Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

God voices/expresses it and so it is!

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God voices/expresses it and so it is!

You are the God of the world which you perceive.
All of your thinking corresponds to a speaking in the spirit, it rises up out of your depth and is being projected towards the outside “filtered by your dogmas”. Your world only consists of “you assuming all that you perceive” (receive as true), out of “speculative calculations”, which indeed are correct “in their subtotal”, but do not work out as a ”whole”. In Hebrew the word for “thinking” and “calculating” is the same word, “chischew” (8-300-2). Thought is called “machschawah” (40-8-300-2-5-) and a “computation”, but also a spiritual and moral “speculation” is called “chessbon” (8-300-2-6-50). Your being here/existence is a “chess match”. For as long as you are only able to play “shortsightedly”, you thereby have no chance to win. The word “to calculate” (Germ.=”rechnen”) has to do with your spiritual “wealth” (Germ.=”Reichtum”) that we already talked about, this you can easily recognize by the radicals. You “unconsciously” keep in mind all of your “experiences”, which you are making in this being here/existence. The knowledge elements “of this being here/existence” now add up to all “that has already been collected before” – for so long until you are considered by me to be an adult and are allowed to leave “this school”.
All words and stories and therefore also all “possible worlds and times” are always present “in you”, even if they are not always right there in your conscious “light of attention”. Do you still remember “the godly video-cassette” (volume 1, page 171), on which there is only a “static, timeless number structure”? Since you are not able to capture/seize all at once the entire content of it, your “spirit” is forced to spread its “timeless structure” through your “attention-focus” into by you “all at once” digestible bites into time, in order to then “take these ones in one after the other”.
This not-knowing (nescience) is the apodictic premise for your unity!”
To this a simple example: There are “in you” many stories (knowledge). All the “information” of your world do have “at this moment” a timeless structure. “The entire knowledge” of your mankind is “now” present in you, but not “consciously tangible”. You and this overwhelming knowledge are at this moment “a unity”. But your spirit at this moment “sheds light on” only a tiny fraction of these “in-formation” with your attention. A tiny “flash of thought” of yours is enough, to open up a “file”, in order to take a closer look at it. If now I give to you the cue “fairytale”, then we are opening this kind of folder. Well ok, you are going to think now, I know what fairytales are. This folder is still too big for you to be able to spread it out “rationally visible” for you into time. But now if I give to you on top of it the cue “Hansel and Gretel”, then to you opens “in you” a sub-folder of the folder “fairytales”. Now this spiritual bite has the size which you are able to digest (=calculate) with your still childlike rationality. Suddenly you have access to information, which one minute ago have still been “one” with you, that is, they have been in your “not-knowing/nescience”. Now your knowledge about the fairytale
“Hansel and Gretel” is in a conscious, but still “compressed form” in you. In order to now

“unfold” it completely, you need “time”. This process/proceeding is made “clearly visible” to you, if now you let this fairytale “go through your head” “step by step”. By the changing of your “attention” you also change the “content of your consciousness”. But with the changing of “your attitude” the state of your soul also does change. This process corresponds exactly to that of a computer, which takes data out of a “static reservoir” into the visible “working memory. You now would have the possibility to access much more data then what at the moment you are able to “believe”, because “ALL/EVERYTHING”, that is to say “all world-ages”, are present in your “personal data bank”. For as long as you are not able to believe in this fact, you also are not going to exert any “energy of consciousness”, in order to check out this statement. “Normal humans” now commit the great stupidity of their being here/existence, to use their energy of consciousness to constantly persuade themselves of their limitedness and their helplessness. If you constantly persuade yourself, that the facts which are here being postulated are an “impossibility”, then they also will always appear to you as “impossible”. Instead of searching “in you” for “the exit/escape” out of this misery of being here/existence, you are trying to settle down in this problematic existence, because you hang on to the wrong belief, that this to you is the only possible form “of being”. All appearances which you are coming across within your existence, do receive their ultimate quality through your own interpretation. You are capable of completely changing the world which is perceived by you. For this you only would have to change your interpretations. The only one who is constantly stopping you from elevating this world to a kingdom of heaven, is you yourself.

You are so boundlessly sure of your (pseudo-)knowledge and are therewith drawing your own boundaries. Your own belief makes of you a fearful being, which constantly tries to hold on to its own dogmas, by viewing them “as being sure” and as “proven”. You are the “scaredy-cat” (see volume 1, page 139), who prefers the sparrow in the hand rather than the dove on the roof and the one who constantly “crucifies” himself without experiencing his real resurrection.
How “sure/secure” then is your belief so far, or should I rather say, your knowledge? Is your “knowledge/belief” ultimately not simply just a matter of your personal view?

