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Rustamova Davlatkhon Toyirjon qizi
Teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methodology of Fergana State University
Hoshimova Mohira Xamroali qizi
Student of Fergana University
Annotation. This article explores the concept of synonymy and its content, the development of skills in the appropriate use of synonyms in speech situations that elementary students may encounter, and its development. Methods of step-by-step teaching of synonyms to young students in the process of primary education, the use of textbooks in the activation of synonyms in students' speech, as well as increasing the level of mastery of the phenomenon of synonymy in the native language. referred to.
Keywords: speech, elementary school, synonyms, vocabulary, lexical words, thinking, method, linguistic, dictionary, etymology, textbook, activation, inductive, stylistic synonyms.

It is necessary to skillfully combine the study of grammar with the study of vocabulary, taking into account the disclosure of the semantic side of linguistic forms, as a necessary condition for the education of correct grammatical thinking in the "correct development of the thinking" of elementary school students. ". Many experts say that since young schoolchildren have not yet mastered linguistic terminology during primary education, they are given lexical materials in textbooks with almost no grammatical rules, theoretical information, understandable tasks and one of the most effective ways to teach language phenomena while working with dictionaries for children. Working on synonyms at school is important as one of the promising directions of the method of enriching students' vocabulary. The cognitive process of primary school students is important as it is directed to understand the main content of words in our language and overcome the psychological pressures of concept formation in various educational subjects, including mother tongue classes. The amount of providing primary school students with information about the concept of synonymy depends on the specific nature of the concept, its linguistic nature, the level of use in a certain functional style, as well as the age characteristics of the students. It will be more effective to include more detailed theoretical information about synonyms in native language lessons for primary grades in order to provide them with the necessary information on activating lexical synonyms in students' speech. At the moment, there are not enough theoretical information and exercises to strengthen the concept of synonymy in elementary school mother tongue textbooks. Mastering the concept of synonymy means not only understanding its essence and main signs, being able to distinguish it from other lexical concepts, but also forming the ability to use it correctly and appropriately in the process of speech communication. Accordingly, it is necessary to organize the study, knowledge, and disclosure of the meaning of the concept of synonymy in such a way that the semantic characteristics of synonymous words and the conditions of their use in speech with specific signs should be clearly distinguished in the students' perception. In order for elementary school students to express their thoughts clearly, clearly and expressively in their mother tongue, they should have enough vocabulary.

Linguistic consciousness formed in children is closely related to cognitive consciousness, because both of them are the process of knowing reality and the product of this process. As a result, this method helps to develop the logical thinking of elementary school students and helps to develop their speech culture, to perfectly learn the meanings of synonyms in their native language from all angles. In addition, in this process, young students learn to analyze a linguistic phenomenon and compare language units representing a certain reality. Therefore, when introducing the concept of synonymy to elementary school students, it is necessary to offer students to observe the language material. Starting with the alphabet lesson, it is recommended to use the words "alphabet of the Uzbek language" or "alfavit". The words "alphabet" or "alphabet" are explained separately by the teacher to the students for observation. In this case, synonyms are formed in the minds of first graders without definition. When students use words with similar meanings in speech or writing, they gain an initial idea of ​​the possibility of increasing vocabulary and not using the same word again. In order to confirm the existence of words with the same or similar meaning in the language, when the teacher explains a certain word to the students, its synonym is also mentioned, it will be easy for the students to identify the synonyms. . One of the main directions of teaching synonyms to students in primary school is that during the lesson, the teacher tries to explain various exercises and tasks, using synonyms. Or the students themselves are tasked with finding words that have the same meaning in Uzbek. Tasks of this type give effective results in developing students' grammatical knowledge, forming thinking skills and speaking skills.

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