The andrzej soltan institute for nuclear studies

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ANALYZER module.
The main screen of the 
 consists of the acquisition path
flowchart containing six basic elements ("Analyzer", "Amplifier", "H.V.Supplier",
"Detector", "Geometry" and "Hardware profile") displayed as rounded-squares at
the left and two columns table at the right. First column contains description of
particular device or its parameters. Second column contains corresponding
value. One of six flows is always selected what is shown as a white border of a
flow and selected button corresponding to the flow at the right of it. Besides,
corresponding fields in a table are shown in white to inform the user that they can
be edited. Changing selection of a part of an acquisition path is performed by
clicking on appropriate button standing to the right of each flow. To change
selected parameter the user should click on an appropriate field. Corresponding
dialog window will appear on a screen enabling the user possibility of selecting
new values. The same effect is obtained after double left-button click or one
right-button click.
Detection of analyzer devices
Parameters of analyzer card
Detection of analyzer devices
Tukan-8k-PCI as well as Tukan-8k-USB analyzer can be detected by the
program. It can be performed in 
 only in "Analyzer type
selection..." dialog box available after clicking on "Analyzer type" result field or by
selecting the following command:
menu:  Measurement | Analyzer type selection...
Status of controls available in this dialog box depends on a type of device
actually selected in "Analyzer type" field.
 "Detect" button allows to detect device of selected type by the program. When
selected, a dialog box containing a list of devices of selected type appears on a

Only those devices which are not assigned to any acquisition paths are present
in the list. If the list is empty, the following message is displayed: "No devices of
selected type". Assigning analyzer to acquisition path is performed after
highlighting it in the list and pressing "OK" button.
The selection of  "no analyzer" for analyzer device type will disable all
measurement operation but will leave possibillity of working with spectra
contained in files or in memory.
It is very important to select the proper type of the analyzer card. It can be done
in manner described above by selecting the ANALYZER group of parameters
(see "acquisition path parameters panel" on 
Hardware module
) "and clicking
on "Analyzer type". The analyzer card is selected from the list of cards available
for certain user. After selection, the followin message will be displayed and the
program will terminate.
At the last position of the list „undefined" switch is placed. When selected, all
commands concerned with acquisition run will be blocked – in such a case the
program can operate with disk spectra only.
To make a choice of the analyzer card is a first activity which the user
should do after the program installation.
Identification of the analyzer
Every copy of the Tukan8k_USB analyzer has unique serial number. The
program looks for it during analyzer detection process. The number is

displayed in “Serial number” field of acquisition path parameters panel
(“Hardware” module).
Information about the type of analyzer and its serial number is added to every
spectrum and together with experimental data is saved to a disk (“.wdm” or
“.wds” format of a file). Thanks to that, every spectrum “knows” by which
analyzer was collected.
Serial number of the analyzer is available in 
Spectrum information
box and is useful when operating with 
several analyzers
, to identify in which
acquisition path spectrum was collected.
Hardware setup
Measurement description - sample mass
Measurement description parameters include those parameters of acquisition
path which describe conditions in which measurement was done and
characterize sample being examined. User can initiate them in two dialog
boxes displayed after click on an appropriate field in 
Hardware description dialog box contains the following fields:
- "Acq. path name" - text field of wide purpose (first of all unique name)
- "Laboratory" - text field for identyfication of laboratory/company
- "User name" - text field for identyfication of person who performed
Geometry dialog box contains the following fields:
- "Description" - text field for description of sample being examined

- "Sample mass - Value" - numerical value 
- "Sample mass - Unit" - allows to choose unit between: "g", "kg", "ml", "l"
and "cm^3"
Hardware setup
Configuration file of hardware setup
Current configuration of acquisition path can be saved to a file. It can be
performed in 
 only in "Save as" dialog box available
after selecting the following command:
menu:  File | Save hardware configuration as...
The box looks very similar to the standard Window "Save as" dialog box giving
possibility of selecting path and name for a file. Extra field "Description" allows to
introduce additional information describing acquisition path. This information
might be useful when loading configuration from a file.
When opened, "Description" and "File name" fields contain text equal to "Acq.
path name" parameter.
Files containing parameters of acquisition path have default ".cfh" extension.
Configuration of acquisition path earlier saved to a file can be easily loaded to the
program. It can be performed in 
 only in "Save as"
dialog box available after selecting the following command:
menu:  File | Load hardware configuration...
The box looks like the standard Windows "Load" dialog box with additional two
fields at the bottom. "Acquisition path name" field contains text entered to a filed
of the same name when saved to a file. Second field is dedicated to display
parameters of acquisition path loaded from a file.
Hardware setup
Parameters of analyzer
Modification or changing parameters of the analyzer card can be performed in
It can be done by calling appropriate command either from the main menu or
from the context menu of acquisition parameters panel
menu: Measurement | Parameters
context menu of acquisition parameters panel: Parameters

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