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  December 2014

The best of 2014

DPR Technology Editor Dr. John Flucke 

breaks down his favorite new product picks.




Dr. John Flucke





 is lucky enough to try 

numerous products out in his operatories. Here are f ve he put to 

work in 2014 that left a lasting impression on him and have the 

potential to help just about any practice. 

There are lots of things I love about my job at Dental Prod-

ucts Report. I get to meet incredibly bright and driven peo-

ple, I get to travel to meetings that allow me to see the latest 

and greatest in our great profession, and I get to test and 

experiment with the products and gear that will be available 

to my readers in the next year or two.

Every year, I am lucky enough to get a chance to work with 

(and sometimes troubleshoot or even break) new products 

that are in development. The best of those products then 

end up in this article, which the magazine has chosen to call 

Flucke’s Top 5 Test Drives. 









iOptima & iChiropro

These two devices are electric handpiece systems. The iOptima is for restorative and endo

while the iChiropro is for implants. What makes these handpiece systems so amazing is that 

they interface with an iPod (iOptima) and an iPad (iChiropro). The ability to interface with a 

portable computing platform means that the handpieces are totally programmable. They 

are run by apps which allows parameters such as torque, rpm speed, etc., to be determined 

by the manufacturer of a bur, endo fi le, implant, etc. If a new implant or endo fi le comes to 

market, those products and their specifi cations are added to the app. When that product is 

selected in the app, those parameters are controlled by the iPod or iPad and everything runs 

exactly as the manufacturer specifi ed. The ability to have a continually updated handpiece is 

“outside the box” thinking and makes these handpieces game changers.





Eye Zoom 

Most dentists are now working with some type of magnifi cation. 

However, the surgical telescopes we now wear have one limitation 

and that is a fi xed degree of magnifi cation. Once you put them on, 

you see everything in the fi eld at whatever level of magnifi cation you 

specifi ed at purchase. Now what if you could change that magnifi ca-

tion level at will? That is the idea behind the Eye Zoom. The barrels of 

the telescopes can be turned and that causes the magnifi cation level 

to change. The scopes can be adjusted from 3.0x to 5.0x, allowing a 

fi eld of view that varies between viewing a quadrant and viewing two 

teeth. I began working with a prototype of the system in May and was 

soon hooked. I think you will be hooked too.






This is a very cool idea that literally applies rocket science to your 

dental units. As we all know, it is important to keep the dental unit 

water lines as clean as possible. Most offi ces are now using self-

contained systems where the water is supplied through a bottle. The 

usual protocol is to put a tablet in the bottle that dissolves and helps kill 

bacteria. DentaPure is a fi lter that attaches to the water line inside the 

bottle. As water passes through the DentaPure cartridge, it is purifi ed 

using iodinated resin beads that kills bacteria. This technology was 

developed by NASA to ensure water consumed in space is free of bac-

teria, viruses and other harmful organisms. There is no risk of allergic 

reaction, the cartridge is easy to install and it lasts for a year.


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December 2014  














Endo-Eze FIND 

I’ve mentioned before that we battle counter space,  

or “Countertop Real Estate” as I call it, to accom-

modate all of our countertop equipment. This is 

especially true when performing endodontic therapy. 

To help solve this problem, Ultradent Products Inc. 

has released an Electronic Apex Locator (EAuL) 

called “Endo-Eze FIND.” The device is about the size 

of a credit card and the thickness of perhaps a stack 

of three or four credit cards. It has a very clear and easy to read color LCD screen 

and is battery powered. I have found the FIND to be easy to use and very, very 

accurate. If you perform endo in your practice, need a great apex locator, and 

want to give yourself plenty of counter space, call your Ultradent sales representa-

tive and have him or her bring the FIND by your offi ce for a demonstration. I think 

you’ll be impressed.







In January, I began working with the DEXIS CariVu device. The CariVu is a visual 

caries detection system that connects to the operatory computer via USB. It uses 

an Infrared beam of light that penetrates the tooth from the buccal and lingual and 

illuminates the clinical crown. The device functions in a similar way to an intraoral 

camera. By that I mean, the device provides a live image of the transilluminated 

tooth on the computer monitor showing a crystal clear image in black and white. 

The transillumination causes healthy tooth structure to appear white and carious 

areas to appear gray or black, similar to a radiograph. Caries can be seen around 

and under resin restorations, and cracks are remarkably visible. The device 

requires DEXIS software and the software can compare CariVu images with the 

most recent radiographs of the same area. Contact DEXIS for a demo.



So there you have it, my Top 5 Test Drives of 2014. I love testing and 

researching products and I hope you f nd some value in my efforts. 

Here’s hoping that 2015 shows just as much innovation. Somehow I 

think 2015 will be even better!

Interested?  Circle Product Card No. 56

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