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1 Benjamin Kunkel, »Lingering«, n+1, 31. maj 2009, www.nplusonemag.com/lingering. Poudarek je v izvirniku.

Deset Stvari, kot sem jaz

      1. Joseph Weizenbaum, »ELIZA - A Computer Program for the Study of Natural Language Communication between Man and Machine«, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 9, št. 1 (januar 1966): 36-45.

      2. David Golumbia, The Cultural Logic of Computation (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univer- sity Press, 2009), 42.

      3. Navedeno v Golumbia, Cultural Logic, 37. «.

      4. Prav tam, 42.

      5. Weizenbaum, »ELIZA«.

5 Prav tam.

        1. Joseph Weizenbaum, Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgment to Calcula- tion (New York: Freeman, 1976), 5.

        2. Prav tam, 189.

        3. Prav tam, 7.

        4. Navedeno v Weizenbaum, Computer Power, 5.

n Kenneth Mark Colby, James B. Watt in John P. Gilbert, »A Computer Method of Psy-

I chotherapy: Preliminary Communication«, Journal ofNervous and Mentol Disease, 142, št. 2

I '.: 14 Prav tam, 227.

| . 15 John McCarthy, »An Unreasonable Book«, SIGARTNewsletter, 58 (junij 1976). ! : 16 Michael Balter, »Tool Use Is Just Another Trick of the Mind«, Science-NOW, 28. januar l 2008, http://sciencenow.sciencemag.Org/cgi/content/full/2008/128/2. j 17 The Letters of T. S. Eliot, I, 1898-1922, ur. Valerie Eliot (New York: Harcourt Brace 1 fovanovich, 1988), 144. Kar pa se tiče Nietzscheja, se je njegovo prijateljevanje z Malling- | Hansnovo pisalno kroglo končalo tako hitro, kot je bilo intenzivno. Kot veliko navdušencev I oad novimi napravami, ki so mu sledili, ga je kmalu prevzelo razočaranje nad pomanjklji- | vostmi stroja. Izkazalo se je, da pisalna krogla ni brez napak. Ko je spomladi sredozemski | frak postal vlažen, so se tipke začele zatikati in črnilo se je polivalo po papirju. Nietzsche je I v nekem pismu napisal, da je naprava »občutljiva kot majhen pes in povzroča kup težav«. V | nekaj mesecih je nad pisalno kroglo obupal in je trmasto napravo zamenjal za tajnico, mla- 1 do Lou Salome, ki je njegove besede zapisovala po nareku. Pet let kasneje je Nietzsche v eni | svojih zadnjih knjig, Zur Genealogie der Morah napisal spretno razpravo proti mehanizaciji | Človeškega razmišljanja in osebnosti. Hvalil je globokomiselnost, skozi katero tiho in zavestno | »prebavimo« izkušnje. »Trenutno zaprta vrata in okna zavesti, oddih od hrupnega nemira,« | je zapisal, možganom omogoča, »da spet naredijo prostor za novo in predvsem za vse ple- | menitejše naloge«, Friedrich Nietzsche, The Genealogy ofMorals, v angl. prev. Horace Barnett | Samuel (Mineola, NY: Dover, 2003), 34.

| 18 Norman Doidge, The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the I Frontiers of Brain Science (New York: Penguin, 2007), 311.

| 19 John M. Culkin, »A Schoolmans Guide to Marshal McLuhan«, Saturday Review, 18. j marec 1967.

j 20 Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions ofMan, kritična izd., ur. W. | Terrence Gordon (Corte Madera, CA: Ginko Press, 2003), 63-70. I 21 Lewis Mumford, Technics and Civilization (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1963), 15. | 22 Weizenbaum, Computer Power, 25.

i! 13 Roger Dobson, »Taxi Drivers' Knowledge Helps Their Brains Grow«, Independent, 17. 1 december 2006.

| 24 Doidge, Brain That Changes Itself 310-11.

I 2S Jason P. Mitchell, »Watching Minds Interact«, v What's Next: Dispatches on the Future of | Science, ur. Max Brockman (New York: Vintage, 2009), 78-88.

