn into “water”; to my “flowing symbol” of “timeless time”. The law, which states that thesis and anti-thesis united to a synthesis can bring forth something completely new is commonly known to your mankind. Now one can express this calculation rule mathematically in a completely new, for you still irrational way:

Thesis (+1) + anti-thesis (-1) = synthesis (3)
Your “rationality” so far (Lat. “ratio” = calculation) refuses to think (re-flect) this “qualitative rule of calculation, because +1 -1 appears to you as 0 – as “nothing” that is. But the result 3 (= the becoming) is the ultimate fact of my actual reality. What I am hereby communicating to you, is the fact that I therefore also have created three different kinds of “mathematics”. With the third one – the four-dimensional rules of calculation of the prime-number space – I will only confront you with in the later volumes. Now let’s just to simplify matters first only have a look at the so far known “quantitative mathematics of your materialized space/time world” and the “qualitative psychological rules of calculation” which here appear new. The synthesis of both of these mathematical views is then going to lead you and your natural scientists to the “four-dimensional rules of calculation” of my prime-number-space. To mention these already here in more detail, this I will still spare you from. Let’s first of all have a look at the qualitative and the quantitative mathematics.
Qualitatively seen is: (+)1 + (-)1 = 3 (a new quality)
Quantitatively seen is: (+)1 + (-)1 = 0 whereby 1+2=3
“Thesis” (“one”) and “anti-thesis” (this is the which is standing opposite and therefore mirrored “minus one” with the term “two” (second “one”) by their synthesis dissolve completely (=zero). By the “giving up of ones own being”, of both of these ones, a completely new quality comes about, the “three” (the becoming). This process (proceeding forth) can easily be recognized by the previous example (Hydrogen + Oxygen turns to water).
This way of counting is known to your mankind since eons. It is only that in you, that is to say in your mankind, this “f-act” has completely been forgotten.
In my creation there rules the law of the “equi-vocal” (Germ.= zwei-deutig = two interpretations) syntheses.
Two syntheses that in hierarchy lie on top of each other (2 x 3), namely join themselves as well to a synthesis (the “seven”). This then looks as follows if “viewed in a qualitative way”:
([+]1 + [-]1) + (4+5) = 3 + 6 = 7
Written in Hebrew signs:

(a + b) + (d + h) = (g + v) = z

This equation is going to seem to you as “rational thinker” still completely “crazy” and “wrong”. But if one knows, that with the equation that is depicted here, not the “quantitative aspects” but rather the “qualitative aspects” of the numbers have been added, the whole thing looks completely different. Now if you “qualitatively add up” all seven of the number-qualities, you get:
1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 8

Aa+b+g+d+h+v+z = x

This “eight” then represents the summarized new “one” of the following “octave” of my godly harmonies. Do you still remember the multilayered meaning of the number “81” (read: the 8 turns into the new 1) in the first volume?
There emerges/arises from a leader (Aleph, 1), that is becoming conscious of the duality (masculine + feminine = becoming. Inside + outside = 6. This side + beyond = 7) of his spiritual house (Beth, 2), the becoming (Gimmel, 3). The synthesis (3) of his own (Germ. = “Ei” (=egg) gene) dualisms then leads him to a “logical opening” – that is to the door (Daleth, 4), which leads to the “outside” of his rationality. Through the window (He 5) of his intuition he is already able “to see” (vaguely perceive > er-Ahnen=ancestors) “the outside”. But only then is he able to step through the opened door spiritually, if he “joins”/”links” (the hook Waw, 6) his “inside” with his “outside”. By this “movement of his spirit” he elevates himself to a new quality of my creation.
The one “who is becoming” (masculine/feminine; +1 -1 = 3), who succeeds “to logically unite” (he then passes/steps through the door to his own myth 4 + 5 = Waw 6) himself with his own unconscious myth, that is to say his in-tu-itive view of outside 5), then reaches/gets to the “increase of knowledge” (3 + 6) under the sign of Sajin (7).
The “seven dimensions” of my HOLO-FEELING-laws we now want to name/term as follows:

  1. Nothing

  2. Nothing/Nothing

  3. Not formed space/time

  4. Level of perception

  5. Level of context

  6. Level of emotion

  7. The con-scious being (science > knowing) (Sajin)

This raster you will – if you know/understand how “to hear” properly – encounter in all of the “revelatory writings” of your world. Even though these seven dimensions are being named/called/termed (G erm.=”be-zeichnet”= drawn) differently in the diverse religions, but with each “dimension-term” it is actually about “the same” dimensions (=contextual qualities) of my actual reality, which are only being projected into your consciousness from a “different (hearing)angle” because of the “words” (= sound-radicals) which are being “perceived by you diversely/differently”. It can do no harm, if in volume 1 you once again take a closer look at the corresponding chapters (for example page 208 and 216), they now are going to appear to you in a “completely new light”.

