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naTela donaZe 


vnelovan socialur jgufebSi da romelic, rogorc amas gan-

sazRvravs Tanamedrove sociologTa umetesoba, am gamocdile-

bis Sedegia. arsebobs klasebis, jgufebis, regionebisa da erebis 

socialuri xasiaTi~.


cnobili rusi sociolog i. konis azriT, mocemul sazoga-

doebaSi pirovnebisTvis damaxasiaTebeli tipuri RirebulebiTi 

orientaciebis erTobliobas ewodeba socialuri xasiaTi. amave 

dros, isini individualurebi arian, radgan maTSi akumulirdeba 

mocemuli piris ganumeorebeli cxovrebiseuli gamocdileba, 

misi interesebisa da moTxovnilebebis Tavisebureba.


yoveli sazogadoeba met-naklebad xels uwyobs iseTi socia-

luri xasiaTis Camoyalibebas, romelic misi normaluri funqci-

onirebisaTvis aris aucilebeli.  

e. fromis socialuri xasiaTis tipologiis Seswavla auci-

lebelia, radganac mas dResac, XXI saukunis  meore aTwleulSi, 

ar daukargavs aqtualoba. amitom, saWirod CavTvaleT socia-

luri xasiaTisa da sazogadoebis Sesaxeb e. fromis mecnieruli 

koncefciis ganxilva. 

Natela Donadze   

Assistant Professor 

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 

Erich Fromm’s Typology of Social Character 


One of the most essential problems of the modernity is relation between 

Society and Person. The theoretical approach to this subject is complex. It has 

been studied by different scholars – philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, 

psychologists, etc. who consider human being’s problem from different angles.  


 Riesman, D. (1953) The Lonely  Crowd. New York. Yale University Press. (Original 

work published 1950).p. 18. 




. (1967). 




. 28. 

erih fromis socialur xasiaTTa tipologia 


Society and person are two interdependet parts of social reality. According 

to Erich Fromm, a representative of each culture is always the manifestation of 

human being’s nature, but determined by the social conditions in which he lives. 

In the process of historical development not only societies and dominant social 

types are changing, but interdependence between personality and society as well. 

Erich Fromm considers social character as an intermediate link between the 

social-economic structure and the ideas and ideals dominant in a society. At the 

same time, social character is a mediator in both directions: from the economic 

basis to the ideas and from the ideas to the economic basis, that is, not only the 

economic basis creates a certain social character; social character, on its part, 

creates some ideas. The ideas, just once formed, influence the social character 

too and indirectly impact the social-economic structure of a society. 

According to Erich Fromm, the social-economic structure of a society 

(economic factor, as the firmest factor, is of paramount importance in the genesis 

of a social character) creates a social being’s character. On the other hand, a 

human being’s nature influences those social conditions, in which he lives.  

The unity of a personality’s specific value orientations in a given society

the unity of some main features and traits, characteristic of a certain social 

group, is called a social character. 

Erich Fromm considers  that “social character is a main element of the fun-

ctioning of a society.” He proposes the typology of social characters consisting 

of the following five elements: receptive, exploiter, accumulative, marketing, 

and productive. 

In the article these types and their characteristic features are discussed. 

Erich Fromm considers that a social character is of great importance to 

understand social processes. The individuals’ social character is formed 

according to the lifestyle of the given society, and the main features and traits of 

this character, on the other hand, become creative forces, forming a social style


Social character is a structure, by means of which human being’s energy is 

specifically formed. Society uses it for its own purposes. 

Many sociologists and psychologists (especially the American sociologist 

David Riesman) truly note that their scientific conceptions have been greatly 

influenced by Erich Fromm’s doctrine of  social character and modern capitalist 


salome dundua 


salome dundua

erovnuli umciresobebi  da saganmanaTleblo 

politikis zogierTi aspeqti

damoukideblobis 20 welze meti gamocdilebis Semdegac ki,  

eTnikuri kategoriebis simravliT gamorCeul saqarTvelos sa-

jaro-politikur sivrcesa da diskurss Znelia konsolidirebu-

li, farTo samoqalaqo monawileobaze dafuZnebuli, aqtiuri 

samoqalaqo kultura ewodos,  romelic Tavis mxriv farTo so-

cialur da politikur konsensusze iqneboda damyarebuli. 

dRemde saqarTvelos politikuri kultura ufro fragmentuli 

xasiaTis da konfliqtogenuri tendenciebis matarebelia, ro-

melSic mravladaa warmodgenili primordialuri da premoder-

nuli yaidis social-politikuri elementebi, romelnic Tavis 

mxriv arcTu mTlad  SesabamisobaSi modian Tanamedrove saxel-

mwifos mSeneblobis procesebsa da miznebTan.


ra Tqma unda, arsebuli mdgomarebis Camoyalibebas sxvadas-

xva faqtori ganapirobebda, romelTa Soris mniSvnelovani wili 

albaT  politikur elitebze modis. Tumca,  unda gaviTvaliswi-

noT is garemoebac, rom mocemuli elitebi funqcionireben gar-

kveuli istoriuli memkvidreobis da arsebuli social-politi-

kuri konteqstis mixedviT, romelic arcTu ise Zlier gvibiZ-

gebs warmatebuli samoqalaqo integraciisken. saqarTveloSi 

arsebul eTnikur umciresobebs ara mxolod susti politikuri 

da kulturuli komunikacia aqvT erTmaneTTan, aramed ekonomi-

kuri TvalsazrisiTac metad sustad arian erTmaneTTan SekavSi-

rebulni. arsebuli saerTo ekonomikuri bazari ar xdeba maTi 

intensiuri Sexebis, konkurenciis da TanamSromlobis wyaro. Se-


 dundua, s. da abaSiZe, z. (2009) eTnikuri da religiuri identobis sa-

kiTxebi da samoqalaqo integraciis problemebi saqarTveloSi,  Tbi-

lisi, gamomcemloba `inteleqti~, gv. 12. 

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