1 26 Bili Thompson, »Between a Ročk and an Interface«, BBC News, 7. oktober 2008, http:// j uews.bbc.co.uky2/hi/technology/7656843.stm.

| 27 Christof van Nimwegen, »The Paradox of the Guided User: Assistance Can Be Counter- j effective«, SIKS Dissertation Series št. 2008-09, Univerza v Utrechtu, 31. marec 2008. Glej l tudi Christof van Nimvvegen in Herre van Oostendorp, »The Questionable Impact of an As- | sisting Interface on Performance in Transfer Situations«, International Journal of Induštrial 1 Ergonomics, 39, št. 3 (maj 2009): 501-8.

24 Prav tam.

          1. Prav tam.

          2. »Features: Query Suggestions«, Google Web Search Help, brez datuma, http;//}^ googIe.com/suggestfaq.html.

          3. James A. Evans, »Electronic Publication and the Narrovving of Science and Scholar- ship«, Science, 321 (18. julij 2008): 395-99-

          4. Prav tam.

          5. Thomas Lord, »Tom Lord on Ritual, Knowledge and the Web«, spletni dnevnik Rough Type> 9. november 2008, www.roughtype.com/archives/2008/1l/tomJord_on_jit.php.

          6. Marc G. Bergman, John Jonides in Stephen Kaplan, »The Cognitive Benefits of Interact- ing with Nature«, Psychological Science, 19, št. 12 (december 2008): 1207-12.

          7. Carl Marziali, »Nobler Instincts Take Time«, spletna stran Univerze v Južni Kaliforniji (USC), 14. april 2009, http://college.usc.edu/news/stories/547/nobler-instincts-take-time.

          8. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Andrea McColl, Hanna Damasio in Antonio Damasio, »Neural Correlates of Admiration and Compassion«, Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Sciences, 106, št. 19 (12. maj 2009): 8021-26.

          9. Marziali, »Nobler Instincts«.

          10. L, Gordon Crovitz, »Information Overload? Relax«, Wall Street Journal, 6. julij 2009;

          11. Sam Anderson, »In Defense of Distraction«, New York, 25. maj 2009.

          12. TyIor Cowen, Create Your Own Economy (New York: Dutton, 2009), 10.

          13. Jamais Cascio, »Get Smarter«, Atlantic, julij/avgust 2009.

          14. Martin Heidegger,Discourse on Thinking(New York: Harper &Row, 1966), 56. Poudarek je v izvirniku.

          15. Martin Heidegger, The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays (New York: Harper 8cRow, 1977), 35.

Epilog Človeški elementi

1 William Stewart, »Essays to Be Marked by 'Robots'«, Times Education Supplement, 25. september 2009.

Nadaljnje branje

| Ta knjiga se dotakne veliko področij. Bralcu, ki se želi podati globlje v obravna- J vane teme, priporočam naslednje knjige, ki so po mojem mnenju vse poučne in j nied katerimi se mi mnoge zdijo navdihujoče.

I j

) Možgani in njihova plastičnost

5 guller, David J. Adapting Minds: Evolutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human Nature. MIT Press, 2005.

Gowan, Nelson. Working Memory Capacity. Psychology Press, 2005.

Doidge, Norman. The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories ofPersonal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science. Penguin, 2007.

Dupuy, Jean-Pierre. On the Origins ofCognitive Science: The Mechanization of the Mind. MIT Press, 2009.

Flynn, James R. What Is Intelligence? Beyond the Flynn Effect. Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 2007.

Golumbia, David. The Cultural Logic of Computation. Harvard University Press, 2009.

James, William. The Principles ofPsychology. Holt, 1890.

Kandel, Eric R. In Search ofMemory: The Emergence of a New Science of Mind. Norton, 2006.

Klingberg, Torkel. The Overfloiving Brain: Information Overload and the Limits ofWorking Memory. Oxford University Press, 2008.

LeDoux, Joseph. Sjnaptic Self Hoiv Our Brains BecomeWho WeAre. Penguin, 2002.

