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Filologiya məsələləri, 2017

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Filologiya məsələləri, 2017 
saitlərsiz təsəvvür etmək çətindir. Lakin ingili dilinin Kanada və ABŞ-da 
işlədilən bəzi dialektlərində tərkibində sait səs olmayan sözlər mövcuddur. 
Одним  из  наиболее  важных  факторов  в  длине  звука  на  разных 
языках.  Некоторые языки не согласны с условиями фонетического длины 
гласной.  Многие  языки  были  определены  для  группы  из  трех  длины 
гласной.  Английский монофтонги разделены на две группы по длинной и 
короткой.  Пять из них долгой и семь коротких гласных. Длинные гласные 
могут быть использованы в любой части слова, начало, середина и конец, 
внутреннего  и  наружного  слога.  Согласно  правилам  фонологических 
звуков  произносимых  звуков  окрестности,  с  воздействием  внешних 
факторов может измениться.Слова трудно представить себе гласные. Тем 
не  менее,  в  некоторых  диалектах  английского  языка,  используемых  в 
Канаде и США, есть слова, которые не являются частью гласного звука. 
Rəyçi: dos.L.Qurbanova 

Filologiya məsələləri, 2017 
Açar sözlər: plan, dərs, müəllim, dərslik, motivasiya. 
Keywords: plan, lesson, teacher, textbook, motivation. 
Ключевые слова: план, урок, преподаватель, учебник, мотивация.          
    In  secondary  schools  it  is  very important for us to teach our lessons 
according to some methods. Besides, we must use planning forms during the 
teaching. Nowadays English is the second language in the entire world. That is 
why in our country the English language is taught by teachers. By the way, 
whereas today English is the world’s most widely studied foreign language, 500 
years ago it was Latin, for it was dominant language of education, commerce, 
religion, and government in the Western world (3, 3).  
   Every  lesson  is  unique and is made up different stages. Lessons can 
focus on grammar, vocabulary, reading or writing. They may contain listening 
and speaking activities and concentrate on introducing new language items or 
on revision. The actual content of any lesson will depend on what the teacher 
aims to achieve during the lesson, the students and the teaching situation (1, 7). 
Having done some pre planning and made decisions about the kinds of lesson 
we want to teach, we can make the lesson plan. This may take a number of 
different forms, depending upon the circumstances of the lesson and depending 
also, on our attitude to planning in general. 
   The way that the teachers plan lessons depends upon circumstances in 
which the lesson is to take place and on the teacher’s experience. Near one end 
of a ‘planning continuum’, teachers may do all the pre-planning in their head 
and make actual decisions about what to include in the lesson as they hurry 
along the corridor to the class (4, p 365). Those with experience can get away 
with this some of the time because they have a number of familiar routines to 
fall back on. Another scenario near the same end of the continuum occurs when 
teachers are following a course book and they do exactly what the book says, 
letting the course book writers, in effect, do their planning for them. This is 
especially attractive for teachers under extreme time pressure, though if we do 
not spend time thinking about how to use the course book activities we may run 
into difficulties later. Really effective course book use is more complex than 
   It  is  strange,  but  some teachers do not complete detailed lesson plans 
every day and then wonder why students do not learn. Although years of 
experience can shore up less-than complete planning, nothing compares to well-
planned lessons. Comprehensive plans increase the likelihood that lessons run 
smoothly, so that students receive quality instruction (2, p 117). Experienced 

Filologiya məsələləri, 2017 
teachers may well be able to run effective lessons in this way, without making a 
plan at all. When such lessons are successful they can be immensely rewarding 
for all concerned. 
   The vast majority of lesson planning probably takes place between these 
two extremes. Teachers may scribble things in their notebooks, sometimes only 
nothing the page of a book or the name of an activity. Other teachers may write 
down questions they wish to ask. They may make a list of the web sites they 
want students to visit together with the information they have to look for online. 
   The actual form a plan takes is less important than the thought that has 
gone into it; the overriding principle is that we should have an idea of what we 
hope our students will achieve in the class, and that this should guide our 
decisions about how to bring it about. However, written plans do have a 
secondary function as a record of what has gone on, and in the lesson itself they 
help to remind teachers of what they had decided to do, what materials they 
need, and how long they had planned to speed on certain activities. 
   Planning  a  sequence  of lessons is based on the same principles as 
planning a single lesson, but there are number of additional issues which we 
need to pay special attention to: 
Before and during: however carefully we plan, in practice 
unforeseen things are likely to happen during the course of a lesson, and so our 
plans are continually modified in the light of these. Even more than a plan for an 
individual lesson, a scheme of work for weeks or months of lessons is only a 
proposal of what we hope to achieve in that time. We will need to revisit this 
scheme constantly to update it. 
Short and long term goals: however motivated a student may be 
at the beginning of a course, the level of that motivation may fall dramatically if 
the student is not engaged or if they cannot see where they are going – or know 
when they have got there. 
Depending on the circumstances of the plan, the teacher may want to 
detail more information about individual students, e.g. Anar has a sound 
knowledge of English and is very confident in his reading and writing abilities. 
However, he tends to be rather too quiet in group work, since he is not 
especially comfortable at ‘putting herself forward’. This tends to get in the way 
of the development of his oral fluency. Such detailed description will be 
especially appropriate with smaller groups, but becomes increasingly difficult to 
do accurately with larger classes. 
Planning a lesson is not the same as scripting a lesson. Wherever our 
preparations fit on the planning continuum, what we take into the lesson is a 
proposal for action, rather than a lesson blueprint to be followed slavishly. And 
our proposal for action, transformed into action in the classroom, is bound to 
‘evoke some sort of student reaction’. We then have to decide how to cope with 
that reaction and whether, in the light of it, we can continue with our plan or 
whether we need to modify it as we go along. 

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