On page 209 there it says:
It is a fact, that you need at least two “something’s” (appearances), in order to perceive a difference. In order to consciously perceive a message about a difference, that is to say in order to sense/feel a spiritual information, your spirit needs two (real or imaginary) entities, which are being depicted “somewhere”. On purpose I have here avoided the term “brain”.
The difference of two points is a line.

But what is a point?

A point is, to be exact, a “dimensionless nothing”.

And in relation to “what” actually is this “dimensionless nothing” nothing?

Clearly each one by itself, the thought point and the contrast that is necessary for it (the perceived difference) – is for your spirit and for your perception – a not-entity, a not-being.
The imaginary (Latin; only present in your imagination) this way becomes the real! (Latin; the last/ultimate real part of your being).
These two “nothings” are for you (still) not perceivable, since they consist of “timeless water”.
An arch (cove/dome) emerges in the midst of the water and separates water from water. (Gen. 1;6) God therefore made the arch and divided the water beneath the arch from the water above the arch. So it happened, and God named the arch “heaven” (Hebr.= “schamajim” = “there/there”). It was evening, and it was morning: second day. (Gen. 1;7-8) Then spoke God: The water beneath the heavens may “gather” itself in one place, so that the dry may become visible. So it happened. (Gen. 1; 9)
“Of course” also here again it is about a completely “mutilated” translation, which by the way is not “wrong”, but very “incomprehensible”.
The word “gathering”/”to summon” (German= “sammeln”) stems in German from the word “Samen” (seed). But listen and be at awe - you small human – there suddenly appear “two m”, that is two Mem, meaning two waters. The word “arch/cove/dome” (Germ.=“Ge-wölbe”) in Latin means “camera”. “Camera” is the term (Germ.= “Be-Zeichnung= drawing) for the arched “surface” – that which is “encompassing” – of a “round about closed cell” (=the “closet” Germ. = ”Kammer”), but also a “bark” (= “teba” = “arc”, but also [law of] “nature”).

The “[film]camera” is a box, in which there are “artificial worlds” and which are being brought in (Germ.=eingespielt = played in) “from the outside” (= from the beyond).

Cameria” is a city in “Latium”. The Latin “lateo” means “being hidden” but also “to be sheltered and secure” and with intra “not being known”. The word “later” means “[red] bricks” (which are burned “out of red clay”). The Hebrew chain of signs for “adam”, 1-4-40, means spoken as “odem” “redness”: That Adam who begins to see at the end (He), means “earth” = “adama”, 1-4-40-5 and “adamdam”, 1-4-40-4-40, that is to say that Adam which is being verbally linked/connected/joined with the blood “dam”, means “reddish”. A “liquid”, but also that which is “wet”, is called in Latin “latex”. My creation is the great “bringing” (Lat.= “latio”). You produce with your own “thinking” (= Lat. “mens”[ch] = Adam) the “extension” (Lat. = “latit-udo”; length/ width) which is being per(re)ceived by you (as true).
Latium” is the name of the countryside between “Tiber” and the “pontic swamps”. “Latium” is also called being the “motherland of Rome”. The Hindu-Tantric word “lalita” means “mother-goddess”; Lalita is being considered the “personification” of all cosmic energies, it is also the byname of “Shiva” and is considered the “feminine dynamic power” of Shiva, by which (supposedly) this world of deception (Maya) emerges. But this world “ex-ists” only for souls, which only look at “one side” (=Lat. “latus”) “of actual reality” – or better yet, are only able to look at one side. These [living] dead are therefore also forced - in “that part

(half) which is being perceived” by them – as they are burying their fellow humans – to make a “laudatio” – (Latin = “speech for the dead”).

So much to the “pontic swamps”: “pontus” means “mass”; “weight”; “gravity” and “equilibrium”, but also “reputation”; “meaning”; “impression” and “emphasis” (of words!). “Pontia” is an “island” (>Adam>atom>atoll = “point”) at the coast of Latium. A “high priest” “pontifex” (Latin = “bridge-builder”) is only then able to establish such a one, if he also knows my HOLO-FEELING-laws and is not only hanging on to his “shortsighted dogmas”. My water-partition to the “double M[em]” symbolizes therefore the beginning of the “current tide of the sea” (=Latin “pontus”), which makes itself known in your consciousness as time.
But once again back to the “camera”. The Roman “goddesses” (the logical first women!) of “forth-telling” are being called “Camenae”. They are being viewed/considered as the “source/ spring-goddesses”, out of which “daily water (time!) is being scooped”. With the Maya “Came” was a “giant-like ruler” over Xibalba. This in turn is the name for the – now listen and be amazed - “netherworld” of the Maya. Came rules over the kingdom of the dead. The tradition tells, that there are “seven steep steps” leading down, passing “raging rivers” and “narrow gorges” with countless “trees with thorns”. Then there suddenly “4 paths” are “crossing” each other (=prime-number-cross). “Camazotz” is a “bat-god” of the Maya, which with its teeth that are sharp like a knife severs “the head of the human” from his actual “body”! “Camaxtli” is a “god of the stars” of the Chichimeken. The Aztecs now “purely by chance”  call their “hunting god and god of fate” too like this. Camaxtli describes the paradox which originates/emerges out of your own unaware/unconscious “schizophrenia” – that is the great illusion of “your world”.
On one hand you believe in the “precise chronological” (god of the stars) in the world which is perceived by you, but on the other hand you also believe in “coincidences” (god of fate) and in the law of “devour and getting devoured” (hunting god).