Martensen, Robert L. The Brain Takes Shape: An Early History. Oxford Univer- sity Press, 2004.

Schwartz, Jeffrey M., in Sharon Begley. The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity

and the Poiver ofMental Force, Harper Perennial, 2002. Sweller, John. Instructional Design in Technical Areas. Australian Council for

Educational Research, 1999. Wexler, Bruce E. Brain and Culture: Neurobiology, Ideology, and Social Change. MIT Press, 2006.

Young, J. Z. Doubtand Certainty in Science: A Biologists Reflections on the Brain. Oxford University Press, 1951.

Zgodovina knjige

Chappell, Warren. A Short History of the Printed World. Knopf, 1970.

Diringer, David. The Hand-Produced Book. Philosophical Library, 1953.

Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change. Cambridge University Press, 1980. Skrajšano izdajo z uporabno spremno besedo so izdali pod naslovom The P?inting Revolution in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge University Press, 2005).

Kilgour, Frederick G. TheEvolution of the Book. Oxford University Press, 1998.

Manguel, Alberto. Zgodovina branja, prev. Nada Grošelj. Cankarjeva založba, 2007.

Nunberg, Geoffrey, ur. The Future of the Book. University of Califorma Press, 1996.

Saenger, Paul. Space betiveen Words: The Origins of Silent Reading. Stanford Uni- versity Press, 1997. +

Um bralca

Birkerts, Sven. The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age. Faber and Faber, 1994.

Dehaene, Stanislas. Reading in the Brain: The Science and Evolution ofa Human Tnvention. Viking, 2009.


Goody, Jack. Med pisnim in ustnim: študije o pisnosti, družini, kulturi in državi, prev. Gregor Moder. Škuc: Znanstveni institut Filozofske fakultete, 1993.

Havelock, Eric. Preface to Plato. Harvard University Press, 1963.

Moss, Ann. Printed Commonplace-Books and tke Structuring of Renaissance Ihought. Oxford University Press, 1996.

Olson, David R. The World on Paper: The Conceptual and Cognitive Implications ofWriting and Reading. Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacj: The Technologizing of the Word. Roudedge, 2002.

Wolf, Maryanne. Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain. Harper, 2007.

Zemljevidi, ure in podobno

Aitken, Hugh G. J. The Continuous Wave: Technology and American Radio, 1900-1932. Princeton University Press, 1985.

Harley, J. B. in David Woodward, ur. The Historj of Cartography, 1, University of Chicago Press, 1987.

Headrick, Daniel R. When Information Came ofAge: Technologies of Knoivledge in the Age ofReason and Revolution, 1700-1850. Oxford University Press, 2000.

Landes, David S. Revolution in Time: Clocks and the Making of the Modem World, izpop. izd. Harvard University Press, 2000.

Robinson, Arthur H. Early Thematic Mapping in the Historj of Cartographj. University of Chicago Press, 1982.

Thrower, Norman J. W. Maps and Civilization: Cartography in Culture and So- ciety. University of Chicago Press, 2008.

Virga, Vincent, in Library of Congress. Cartographia: Mapping Civilizations. Little, Brown, 2007.

Tehnologija v intelektualni zgodovini

Heidegger, Martin. The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays. Harper & Row, 1977. Heideggerjev esej o tehnologiji je bil izvirno objavljen v zbirki Vortrage und Aufsatze leta 1954.

Innis, Harold. The Bias of Communication. University ofToronto Press, 1951

Kitder, Friedrich A. Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford University Press, 1999

Marx, Leo. The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America. Oxford University Press, 2000.

McLuhan, Marshall. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. University ofToronto Press, 1962.

McLuhan, Marshall. UnderstandingMedia: The Extensions ofMan, kritična izd., Gingko, 2003.

Mumford, Lewis. Technics and Civilization. Harcourt Brace, 1934.

Postman, Neil. Technopoly: The Surrender ofCulture to Technology. Vintage, 1993.

