Aa history Lovers 2009 moderators Nancy Olson and Glenn F. Chesnut page

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From Cedar Street to Myer Hall: You will see

the college on your left. Park in the

Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren parking

lot (on the right) at Mount Joy and Cedar

Streets. Walk across Cedar Street to Myer

Hall. Enter the Susquehanna Room by way of

the ramp.
I believe Bill L will be taping this in case

anyone wants cd's. He's taped this in the past.

He can be reached at just love audio, and as

you all know he is a member of the AAHL.

Yours in service,

Shakey Mike Gwirtz

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
++++Message 5911. . . . . . . . . . . . Program for 5th AA International in

Miami in 1970

From: ckbudnick . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/7/2009 3:59:00 AM
I'm looking for anyone who has a copy of

the program from the Fifth AA International

Convention, which was held in Miami in 1970.
I'm looking for information in the program

about a panel presentation on Narcotics

I'm basing this search upon a letter I saw

from Dr. John Norris to Major Edward Dimond

dated January 6, 1970 in which he states

"One of the important meetings on the Convention

program will concern fellowships similar to

A.A., one of which is Narcotics Anonymous."

I'm curious as to whether this actually


Chris B.

Raleigh, NC

++++Message 5912. . . . . . . . . . . . First registered AA group in

Denmark: January 1955

From: Henrik R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/2/2009 1:13:00 PM
The first "real" AA group in Denmark is

registered as of January 1955.

Before this an organization called "Ring I Ring

-- Dansk AA" (Ring in ring -- Danish A.A.) had

been in contact with the GSO in New York, but

would not recognize the spiritual living in the

AA program.
Bill W. visited Denmark in 1950
Source "AA's historie I Danmark," a conference

approved book (2004) in Danish about the history

of Alcoholics Anonymous in Denmark.
In love and service

Henrik Rue

++++Message 5913. . . . . . . . . . . . Harlem BB Workshop

From: Shakey1aa@aol.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/6/2009 4:09:00 PM

A salute to AA members with 55 years plus

presented by the Harlem Big Book groups

will take place Saturday, Aug. 15, 2009

from 11 am to 5 PM, at the

William Inst.(131st & 132nd Sts)

22-25 Adam Clayton Blvd

Harlem, New York
lunch served, cd's available
Opening remarks by Lucien N of Harlem 55 yrs
plus four guest speakers (total of 285 years):


Jim C., Kerhonkson NY 56 years
Liz B., Queens NY 57 years
Melvin B., Toledo OH 57 years
Olga M., Glenham NY 60 yrs


I've been to this group before and always a

good time. There will be a sobriety countdown

and it is an AA meeting. I'm not sure if it's

open or closed.

There will be a 7th tradition.
For more info call group members posted on the flyer:

Cynthia W. &18 798-9223 or Thomas W 917 701-0550

Yours in service,

Shakey Mike G.

++++Message 5914. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: First AA group in the U.K. --

Millgate Hotel in Manchester?

From: Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/8/2009 1:40:00 PM
Does anybody know where the Millgate Hotel was

(or is) in Manchester, England?

- - - -
John Pine wrote:

> The UK A.A. site

> http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/geninfo/13history.htm

> tells this story:


> The Start of AA in Great Britain

> Progress was slow at first but when Canadian Bob visited new members Alan

> and wife Winnie in Bolton he informed them that they were the Bolton


> In November 1948 the Group held its first meeting in the Millgate Hotel,

> Manchester.
++++Message 5915. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Program for 5th AA International

in Miami in 1970

From: aalogsdon@aol.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/7/2009 4:55:00 PM
The program for this event included he following:
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Four special panels:
* * * * * * * * * * *

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: Bill G., Chairman Board of Trustees

* * * * * * * * * * *
-----Original Message-----

From: ckbudnick

I'm looking for anyone who has a copy of

the program from the Fifth AA International

Convention, which was held in Miami in 1970.
I'm looking for information in the program

about a panel presentation on Narcotics

I'm basing this search upon a letter I saw

from Dr. John Norris to Major Edward Dimond

dated January 6, 1970 in which he states

"One of the important meetings on the Convention

program will concern fellowships similar to

A.A., one of which is Narcotics Anonymous."