Camillus” is the byname of the Patrician generation of the “Furier”. And this now describes to you very accurately, what you get to see in your dia-bolic “camera”: that is “furia”, that is to say “anger” and “furious-ness” (frenzy/fury) (germ. = Raserei =”speed”; also a form of time ) and “furtum” ; that means “theft. “Furia” is the goddess, which “in-stills” humans with “fear”. Your world is the “oven” (=Latin “furnus”) in which you “small thief” (Latin “furunculus” ) together with your fellow humans (=collective soul) are being “baked”. Only once you form a “unit” with “EVERYTHING/ALL”, my son of man is able to “visit” (germ. = “heimsuchen” = seek home) you and to free you out of your “self-created Hades” (earth in Hebrew is called “hares” !). Your “future” (=Latin “futurus”) “being” and “becoming” (Latin = “fu[d]o”) you determine only with your own belief. Get ahold of the spiritual “rope” (= Latin “funis”) which my son of man is stretching out to you and you will never have to participate in your own “funeral” (= Latin “funus”).

But now back to the “first” biblical creation-account. There is, as you should know, still a second story, namely the one which I describe in the “second” chapter of Genesis. This is the “actual water-creation”, that is to say the creation of your chronological time (see volume 1, page 58).
Let’s just once again have a closer look at verse 9 of the first chapter of the Bible:
Then God spoke: The water beneath the heaven is to “gather” (“sammeln”) itself in one place, “in order for the dry to become visible”. And so it happened. (Genesis 1;9)

The original sequence of signs hwbyhhar[v (6-400-200-1-5-5-2-300-5) is generally translated as follows:

in order for the dry to appear”.
Well now, let’s see if you have already understood the meaning of the particular hieroglyphs already a little bit. We are confronted with the following sequence of signs:
Hook/sign/head/leader(head of the ox) window/window/passive hand/-house/teeth (eating) window.
“Superficially seen” this of course does not seem to make any sense, but that’s deceptive. If you have understood the deeper meaning of all signs, you right away can read the “first meta-level” of the Bible in “plain language”. Only now it is going to “tell” (Germ.=”er-zählen” /”re-count”) you about actual reality! (Please remember to read the signs from left to right, but the numbers from right to left).

6-400-200-1-5-5-10-2-300-5 = hwbyhhar[v

Now these signs have the following meaning if read on the hieroglyph level:

The “connections”/”linking” (Waw, 6) of all “appearances” (Taw, 400) in the “rational head” (Resch, 200) of the “leader” (Aleph, 1) determine his possible “view/way of seeing” (window, 5). The “view” (window 5) of this “small God” (passive hand, 10) is being determined by his “unconscious/unaware duality” (house, 2), with/through/by which he is able to “see” (window, 5) that which he is “taking in chopped up” (teeth, 300) of the “whole”.

The leading sequences of radicals in this chain of signs, read on their “sound-level”, have this meaning:
hwbyhha (r[v) r[v = “viter”, this means “to renounce/ do without”.

hwby (hhb) r[v (b) ha = “ahav”, this means “lo love”, “to be fond of”.

Here obviously someone is doing without/renouncing love. This is why there follows “jabascha”…