Računalniki, internet in umetna inteligenca

Baron, Naomi S. Always On: Language in an Online andMobile World. Oxford University Press, 2008.

Crystal, David. Language and the Internet, 2. izd. Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Dyson, George B. Darwin Among the Machines: The Evolution of Global Intelligence. Addison-Wesley, 1997.

Jackson, Maggie. Distracted: The Erosion ofAttention and the Corning Dark Age. Prometheus, 2008.

Kemeny, John G. Man and the Computer. Scribner, 1972.

Levy, David M. Scrolling Forivard: Making Sense of Documents in the Digital Age. Arcade, 2001.

Von Neumann, John. The Computer and the Brain. 2. ur. izd. Yale University Press, 2000.

Wiener, Norbert. The Human Use of Human Beings. Houghton Mifflin, 1950.

Weizenbaum, Joseph. Computer Poiver and Human Reason: From fudgment to Calculation. Freeman, 1976.


J. a knjiga je zrasla iz eseja, ki sem ga napisal za revijo Atlantic in nosi naslov »Is Google Making Us Stupid?«, pojavil pa se je v številki julij-avgust 2008. Zahvaljujem se sodelavcem pri Atlanticu, Jamesu Bennetu, Donu Pecku, Jamesu Gib- neyju, Timothyju Lavinu in Reihanu Salamu za pomoč in spodbudo. Razprava o Googlovi strategiji v 8. poglavju temelji na zamislih, ki so se izvirno pojavile v »The Google Enigma«, članku, ki sem ga leta 2007 napisal za Strategy & Business. Hvaležen sem Artu Kleinerju in Amy Bernstein pri tej reviji za njuno odlično urejanje. Za velikodušnost in čas, ki so si ga vzeli za odgovarjanje na moja vprašanja, hvala Miku Merzenichu, Maryanne Wolf, Jimu Oldsu, Russllu Poldracku, Garyju Smallu, Zimingu Liu, Clayu Shirkyju, Kevinu Kellyju, Brucu Friedma- nu, Mattu Cuttsu, Tomu Lordu, Calebu Crainu, Billu Thompsonu in Ariju Schulmanu. Zlasti sem hvaležen svojemu uredniku pri založbi W. W Norton, Brendanu Curryju, in njegovim nadarjenim kolegom. Poleg tega se zahvaljujem se svojemu agentu, Johnu Brockmanu, ter njegovim družabnikom pri Brock- man Inc. Nazadnje naj čast izkažem še svojima neustrašnima prvima bralcema: ženi Ann in sinu Henryju. Uspelo jima je do konca.

1984 (OrwelI) 215 2001: Odiseja v vesolju 15


abeceda 37, 55, 57-60, 64, 66, 69,

77, 111 Adapting Minds (Buller) 38 adrenalin 41 Adiveek 86

Agencija za avtorske pravice ZDA 151

Aiken, Conrad 190 akademija 107 aksoni 28, 34, 176 algoritmi 83, 139, 140, 141, 143, 149, 158, 160, 161, 166, 183, 184, 196, 198, 203 algoritmi nagnjenja potrošnikov 166 almanah 86

Alzheimerjeva bolezen 207 Amazon.com 91, 97, 98, 198, 215 Ambrozij, Sv. 63, 64 America Online (AOL) 23 Ameriška zveza za napredek znanosti 158

Ameriški urad za statistiko dela 85, 213

Ameriško ministrstvo za pravosodje 151

ameriško ministrstvo za šolstvo 136 ameriško združenje avtorjev 150 Ameriško združenje knjižnic 94 Amiši 51

amnezija 168 amputacije 192 »analitični stroj« 81 analogna mladost 20, 203 anatomija 39, 43

Anatomj ofMelancholy, The (Burton) 155

Anders, Gunther 160 Anderson, Sam 132, 218, 226 angleščina 55-56, 75, 183 animacije 82 animacijska knjiga 82 Annual Review ofSociology 104, 207, 216

anteriomi hipokampus 39 antibiotiki 168 antiintelektualizem 107 aplikacije (programske) 22, 23, 88,

