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"Exceeded monthly traffice" also from:

DOROTHY BENSON (dd11983 at yahoo.com)

"Bob McK." (bobnotgod2 at att.net)

- - - -
Original message from (jm48301 at aol.com)



> Is there a reason, beyond my own incompetence,

> why I am unable to access the Silkworth site?


> I have tried both of these:


> _http://www.silkworthttp:/_ (http://www.silkworth.net/)


> _http://silkworth.http_ (http://silkworth.net/)



++++Message 5636. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Is the silkworth.net site down?

From: J. Lobdell . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/13/2009 5:17:00 PM

Could someone on this listserv familiar with

the workings of the silkworth site inform us

whether the screen showing excessive monthly

use of site (or whatever the phrase is) in fact

represents hacking into the site and possibly

a virus released? If not, does anyone know

how long the site will be down?
- - - -
From: "allan_gengler"

(agengler at wk.net)
The host states:
"This website silkworth.net is currently

unavailable due to exceeded monthly traffic

quota. Please visit again later."
So too many people have visited it or some

hack ran a denial of service against it.

++++Message 5637. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Markings AA archives newsletter

From: J. Lobdell . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/17/2009 5:15:00 PM

The Markings portal webpage is
from which you can access copies.
++++Message 5638. . . . . . . . . . . . RE: Markings AA archives newsletter

From: Arthur S . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/17/2009 5:09:00 PM

Link is below (or enter the word "markings"

in the "Search our site" box and it will take

you there.
Sign up for a digital subscription.
You can use the AA.org search function to get

to all kinds of goodies on the web site.



++++Message 5639. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Daily Reflections

From: buckjohnson41686 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/17/2009 2:41:00 AM

I don't see them in the 2nd printing (nov 1990)

-- In AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com,

"tomper87" wrote:


> I have a first printing of The Daily Reflections

> which does not include the listing of The

> Twelve Steps and The Twelve Traditions. Can

> anyone tell me at which printing they were

> added to the book?


> Thank you.


> Tom P.

++++Message 5640. . . . . . . . . . . . Niacin, AA, Bill W and Abram Hoffer

From: Fiona Dodd . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/18/2009 1:08:00 AM

Vitamin B-3: Niacin and Its Amide

by A. Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.

The first water soluble vitamins were numbered in sequence according to

priority of discovery. But after their chemical structure was determined

they were given scientific names. The third one to be discovered was the

anti-pellagra vitamin before it was shown to be niacin. But the use of the

number B-3 did not stay in the literature very long. It was replaced by

nicotinic acid and its amide (also known medically as niacin and its amide).

The name was changed to remove the similarity to nicotine, a poison.
The term vitamin B-3 was reintroduced by my friend Bill W., co-founder of

Alcoholics Anonymous, (Bill Wilson). We met in New York in 1960. Humphry

Osmond and I introduced him to the concept of mega vitamin therapy. We

described the results we had seen with our schizophrenic patients, some of

whom were also alcoholic. We also told him about its many other properties.

It was therapeutic for arthritis, for some cases of senility and it lowered

cholesterol levels.
Bill was very curious about it and began to take niacin, 3 g daily. Within a

few weeks fatigue and depression which had plagued him for years were gone.

He gave it to 30 of his close friends in AA and persuaded them to try it.

Within 6 months he was convinced that it would be very helpful to

alcoholics. Of the thirty, 10 were free of anxiety, tension and depression

in one month. Another 10 were well in two months. He decided that the

chemical or medical terms for this vitamin were not appropriate. He wanted

to persuade members of AA, especially the doctors in AA, that this would be

a useful addition to treatment and he needed a term that could be more

readily popularized. He asked me the names that had been used. I told him it

was originally known as vitamin B-3. This was the term Bill wanted. In his

first report to physicians in AA he called it "The Vitamin B-3 Therapy."

Thousands of copies of this extraordinary pamphlet were distributed.

Eventually the name came back and today even the most conservative medical

journals are using the term vitamin B-3.
Bill became unpopular with the members of the board of AA International. The

medical members who had been appointed by Bill, felt that he had no business

messing about with treatment using vitamins. They also "knew" vitamin B-3

could not be therapeutic as Bill had found it to be. For this reason Bill

provided information to the medical members of AA outside of the National

Board, distributing three of his amazing pamphlets. They are now not readily

Vitamin B-3 exists as the amide in nature, in nicotinamide adenine

dinucleotide (NAD). Pure nicotinamide and niacin are synthetics. Niacin was

known as a chemical for about 100 years before it was recognized to be

vitamin B-3. It is made from nicotine, a poison produced in the tobacco

plant to protect itself against its predators, but in the wonderful economy

of nature which does not waste any structures, when the nicotine is

simplified by cracking open one of the rings, it becomes the immensely

valuable vitamin B-3.