(hwby) hhar[v hwby = “jabascha”, this means “mainland” (=the illusion matter)
If a soul does without/renounces to live my “godly love”, it is being banned on a “mainland”. The word “jabascha” (=mainland) in ignorance is being translated in modern Bible versions as “the dry” (my symbol for that which is “timeless”). But here it is not about the timeless beyond, but rather about the this-side which by you is only being perceived “materially”. But only because of your so far ignorant/unknowing “superficial way of seeing”, matter (=main land) comes to appear to you as something “timeless” into your spiritual range of view. By a more accurate view it will appear to you in an “un-interrupted/continuous movement”. I am here not only relating to the “ultra-frequent” movement of the electrons, that you have been told about in physics lesson, but rather also about the constant “infra-frequent” changing of the world perceived by you. Consider thereby for example only your own growth. In biology it is being taught, that your cells are completely renewing themselves every 7 years. The words “ultra” and “intra” are generally being translated as “above” and “below”. Ultrasound lies above and infrasound lies below your audible range. As an equivalent to this there is the ultraviolet and the infrared of the optical view. “Ultra” developed via the Latin word “ultra” (=over and

above”) from the word “ulter” (Germ.=”Alter”=age), which means “situated (in the) beyond”. “Infra” (Latin=”infra”) means plain and simple just “below”. But you should not talk of “above” and “below”, but rather of “inside” (infra > Germ.= in Frage stellen > to question). The “infra” (Germ.= In-Frau=woman) is the “first woman” in you. She is that half of you which thinks. Since she also represents your unconscious/unaware “rational logic”, she produces by her thinking your ability-to-perceive and thereby also the “phenomenon time” that appears for you. To “find” (Germ.=”be-finden”) oneself in the illusion time also means to “sense” (Germ.=”emp-finden”) fear. The German prefix “emp…” goes back to the Latin “emptio”, it means “purchase”. The verb that belongs to it is “emptitio” = “to buy” and “to have acquired” something. All of your so far negative “empiric sensations” resemble an unintentional pregnancy, that is to say a “spiritual conception” (Germ.=”Emp-fängnis” > Ge-fängnis? =prison), which you “have acquired” (Germ.= emp-fangen >have caught) by your unconscious “co-habitation” (Germ.=“Bei-schlaf”=sleeping with) with your so far rational logic.

In this case the “fructifying” (Germ.=in Frucht setzen) resembles more a “getting into fear” (Germ.=Furcht >Frucht). If one finds himself “pregnant” (Germ.= “in anderen Umständen = to be expecting”), then this can mean joy, but depending on the personal wishes and goals also pain. “To place fear” in Latin is called “time-facio”. Here is “time”. The word ”fearing” and all of the “appearances” (Latin= “facies”) linked to it, which are coming towards you through your own “per(re)ceptions”, are being linked/connected with the term “time-facio” in a delightfully-ironic kind of way. The world which is per(re)ceived by you with your limited logic rationally is a world of “humorlessness”.

What is the cause for this?

Your own ir(r)-rationallity (to err) of course! “Humor” in Latin is called “facetiae”. You should try to always get through your life “at ease” (=Latin “facilis”). And just as in the Latin word for humor (“facetiade”) the word “face” is hidden in, so likewise therefore the “English humor” also does produce one laughing eye and one crying eye, since on one hand it makes fun of something which the other side (“facet”) is not able to laugh about. Actually why not? Because a spirit that is biased is not willing “to think-beyond” its self-defined norms – and the moral ideas that are linked to it – in order to join/link/connect itself with “the other side” harmoniously. The diverse “facets” of your limited perception produce “in you” inevitably also diverse “sensations/emotions”. Because of your so far only incompletely/imperfectly “bringing to pass” of a synthesis of all of your “emp-iric” and “logical” sens-ations, your “truth- per(re)ceptions” = “fact” (Germ.=Wahr(nehmungsein)heiten) come about. With the changing of your old “attitudes/settings” you would without any problem be able to change your “surrounding world” “completely” (Germ.=voll-ständig > in full standing). If you are really able to per-re-ceive everything “in full (standing)” – time is going to stand still for you. By this meta-morphosis your consciousness is going to get “trans-centered” onto a level, which is not anymore “de-scribe-able” “verbally”. All of the separate parts (Germ. = “Be-stand-teile” = standing parts) of the word “de-scribe-able” I have already described to you in detail. The world perceived by you so far is only a “facsimile” of your own thoughts. Your “present thoughts” are always being “in-duced” by memories (Latin=“facesso”) and “in-flu-flow-ence“ thereby also constantly/permanently your “momentary mood/sentiment/atmosphere” in the present. Your own “truth-per-re-ception” (Germ.= wahr(nehmungsein)heit > truth / ”fact” also means “(own)act”) thereby becomes the “de-ciding” (Germ.=”ausschlag-gebende” > giving the kick off) “factor”. This means, you “shape/fashion” with your own acts the per-re-ceptions (Germ.= wahr(nehmungsein)heit > truth) which you are perceiving. (Do you still remember the etymology of the word “moment”?) I do not want to get lost here too much in the accurate exegesis, in order for you not to lose your thread to the “real substance” of the “mainland”/”dry land” – the nothing/nothing – this is why in this volume I only want to highlight “important key notes”.
In the “Inter-linear translation” of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia of the publisher Hänssler Genesis 1;12 is presented to you as follows:

(I have omitted here the Masoretic signs and the word-divisions which are included in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, since they are veiling my real context. The first line shows you approxi-mately the original looks of script of my holy scrolls, below that then there is the “interpretation” (translation?) of this “Inter-linear translation”).




ajv[v (is being translated as “as-brought-forth”). But in actual reality it means:

“And” v “effect” and/or “impact” ajv[ “tot-sa” (you can also say “toter Samen” which is German for “dead seed”). After “totsa” (400-6-90-1) follows as next sign a He, so combined you then get 400-6-90-5 and this means hajv[v “totsa’a”: “the result” and/or “the (con)sequence[s]”.