I'm curious as to whether this actually


Chris B.

Raleigh, NC

++++Message 5916. . . . . . . . . . . . I Have A Dream! -- on the future of


From: Jim M . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/7/2009 4:53:00 AM
Good day friends!
I have a dream and I have had this dream for about 7 years now. Part of this

dream goes back to when I was a young adult. The time has come for this

dream to

start becoming a reality. I knew this day would have to come! Rather than I

explain it right now, right here, at this moment, please read the following

email I sent out the other day and then you will have most of your answers


questions or concerns you have. I do hope to get a lot of responses from


email. Please call me at 1-336-946-1409 with any and all questions you have


we can talk about all the details on the phone.

Ever Grateful,

Yours in service,

Jim Myers,


- - - -
Hello Monika!
I apologize for not writing sooner. The passing of Marshall saddened me so


I didn't know how to respond to you. I was also going through a very severe

depression at the time when you wrote me of the passing of Marshall. I loved


do love Marshall as a human being, especially in the area of A.A. and all


works he did in A.A.

Marshall sponsored me for a brief time when I still lived in Columbia, S.C.


I know how dedicated Marshall was in following the 12 steps and 12

Traditions as

well as much of his works, including his works with working with other

recovering alcoholics. Though Marshall was skeptical of my site at first, he

made an about face with silkworth.net and he told me how important


was. This brings me to why I am writing you now.
With your permission, I was thinking of dedicating silkworth.net to Marshall

using his first name and last initial, sobriety date among other things. The

thing is, is I am not a writer and if you agree with me doing this, I would


someone who knew Marshall well to write this dedication for me if you agree


allowing me to do so. It would have to be somewhat brief so that I could


the dedication of silkworth.net to Marshall on the index page of


I would also need permission to edit the dedication because of the layout


current content on the index page.
This is where you come in. I would need you to find such a person to write


dedication to silkworth.net. This is where you ask me why.
During the earlier development of silkworth.net, I knew in my heart that one


I would turn silkworth.net over to a group of sober individuals to carry on


silkworth.net if for some reason I could not. That time has come Monika. You


Monika, I have a new calling, one that I felt in my heart, most of my life,

would happen one day. That calling is in the Church - a denomination I felt


would never be a part of - a Pentecostal Holiness Church. I was dedicated in


Pentecostal Church when I was an infant and have never been back since -


now. So you see, I have a lot to learn now if I am to minister the Word of


in the Pentecostal Church. So now you ask what is to happen with


After dedicating silkworth.net to Marshall and placing the dedication on the

index page, I will then need to locate at least 12 sober individuals from 12

different States who have experience in web sites to carry on with


- with no single individual being able to make changes to silkworth.net. Any

changes to silkworth.net (of any kind) would have to be done by a unanimous


- meaning all 12 individuals would have to agree together or the change in

question cannot take effect. silkworth.net has become to large for any one

person to work on. There would be 12 individuals working on silkworth.net

instead of just one person. This will decrease the work load. They would all


volunteers and would not have a title of any kind. They would be everyday

ordinary people like myself who would like to see silkworth.net's works

continued and stay online. Why making changes by unanimous vote? To prevent

major changes. Its been working all these years, so, why fix something that

isn't broken.

The way it's looking right now is all 12 individuals would have equal access


all information concerning silkworth.net, such as all accounts and passwords

associated with silkworth.net. If an individual or a few individuals should


it upon themselves to make changes to silkworth.net on their own without

consulting with all 12 members, they will be banned from maintaining and


on silkworth.net and the individuals who were not part of such changes will


the necessary changes, such as changing accounts information and changing


passwords associated with silkworth.net and replacing that person(s). All 12

individuals will have all files of silkworth.net on their computers and/or


cd's so that silkworth.net would never be in danger of disappearing off the

Internet. I would still be their in the background in case the 12


need counsel for any reason, but I would not have anything to do with

maintaining, expanding, improving, making decisions, etc, etc. Eventually, I

will no longer have anything to do with silkworth.net except enjoying being


visitor along with the other 100's of thousands of visitors.