Vitamin B-3 is made in the body from the amino acid tryptophan. On the

average 1 mg of vitamin B-3 is made from 60 mg of tryptophan, about 1.5%

Since it is made in the body it does not meet the definition of a vitamin;

these are defined as substances that can not be made. It should have been

classified with the amino acids, but long usage of the term vitamin has

given it permanent status as a vitamin. The 1.5% conversion rate is a

compromise based upon the conversion of tryptophan to N-methyl nicotinamide

and its metabolites in human subjects. I suspect that one day in the far

distant future none of the tryptophan will be converted into vitamin B-3 and

it then will truly be a vitamin. According to Horwitt [1], the amount

converted is not inflexible but varies with patients and conditions. For

example, women pregnant in their last three months convert tryptophan to

niacin metabolites three times as efficiently as in non-pregnant females.

Also there is evidence that contraceptive steroids, estrogens, stimulate

tryptophan oxygenase, the enzyme that converts the tryptophan into niacin.
This observation raises some interesting speculations. Women, on average,

live longer then men. It has been shown for men that giving them niacin

increases their longevity. [2] Is the increased longevity in women the

result of greater conversion of tryptophan into niacin under the stimulus of

their increase in estrogen production? Does the same phenomenon explain the

decrease in the incidence of coronary disease in women?

The best-known vitamin deficiency disease is pellagra. More accurately it is

a tryptophan deficiency disease since tryptophan alone can cure the early

stages. Pellagra was endemic in the southern U.S.A. until the beginning of

the last world war. It can be described by the four D's: dermatitis,

diarrhea, dementia and death. The dementia is a late stage phenomenon. In

the early stages it resembles much more the schizophrenias, and can only

with difficulty be distinguished from it. The only certain method used by

early pellagrologists was to give their patients in the mental hospitals

small amounts of nicotinic acid. If they recovered they diagnosed them

pellagra, if they did not they diagnosed them schizophrenia. This was good

for some of their patients but was not good for psychiatry since it

prevented any continuing interest in working with the vitamin for their

patients who did not recover fast, but who might have done so had they given

them a lot more for a much longer period of time, the way we started doing

this in Saskatchewan. I consider it one of the schizophrenic syndromes.

I have been involved in establishing two of the major uses for vitamin B-3,

apart from its role in preventing and treating pellagra. These are its

action in lowering high cholesterol levels [3] and in elevating high density

lipoprotein cholesterol levels (HDL), and its therapeutic role in the

schizophrenias and other psychiatric conditions. It has been found helpful

for many other diseases or conditions. These are psychiatric disorders

including children with learning and behavioral disorders, the addictions

including alcoholism and drug addiction, the schizophrenias, some of the

senile states. Its efficacy for a large number of both mental and physical

conditions is an advantage to patients and to their doctors who use the

vitamin, but is difficult to accept by the medical profession raised on the

belief that there must be one drug for each disease, and that when any

substance appears to be too effective for many conditions, it must be due

entirely to its placebo effect, something like the old snake oils.
I have thought about this for a long time and have within the past year

become convinced that this vitamin is so versatile because it moderates or

relieves the body of the pernicious effect of chronic stress. It therefore

frees the body to carry on its routine function of repairing itself more

efficiently. The current excitement in medicine is the recognition that

hyperoxidation, the formation of free radicals, is one of the basic damaging

processes in the body. These hyperexcited molecules destroy molecules and

damage tissues at the cellular level and at the tissue level.

All living tissue which depends on oxygen for respiration has to protect

itself against these free radicals. Plants use one type of antioxidants and

animals use another type. Fortunately there is a wide overlap and the same

antioxidants such as vitamin C are used by both plants and animals. There is

growing recognition that the system adrenaline -> adrenochrome plays a major

role in the reactions to stress. I have elaborated this in a further report

for this journal. [4]
The catecholamines, of which adrenalin is the best known example, and the

aminochromes, of which adrenochrome is the best known example, are

intimately involved in stress reactions. Therefore to moderate the influence

of stress or to negate it, one must use compounds which prevent these

substances from damaging the body. Vitamin B-3 is a specific antidote to

adrenalin, and the antioxidants such as vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta carotene,

selenium and others protect the body against the effect of the free radicals

by removing them more rapidly from the body. Any disease or condition which

is stress related ought therefore to respond to the combined use of vitamin

B-3 and these antioxidants provided they are all given in optimum doses,

whether small or large as in orthomolecular therapy. I will therefore list

briefly the many indications for the use of vitamin B-3.