With a small example I want to visualize to you the effect of possible interpretations of one and the same appearance:

In a French comedy a nobleman in the 13th century drinks of a magic drink, which is supposed to make him invulnerable. Sad to say the Druid made a mistake when mixing the drink. He does not become invulnerable by this drink, but rather he “experiences” a “leap in time”. Suddenly he finds himself in the year 1995 in the midst of a country road and “sees himself” being threatened by “monsters made of iron”. The appearances which you now interpret as “cars”, he interprets as “terrible iron monsters”. Now do not commit the mistake, to persuade yourself, that he – compared to you – “is ignorant” and stupid and therefore is definitely interpreting this “appearance” wrong. He actually does not interpret it the least bit “more wrong” than you, just a bit “different”. Neither you nor this nobleman do have the consciousness about it, what this appearance “actually really” is. Even peoples of the twentieth century have at their disposal a richly colored “range of interpretation” about the appearing phenomenon car. What for one person is an “indispensable and helpful blessing” for mankind –yes even represents an icon, the center point of their lives, which they worship – is for someone else a “polluter which destroys the environment”, that mankind can give thanks to for being the cause, that the natural living-space gets more and more polluted and on top of it also is getting covered with concrete. Others again see in cars a “secure source” for jobs, to say it briefly, “to earn money”, which too does represent in your world-picture “the only elixir of life”. Then for others again the car is “a monster of addiction”, which eats up the major part of the “money essential for survival”, that those affected by this addiction are able to earn. Many are driven into ruin by this addiction.
But now then what really is “the appearance” car ultimately? It is only an interpretation of your own consciousness! It is always only that which you are able to believe, all the way to the atomic substance! Only once that you become conscious of the HOLO-FEELING law of your being here/existence, you will also recognize, that you yourself are this appearance. You are “ALL/EVERYTHING” – at least it is your consciousness that is the source of the quality, which adheres to all things and therewith you are to be accurate also the source of “to be or not to be” and of “good and bad”. If you are only able to look at things “one-sidedly”, you sentence the things to that which you are capable of seeing in them. “That, which actually really is”, that is to say, the “whole context”, then remains hidden to you behind your own interpretation. The more you tend towards regarding “your view” as the “only right” one, the more you make of yourself a monkey.
Therefore you should more often fall back on a “this also could be possible” in your interpretations. Your thoughts then would more or less sound like this or similar to this:

“I actually see it this way or that way, but if the one opposite of me is able to see the same thing differently than me, we both definitely must have a limited view on this thing. But now what is this thing really, that is to say “seen as a whole”? Let’s not fight about our “limited viewpoints”, but rather let’s make an effort, to cumulate our views to come closer to the “real essence/being” of these appearances.

There is only presence! All that is perceived by you only consists of your own interpretation of that which is present. That which is present for you is a tiny, unfolded, but yet static fragment of your timeless not-knowing/nescience. This fragment now remains, as you become conscious of it, on your own “knife’s edge of consciousness”, that is to say between past and future. With your judgments and your interpretation you yourself thereby are setting yourself a point of intersection: These halves past and future which thereby are coming about, can never be grasped by you consciously, but can only “be believed” blindly as assumed knowledge. These siblings escape your present which you sense “only point by point” and yet as “time/space”. Your past “is and was” never in a “time-space” manner present in your consciousness. Actual reality is ALL/EVERYTHING, all possible possibilities. Through the “word-power” of your limited rational logic you are “fanning out” for yourself out of my timeless complex “certain” possibilities in your consciousness. Everything which “now” you view in an unconscious manner as past, does exist in actual reality always only in that moment, in which you look at these thoughts (feelings, sensations, appearances and so on), and this ultimately is always only “in the now” – that is to say in your momentary “present”, otherwise everything else is only timeless not-knowing! You never ever have “thought in the past”! Your entire thinking, feeling and sensing – also the past one – can be experienced by you always only in the present. So if you claim: “Once upon a time…” then this is only proof of your ignorance and lack of maturity. There is no “past presence”, there is no “Once upon a time…”, but rather only “It is…”. By this “to be or not to be” is only a question of your own being conscious. The “light of the spirit” of an awakened soul shines in the radiating glamour of its (being) self-conscious godliness “across/ above/over all times and spaces”. The spirit light of an immature soul however, which locks itself by its self-chosen paradigm “into time and space”, is sleeping. The consciousness of such a soul (of a “normal human”) equals to the weak cone of light of a flashlight, which is

only able to unconsciously glooms (gloom = oil lamp, dim, flickering light) for itself. This only weak “ray of spirit light” thereby inevitably brings continually changing and in their focus strongly restricted appearances into the field of view of this soul. There is only “one actual reality”, this one encompasses everything “what is going to be” and everything “which was” in the “now”, its name is HOLO-FEELING! The actual reality which is not perceived completely is being fanned out into all different kinds of “truths” (=Germ. Wahr-nehmungs-ein-heiten = units per-re-ceived as true), and is being dispersed into space and time.