Jrah means “hares” 5-1-200-90, “the earth”. This word describes the “Hades” [=netherworld; hell] of my creation. This sequence of signs begins with ah (5-1), this means “ha” and means “this”.

5-1 are the main radicals of the words “one is dependent on another”; “fattening”; “pollination”; “unification”; “colonization”; “slow-down”; “collusion”.

After that follows 200-9 and this means “rats”, “the runner”. So 5-1-200-90 (=the earth) divided into its roots then means “this (5-1) runner (200-90)”. After the runner 200-9 then follows a Daleth. 200-90-4 means “dancing” (“ritsed”).
The Hebrew word for “earth” 5-1-200-90 ends with a “end-Zade”, a “fishing-hook”. Now who then is being fished out of this “hares” (Hades)? Everything “that is existing in time” of course. If the sign-sequence of “earth” carries at its end a “He” instead of a “Zade” (a “window to the beyond”) 5-1-200-5, it means “he’ara”, that is to say “the illumination” and “lighting”. This indicates, that the real “source of light” of your earth is “in the beyond”.
But now to the “core” of the whole thing, the “seeding seeds”.
erz 7-200-70 “zera” means “seed” and spoken as “zara” it means “sowing”. Now if you put a Mem (dominance of time) in front of it, you get erzm 40-7-200-70 “mizra” and this means

acreage”, but also “sowing” (Egypt means “mitsrajim”).

So acreage and sowing are the same thing!

Now if this sequence of signs ends with a “Nun” (= a fish living in the water (of time), you get with 40-7-200-50 the word “mizran” – the “mattress”, this is the “underlay for sleeping” for a still sleeping spirit. 7-200-10-5 “zerija” means “dispersing”. 7-200-10-70-5 “zeri’a” however

means “to sow” and/or “sowing”. With the word “zara” 7-200-70 I symbolize in the Bible a

completely different “context”, then the mere sowing of green stuff. For me it is about the metaphor:

That which you yourself sow, this you are also going to reap!”
Into what now are you “sowing” “your own spiritual seed”? What is being “dispersed” by you into the “acreage-time” (“mizra” 40-7-200-70 [a Mem which is in front]), which you perceive as “mainland” (material earth) and what “is growing” out of that?
“So-brought-forth/the-earth green/plant-growth/seeding/seed…”

My Genesis begins with the creation of the “elementary dimensions” of your world. All of the signs of the Bible you are supposed to only view as purely “symbolic language”. With this description it is by far not yet about the vegetation of your earth.

“Green” in Hebrew is written as awd 4-300-1 and bwe 70-300-2 is most of the time mistakenly being translated as “plant-growth”.

awd 4-300-1 “desche” means “fresh grass”. But now if a Waw and a Nun replace Aleph, you get 4-300-6-50, that is to say “dischun”, “the fertilizing”.

Derasch” 4-200-300 by the way means “interpretation of the Bible”.
bwe 70-200-2, “esev”, is now as said before being translated very inaccurately as “plant-growth”. But in actual reality it means “weed”. This you can already recognize by this, that the same sequence of signs, spoken as “isev”, means “weeding[weed]”.

Between “weeding” and “harvesting” now undoubtedly there is a small difference.

So there came about (emerged) the “fresh grass” and the “weed” of your own thoughts.
In Genesis 1;29 then it says in the Interlinear translation:

Then-spoke/God/behold/I-give/you/the plant-growth. But this should accurately translated say “the weed”. Seed 7-200-70 / seed (7-200-70) / of the surface (70-30-80-50-10; but this means translated accurately: “Yoke of [ones own] looking at”)…
And now listen and marvel, you small human! Further on it says:
Fruit-tree/[for everything is]

seed (“zera” 7-200-70) / seed (“zera” 7-200-70).
You should instead of the usual “zera/zera” better read zero/zero, because at the end there is an Ojin; that is zero/zero.
The creation of the nothing/nothing – the second dimension – is therewith completed and this in turn describes to you only one side – namely the “surface” (=yoke of [ones own] looking at!), but not the “real core” of the appearances that are perceived by you.