All of this I have written to you would have to happen fairly quickly and I


it can be done. It's not that I want to give up on silkworth.net, because I

don't. It has been a great endeavor for me for 9 and a half years. If it


for my mother showing me how to turn on a computer about 10 years ago, there


not have ever been a silkworth.net. I will in turn be learning more and more

about the faith of the Pentecostal Church. I will also be building the

Church a

website, putting them on the map so-to-speak. As of right now, the Church


not even have a phone number. I wish to help the Church and to help the


attendance grow.
Monika, I have come out of my severe depression, but may still have to take

medication the rest of my life.

I look forward to my new found freedom and look forward to helping others in

what I have begun learning about. I have not felt as good as I do now in


I owe this to Christ who sits at the right hand side of the Father, who are


and the same.

I look forward to hearing from you Monika. To me, Marshall was a great man


his own right.

Yours in service,

Ever grateful,

Jim M,


- - - -
From: Mlynninsc

To: "Jim M"

Date: Friday, May 22, 2009, 3:30 PM
I am sad to say that Marshall passed this life last year (March 12). He


an incredible battle with lung cancer, hoping he would not be a "statistic."

However, it was too late. His cancer already had progressed to stage III


diagnosed. Marshall was blessed having friends by his side at all times


the end.
I (we all) miss him terribly.

++++Message 5917. . . . . . . . . . . . RE: I Have A Dream! -- on the future

of silkworth.net

From: J. Lobdell . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/7/2009 2:01:00 PM
It is suggested that anyone who disagrees stop reading where they disagree:


I believe all the members of AAHistoryLovers -- and especially those who

supported the silkworth.net rescue -- have interests at stake that shouldn't


brushed aside. As an historian of AA, and a member of AAHistoryLovers who

believed in the rescue of silkworth.net, I find a couple of points


First of all, my work in AA history has convinced me that it is contrary to


traditions to name an AA enterprise, group, or meeting after an individual

AA --

am I wrong? (I know silkworth.net isn't an AA enterprise, but establishing


membership as a prerequisite for being one of the twelve running it means it

isn't exactly not an AA enterprise, and naming after isn't the same as

dedicating, but it's close.)

Second, I believe GSO and the Archives have a policy on posthumous anonymity

which would militate against anyone's dedicating an enterprise making use of


Archives information to any AA by full name (I don't suppose there's any


with date of sobriety) -- am I wrong? (That could be covered by using first

name and last initial, of course.)
I'd be interested in hearing from someone who has run a similar website, as


whether requiring unanimous consent of twelve individuals in twelve


states on any changes (would that include additions to the available texts?

repairing the platform? any alteration in software or content?) could


permit the website to function.
Of course, Jim is concerned with the best way to do what he has determined


do, which is to be free from running silkworth.net and be available

full-time to

answer his call to the Pentecostal ministry, and he wants to do it rapidly.


Lord knows none of us would want to stand in the way of his Call.

The silkworth website under his direction has immeasurably aided this


and I give him my thanks; yet it seems to me there are two questions here --


dedicating the website to an individual AA by full name (not necessarily a

determinative point), and (2) creating a committee of twelve requiring


consent to run the website.

Knowing for my sins how committees function (even if they are not committees


twelve in twelve states and requiring unanimous consent), I wonder if what's

suggested will work. But maybe it's "Let go and let God" as they say in AA.
++++Message 5918. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: First AA group in the U.K. --

Millgate Hotel in Manchester?

From: SUSIE DIXON . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/9/2009 2:25:00 PM
Think Millgate hotel was originally in

Failsworth, Manchester.

Susie Dixon Archivist to North West region
--- Martin wrote:


> Hi


> Does anybody know where the Millgate Hotel was

> (or is) in Manchester, England?


> Martin


> - - - -


> John Pine wrote:

> > The UK A.A. site

> > http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/geninfo/13history.htm

> > tells this story:

> >

> > The Start of AA in Great Britain


> > Progress was slow at first but when Canadian Bob visited new members


> > and wife Winnie in Bolton he informed them that they were the Bolton


> > In November 1948 the Group held its first meeting in the Millgate


> > Manchester.