In this way you are exalting all of your firmly believed truths of today “already now” to your stupidities of tomorrow!
The quality of the present which is sensed by you empirically is definitely only dependent on your own interpretation. Every time that your spirit judges according to its own measure your “present which is only there in a subjective way”, and thereby tries to extrapolate your present towards a certain “past” and the “future” which is to be expected from that, produces thereby inevitably also the “world picture that is sensed subjectively” which is “de-term-in-ed” by your paradigm and by your own word-might.
In other words “ex-pressed”:

The past which is “assumed” (Germ.=”an-genommen” = taken on) by you as right/accurate, so far consisted only always of your own extrapolated assumed knowledge and to be accurate is only a – “not to be proven” – figment of your own rationality and thereby also of your belief. If you take a closer look at all of these theories which you so “gullibly” believe as being “proven”, you humbly will have to admit that all the thesis that were spiritually accessible to you so far, have always grown on the grounds of your own “dogmatic belief”. No trace of any kind of real spiritual freedom. So far you have only submitted yourself to this “knowledge” in a dog-like manner, without you yourself ever diligently contemplating/thinking about yourself and your being. To believe thoughtlessly truly is much more comfortable than to think for yourself.

All of being is only determined by your own belief. If now you want to get to the pleasure of enjoying the all-encompassing view from the zenith of my actual reality, you have to first of all climb up on that holy mountain. Since eons only two secure paths are leading to “the zenith of your being”, they are called humility and love.
Only that which is now “appearing” in your consciousness is what you should also regard/consider to be “proven”; for example the claim, that at this moment you are holding a materialized book in your hands, which serves as “stimulation-trigger” and triggers within you a voice, which you are listening to at this moment. This is at this very moment the only “real truth”.
Because it undoubtable is the only “truth (unit of perception)” which you consciously sense at this moment!
Now I claim boldly, that everything else “only then comes about”, if you change the perspective of your light of attention in your consciousness. This statement you will, if you are “really intelligent”, accept as a “possibility” as well. If you have realized, that there is no other possibility for you to prove to yourself another truth “in the now”, then truly this will not be difficult for you. Everything which so far you have believed to be “independent of and outside of” yourself, is “actually really” only there in your spirit as an “image-in-a-tion”. All that is past has always disappeared out of your present and you are also not able in any way to force it to
“stay here”, not even if you occupy yourself with the immediate present which is perceived by you. Now how does that relate to the time epochs which you have never experienced as present “consciously yourself”? You stupidly consider it as being “proven” that “Cesar” or “Carl the Great” have lived, without yourself ever having diligently thought about this claim yourself.
Why do you believe that you originate from the monkey?

And where do you think do monkeys originate from?

If you retrace “the chain” of evolution “believed” by you, which to be accurate only represents one out of many possibilities, all the way to its end, you end up “in the water”. The first links of the chain of evolution which you believe in are for you “at this time” – that is to say according to your present assumed knowledge – some kind of “single cell beings and amoebas”. Is that now a real for sure experience which you yourself have made or is it only the “logical assumption” of some kind of other humans, which you repeat thoughtlessly just like a parrot? But where do these “single-cells” then originate from? From water itself? Isn’t water the symbol for time? Is it not ultimately “the perception phenomena time” itself which is the root of all of life? Without time no life! What was that again about the “static seed”, which unfolds always continually “into time”? That is exactly how it ultimately is with your “light of con-sciousness”! Watch out, this “time-chain” too which seems to be existing independent of you, is only then in your more or less conscious “present”, if you think of it. But what about it, if you don’t think of it?
Does a tree which is falling down in the forest make a sound, if there is no human there to perceive this sound? You do not have any possibility to check this out. You are either present “spiritually-sensually”, then you will sense this perception, or you are “spiritually-sensually” somewhere else and therewith with another perception. Now if this tree even exists at all independent of a perceiving spirit, and/or does make a sound when falling, this therefore is completely beyond your self-made experience and therewith also beyond a replicable verifiability of yours. You can only “blindly believe” these up to now assumptions of yours or also not. Consequently every belief has its spiritual roots only in a mere assumption, which again has its origin in the rational logic of the perceiving thinker, who “thoughtlessly” repeats everything that he has been told in kindergarten. In this regard (Germ.= “Hin-sicht” = looking at) so far there have only been “completely normal” humans in your “world perception”, but not one single really “intelligent human”. All of the professors on your universities do not make any exception concerning this “non-sense”.
It is the human itself to whom I have given the might to determine himself, with his believe – that is to say with his own assumptions – what ultimately “appears as being true” to him. But what then is really the case (Germ.=Fall), tree or no tree, sound or no sound? Very simply:
That which you are capable of believing, “is”!
There is “NOTHING”, which exists independent of your own spiritual perception, at least not anything material, that is to say nothing in a space/time manner. Only that which you are capable of shedding your light of consciousness on, also gets a space/time existence.
Thus “the free option to choose” by your belief turns into “the only freedom”, which you possess “at this time”. You have received this freedom from me, in order to find the

only true belief” for you, the kind of belief which is able to lead you to your real nature. Since I have made you in my image, your real entity/nature consists of pure, godly love.