For each condition I will describe one case to illustrate the therapeutic

response. For each condition I can refer to hundreds and thousands of case

histories and have already in the literature described many of them in

detail. [5]


1) The Schizophrenias. I have reviewed this for this journal. [6]

2) Children with Learning and/or Behavioral Disorders.
In 1960 seven year-old Bruce came to see me with his father. Bruce had been

diagnosed as mentally retarded. He could not read, could not concentrate,

and was developing serious behavioral problems such as cutting school

without his parents' knowledge. He was being prepared for special classes

for the retarded. He excreted large amounts of kryptopyrrole, the first

child to be tested. I started him on nicotinamide, one gram tid. Within four

months he was well. He graduated from high school, is now married, has been

fully employed and has been paying income tax. He is one case out of about

1500 I have seen since 1960.
Current treatment is more complicated as described in this Journal. [7]
3) Organic Confusional States, non-Alzheimers forms of dementia,

electroconvulsive therapy-induced memory disturbances.

In 1954 I observed how nicotinic acid relieved a severe case of post ECT

amnesia in one month. Since then I have routinely given it in conjunction

with ECT to markedly decrease the memory disturbance that may occur during

and after this treatment. I would never give any patient ECT without the

concomitant use of nicotinic acid. It is very helpful, especially in

cardiovascular-induced forms of dementia as it reverses sludging of the red

blood cell and permits proper oxygenation of the cells of the body. For

further information see Niacin Therapy in Psychiatry. [8]

In September 1992, Mr. C., 76 years-old, requested help with his memory. He

was terribly absentminded. If he decided to do something, by the time he

arrived where he wanted to do it he had forgotten what it was he wanted to

do. His short-term memory was very poor and his long-term memory was

beginning to be affected. I started him on a comprehensive vitamin program

including niacinamide 1.5 G daily. Within a month he began to improve. I

added niacin to his program. By February 1993 he was normal. April 26, 1993,

he told me he had been so well he had concluded he no longer needed any

niacin and decreased the dose from 3.0 G to 1.5 G daily. He remained on the

rest of the program. Soon he noted that his short term memory was failing

him again. I advised him to stay on the full dose the rest of his life.
4) An antidote against d-LSD,9,10 and against adrenochrome. [5]
5) Alcoholism.
Bill W. conducted the first clinical trial of the use of nicotinic for

treating members of Alcoholics Anonymous. [11] He found that 20 out of

thirty subjects were relieved of their anxiety, tension and fatigue in two

months of taking this vitamin, 1 G tid. I found it very useful in treating

patients who were both alcoholic and schizophrenic. The first large trial

was conducted by David Hawkins who reported a better than 90% recovery rate

on about

90 patients. Since then it has been used by many physicians who treat

alcoholics. Dr. Russell Smith in Detroit has reported the largest series of

patients. [12]


1. Cardiovascular

Of the two major findings made by my research group in Saskatchewan, the

nicotinic acid-cholesterol connection is well known and nicotinic acid is

used worldwide as an economical, effective and safe compound for lowering

cholesterol and elevating high density cholesterol. As a result of my

interest in nicotinic acid, Altschul, Hoffer and Stephen [3] discovered that

this vitamin, given in gram doses per day, lowered cholesterol levels. Since

then it was found it also elevates high density lipoprotein cholesterol thus

bringing the ratio of total over HDL to below 5.

In the National Coronary Study, Canner [2] showed that nicotinic acid

decreased mortality and prolonged life. Between 1966 and 1975, five drugs

used to lower cholesterol levels were compared to placebo in 8341 men, ages

30 to 64, who had suffered a myocardial infarction at least three months

before entering the study. About 6000 were alive at the end of the study.

Nine years later, only niacin had decreased the death rate significantly

from all causes. Mortality decreased 11% and longevity increased by two

years. The death rate from cancer was also decreased.