I describe to you “at the beginning” of Genesis in mystic-symbolic language the creation of the first two purely “imaginary” dimensions of your personal world-perception and therewith also of your only two-dimensional view of the surface of all the three-dimensional bodies which are considered by you as real.
Your spirit gets from both of your eyes (the spiritual, as well as the physical) only two “two-dimensional in-formations”. Only by their synthesis “in and through this spirit” occurs/comes about the third dimension which is perceived by you.

The creation of the Elohim:

The Bible begins with the following signs:

Just like in the original Koran and in my Sanskrit writing of the Veda (=Hindu Bible) the original signs of my Hebrew holy scrolls are not divided into words. This encourages any still immature, dominant and thereby also claiming power kind of spirit to a “self-understood” and “self-opinionated” interpretation.

By the established churches these signs are being translated as follows:

B’reshith bara Elohim eth ha schamajim w’eth hares”

In the beginning God created heaven and earth!”

But already on the pure “sound-level” there are several possibilities of “word-di-visions” possible. The “most open” insight into the secret of the Bible, that is to say the “most accurate” (Germ. = “Gen-Auste(r)” publication would be the following “reading(out of)”.
Be resh ithbara Elohim eth haschem majim w’ath’ [atha] ares”

In their head “the dual [androgynous] powers” create the God “of the dual waters” and “you are” [see] the earth!” (only at your own “dis-cretion” = “er-messen” = measuring )

With a hieroglyphic way of writing – as is already described in the old “Sepher Jetzirah” (= Chaldean “Book of Numbers) – the first 14 signs already are completely sufficient, in order to

explain to you the real “f-act” of my creation, without any further explanations or restrictions. Each sign is a “black-box” – equal to an electronic basic circuitry. And just like the entire “technical world” – radio, television, control electronics, all the way to the super-computer – is only built up upon “sever-al” “few” (Germ. = “ein-I-Gen” “wen?-I-Gen”) elementary electronic basic circuitries, “the illusion of your world” is built upon the “imaginary illuminative power” of your language. This one has its origin with the 22 signs of the “semiologic Hebrew” (> “semiology” = teaching of the language signs and their “message-function”). Only by a real “symptomatology” (science of the “signs of a disease”) – that is to say the right search for the “real cause” for all of the “symptoms” which are appearing to you, all of your “problems of existence” – if you have placed them “on one denominator” – are going to dissolve into “nothing/nothing”. An “anti-semitic” – say “dis-torted”/”a-miss” usage of my words then also inevitably leads you to an outside-world-experience which is perceived “disharmonic”. You thereby only get the “harmony” of my original mathematical “hier-archies” (=here/on this side-archives) out of balance. This is the “act-ual” (Germ.=”Ei-Gen”-tliche) reason for the “weed” perceived by you – the “disharmonies” in your being here. If the “godly meaning” of my words is in “dis-harmony” with the meaning which you “in-part” on these words, then in you there happens an unaware “disjection” (splitting of personality in the experiencing of a dream, in which the content of the dream appears in “double shape” [for example one sees himself and at the same time one also is there as the spectator]). This then leads you – in the truest sense of the word  - to the “Soprano-clef” (Germ.= Diskantschlüssel) (= C-clef on the “lowest line for notes”) and your “discontinuous” ( = interrupted, incoherent, erratically changing itself) “world-perception”.

If so far you have thought about me “di-ligent-ly” (Germ. = “ge-Wissen-haft” > knowing-ly) (have you already forgotten again, that these letters are your “present” thoughts?), it should now not pose any problem to you anymore, as you look at the first 14 signs, to look through the surface of this “In the beginning God created…” into the “endless depth of my wisdom”.

Since by now you should “roughly” know “the part-iculari-ties” of the symbolic and numeric meaning of my holy signs, they will also “tell” (“re-count”) you about my actual reality and this has “scarcely” little to do with the interpretations known to you so far:
Myhlaarb[ywarb out of “In the beginning created (?)” now becomes:
b Everything begins with a Beth, the symbol for “abode/apartment/flat” or “region”, but also for ”duality”, by which “the inside” does not yet know anything about its real “outside”.

r TThen follows Resch, “the head” – this “head” (Germ.=Kopf) you have to see as a “closed circle” (“camera”) , because it symbolizes your “closed in itself” rational logic – your personal “tautology”.

