Imagining the End: Visions of

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Abbas Amanat, Magnus T. Bernhardsson - Imagining the End Visions of Apocalypse from the Ancient Middle East to Modern America-I. B. Tauris (2002)




 (Cambridge, MA, 


), pp. 




Notes to Chapter 10



. See Stephen J. Stein, ‘Apocalyptic in Early New England’, in C. A. Patrides and Joseph

Wittreich (eds), 

The Apocalypse in English Renaissance Thought and Literature



), pp. 




. For example, see Cotton Mather, 

The Churches Resurrection, or the Opening of the Fift and

Sixt verses of the 


th Chap. Of the Revelation




The Powring Out of the Seven

Vials; or an Exposition of the 


. Chapter of the Revelation



); and

 An Exposition

upon the Thirteenth Chapter of the Revelation 





. Bozeman, 

Ancient Lives

, p. 




. Danforth, 

A Brief Recognition of New-Englands Errand into the Wilderness






. Noyes, 

New-Englands Duty and Interest



), p. 




. Wigglesworth, 

The Day of Doom

 (Cambridge, MA, 




. Johnson, 

Wonder-Working Providence of Sions Saviour in New England








. Sewall, 

Phaenomena Quaedam Apocalyptica Ad Aspectum Novi Orbis Configurata: Or, Some

few Lines towards a description of the New Heaven As It makes to those who stand upon the New






. Edmund Sears Morgan, 

Roger Williams: The Church and the State

 (New York, 



W. Clark Gilpin, 

The Millenarian Piety of Roger Williams

 (Chicago, IL, 


); Emery J. Battis,

Saints and Sectaries: Anne Hutchinson and the Antinomian Controversy in the Massachusetts Bay


 (Chapel Hill, NC, 


); James Cooper, ‘Anne Hutchinson and the “Lay Rebellion”

Against the Clergy’, 

New England Quarterly








; and Marilyn J. Westerkamp,

‘Anne Hutchinson, Sectarian Mysticism, and the Puritan Order’, 

Church History










. Philip F. Gura, 

A Glimpse of Sion’s Glory: Puritan Radicalism in New England, 



 (Middletown, CT, 


), pp. 



. See also J. F. Maclear, ‘New England and the Fifth

Monarchy: The Quest for the Millennium in Early American Puritanism’, 

William and Mary


rd series, 









. Gura, 

A Glimpse

, pp. 



; and Carla Gardina Pestana, 

Quakers and Baptists in Colonial






. David S. Lovejoy, 

Religious Enthusiasm in the New World: Heresy to Revolution


bridge, MA, 







. Cotton Mather, 

Magnalia Christi Americana: Or, the Ecclesiastical History of New-England



), p. 



. H. Richard Niebuhr, 

The Kingdom of God in America



] (New York, 


), pp. 




. Middlekauff, 

The Mathers

; Sacvan Bercovitch, 

The Puritan Origins of the American Self

(New Haven, CT, 


); Richard F. Lovelace, 

The American Pietism of Cotton Mather


ington, DC, 


); Kenneth Silverman, 

The Life and Times of Cotton Mather

 (New York, 



and John S. Erwin, 

The Millennialism of Cotton Mather: An Historical and Theological Analysis

(Lewiston, NY, 




. Reiner Smolinski (ed.), 

The Threefold Paradise of Cotton Mather: An Edition of ‘Tri-


 (Athens, GA, 


), p. 



. Niebuhr, 

Kingdom of God

, p. 




. C. C. Goen, ‘Jonathan Edwards: A New Departure in Eschatology’, 

Church History










. Alan Heimert, 

Religion and the American Mind: From the Great Awakening to the Revolu-


 (Cambridge, MA, 


), pp. 




. James West Davidson, 

The Logic of Millennial Thought: Eighteenth-Century New England

(New Haven, CT, 


), pp. 





Notes to Chapter 10



. Heimert’s volume appeared before the publication of  Jonathan Edwards’s manuscripts,

including his ‘Notebook on the Apocalypse’.


. Nathan O. Hatch, 

The Sacred Cause of Liberty: Republican Thought and the Millennium

in Revolutionary New England

 (New Haven, CT, 


). See also his essay, ‘Millennialism and

Popular Religion in the Early Republic’, in Leonard I. Sweet (ed.), 

The Evangelical Tradition

in America 

(Macon, GA, 


), pp. 