This was a very fortunate finding because it led to the approval by the FDA

of this vitamin in mega doses for cholesterol problems and opened up the use

of this vitamin in large doses for other conditions as well. This occurred

at a time when the FDA was doing its best not to recognize the value of

megavitamin therapy. Its position has not altered over the past four

Our finding opened up the second major wave of interest in vitamins. The

first wave started around 1900 when it was shown that these compounds were

very effective in small doses in curing vitamin deficiency diseases and in

preventing their occurrence. This was the preventive phase of vitamin use.

The second wave recognized that they have therapeutic properties not

directly related to vitamin deficiency diseases but may have to be used in

large doses. This was the second or present wave wherein vitamins are used

in therapy for more than deficiency diseases. Our discovery that nicotinic

acid was an hypocholesterolemic compound is credited as the first paper to

initiate the second wave and paved the way for orthomolecular medicine which

came along several years later.

2. Arthritis

I first observed the beneficial effects of vitamin B-3 in 1953 and 1954. I

was then exploring the potential benefits and side effects from this

vitamin. Several of the patients who were given this vitamin would report

after several months that their arthritis was better. At first this was a

surprise since in the psychiatric history I had taken I had not asked about

joint pain. This report of improvement happened so often I could not ignore

it. A few years later I discovered that Prof. W. Kaufman had studied the use

of this vitamin for the arthritides before 1950 and had published two books

describing his remarkable results. [13] Since that time this vitamin has

been a very important component of the orthomolecular regimen for treating


The following case illustrates both the response which can occur and the

complexity of the orthomolecular regimen. Patients who are early into their

arthritis respond much more effectively and are not left with residual


K.V. came to my office April 15, 1982. She was in a wheelchair pushed by her

husband. He was exhausted, depressed, and she was one of the sickest

patients I have ever seen. She weighed under 90 pounds. She sat in the chair

on her ankles which were crossed beneath her body because she was not able

to straighten them out. Her arms were held in front of her, close to her

body, and her fingers were permanently deformed and claw-like. She told me

she had been deeply depressed for many years because of the severe pain and

her major impairment. As she was being wheeled into my office I saw how ill

she was and immediately concluded there was nothing I could do for her, and

had to decide how I could let her know without sending her even deeper into

despair. However I changed my mind when she suddenly said, "Dr. Hoffer, I

know no one can ever cure me but if you could only help me with my pain. The

pain in my back is unbearable. I just want to get rid of the pain in my

back." I realized then she had a lot of determination and inner strength and

that it was worthwhile to try and help her.
She began to suffer from severe pain in her joints in 1952. In 1957 it was

diagnosed as arthritis. Until 1962 her condition fluctuated and then she had

to go into a wheelchair some part of the day. She was still able to walk

although not for long until 1967. In 1969 she depended on the wheelchair

most of the time, and by 1973 she was there permanently. For awhile she was

able to propel herself with her feet. After that she was permanently

dependent on help. For the three years before she saw me she had gotten some

home care but most of the care was provided by her husband. He had retired

from his job when I first saw them. He provided the nursing care equivalent

to four nurses on 8 hour shifts including holiday time. He had to carry her

to the bathroom, bathe her, cook and feed her. He was as exhausted as she

was but he was able to carry on.

She was severely deformed, especially her hands, suffered continuous pain,

worse in her arms, and hips and her back. Her ankles were badly swollen and

she had to wear pressure bandages. Her muscles also were very painful most

of the day. She was able to feed herself and to crochet with her few useful

fingers, but it must have been extremely difficult. She was not able to

write nor type which she used to do with a pencil. A few months earlier she

had been suicidal. On top of this severe pain and discomfort she had no

appetite, was not hungry and a full meal would nauseate her. Her skin was

dry, she had patches of eczema, and she had white areas in her nails.
I advised her to eliminate sugar, potatoes, tomatoes and peppers, (about 10%

of arthritics have allergic reactions to the solanine family of plants). She

was to add niacinamide 500 mg four times daily (following the work of W.

Kaufman), ascorbic acid 500 mg four times daily (as an anti-stress nutrient

and for subclinical scurvy), pyridoxine 250 mg per day (found to have

anti-arthritic properties by Dr. J. Ellis), zinc sulfate 220 mg per day (the

white areas in her nails indicated she was deficient in zinc), flaxseed oil

2 tablespoons and cod liver oil 1 tablespoon per day (her skin condition

indicated she had a deficiency of omega 3 essential fatty acids). The

detailed treatment of arthritis and the references are described in my book.

One month later a new couple came into my room. Her husband was smiling,

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