a Aleph, “the head of the ox”. The symbol of the “procreating power” but also the “creating power”. Aleph always means “creator” or “leader”. But it is thereby not defined, out of which level of your “intra-personal hierarchy”, that is to say “your being conscious”, you are able “to create”. First you have to learn to feel responsible only for yourself, and then when you have found yourself (= “self-seeking” [self-addiction?], to feel responsible for EVERYTHING/ ALL. Because you still don’t have the least bit of control over your thoughts – that is you are still very “in-attent-ive” (Germ.=un-acht-sam) – you therefore always feel exactly the way that your limited rationality (first woman, Eva) dictates it to you! Once that you have first of all “cleared up” (“sorted out”) yourself, also all disharmonies “around yourself” are going to – as if by magic – clear up as well. This is my godly promise.
w The Schin, the “tooth” – symbolizes the crushing/shredding and thereby also the “foreman for absorption/receiving/taking in and synthesis” of all that to you “seems” to be coming “from the outside”. The 300 – a trident, or “three in one” – the trinity. You are the “act-u-al one” – the Messiah of your own world!

y The Jod is the “passive hand” in which–in the truest sense of the word–lies “EVERYTHING”. You yourself are the “perfect/complete” (but to you still unaware) unity “of the whole cosmos that is perceived by you”. “At this time” you are still quite a “small God” by the name human.

[ Now the Tau appears on the scene, “the sign”, the “root of all appearances”. It is being depicted as a cross by the Egyptians and the Arians. The 400 – a section without beginning and end. The Tau is the film-material, which is being “ex-posed” by your psyche through your own discernment/judging with quality-definitions/terms/concepts.

b Then again the Beth, which shows the duality – the “dia-bolic” – of your

r Tautology Resch, since “at the beginning” you are only able to “dig/create” out of your own “Mem[ories]”. Therefore you are also the perpetrator of your own “mem-ories”. You are their

a creator Aleph

Aa But now there arises a new “creator” Aleph, which is linked with a

l Lamed, the “ox-goad”. Lamed always symbolizes an “active procreation” and/or propelling power”.

h The He, the “window” now describes the “(point of)view” – that is to say the “per/re-ception” of what is true) of this – driven/propelled by the Lamed –

y Jod (small God), which at this place is still standing “in the [absolute] beginning” of its development “into my image/likeness” (we are here at the beginning of the Bible!) and therefore you are a still very “small God”. The

M end Mem (closed lips) symbolizes, that you “small God” in your development to a “real God” first have to run through a “time-cycle”, only after that “the timeless” is going to appear to you.
Well, and now I want to once again urge you to take to heart:
There are no “coincidental coincidences” in your being here/existence. With your life it is about a movie which has been recorded by me eons ago. Just as I have “determined” the “pro-cess” (Ab-lauf) of all biological and physical functions, so likewise are also all appearances, which come towards you in this existence, a done deal which has already been decided by me since eons. Now if you are able to imagine that “this movie” – which you view as being a/your life – as a digital video-conserve” (in which there are also only “number-structures”), you are holding with the Hebrew Bible your entire “course of life” until now in your hands – consisting of many “diverse pasts” (lifes!), but only one single “future” – “in the now”. Now you only have to learn to read it “in its entirety/as a whole”. The book that has been closed “with seven seals” has herewith been opened by my son of man.
In Hebrew the sign-radicals are also commonly used as “abbreviations” (short words). Now we want to hear, how many radicals there are contained in the first 14 signs of Genesis.
Myhlaarb[ywa (rb) = 2-200 “bar” means:

corn”; “open field”; “the outside”; “out[side]of” and “son”.

As abbreviation: “beginner” (2-200/2-10 200-2); “lucky child” (2-200/40-7-30); “authority” (2-200/60-40-20-1); “capable of living and permanent” (2-200/100-10-40-1); “being in power” (2-200/60-40-20-1); ”responsible and punishable before the court” (2-200/70-50-300-10-40); “con-temp-tuous human” (2-200/300-10-8); “perceivable” (2-200/400-80-10-60-5); “Bar-Mizwah” (2-200/40-90-6-5 = Jewish boy that turns 13 [steps across the 12] and thereby has to take upon himself “all religious responsibilities” [=that which concerns his real origin].
Myhlaarb[yw (arb) = 2-200-1 “bara” means: “created [by God], “getting healthy”, “to make healthy”.

As abbreviation: “to create out of nothing” (2-200-1/10-300 40-1-10-50); [blessed be] the one which creates the vine” (2-200-1/2-6-200-1 80-200-10 5-3-80-50).

Myhlaarb[y (wa) rb = 1-300 means “fire”

As abbreviation: “cross-fire” (1-300/90-6-30-2-400); “to-go-up into flames” (70-30-5 2/1-300). Fire “unites” all things. The “[sanct-i-fied] spirit” (=”ruach” >Rauch=smoke) then ascends into heaven.

Myhlaarb[ywa (r) b = abbreviation for “Rabbi” (=teacher).

Myhlaarb[yw (ar) b = (in connection with a He as har ) 200-1-5 “ra’a” and means:

seeing” and “consider it to be right”, but (but spoken as “re’a”) also “lung” – into which I breathe my “godly odem” – the anima – the animalistic.