98, 148, 194 Apljsia (morski polž) 35, 169-171 Apple Computer 20 Apple Macintosh Performa 550 23 Apple Macintosh Plus 21 Apple Macintosh, računalniki 21 arhitektura iskalnikov*Caffeine 147 arhitektura naslednje generacije 147 Aristotel 43, 44, 208 »As We May Think« (Bush) 156, 221 astrociti 206 Atkinson, Bili 22, 157 Atlantic Monthlj 105, 156, 200, 216, 221, 226 Au, Irene 140-141, 145, 220

Austen, Jane 76 avdio, prenos 88 avdiokasete 165

Avguštin, Sv. 63, 166, 210, 223 Avstralija 233 avtomatizacija 196 avtomobili 52 avtorske pravice 150-152 Axel, Richard 171


Babbage, Charles 81 BackRub 143

Bacon, Francis 70, 71, 73, 165, 211, 223

Baron, Naomi 165, 206, 219, 223,

230 BASIC 20, 21 Battelle, John 19, 206, 220 Beatles 11, 20

Beethoven, Ludwigvan 81, 93 Bell, Daniel 49 Bell, David 100, 215 Bell, Vaughan 66, 210 Bellamy, Edward 105, 216 Benedikt, Sv. 47 Berman, Marc 198 Berners-Lee, Tim 19 Bernstein, Michael 37 besedilni medij 11, 12, 15-19, 23, 57-60, 91-92, 96-109,210 glej tudi knjige besedišče 54, 75, 103, 215 Bezos, Jeff 104 bibliofili 106 Bing, iskalnik 196 biološki spomin 163, 165-167, 174-175, 177 »bistvena vsebina« 154 BlackBerry 13, 24, 111, 112 bližnjice 92 blodnje 156, 186 Blu-ray 93, 182 Bodkin, Tom 92 Bodleian, knjižnica 150 Bog 47, 54, 57, 161, 162,214 boks 168

bolečina 199-200 bolezni možganov 40 »Books« (Emerson) 157 Boswell, James 134, 219 Bowen, Elizabeth 120 Boyd, Danah 84

Brain Takes Shape, The (Martensen)

44, 208, 228 Brain That Changes Itself, The (Doidge) 37, 206-208, 225 brajica 36, 54, 207 bralniki virov 24, 125, 146, 180 brane 190

branje 15-17, 54-77, 85-86, 87-88, 94, 102-107, 114, 116-122, 126-130, 131, 132, 155, 163-164, 181, 183, 210, 216 glej tudi knjige brezžični internet 94, 98, 182 brezžični prenos 79 Brin, Sergey 143, 159, 161, 220, 222 Britanska knjižnica 128 Brooks, David 166, 167, 223 Brooks, Tim 90

brskanje po internetu 19, 85, 88-89, 107, 110, 114, 116, 128, 131, 178 Buller, Dave 38, 207 Burroughs, Wil liani 76 Burton, Robert 155

Bush, Vannevar 156, 157, 221 C

Cambridge University Press 208,

209,211,219, 224 Cambridge, Richard Owen 134 Carey, James 51, 209 Carrol, James 68, 210 Carson, Rachel 77 CD-ji 87, 90 CD-ROM pogon 23 celice, možganske 27-29, 31, 36, 38, 40,115,133,168-171,177, 206 glej tudi nevroni cene knjig 70

Center za medijsko oblikovanje 85 cenzura 72

Cervantes, Saavedra, Miguel de 71

Chabris, Christopher 126, 218

Chicago Tribune 90

Chomsky, Noam 184

Christian Science Monitor 90, 214

Cicero, Marcus Tullius 71

cikličen AMP 170

cisterijanci 47

citoplazma 171

ClickTale 128, 218

CNN 124

Columbia, univerza 171 CompuServe 22

Computer Poioer and Human Reason (Weizenbaum) 187, 189, 224, 225 »Computing Machinery and Intelli- gence« (Turing) 81, 160, 187, 212 Concord, Massachussets 154, 158, 201