. Davidson, 

Logic of Millennial Thought

, pp. 





. Sacvan Bercovitch, 

The American Jeremiad

 (Madison, WI, 




. Ruth H. Bloch, 

Visionary Republic: Millennial Themes in American Thought, 





), p. 




. See, for example, Allen C. Guelzo, ‘God’s Designs: The Literature of  the Colonial

Revivals of  Religion



’, in Harry S. Stout and D. G. Hart (eds), 

New Directions in

American Religious History

 (New York, 


), pp. 



; Gordon S. Wood, ‘Religion and the

American Revolution’, in ibid., pp. 



; and Philip Goff, ‘Revivals and Revolution: Historio-

graphic Turns since Alan Heimert’s Religion and the American Mind’, 

Church History: Studies

in Christianity & Culture








. Each of  these essays cites the voluminous literature

that has addressed issues raised by Heimert’s volume.


. Jon Butler, 

Awash in a Sea of Faith: Christianizing the American People

 (Cambridge, MA,


) pp. 






. See Morgan’s review in

 William and Mary Quarterly

rd series, 







; and

Mead’s review, entitled ‘Through and Beyond the Lines’, in 

Journal of Religion










. Stephen A. Marini, 

Radical Sects of Revolutionary New England

 (Cambridge, MA, 





. See also Clarke Garrett

Spirit Possession and Popular Religion: From the Camisards to the


 (Baltimore, MD, 


), pp. 




. See also the highly suggestive study of  John L. Brooke, 

The Refiner’s Fire: The Making

of Mormon Cosmology, 



 (Cambridge, MA, 




. Smith, 

Revivalism and Social Reform

; and Ronald G. Walters

, American Reformers 



 (New York,


) pp. 




. Diary of  Bradford King, entry for 




, cited in Paul E. Johnson, 


Shopkeeper’s Millennium: Society and Revivals in Rochester, New York, 



 (New York,


), p. 




. Edward Beecher, ‘The Nature, Importance, and Means of  Eminent Holiness Throughout

the Church’, 

The American National Preacher







, cited in Smith, 

Revivalism and

Social Reform

, p. 




. See Donald W. Dayton, ‘Millennial Views and Social Reform in Nineteenth Century

America’, in M. Darrol Bryant and Donald W. Dayton (eds), 

The Coming Kingdom: Essays in

American Millennialism & Eschatology

 (Barrytown, NY, 


), pp. 



; and Daniel Walker

Howe, ‘Protestantism, Voluntarism, and Personal Identity in Antebellum America’, in Stout

and Hart (eds), 

New Directions

, pp. 





. James H. Moorhead, 

American Apocalypse: Yankee Protestants and the Civil War 



 (New Haven, CT, 


). See also the collection of  essays in Randall M. Miller, Harry S.

Stout and Charles Reagan Wilson (eds), 

Religion and the American Civil War

 (New York, 




. Edwin Scott Gaustad (ed.), 

The Rise of Adventism: A Commentary on the Social and

Religious Ferment of Mid-Nineteenth Century America

 (New York, 


); Michael Barkun, 


of the Millennium: The Burned-Over District of New York in the 


s (Syracuse, NY, 



Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler (eds),

 The Disappointed: Millerism and Millen-

arianism in the Nineteenth Century

 (Bloomington, IN, 


); Ruth Alden Doan, 

The Miller

Heresy, Millennialism, and American Culture

 (Philadelphia, PA, 


); and Stephen D. O’Leary,

Arguing the Apocalypse: A Theory of Millennial Rhetoric

 (New York, 


), pp. 




Notes to Chapter 10



. Gary Land (ed.), 

Adventism in America: A History

 (Grand Rapids, MI, 




. Charles H. Lippy, ‘Millennialism and Adventism’, in Charles H. Lippy and Peter W.

Williams (eds), 

Encyclopedia of the American Religious Experience: Studies of Traditions and


 vols (New York, 


), Vol. 

, p. 




. David T. Arthur, ‘Joshua V. Himes and the Cause of  Adventism’, in Numbers and

Butler (eds), 

The Disappointed

, pp. 





. Ronald L. Numbers, 

Prophetess of Health: A Study of Ellen G. White

 (New York, 




. Stephen J. Stein, 

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