As abbreviation: “to see ahead what is coming [the future]” (200-1-5/ 1-400 5-50-6-30-4); “what caused him to…?” (40-5 / 200-1-5/ 20-10); “it seems to me, that…” and “I believe that…” (200-1-5 / 30-10-300).
Myhlaarb[ (yw) arb = 300-10 “schai” means: “gift”; as y’’#w “scherut-jedi’ot”

( = in-form-ation service).

Myhlaarb ([yw) arb = 300-10-400 “schit” means: “basis”; “found-ation”.

(Which is in your being here/existence so far in the truest sense of the word, sh.. ).

Myhlaarb ([ywarb) = 2-200-1-300-10-400 “bereschit” means: “In the beginning”.


Myhla (arb) [ywarb = Now the “bara” arb (the nothing is followed by another nothing. The nothing/nothing begins).

Myh (la) arb[ywarb = 1-30 “el” means “power”; “godly power”, but also “[striving towards]”, “[striving to]” and “[striving] after”.
What is striving to where? The power (God?) that is “coming from/originating” out of this primal creation, begins to search for itself.
My (hla) arb[ywarb = 1-30- 5 “eloha” means: “masculine power”, and out of this one then spring forth “the following” (5/1-30-5) gods.
(Myhla) arb[ywarb = 1-30-5-10-40 “elohim” means: “feminine powers” and/or gods (plural!). “In the beginning “the powers” created…! You will recognize right away, that “elohim” is not only “plural”, but also a “feminine plural”. And yet the “self-opinionated” translaters have given it “masculine singular”. “And the Elohim created Adam (> “atom” = matter) according to their own image (> “measuring”), after the image of the Elohim did they create themselves, masculine and feminine”. Who are these Elohim? “Elohim” is not only a “plural”, but a “feminine plural”. It is about your “first woman”, say “rational logic” and the one of your fellow humans, which appear to you “in your dream” (= your collective Psyche). Elohim is the plural of the “substantive” (> substance) “El-h”, because He as end-sign in Hebrew indicates a feminine gender. But “Elo-h-im takes on, instead of forming the plural with “-oth”, the normal ending of the masculine plural, which is expressed by “-im”. Every human carries within himself an independent “universe” (> his dream!) and in it he is “godly” responsible for everything. Do you still remember the “Camanae”, the Roman “spring /fountain-goddesses” of prophecy (telling forth), which “out of themselves” daily dig/scoope “water” (> time)? “Chamelon” (Greek/Latin = “earth-lion”) is not only the name for a lizard but also for a human, who quickly changes his “views” (= a conformist of his own logic) and a

Chamaephyte” is a life-form (dwarf-scrub), whose “buds of renewal/regeneration” are situated “near the ground” (on ground level) (= matter; “hares”; Hades; Hera = “earth and mother goddess”). The word “spring/fountain-goddessess” does actually already tell you everything, you only have to listen into its depth in German: “Quellgöttinnen= Quell[e]Gott[es ist]innen=the spring of God is inside!) In German the two dots above the “o” (Göttin) show the androgyne state of this God with its feminine dominance. For as long as you are not able to perceive your HOLO-FEELING in your “wholeness/entirety” and therefore assume/presume that there are strangers – even though it is you yourself, who produces everything which you perceive by your own dreaming – there is conflict predominant in you. Since “the Gods” (Götter) (masculine), that is to say, the humans that you are dreaming are only a product of your own unconscious psyche, they inevitably suffer from the same schizophrenic

“double-dot-illness” (ö) as you yourself. In Genesis it says, that the earth was “formless” and empty, “before these “Gods” (“Gotteinheiten > units of God) form(ed) themselves. So it began with the emerging/coming about of the Elohim the end of “the formless” and this in turn is only another word for your “nescience/not-knowing-ness”. If out of “the eternal one” grows the “di-vide-ing” (“Ent-Zweien > into two” – that is to say subject and object – then also the unity of the “nescience/not-knowing-ness” disappears.

M (yhla) arb[ywarb = 1-30-5-10 “elohi” means “godly”.

My (hl) aarb[ywarb = 30-5 “la” means “her” (feminine [first woman] and singular). You are the “head” – the dreamer – and in actual reality you consist out of the sum of your “intra personal humanity”. So therefore in you there is the entire/whole timeless “ocean” of the godly wisdom and therefore this beginning [sentence] closes with a ….

(My) hlaarb[ywarb = 10-40 “jam” means “ocean”/”sea” (Germ.=Meer).

Now we get to the “big track-switch” (“turnout”) of your consciousness, because after the first 14 signs there now follows [a = 1-400 “et”. This in Hebrew stands for all

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