But what if you want to continue to hold on to your present belief?

Why not! I have told you, that your freedom solely lies in you yourself being able to determine your belief. I do not have the least bit of a problem with your belief.

Your will shall also be your heavenly kingdom!
But are you really producing such a one with the assumptions of your belief so far, or does your “world-picture”, which you have in front of your eyes, not resemble much more a dis-harmonious hell. It is, as I have told you, you yourself who is putting this world picture in front of yourself with the assumptions of your belief so far. Isn’t it just loaded with bad and egoistic humans? You yourself are the one who now also has to manage with his self-produced problems. All of these problems are set before you solely by the fallacies of your present limited belief. For as long as you claim the right for you to state in a self-aggrandizing way: “I am in the right and you are not right”, then you must accredit this right also to the others, whether you like it or not. Aren’t you the one who is always talking about brotherhood and justice and is trying to achieve these basic postulates. Of course you now will object, that our views on things are much more “logic” than those of the others. What a fool you are! Only if you have understood one tenth of a percent of the logic which this book builds on – and this in turn contains only a microscopic tiny fraction of the “real logic” (=godly teaching of the word and of harmony) of my whole apodictic actual reality – you can claim of yourself, that you are in the position to also think logically. Your logic so far only consists of a thoughtless repeating after of some kind of already existing shortsighted ideologies, which only by reason of the immaturity of your spiritual rationality (=spiritual capacity to calculate) “seems logic” to you, and that you therefore have gotten caught up in yourself. Only once your spirit is more mature, you will also be willing to put your logic so far “in question” and then you will also recognize its spiritual boundaries. If your being here/existence becomes more and more unbearable for you, then you will sooner or later begin to search for your only real belief and you are also going to find it – if not in this one, then in another existence.
It would be much easier for you if you would keep my ten commandments unconditionally. But for this it would also be necessary to know the unadulterated original significance of my commandments. Haven’t I suggested to you among other things, “You shall not kill!”. Why do you not adhere to this? What then, you claim that you have never killed anybody, at least not any human being! You liar! With your firm belief, that your soul is dependent on the being and not being of your material brain, and that therefore you are also going to die at one point, because matter always perishes, you are actually killing yourself with this erroneous belief. Your material body is only your “space of development”, out of which your real spirit grows. It is only some kind of egg-shell which perishes, once it has fulfilled its duty. For an analogy to this take a look at a birds-egg. In it there is a “soul-germinal” which is enclosed by the yolk and the egg white. This soul-germinal transforms in this closed egg to a shape/form that is able to fly. So therefore it materializes itself by converting the yolk and egg white, by “taking it in” – just like in a metamorphosis - into its real purpose of being created. After this that “limited space of development” has fulfilled its duty.

The tiny bird-soul now bursts its hard shell in order to get a bit closer to heaven. You human soul should now do exactly the same thing. It is now time that you human soul act exactly proportionally the other way around. Burst your only imagined boundaries of matter, that you only imagine to be there, which surrounds you – become “one” with it – and you too are going to get a bit closer to “real heaven”. My creation gives you the possibility for this. You only have to firmly believe in it. You are able to free yourself of the burden of your body without the slightest bit of a problem, without thereby having to die and without thereby losing your body. When you dream, you too have a body and “in this one” you see matter and other humans. Now if you would have your full consciousness in this dream, then you would know, that in this dream there is nothing there which is “really material” - meant in the “official” (Lat.=”officio” = “get in the way”; “be of hindrance”) sense - independent of you, the dreamer. All that occurs in it (Germ.=(her)-vor-kommen=coming forth), consists ultimately only out of your own thoughts, your own spirit. This highest stage of the human “becoming conscious of” is called by me HOLO-FEELING. This consciousness is the “essence” (essential; core; concentrate; Lat.= ”escensio” = “landing”; “escensus” = “ascension” [into the heavenly kingdom] of everything, it is the crown of all of being conscious. It requires your firm, unmovable belief into my all-encompassing harmony and my “great love”, with which I have created my/your creation. Therefore from now on live only in “your/mine = our” great HOLO-FEELING.

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