Cornell, univerza 17, 123 Cowan, Nelson 175, 217, 223

Cowen, Tyler 91, 214, 226 Crain, Caleb 103, 215,216 CREB-1 171 CREB-2 171 Crowell, Sheila 175, 224 Crovitz L. Gordon 99, 215, 226 Culkin, John 190, 194, 225 Cultural Logic of Consumption, The

(Golumbia) 184, 224 Curr, Judith 102 Current Biology 65 Cushing Academy 221


časopisi 27, 49, 71, 82, 85-87, 90-92, 98, 99, 104-106, 112, 130, 155

časovna predstava 47, 48, 49, 54, 71

češerika 31, 44 črke 55, 56, 57, 60 črnilo 58, 63, 69, 70, 72, 96, 97, 99, 225

rnilo na osnovi olja 69 čutni živci 32, 43


Damasio, Antonio 199, 226 Danska 136

Darnton, Robert 7$ 151, 152, 211, 221

Dartmouth, kolidž20, 161 Darivin among the Machines (Dyson) 160, 212, 222 Darwin, Charles 77 »Dawn of the Electronic Age« (de

Forest) 79, 212 de Cou, Emil 93

de Forest, Lee 78-79,212 De Partibus Animalium (Aristotel) 43, 208

Decline and Fall ofthe Roman Empire,

The (Gibbon) 76 Delany, Paul 120, 217 delovne postaje, računalniške 21,

183, 186 delovni spomin 117-119, 122, 124-125, 131, 133, 172, 174-177, 198,217 »Demon Lover, Hie« (Bowen) 120 dendriti 28, 34 depresija 41

Descartes, Rene 30-31, 40, 44, 54,

71,76, 208, 209 Desimone, Robert 210 desničarstvo 38

deterministični in instrumentalistični

pristop 51-52 determinizem 40, 50-52 Developing Mind, The (Siegel) 173, 223

Dialogi (Platon) 70 Dickens, Charles 99, 100 Digitalna odraslost 20 digitalna tehnologija 31, 79-81, 87, 97-99, 102,103,115,149, 152, 158

digitalni časopisi in revije 98 Dijksterhuis, Ap 113, 216 dinamične strani 146 diode 78 Disney 93

Distracted (Jackson) 125, 209, 217,

218, 224 DNK158

Doctorow, Cory 89, 213 dodeljevanje časa 20-21, 183, 186, 188 Doidge, Norman 31, 37, 40, 41, 190, 193, 194, 206-208, 225 dolgoročni spomin 117-119,

167-176, 223 določbe o pravični uporabi 152

domišljija 75, 133, 149, 165 dopamin 41, 176, 207 »dopolnila« 148

Dremava jama 154, 155, 198, 199

Droid 89

drsenje 87, 100

drsna ravnila 49

drsni koleščki 22

druga svetovna vojna 20, 80, 135, 188

drugotni jeziki 162 družbe, ki poudarjajo uspeh skupnosti 178

družbe, odvisne od živinoreje in

poljedelstva 138 družbena mreža 93, 102, 146, 148 »družbena večplastnost« 138 Država (Platon) 58, 59 Državna univerza v Kansasu 124 DSL 180

dualizem 30, 31, 40 Dumont, Leon 29, 42, 206 duševna bolezen 31, 41 duševna zaostalost 31 DVD-ji 24, 87, 90,213 dvojiški biti 174 dvopolna vakuumska cevka 78 dvoumnost 141, 160 Dyson, George 160, 212, 222


E Ink 87

Ebbinghaus, Hermann 167-169 Eco, Umberto 163, 222 Edexcel 202-203 edinstvenost 178 Edison, Thomas 105, 106 egipčanski hieroglifi 56 Einstein, Alfred 77 Eisenstein, Elizabeth 70-72, 76, 211, 212

eksplicitni spomini 172-174, 176, 177 električne statve 190, 192 elektrika 78-79, 105 elektroni 79

elektronika v trdnem stanju 79 elektronka 78-79, 212 elektronska pošta 16, 19, 82, 89,