++++Message 5919. . . . . . . . . . . . Updated - Keeping it simple part 1 -

Aug. 9, 2009

From: Jim M . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/9/2009 9:30:00 PM
An updated version of "Keeping it simple part 1":
Yours in service,

Ever greatful,

Jim M,


++++Message 5920. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: I Have A Dream! -- on the future

of silkworth.net

From: allan_gengler . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/8/2009 3:47:00 PM
From Al Gengler, Dean Collins, crescentdave,

and Mitchell K.

- - - -
From: "allan_gengler"

(agengler at wk.net)

My two cents.
I don't have a problem with dedicating a website to a person full name or


Although It's a historical website about AA, I do believe the posthumous

anonymity break should be followed. It is that if the family says it's OK,


it's OK, but in the spirit of humility it should be a considered anonymity

On the other hand it is not an anonymity break if you dedicate a site to a

person and DO NOT name them as a sober member of AA.

Regarding unanimous 12 member voting, it is my belief it should be along the

lines of GROUP CONSCIENCE, which, of course, DOES NOT mean a simple majority


more substantial unanimity (2/3 ish) with adequate acknowledgement of


opinion. That way nothing gets railroaded and everything is given due

Also it would not be a bad idea to have a rotating CHAIR who would act as


communication center, lacking any real power, along the lines of a GSR. All

communications and ideas would go through the central person and a virtual

on-line business meeting could be held. But it SHOULD rotate and there

should be

provisions for new members. Keeping it at 12 is not a bad idea. But if


leaves, nominations should be given to replace them.
That's a little more than two cents.
- - - -
From: "Dean at ComPlanners"

(dean at complanners.com)

" ... I know how dedicated Marshall was in following the 12 steps and 12

Traditions. ... "

Then it seems to me that "substantial unanimity" (two-thirds) would be the

AA thing to do.

" ... all 12 individuals would have to agree together or the change in

question cannot take effect. ... " My guess is that it would be an accident

if you were able to find 12 people who could make that work.
Also, handing over the keys (passwords) to everything to 12 people would be

a mistake. (Speaking from 11 years of experience doing web hosting, both for

"normies" and AA entities and related sites.)
Dean Collins

Monterey Peninsula, California

- - - -
From: "David"

(crescentdave at yahoo.com)

A couple of points to ponder ... and apologies if there's more

information floating about ... other than Jim's posts.

1. "Silkworth" .net IS already named after someone. I wasn't going to

say this, because, of course, everyone knows this. But still-it's

originally and already a site with reference to an individual. Jim's

plan is to have a dedication to someone mentioned by their first name

and initial (his words: "With your permission, I was thinking of

dedicating silkworth.net to Marshall using his first name and last

initial"). Sort of reminds me of "Dr. Bob and the Good Old Timers." So

there is no "(1) dedicating the website to an individual AA by full

2. Silkworth.net is not an AA enterprise. Therefore there are no rules

which apply. Tradition 10: "Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on

outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public

controversy." Jim can do whatever he wants, free of AA having to say

anything at all. It's an outside issue. Just like this discussion group

is not bound by any rules of AA. It's not a part of AA.

3. Jim did NOT make it a requirement that this service board be composed

of "friends of Bill." The wording he uses is "12 sober individuals."

4. While I think unanimity among 12 volunteers from 12 different states

is a little ambitious, this is obviously a first draft. I understand

that he wants to protect the site from wilfull changes ... just as AA

did regarding some of its literature. From post #4839:

A 1976 Conference advisory action expanded the provisions of Article 3

of the Conference Charter. It specified that any change to the Steps,

Traditions or Six warranties of Article 12 of the Conference Charter,

would require written approval of 75% of the registered AA Groups

known to General Service Offices around the world. This Conference

advisory action effectively makes any proposed change to the Steps,

Traditions and Warranties a virtual impossibility (even so much as

adding or removing a comma).

Maybe Jim might, at some point, draw up a line of distinction between

content and "site-related" issues.

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