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Siddikova Nargiza Badirovna- Teacher,

The article describes the German language and methods of teaching it, the wide possibilities of this language, the identification of students' interest in learning the language, the use of new innovative pedagogical technologies.
Key words: methodology, German language, teaching, pedagogical technology.
There are different methods of teaching German. When teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to pay attention to new ways of stimulating students' speech. However, numerous classical schools still try to teach with the old methods and old books. There will always be problems, and you will never speak German well. Using new methods, you can easily learn to speak German and improve in it. You will be able to speak like a native speaker.
A lot of time has passed since the time when the study of a foreign language was reduced to the passive memorization of new words and expressions. Monotony, boring cramming of grammatical rules and, at best, the ability to translate a Russian phrase into a foreign language - that was the limit of perfection in mastering a foreign means of communication. And although the world has long known a huge number of approaches to learning a foreign language and methods, a real revolutionary revolution in the methods of teaching English in our country occurred only in the 20th century A foreign language cannot perform all the functions that a mother tongue performs. Language primarily serves for the child to accumulate social experiences related to the environment. Then the child expresses his opinion to the interlocutor through language. In the context of school education, a foreign language cannot perform these functions of the mother language. Learning a foreign language is often a way of satisfying a cognitive need or expressing one’s thoughts in another language. The main difference of a foreign language from other subjects is that other subjects can be taught in a foreign language. Methodists divide the process of language teaching into several stages in order to avoid the phenomenon of externally controlled assimilation in language acquisition. S.S. Kuklina says the learning process is an example of true intercultural communication. She divides the process of learning a foreign language into four stages. Formation of speech skills, improving speech skills, developing speech skills and learning to communicate. We observe the learning behaviors performed by school children at each of these stages. In the process of observation, we see that the school student learns the. Approaches and goals have changed. Today, everyone is learning a foreign language. In proportion to the number of people, the number of techniques has also increased. However, each method has both pros and cons. The principles of the old school today are subject to sharp criticism, despite the fact that the use of the "classics" has borne fruit, and considerable. The only question is at what cost it was possible to achieve these results. As a rule, in order to master the language, one had to pore over books for a long time, devoting a lot of time to translating, reading texts, memorizing new words, performing various exercises and retelling. To change activities, tasks such as writing essays or dictations were offered. One of the oldest methods is classical or fundamental. The goal of the classical methodology is not so much to study, but to understand the subtleties and details of the principles of the work of a foreign language. The main task pursued by the classical methodology is the formation of the grammatical base of the language being studied. The target audience is people who start learning German from scratch, from the very beginning. This technique is perfectly familiar to those who started learning German at school. It is worth noting that it is she who is preferred by many language universities, and in the border states. The simplified scheme is as follows - the study of grammar, the basic rules, which are subsequently applied in specific examples and reinforced with the help of exercises. The only drawback, or rather, even a disadvantage of the classical technique, is the meager experience of colloquial speech. This shortcoming can be filled by adding other methods of communicative teaching to the classical methodology. One of these methods is the so-called linguosociocultural method. Supporters of the above method are those who believe that a modern foreign language should not be a set of lexical and grammatical rules. On the contrary, the absence of extra linguistic factors leads to the fact that the study of English becomes boring and aimless. Adherents of the lingo-socio-cultural method elevate a foreign language to the rank of a communicative means that helps a person not only to speak, but also gives an opportunity for self-expression. Following the principles of the lingo-socio-cultural method, we can safely say that a foreign language is a kind of mirror in which the way of life, traditions and customs, culture and history of the language are reflected. However, in recent years, in the top of the most popular methods of teaching foreign languages ​​is the communicative method, which occupies the first line in the ratings and calculations of extras. This technique has proven itself in America and Europe. Continuing to conquer the world, the communicative technique came to us, taking pride of place in the leading language universities of the republic. The methodology is based on the integration of two main methods of teaching foreign languages: traditional and modern. As the name implies, an important role in the communicative technique is given to communication. The main goal pursued by this technique is to overcome the language barrier. The main thing is to save a person from the fear of a foreign language, from the fear of speaking a foreign language and at the same time develop other language skills and abilities, in particular oral and written speech, reading, listening. It is worth noting that grammar is studied in the process of speaking, communicating in a foreign language. The principle is as follows: first, students memorize and memorize language formulas, expressions, phrases, and only then parse the grammatical structures found in memorized phrases. In simple words, the principle of verbal advance works. The fact that in the communicative methodology a special place is occupied by the practice of communication, says the name itself. The communicative technique is aimed at developing the skills and abilities of speaking in a foreign language. It should also be noted that the application of the methodology directly affects the structure of the lesson. Very often in the classroom it is necessary to use. In conclusion it is very important to utilize right and effective methods and skills to learn not only German language but also any foreign language.

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