Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti ilmiy axborotlari ilmiy-nazariy jurnali


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Babaxajaeva Sh. - Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti o„qituvchisi 
Ushbu maqolada ingliz tilini o‗qitishning o‗ziga xos 
xususiyatlari va maqsadli ehtiyojlar haqida so‗z boradi. Til o‗rganish nafaqat 
grammatik tuzilmani egallashni, balki uning vazifasini ham o‗z ichiga oladi. Qishloq 

xo‗jaligi talabalari uchun o‗z g‗oyalarini taqdim etish, o‗z fikrlarini almashish yoki 
butun dunyo bo‗ylab qishloq xo‗jaligi rivojlanishini kuzatish juda muhimdir. 
O‗zbekistondagi aksariyat universitetlar o‗zlarining ushbu sohaga ishonchini oshirish 
uchun umumiy ingliz tili darslaridan tashqari ESP kurslarini ham taklif qilmoqdalar. 
Kalit so„zlar
: usul, texnik, o‗ziga xos, ko‗p tilli terminologiya, ikki tilli 
terminologiya, potentsial lug‗at, yondashuvlar. 
Teaching foreign languages is of special importance in enhancing the 
intellectual potential of the population of Uzbekistan. He stressed the need to further 
improve the education system and develop teaching methods in accordance with 
international standards in order to train specialists who meet modern requirements.
For students of non-philological universities, it is important to learn a foreign 
language, and there is a need to get acquainted with new achievements based on 
foreign sources in the field of study. Therefore, the formation of reading 
comprehension skills in foreign languages is one of the priorities of today.
ESP students are adults who already have some familiarity with English and 
are learning the language in order to communicate a set of professional skills and to 
perform particular job-related functions. An ESP program is therefore built on an 
assessment of purposes and needs and the functions for which English is required.
ESP is part of a larger movement within language teaching away from a 
concentration on teaching grammar and language structures to an emphasis on 
language in context. ESP covers subjects ranging from accounting or computer 
science to tourism and business management. 
Today, the problems of teaching foreign languages in non-philological (non-
linguistic) universities are receiving serious attention around the world, especially in 
Uzbekistan. State educational standards, model programs and curricula set high 
standards for qualified specialists in foreign languages. Accordingly, professionals 
are required to have the skills to study and use information written in other languages 
in their field, and skills and competencies are an integral part of the professional 
competence of a highly educated specialist.
Vocabulary is the sum of words and phrases that are studied, taught. It is 
impossible to learn the types of speech activities without mastering vocabulary 
perfectly. Psychologists acknowledge that the human child assimilates the experience 
gained by human society through words, because thinking takes place through words. 
A word represents a concept as a unit of language. The set of words in a language 
forms the lexicon as a system. In modern Indo-European languages, the lexicon 
consists of up to half a million words. It is possible to communicate in a language 
using 400-500 words. An educated person uses 3000-5000 words to express oral and 

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