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Qafqaz University                                                                                          17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan 

ri. Həm də praktik planda tərcümə, xarici dillərin tədrisi, leksikoqrafiya üçün mühüm əhəmiy-

yət kəsb edir”. Həmin aspektlərin hər biri üçün həm frazeoloji birləşmələrin alınması ilə bağlı 

olaraq meydana çıxmış analoqlar, həm də alınma ilə birbaşa bağlı olmayan analoqlar öz əhə-

miyyətini saxlayır. Aşağıda ingilis və Azərbaycan dilləri arasında analoji müvafiqliklərin bə-

zilərini qeyd edirik. 

Depart from one`s word (promise) – “ öz sözündən dönmək, vədindən yayınmaq” 

Make a name for oneself - “earn oneself a reputation” – “ ad qazanmaq”, “özünə hörmət 


Deprive one`s good name – “(kiminsə) (yaxşı) adını batırmaq”, adına ləkə gətirmək” 

Fight like a lion – “aslan kimi vuruşmaq”. Azərbaycan dilində  həmin frazeologizmin 

başqa variantı da vardır: qoç kimi döyüşmək.  

Belə bir linqvistik şəraitdə tərçüməçinin seçmək imkanı olur.Belə hesab etmək olar ki

aslan kimi döyüşmək frazeoloji birləşməsi ingilis frazeologizminə daha çox müvafiq gəlir və 

bunun səbəbi təkcə hər iki frazeoloji tərkibdə “aslan” mənası daşıyan sözün işlənməsi deyil. İş 

burasındadır ki, qoç kimi döyüşmək frazeologizmi təkcə müsbət mənada yox, həm də mənfi 

mənada işlənir. Bu isə “fight like lion” frazeologizminin mənasından kənara çıxmaya səbəb olar. 

 look through one`s fingers – “barmaqarası baxmaq” (barmaqlarının arasından baxmaq) 

Mötərizədə verilmiş tərkib sərbəst söz birləşməsi olub, nəyə isə baxmaq məqsədilə əli 

ilə üzünü, gözünü örtüb, ancaq barmaqları arasından ona göz qoyduğu hallara aiddir.  

“to lose one`s head” – “çaşıb qalmaq”, “başını itirmək”. 

“take smh to heart” - nəyi isə ürəyinə salmaq”.  

“give (pay) attention to smb” - “kimə isə fikir vermək”, “diqqət göstərmək”. 

İngilis və Azərbaycan dili frazeologizmləri oxşar struktur-semantik uyğunluq biruzə 

versələr də, bunu birbaşa, yaxud dolayı yolla alınma ilə izah etmək mümkün de 






 Qafqaz University 



What made me choose especially this topic to research is the writer’s special style and 

themes of the stories. I have met the commends during research that readers have forgotten 

the name of the stories, but not plots ,especially endings. One of the special reasonsfor his 

stories that make unforgettable is unexpected ending that during reading the stories you have 

ideas about endings. However,they never ends as you think .He can always make you be 

surprised and think on endings.I think you all already know who I am talking about .Yes,he is 

William Sydney Porter that we know him as O.Henry.  

He got his nickname after imprisoningthat he has begun to write his short stories there. 

The reason thatwhy I touched this detail that as you know themes of the writers’ works are a 

mirror of their biographies. That’s why we can find reflection of it in his life. Most of the 

themes ofO.Henry’s short stories are about love like Gift of The Magi ,friendship like The 

Love Powder, pride like The Cactus, hope like The Last Leaf, disbelief like Lickpenny Lover, 

and with one word morality, human feeling. Each of the short stories are not just one moral 

lesson, you can find a lot. For example, in TheLickpenny Lover we examine one-sided love, 

one-sided disbelief, pride and so on. Life stories are as meal recipefor O. Henry - a piece of 

most feeling;pain, love as pepper, sugar of life. This story follows the O.Henry-esque style 




Qafqaz University                                                                                          17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan 

too,it is like most of his stories-surprise endings and plot twist. During reading you expect 

Masie to say yes to marriage proposal once Irving proposes and they would get married and 

live ‘happily ever after’as fairytales. But not in this story- as in other stories O.Henry gave a 

hint that makes remove you expectation. Here hint was irony in her speech. Masie is 

accustomed to guys not being rich enough to take her to places she really wanted to go but 

they promised. For Masie he was the same as the other guys. Even he may misuse her love 

because he knows about her life style, she was poor and she had inaccessible dreams. Pride 

did not allow her to say yes and she left him. In O.Henry’s life also his second wife left him in 

his difficult time. It may be because of it that you think thestory could not finish as it is. You 

have expectation that Masie and Irving will meet one day and solve the problem. Irving was 

lickpenny liar from Masie’s point of view, but he was not . 

However, in The Cactus one lie changed Trysdale and his lover’s life. Because of 

egotism he comfirms that he knows the language with detail but this lie frustrated their 

happiness. Because of egoism he did not look for meaning of the cactus during the years, he 

had thought that he was rejected. When he know real meaning it was late for all. In this story 

we witness that one misunderstood changed two lifes top to bottom, time worked against 

them. It is not exaggeration to say witness becauseO.Henry’s stories make you feel that you 

are in story, one of the characters is your friend ,you love or hate characters, even you want to 

help them in difficult situation during reading. It would be a good example to remind An 

Unfinished Story that you even try to tell Dulcie not to go with Piggy. It is a story in the story

so you feel that narrator is telling the story in front of you. And in The Last Leaf we are 

worried about Johnsy who was ill. It is not coincidence that O. Henry’s mother and his first 

wife died when they were young because of illness. O.Henrywould like to be Behrman for 

them in his life. Behrman died but he could make Johnsy love to live. Behrman was drunk as 

O.Henry was and their life was not instructive.However, Behrman could teach a life lesson to 

many people with his act as O.Henry did with his short stories. Behrman was old but Johnsy’s 

life was in front. One ending got the cause for one beginning so it showed us the result of 

belief, hope. I also wanted to finish this topic with unexpected ending. Last leaf or last words 

do not mean ending while we have hope. 



РАЗВИТИЕ СЛОВ КАТЕГОРИИ СОСТОЯНИЯ                                         



Севиндж АХМЕДОВА  

Бакинский Славянский Университет 



Слова-предикативы (слова категории состояния) как особая категория слов заро-

дилась в среднеанглийский период. Слова данной категории возникали в основном из 

сочетания  предлога "on" с  основой  существительного,  прилагательного,  числительно-

го, а также с глагольно-именной основой ; причем предлог "on" фонетически редуци-

руется и является уже в среднеанглийский период в виде префикса "а-". 

У Дж. Чосера отмечено несколько десятков случаев употребления таких слов как 

с предлогом "on" (on slaepe). так и с префиксом "a-" (aslepé) . Например : 


A-lyve: "Nay, whyl I am a-lyve here I nil forgete hir nevermo" 

"Пока я жив, я ее никогда не забуду". 


A-slepe: " The night is wasted? and he fel a-slepe." 

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