108, 111, 112, 123-125, 148 elektronske knjige 97-100, 102-104, 128,215

»elektronski psihologi« 79 elektronsko razpošiljanje 146 Eliot, T. S. 66, 113, 114, 190, 225 ELIZA 184, 186-187, 194, 224 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 51, 52, 75,

76, 154, 157,209,212,221 empatija 188, 199, 200 empiricizem 35, 36 enciklopedije 21, 83, 86 encim MAP 171 encimi 170, 171

»End ofBooks, The« (Uzanne) 216 Englebart, Douglas 157 Enigma 80 enkratno branje 130 enotirne železnice 142 epilepsija 168, 172 epileptični napadi najhujše oblike 168, 172

Erasmus Desiderius 164, 165, 222 eseji 202 estrogen 207

Evans, James 196, 197, 226 Everytbing Bad Is Goodfor You (Johnson) 116,217 Evfrat 56

Evropa 64, 70, 71,85

glej tudi posamezne države eWorld 23 Excel, program 22


Facebook 16, 24, 89, 93, 94, 112,

146, 147, 180, 198 Fajdros (Platon) 57-59 Fajdros 57, 58

»fantomske okončine« 36-37 Federman, Mark 106, 107, 216 feničanska abeceda 57 Fight for Glorton, igrica 94 fiksacija oči 127

filmi 83, 86, 87, 90+93, 97, 106,

161, 182, 203, 206, 230 Firence 70 fizioterapija 37 Flaubert, Gustave 76 Flexner, Louis 168, 223 Flickr 84

Flynn, James 135-138, 219 Flynnov učinek 135-138 folio 71

fonetična abeceda 55, 57, 64 fonografija 105

Foreman, Richard 178, 179, 1999, 224

fotografiranje 81, 84, 91, 148 fotografski aparati 87

} š

fotokopirni stroji 165 Francija 70

Frankfurtski knjižni sejem 150 Freud, Sigmund 27-28, 30, 33, 34 Frey, Scott 189 | Friedman, Bruce 17, 205 frontalni reženj 117, 142 Fuente ovejuna (Vega) 72 funkciji kopiraj in prilepi 102 Fust, Johann 69, 70


gama-aminobutrična kislina (GABA) 207

Gargantua (Rabelais) 71,211 Geigerjev števec 49 generacija X 20

generacija, rojena po drugi svetovni vojni 20

Genesis ofNapoleonic Propaganda, The 170 genetika 170 genom 38 Genova, Italija 26 Gibbon, Edward 76 glasba 12, 16, 27, 38, 82, 87, 90, 91,

93, 106, 182 glasovni klici 84 glia celice 206

glinene ploščice 56, 61, 62, 211 globoko branje 104, 106, 107, 116, 117,121,130,133,153,160,163, 210

»globoka obdelava« 133 globusi 49 glosarji 68 gluhost 26

glutamat 34, 170, 171,207

Golumbia, David 184, 224 Goody, Jack 49, 211 Google 15, 16, 18, 88, 94, 98, 102, 112, 114, 115, 130, 139-162, 166, 179, 196, 198, 205-207, 211,214, 216,219-223, 226 Google Chrome 148 Google Knjige 18, 91, 150, 151,

152, 153 Google Print, program 150 Google Wave 148 Googleplex 140, 160, 161 googol 143, 222 goreteks 192 gotica 69 GoTo 144 GPS 192

grafični uporabniški vmesnik 108,

196 grafika 91, 92 Grafman, Jordan 132 »gramofonoteke« 105 gramofoni 82, 86, 105, 106 gramofonske plošče 20, 105 Greenberg, Michael 40, 208 Greenfield, Patricia 132, 138, 218, 219

Greengard, Paul 170

Grown Up Digital (Tapscott) 135,

218,219,223 grščina 64, 71 Guardian 90

Guardian News and Media 90 Guibert Nogentski 67 Gutenberg, Johannes 12, 19, 69-72, 75, 82,91,104,105,150,155, 211,222

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